Art Essay Examples and Topics. Page 27

5,662 samples

Film-Making Techniques in “Citizen Kane”

First of all, the narrative technique of the film was very innovative: the whole film is made by a number of flashbacks as if it was made by the short newsreels.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Women as an Object of Art in Different Epochs

In the background, we can see green meadow and trees in the opening of the arch and the curtain that twisting around the arm of the woman becoming almost transparent close to her figure.
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 766

The Feminist Art Movement in the 1970s and Today

The feminist art movement emerged in the 1960s and from that time the women had taken much interest in what causes them to be different from the male gender and particularly, what causes the art [...]
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2741

Art. “Woman Giving Birth” Moche Vessel

The vessels can be considered a specific source of information about the life, habits, and history of the Moche society. The image of the woman that brings a baby to the world is very gentle; [...]
  • Subjects: Pottery
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 839

“Osaka Elegy”, a Japanese Drama Film

In the thirties of the twentieth century, Japan saw the reevaluation of material and moral values as the country was under the influence of modernity.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 560

Crossover Artists in the 1970s

However, if analyze the peculiarities of each style, it is quite easy to find out the difference and be amazed of how rich and wonderful the world of music is.
  • Subjects: Music Genre
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2200

“Yojimbo” and “Sanjuro” Films by Akira Kurosawa

The ronin, in a time when the middle-class has filled the power vacuum left by the collapse of the Togukawa dynasty, is an anachronism even to himself. The departure of the ronin in Sanjuro is [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1664

Italian Opera and Its Characteristics

From the time of origin of opera in Italy, the composers and singers were well trained and the major ingredients of the opera were voice and the singer.
  • Subjects: Theater
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 587

Mediterranean Cinemas: Italian Movies

The Italian movie is an integral part of the Mediterranean cinema. The locality and emotions make a considerable part of the Italian movies.
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 560

The ”RV” Film With Robin Williams

The film explicitly reveals the problems of communications between the members of the family, as each one is trying to place an emphasis on the difficulty of personal situation. Cassie is more aggressive and dominant [...]
  • Subjects: Comedy
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 570

Print Making During the French Revolution

Print making entails the use of originality in the creation of prints as opposed to the reproduction of a painting using photographic means.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2263

Norman Rockwell and His Iconic Status

His continued emphasis on the positive attributes of the American people really raised their image to the rest of the world's communities.
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2281

Modern Scenography and Technologies

Scenography can be described as the creation of a theatrical presentation and it includes making the setting, costumes, and scripts that are in the context of theatrical and practical function.
  • Subjects: Theater
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 556

“Babel” by Alejandro Gonzalez

The director attempts to show that regardless of where in the world you are in, and despite the cultural, geographical, and linguistic boundaries, a gun speaks the one language common to all men regardless of [...]
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1127

Colonialism in the Work of Some Artists

In the second half of the past century, the American art world shattered the traditional views on the tradition to passively depict the objects.
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 483

Female Body Objectification in the Music Industry

Hip hop songs and videos have over the years had the inclusion of women in particular scenes of the video and sections of the song that has generated a lot of debate on the role [...]
  • Subjects: Music Industry
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 565

Johann Sebastian Bach: A Renowned Musician

In the year 1705 in October, he took a leave from his duties at Arnstadt to engage in studying the techniques of the famous composer and organist, Buxtehude in the northern town of Lubeck.
  • Subjects: Musicians
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 996

Henry Matisse’s Portraiture

In the painting Reclining Odalisque, in particular, he captures the essence of a feminine structure, the softness, and the graceful beauty of the abstract body form in these portraits.
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1766

Alan Lomax and his Contribution to Folk Music

In addition to these convictions, Alan was of the idea that folk music is a mystery outside its production context and that folk music is dynamic in order to accommodate cultural and social changes of [...]
  • Subjects: Music Genre
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 565

Knowing Andy Warhol’s Life and Photography

The Post-Modernist Movement of pop art and culture in the latter half of the twentieth century was a revolutionary movement and it was started by the American artist Andy Warhol's very amundane' looking paintings of [...]
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1973

The Politics and Abstract Expressionism

In contrast to Donnel's opinion in terms of space, he believes that this is the main weapon of modernist art where the painters were able to demonstrate the play of colors, which is the main [...]
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1101

“The Namesake” by Mira Nair

It's clear that the client is extremely attached to his parents but at the same time, is seeking a lot more space in this relationship.2.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2079

A Censer : Identification of the Object

The top of the censer is shaped in the form of dome with slots serving for vine evaporation. The style of openwork can be identified with the censer from catalogue 111 submitted by the Dumbarton [...]
  • Subjects: Pottery
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 296

Style and Periodisation in the Art History

This is because it incorporates the individuality of the artist to the uniqueness of the art work but does not consider the creativity of the artist.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 685

The Concept of Narrative in Films

It is a "skeleton" of what is said or done in the film that helps a viewer perceive the sense of the film or of one definite scene in it. It responds to the extent [...]
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2328

“The Citizen Kane” by Orson Welles

The contrast is seen through the mise-en-scenes, when the viewer is shown on the foreground, while the singer on the scene is on the background.
  • Subjects: Films Comparison
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1104

“Rear Window” by Alfred Hitchcock

The usage of such strategy is obvious throughout the whole film, as the short story is written completely in a first person perspective whereas the film is changing the perspectives of the narration most of [...]
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 557

Artist-Promotion Relation: Commercialization and Art

Through Orlean's article, the artist-promotion relation, in addition to being a commercially successful marketing move, it could be sensed that the author views this relationship as a step of closing the gap between the art [...]
  • Subjects: Artists
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1092

Police Corruption in “The Detonator” by Wesley Snipes

Judging by the content of high-level corruption within the police as exhibited in the movies, it is only reasonable to say that police have deviated from their traditional role of being the custodians of social [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2777

The Concept of Sound Localization

The term sound localization is used to mean the ability of the listener to identify the origin or location of the sound and its direction.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 738

“60 Project” by Mathew Adkins

60 Project is a work devoted to the "60th anniversary of musique concrete and the pioneering work of Pierre Schaeffer". The contribution of Mathew Adkins in the world musical department is great, especially in the [...]
  • Subjects: Musicians
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 544

“Stria Composed” by John Chowning

Stria is a computer piece with algorithmic composition and fantastic structure in which all the elements are in contact but still differentiated; the composition consists of sounds embodying the golden mean with the pitch space [...]
  • Subjects: Musical Compositions
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 567

“Becoming 13” (2006) by Victoria King

This is not to say that Avi is completely in agreement with her mother's ideals as she expresses in the film that she would like to have a lifestyle with a bit more freedom as [...]
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 858

“The Fall of the Roman Empire” by Anthony Mann

The plot of the film depicts the historical personalities, events and trends during the period 180 to 192 AD which is taken as the period during which the Roman Empire stopped growing and witnessed a [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1350

Modernism in the Eyes of Picasso

The term refers to all the social changes that are constantly occurring in this time period, the way that people experience these changes and the way that the changes are reflected in different circles, such [...]
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1690

“The Harvest” by Stan Herd

The Harvest is the painting which can be referred to impressionistic and breathtaking still life being devoted to the bright illustration of the nature being changed with seasons. How the richness of the nature is [...]
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 999

Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography

The photographs in Without Sanctuary provide a record of the intolerance and racism that was standard in the United States at the turn of the twentieth century.
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 529

I, Robot and the Effects of Technology

The judgment call is generally made on the quality of life of the humans, with little to no regard for the lifestyle and options available to the robots who have achieved a higher level of [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1111

Installation Art Movement Overview

As a whole, artists both in London and New York were still in the experimental stages of installation art. In London, the majority of its gallery spaces are dedicated to installations and installation art as [...]
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 624

Rock and Roll`s Influence on Modern Music

According to, "Effective skills of the player combined with efficient music instrument provide a significant role in determining the quality of music because they shape the form, color and texture of the music all of [...]
  • Subjects: Music Genre
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 991

Elements Of Music: Different Tones and Rhythms

The form is a style through which a music piece is organized where the different structure is used to produce a specific sound. Musical aesthetics is about the different ways through which a group of [...]
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 679

A Sense of the Historic: “JFK” by Oliver Stone

Beginning with a video montage set to impressive military music and capitalizing on the use of television footage in its own aspect ratio, leaving ample empty space on the screen, the movie details the only [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1774

Music in the Film “Dracula” directed by F. F. Coppola

Therefore, the synchronization of the musical accompaniment with the drama which is developing on the screen in general and with the defining moment of the revelation of the woman's suicide, in particular, is highly important.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1574

“The Joy Luck Club” by Wayne Wang

Their Joy Luck Club was formed with the purpose of preserving original Chinese traditions in America by means of organizing regular meetings and sharing the joys and troubles of their lives."The central theme of the [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 811

“Touch of Evil” by Orson Welles

He tried to reveal the ideas of racism, stereotypes, and corruption predominating in Mexican and American societies of the late '50s; the basic theme of the movie is shown through the elements of stereotypes and [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 746

“Bamboozled” by Spike Lee Reivew

The events of "Bamboozled" take place in America in 2000, the junction of two centuries when the racial zeitgeist is left in the twentieth century, though it is not completely obliterated from the minds of [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 577

Philadelphia Art Museum Artworks

One of the main attractions of this picture is the pure innocent expression on the boy's face. This picture is a marvelous creation showing the symbolic beliefs of the Shinto religion.
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 696

Influence of Napoleon Bonaparte to Classical Art

Among the major event in this era were rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and the fall of Monarchy rule in France. The term, classical, as used in art is used to show the characteristic of works [...]
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1929

American Musical Theatre and Twyla Tharp

American musical theater has developed with the backdrop of musical theaters in other parts of the world. The characters and settings in Cohan's musical were purely American.
  • Subjects: Dance
  • Pages: 20
  • Words: 5536

Art of East Asia in 20th Century and Today

The best method of understanding the Chinese experimental art is to analyse the history of art and it is the main flexible designation of their tradition.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1886

Andy Warhol: An American Pop-Artist

In the process of describing the creative process of Andy Warhol it is evident how closely the word 'Genius' is intertwined with their creativity.
  • Subjects: Artists
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2287

“300” the Movie by Zack Snyder

While the characters and many the events were real, a lot of the facts in the movie were exaggerated for dramatic effect.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 615

Parks’ “Shaft”: A Tragedy or a Comedy

But before the movie is taken into consideration for analysis it would be most relevant to look into the aspect of racism and stereotypes within the perspective of the American society as a conflict between [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1458

Caravaggio: Influential in Latin American Baroque Art

Since much of the establishment of the American colonies to the south was largely by missionaries, and because the Roman Catholic Church was very important in these times, religious themes are prevalent throughout this period.
  • Subjects: Artists
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 864

Ansel Adams and John Sexton: World Photography

The first assumption that we can make about these works is that both of them achieve an effect of optical illusion and this is one of the most difficult tasks for a photographer to carry [...]
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2204

Music Industry in Canada

In addition to choosing the talent of the artist, they had to look at the popularity of the artist because drawing the intention of many viewers was one of the objectives of these rewards.
  • Subjects: Music Industry
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1648

Canadian Women and Music Industry

Despite great advancement being experienced in the music industry, little has been made in Canada to ensure that female artists have been raised to standards their fellow men artists are in.
  • Subjects: Music Industry
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1302

Canadian Music and Its Spread

This paper is dedicated to working out the real character of Canadian music in terms of the versatile picture of different impacts on it.
  • Subjects: Music Industry
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1210

In and Around Canadian Music

Judging from the state of the music industry in Canada several years ago, this idea can be agreed with since Canadian music was standardized due to its being perceived as a commodity and because of [...]
  • Subjects: Music Industry
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1132

Canadian Music Production Industry

So, ethnic music is of great importance for the Canadian music production industry, as it can describe the history of the country and give a notion of Canada from the point of view of ethnicity [...]
  • Subjects: Music Industry
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1122

Special Effects in Movies: Technology and Art

The Spartans fought heard up to their last man and with the death of King Leonidas the Persians won the battle but lost the war as the sacrifice exhaled the morals of the rest of [...]
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 845

Thomas Cole’s Revelations Through Landscape and Water

The bright splashing of the water on the rocks suggests the country is coming out of a time of confusion and darkness and entering a period of energetic light and growth with the vigorous flow [...]
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2613

Dadaism as an Artistic Movement: Elements, Ideas, Influence

The leaders of the Dada Art form movement also felt that industrialism and capitalism and man's megalomania led to the First World War and hence, followed the Dada movement considering it as a moral movement.
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 877

The European Baroque Era

Such European Baroque artists as Rembrandt, Peter Paul Rubens, Caravaggio, Vermeer, and others promoted the ideas of the Baroque movement, namely, emotional involvement, spirituality, individualism, and realism; these ideas are reflected by means of the [...]
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1201

European Baroque: Artists, Features, Ideas

The style of Baroque was spread all over the European continent in different expressions of art from 1590 and until the beginning of the eighteenth century. Many outstanding artists are representing the style and epoch [...]
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 859

Digitisation Effects on Art

The effect of such an idea leads to the global opportunity for mankind to get closer toward the sphere of the highest achievements of people in art.
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 852

The Dada Movement and Dadaism

It pinned its faith on the laws of chance and left it to them to recreate a spontaneous, unprejudiced order, which set art free and gave to man the image of a world waking up [...]
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 994

Surrealism in the Art and Literature

Thus the works of literature can be analyzed from the point of view of the actions of the main characters made in the condition similar with the one when the person sleeps.
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 974

Rock and Roll Development Since 1992

The greatest contribution of the Rolling Stones into the Rock and Roll development in the 1990s was that they sustained the popularity of this musical style.
  • Subjects: Music Genre
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 839

George Gershwin: An American Composer

Gershwin music was very popular with the public and the music critics did not know where to place his music in the standard repertoire.
  • Subjects: Musicians
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 852

Revolution and Romanticism in Europe and America

The analysis of romanticism presentation on the basis of Rousseau's theory is to be reflected through the atmosphere of French revolution period. Romanticism of Rousseau appeared to be close to the approach of 'primitivism', characterizing [...]
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 501

Photograph Works by Laura McPhee

This particular feature in the works of Laura McPhee impresses the viewer owing to the mastership of the photographer in playing with the background and foreground.
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 897

Way to Foster Creativity in Young Children

As children are not able to distinguish one style of music from another, they are to "learn traits of the style of their culture, just as they learn the grammar and syntax of their native [...]
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 886

How Modernism Evolved Into Postmodernism

Modernism comprised the activities of people who felt that the traditional forms of art were turning out to be out-of-date in the new social-economic circumstances of a rising industrialized globe.
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 647

Comparison of Religious Motifs in Hollywood Works

Thus religions, a variety of religions, different beliefs, various interpretations of the contradictory facts of various religions are very popular from the point of view of screening. The role of Barnes in "Platoon" is in [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 2277

Frank Zappa: Composer and Social Critic

To put across his opinions on the culture and beliefs of the American community, Zappa used his knowledge in music. The Words and Music of Frank Zappa.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 622

Terminator-2 Judgment Day: Gender Perceptions

The main point of departure from the conventional perception of female roles in this movie can be evidenced in the manner in which Sara's significance is highlighted throughout the story.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1165

Significance of Life of S. Joplin: “The Entertainer”

The incongruity between the life and achievements of the black composer in late-nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American society is the best explanation of the fact that Scott Joplin is such a significant subject for the [...]
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 630

Three Documentaries on Nature Issues Comparison

The representation of both people and the horses indicate that there is a struggle, while the use of dark colors points to the dark mood and the sadness of the situation.
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 613

Visual and Performance Arts in Creative Process

In painting, artists need to know how different paints convey messages and how to blend different paints to convey the desired artistic message. The Number of oil pigments used by artists depends on the desired [...]
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1031

The Difference Between Actors and Liars

So, the main issue, a characteristic feature of a lie is that people are not told that they are defrauded, and percept the information as the true one.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 568