Art Essay Examples and Topics. Page 21

5,582 samples

Discussion of “In the Pines” Song

The song "In the pines" has several titles, such as "My girl", "Where did you sleep last night", and "Black Girl"."In the Pines" is the representation of the folk song corresponding to many American long-standing [...]
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 340

Painter Angelica Kauffman’s Life and Work

One of the famous female artists of the 18th century was Angelica Kaufmann, and her importance in the field is conditional upon the particular role of gender for people of the time.
  • Subjects: Artists
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 292

Chapter 3 of “Making Movies” Book by Lumet

The author states that the primary function of this process is to tell the audience a story. To conclude, I learned from this chapter that shooting movies not only needs the synchronized work of an [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 279

“Walking Man” Abstract Sculpture by Giacometti

Alberto Giacometti was born in 1901 in the Swiss commune of Stampa in the family of the impressionist artist. The image is symbolic: it calls to return to the problems of a simple, vulnerable [...]
  • Subjects: Sculpture
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 297

Heidegger’s Analysis of Gestell in the Tenet Film

The essay establishes the relation between the technology in the Tenet film, and the analysis Heidegger makes concerning technology. In his view, Heidegger strongly opposes the notion that technology is a human activity or a [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1964

Chicano Cinema: The Plot of Zoot Suit

The second Wave of Chicano cinema is dated from 1977 to the present day. 1981 Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez is one of the remarkable examples of the Second Wave Chicano cinema.
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 300

Visual Arts: Ancient Art of the Greeks

Ancient art plays a significant role in helping the individuals of the current generation explain the civilizations of the ancient past. Fresco painted the Bull-leaping fresco from Knossos art to depict the civilizations of the [...]
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 571

How to Make a Perfect Travel Photo

More precisely, the essay informs how to choose the most appropriate location, set the settings of the camera or a smartphone, and manipulate the final photo.
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1035

Social Justice Arts as a Remedy for People

The work led to the formation of the movement called Black Lives Matter which calls for an end to oppressing black people through law enforcement.
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 617

Music Perception and Its Three Planes

The author distinguishes three planes of music listening: sensuous, expressive, and sheer musical; each of them could be applied to my personal experience with different music. The sensuous plane implies primitive enjoying of the sound [...]
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 283

African Dance Taught by Rujeko Dumbutshena

In this dance class, from a series by the Kennedy Center Education Digital Learning, Rujeko Dumbutshena teaches how to use the concept of dancing on the clock to learn African Dance.
  • Subjects: Dance
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 593

Ideological Views Promoted in Danish Girl Film

Specifically, the Danish girl movie was selected for examination is explained by the impact the film caused on the population in the discussion of transgender visibility and acceptance in society.
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 599

Roman Holiday and Lost in Translation Films Comparison

By contrasting Roman Holiday and Lost in Translation, one could identify the changes in business practices, narration tendencies, and societal norms and taboos. The economic and social changes are connected to a considerable difference in [...]
  • Subjects: Films Comparison
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1380

War on Drugs in “Sicario” (2015) Film

On the positive side of things, the depiction of the War on Drugs in the movie is built around violence associated with it and the corruption of federal agents involved in the operations.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 580

Review of “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom”

From the youth, Mandela started to handle the unfairness of isolation and racial relations in South Africa. In Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, Chadwick's masterful screen memoir of Nelson Mandela passes on the anguish as [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 390

African-American Music From the 1920s to 1990s

African American participation in the creation of American music has affected every genre of music, contributing to the development of a distinctively American sound.
  • Subjects: Music Industry
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1000

Composers From Different Periods

Giovanni Benvenuti was the first person to teach Corelli the principles of the violin and later continued his further studies on the same with Leonardo Brugnoli.
  • Subjects: Musicians
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1187

Workplace Improvement Recommendations With the Help of Art

Accessibility and the freedom of choice in terms of styles and philosophies could be listed among the central trends related to art's impact, and modern culture and society value uniqueness and free self-expression.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1656

Still-Life Painting by Granville Redmond

The presented piece of art accurately resembles a painting that belongs to still art. It uses inanimate objects as various kinds of flowers and a vase similar to Dutch still-life.
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 338

Significant Chicago Creations

The Rookery, a historic building in the heart of Chicago's downtown Financial District, mixes the charm of a bygone age with cutting-edge building systems and technology.
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1175

Creation of a Corporate Art Collection

In other words, the popularity of the art collection will lead to the fact that the majority of community members will know about the company and use its services in the future.
  • Subjects: Art Exhibitions
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 932

Social Commentary in Pop Music Industry

Thus, using the emotional potential of music, a popular artist has the opportunity to give the listener a deeper sense of the problem underlying the message of the song.
  • Subjects: Music Industry
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 644

The Near Eastern & Egyptian Bowl Analysis

The major difference between the two cultural elements presented in the bowl lies in the diverse depictions of the huntsmen and the choice of illustrated animals.
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 376

Neo-Classicism, Romanticism, and Rococo

Thus, in the second half of the eighteenth century, the neoclassical style was widely popular in Europe. This style contradicted the coldness and simplicity of neoclassicism.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 367

The Concept of Modern Art Development

Walter Benjamin stated in the book, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In the statement, Benjamin was responding to the effect of reproduction on the aura of an object.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 576

British Museum’s Ownership of Parthenon Marbles

The only argument for housing them in Britain is that returning them to their place of origin would require doing that to multiple artworks in other Western museums, hence empty the latter. To summarize, I [...]
  • Subjects: Sculpture
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 320

Proto-Renaissance and Its Most Important Examples

The frescoes on the walls of the Chapel tell the stories of Christ and the Virgin Mary. The technique of using the frescoes to paint the inside walls of the Chapel was a mastermind.
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 320

Cultural Artifacts and Their Theme

It was written in El Salvador in 1978 in the middle of a civil war between the US-backed military and government on the one side and the Foarabundo Mart National Liberation Front on the other [...]
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 397

Feminist Film Theory Overview

The presence of women on the screen is commonly accomplished by the sexualization and objectivization of female characters. Along with that, sadism and fetishism toward the physical beauty of the object and the representation of [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 863

A Case Study of “Bus 174 Film” by Felipe Lacerda

As Bernstein states, the word 'specificity' is used to describe a scenario in the arts or to depict the specific nature of events as they occur in the environment. Temporality of images is a concept [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 40
  • Words: 9650

Indian Youth Against Racism: Photo Analysis

The main cause of racism within American societies is the high superiority complex possessed by the white individuals living with the Asian American in the society.
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 357

The Art of Mesoamerica

Generally, it appears that during the Pre-Columbian period of history, the Mesoamerican people devoted art to the main areas of their life, and such illustrations as Calendar Stone from Aztecs' culture, Bonampak Wall Paintings belonging [...]
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 575

Carol Burnett and Robin Williams – The Funeral

Perhaps at the time of filming the skit, he has not yet come to the ideas he later expressed about death and how people should not be afraid of it and treat it with humanity.
  • Subjects: Artists
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 380

Overused Jump Scares in Horror Movies

Despite the ability to cause relatively intense emotional responses, jump scares can also induce the feeling of predictability and the scantiness of means of expression in viewers.
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 792

Photographer Lene and The Heart Project

Lene has had an opportunity to work in a large variety of creative mediums, utilizing the skills acquired in a number of projects. The use of paint, charcoal, and mosaic in her art creates a [...]
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 273

Palahniuk’s Fight Club Book and Its Adaptation

Therefore, the current essay attempts to discuss the crucial differences between the book and the movie and examine the response of the critics concerning the film adaptation.
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 559

Ghostwriting: She Does Not Write What She Sings

However, it is not considered plagiarism on the musician's part, as is done by permission. Ghostwriting, especially in the music industry, is not considered plagiarism because the work still represents the ideas of the artist.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 266

Drake’s London O2 Arena Concert

Overall, the incorporation of various lighting effects, musical instruments, and physical performance tricks offered an entertaining impact to the audience. Various stage lighting and music systems were used to enhance the performance and entertain the [...]
  • Subjects: Concerts
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 612

Discussion Post on the Film “The Last Days of Okak”

The film tells the story of a town known as Okak brought to its knees after the invasion of a deadly Spanish influenza virus brought by the Moravian missionaries. According to survivors of the ordeal, [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 380

Dutch Interior and Related Art Movement Issues

Abstract art is truly one of the most controversial and interesting movements in the history of art. It takes time to understand that there is a woman at the center of the composition.
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 358

“Keep Your Eyes Open” by Bill Frisell

The sequential arrangement and integration of the various instruments at the beginning and a gradual build-up combined with the seemingly random changes in tempo are also indicative of the centrality of improvisation.
  • Subjects: Musical Compositions
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 586

“Amadeus” Film Analysis and Interpretation

The film introduces the audience to the actual scene as the producer begins the movie with the music accompanying the visual presentation of the first scenes.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 343

Heaven & Hell in Art of the Renaissance

It should primarily be mentioned that both Heaven & hell in art: The birth of the Italian Renaissance and The unchained art of the Renaissance are interesting and very insightful videos.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 554

Creating a Scenario for the “Parole” Film

The first part of the script presents the experience of the white male prisoner 1488 in an unusual white room, where he spends a week waiting for a hearing.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1679

The Nasrid Palace and the Court of Lions

The most famous courtyard in the Alhambra is the Patio of the Lions. The Court of the Lions can be recognized by the twelve lion sculptures throwing jets of water that form a fountain at [...]
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 856

History of Rock Music: Aerosmith

The band drew their inspiration from the British blues rock that dominated the rock scene in the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as Cream, Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck Group, and the Rolling Stones.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1863

Comparing “Outbreak” Movie and COVID-19

COVID 19 and the activities in Outbreak are similar in how they spread and the people's reaction to the situation; however, the speed at which they claim lives is different.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 374

A Virtual Trip to Birmingham Museum of Art

Birmingham Museum of Art contains the finest galleries in the Southeastern part of the United States of America. From Victoria Square, turning right at the end of the Council House, the entrance is located on [...]
  • Subjects: Art Exhibitions
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 556

Luke Combs’ Country Music Concert in 2020

He demonstrates that it is through his music that the majority of his listeners and fans receive inspiration. Orosz indicates that the more Combs sang, the more exciting and entertaining his music became.
  • Subjects: Concerts
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 584

Analysis of the Art of Return: Lamassu

It is said to be a protective spirit in the ancient Nineveh. Lamassu is said to be a protective god that was destroyed in the Isis war.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 305

Hip-Hop Culture Breaking Down Racial Barriers

The hip-hop culture going mainstream was the event reflecting the societal concerns of the ethnic minorities. It presents an example of sports and the arts breaking down racial barriers as their participants efficiently cooperate.
  • Subjects: Music Genre
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 305

“Holocaust Horror…” by Moore

A considerable number of young people do not have the correct knowledge, and the most disturbing fact is that the Holocaust started to be interpreted in different ways.
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1114

Contemporary Islamic Art Overview

The influence of European art in the East grows in the 19th century and reaches its climax by the 20th century.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

The Coming of Modern Era and the Birth of “New Art”

The most notable movements included Impressionism, then Cubism, Expressionism, Fauvism, Suprematism, Abstract art, proponents of which contributed immensely to the establishment of a new perspective on the role of art in society.
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1079

Syncretism in The Mosaic of Christ As the Sun

In the mosaic of Christ as the sun god, the beliefs of both early Christians and pagans are combined. In early Christian art, the image depicts Christ as the sun god pulled by a chariot [...]
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 272

Late Antique Art Overview

From the Late Antique, a decline of form and loss of individualism have been demonstrated to be among early Christian Art influences.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 260

The “Donnie Darko” Film by Richard Kelly as Art

The premise of the 2001 film Donnie Darko was, and to some extent still is, mysterious and intriguing. The film is made complicated by the introduction of a number of psychological themes, time travel, wormholes, [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 345

Music and the Civil Rights Movement

It was famous in the 1960s and 1970s and continues to live now."We Shall Overcome", like many other freedom songs, reflects the goals and methods of the early protestors.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 493

Real Magazine Exhibiting Disability Artworks

The organization aims to provide their help in selling the paintings and other products to provide the participants with the necessary confidence and support in the realization of the incentive.
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 368

Movie “Scrubs” Analysis

The janitor is the hospital's caretaker, and an occurrence in the first episode reveals an antagonistic connection between J.D.and him, which continues throughout the movie.
  • Subjects: Comedy
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 647

Muthesius-Van de Velde: Werkbund Theses and Antithesis

The debate highlights the contrast between the individuality within Arts and Crafts movement and the aim at standardization and a universal taste suitable for the increasing industrial production.
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 225

Patriotism in Music and Songs of America

Patriotism can be defined as the attachment to a country and its core attributes, which does not always equal loyalty to the government or a sense of superiority.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 351

Gheorghe Virtosu and Abstract Art Movement

Virtosu's contribution to painting art has received significant recognition, given his unique approach to the application of abstract art as a form of expression. Secondly, the "Connections of civilization" painting reveals Virtosu's consistency in the [...]
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 610

Main Points in the Article and Video by Hito Steyerl

Douglas writes about one of the pillars of the visual culture of the Internet memes: "Internet memes are based on the ideals of non-market network solidarity and free the work from the need to be [...]
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1395

Bergen Dice and the Sistine Chapel Ceiling

The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel varies from the dice in a myriad of ways as an artifact. The piece was also commissioned in a legal manner.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 299

Visual Narrative of Art Spiegelman’s “Maus”

Secondly, as mentioned above, there are two timelines in the novel, the first of which takes place in the present relative to the author of the time, and the second is the memories of one [...]
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1228