The research focused on the discussion concerning the difference in sizes of the various cognitive abilities between the students in normal or regular classroom learning conditions and the students falling under the category, special education [...]
From the discussion, we found out that the appropriateness of identified andragogy in classroom activities mainly relied on the knowledge, skills and ideas possessed by the learners.
Cambourne studied development of oral language in 1988 and came up with effective ways of imparting oral language skills in students to improve their literacy acquisition. Cambourne's conditions of learning have many implications on children [...]
Then the teacher asks the students to name the main states of water and define the main "stops" in water cycle, which is written in the circle "Water Cycle".
The effectiveness of the software to train and equip the students can be confirmed by the fact that it won the software of the year award.
According to Budge and Parrett, "the critical message reverberating from the successes is the ability to overcome the pervasive and powerful effects of poverty on learning".
There are a number of challenges often faced by the face-to-face classes in as far as the issue of increased student retention and enrollments are concerned.
An example of the use of this learning style is the use of acting to dramatize and experience certain concepts during instruction. An important example of the use of this learning style is the use [...]
The discussions presented in this paper will briefly highlight the basic principles of these theories, the research that has contributed to the development and the values and limitations of each theory in instruction design.
They argue that literacy is not an outcome of local practices since there are social structures and technology in the global society that affect the acquisition of literacy skills.
Teaching and learning Content The learning content for History as a discipline focuses on achievements of the past including past events and experiences of nations and regions in the world, cultures, continuity and changes that [...]
The distributive process involved in the negotiation is related to the distribution of pay, the ratio of teachers and pupils, the total number of employees in the school, the duration of the working day and [...]
The independent variables used in the study included "course specific variables which were the average grade point average of the students in class, the gender mix of the class, the grade level mix of the [...]
Based on cognitive research from various scholarly quarters, supporters of the modality principle recommend that words should be presented in spoken form rather than in printed form whenever the usage of graphics is entailed in [...]
Another problem that arises as a result of distance learning is the lack of face to face or one on one contact between teachers or instructors and their students.
In addition, a student who fails to stay in college or university for the first is at a higher risk of failing to complete the entire education and this significantly reduces their ability to have [...]
This scientific study explores the progression of the decision to return to education among the Canadians between the age of 21 and 35 years.
Of course, their actions and ideas are known not for all people in this world, but still, their help is in mind of those students, who improved their knowledge and got a chance to live [...]
For example, the operations of addition and subtraction are made easy to understand for young children with story problems and more practical activities. Materials and activities are organized in each learning area to develop the [...]
It is important for universities in foreign countries to implement teaching and learning styles and a curriculum that addresses the predicament of such students to promote effective learning.
The white system of education encompasses a class situation where the teacher completely and freely interacts with the students and discusses freely on how to behave and mapping the way forward to independence.
This resistance has been one of the obstacles to eliminating the cyber bullying in the schools. Schools and districts have been involved in the Challenge Day activities where children are advised on how to handle [...]
To enhance that the students have contextualized the knowledge, the textbooks should be complemented at times with pictures, films and other forms of realities that expose the students to the uses of the knowledge and [...]
Assessment is an essential tool for gauging the amount of output of a certain 'work in progress', in relation to the inputs.
The problem is that students can write 14 for fourteen objects in the right order, though they fail to understand its place value as a number made up of one ten and four ones.
Some of the main cooperative learning models include; the Graffiti model, the jigsaw model, the academic controversy model and the student teams-achievement division model.
The relationship between multiplication and addition concepts enables students to comprehend the process of multiplication much easily. As a way of elaborating on this concept to the students, the teacher can come up with three [...]
This paper argues that the concept of transformative learning is elastic enough to adapt to other knowledge systems. Transformative learning is flexible enough to adapt to knowledge systems rooted to traditional knowledge and perceptions.
Most of the migrants into the country continue to face higher chances of experiencing a racist incident in the country. From the very start, most of the migrants into the country will always find it [...]
On the whole, it is possible to say that a single model is not sufficient for explaining the process of reading and teaching literacy skills. Moreover, the task of a teacher is to develop exercises [...]
According to Jackie Acree Walsh, and Beth Dankert Sattes, teachers could use questions for the following purposes, all of which are relevant to direct instruction: To increase interest and motivate students to become aggressively involved; [...]
Individual Differences and Consciousness - Raising in Language Acquisition In order to come up with the best strategies for consciousness-raising process in second language acquisition, it is important to consider individuals' differences and characteristics, mainly [...]
In this paper, the ideas of how children may gain knowledge of how to disobey properly will be given alongside with a curriculum and activities offered to children that aim at improving their attitude to [...]
A research on the problems likely to be encountered will assist the government in creating an effective online Ontario institute that addresses the emerging and existing problems of the students.
After a student is through with passage reading, the teacher help the student identify his/her errors and make him or her repeat the words.
During the search, some of the related findings on the topic are the diagnosis of the condition, the causes, and the prognosis of this condition.
The article in question considers the issue of entertainment media influence on the adult education, its influence on the educators in their personal and professional life.
The effects of poverty on a child follow that child in other areas of his life and up to an advanced age.
On the other hand, there are students who want to explore the world and want to become independent and confident. We all are civilized human beings and students should understand the complexity of the situation [...]
In cooperative learning, the use of wooden sticks or plastic disks, geometry puzzle, measuring the playground, or reviewing for a test enable the students to easily solve mathematical problems and conceptualize each mathematical task.
In their article, Stigler and Stevenson note that while both Asian and American teachers utilize objects to act as concrete representations of mathematical concepts, there is a greater consistency in the Asian classrooms.
In addition, the researchers outlined the limitations of the study which included the short time period of the study, and the lack of differentiation between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Japan's education system is perceived as a human right by offering education to every child in the country. Education reform in Japan is a national government initiative compared to the decentralized education control in the [...]
As such, the research questions were created based on what the two sports can contribute towards the attainment of the mission set by the youth's sports program Many youth sports programs, according to Berlin et [...]
The purpose of the assessment is to test the ability of the learner in the study areas of fractions, numbers and weights, probability, problem solving, time, distance, algebra and measurements according to the benchmark standards [...]
With the shift to the student-centered nursing education, the curriculum is adapted to the results of the learning styles inventories for the purpose of creating the appropriate clinical and classroom settings and enhancing the effectiveness [...]
As such, the following are the evaluation questions: To what extent did the TEP achieve its goals and objectives in terms of enhancing your teaching methods?
During the classroom session, the teachers will allow a supervisor to evaluate the effectiveness of using the devices and the level of compliance with the practical and theoretical knowledge on the part of teachers.
The students are on the other hand have to yield for the pressure and the easiest way of enabling this is by cheating in the examination.
Students' prior experience, interest, and process of thinking can influence learning due to the fact that learning is the dynamic process of shaping and reshaping thoughts based on new knowledge.
The visual and verbal response of children with reading disability is also very poor and in the process affects their manipulation of sounds. One of the best interventions for children with reading disabilities is to [...]
In this case, foreign and second language learners will gradually move from the stage of "reproductive" use of the second or foreign language to a stage of "creative" use of the language.
They will be able to identify the role of "telephones" and "telephone" operators in their society. According to Moser and McKay, it is critical for the students to learn how to determine the type and [...]
This is one of the points that be considered by the academic committee. This is one of the issues that are imbedded in the Annette Schavan scandal.
Students at this level ought to be clearly taught how to round off numbers involving decimals to the nearest tenth as a foundation for the concepts in the upper grades to curb any difficulties in [...]
To induce math curiosity by having students work in groups, a teacher may give students a number of sticks to use in the computation of addition problems.
To effectively deal with these issues, a detailed school reform design can play a critical role in enhancing the academic achievement of students in both traditional public as well as charter schools.
Holmes and Holmes postulate that teachers, "face the responsibilities and pressures of the accountability movement where the lessons they plan must continue the momentum of the curriculum required by the state, district, school and classroom [...]
In examining the outcome of teenage alcohol misuse on quality of students' academic grades, the author of this article applied a fixed-impact estimation model in assessing the grade point average derived from various high schools. [...]
The argument here is that financial aid in response of the impacts of the financial hike on the accessibility of post-secondary education among middle and low-income households would not aid in the absorption of the [...]
The fundamental purpose of education is to legitimate the view of development as the main and economic phenomenon that occurs best in the circumstances of social and political stability.
Assessment Tools Progress Diagnostic Outcome Individual or Group Assessment Additional Explanation of Use IRI X X I IRI are used with individual students to assess the progress and diagnose the development of definite reading [...]
It is important to point out that the use of external sources can only amount to cheating if the students use external sources without the permission of their instructors.
Those who support school prayer argue that banning of prayer in schools causes a decline in the moral standards of people.
Effective writing skills are important to present the definite idea or information clearly and in relation to the concrete purpose of writing.
They further argue that the school time devoted to work offers the student less time to articulate the learning concepts and therefore negatively affect the academic performance.
In social places, the gap in the cognitive academic language proficiency indicates that the need for a high degree of proficiency in the familiarity of grammatical patterns, words, and arguments, and the style of presentation, [...]
Thus, it can be stated that the iBook helps both the teachers and the students create a library of their choice This application has improved the education sector and learning process as through the embracement [...]
In this view, the information literacy targets both librarians and students, as their relationships have a significant impact on the development of information literacy in a learning institution.
Therefore, the students will lack a huge amount of information that a well-educated person is supposed to know and that provide the foil for the further educational process.
In the research, 60% of the researched students pointed out that the available e-resources within the library provided the most important source of support for their development of a thesis statement.
The meeting led to development of a framework for the achievement of education for all. Prior to allocation of resources to third world nations, donors often analyze the political will of the concerned government and [...]
On the other hand, in societies that promote a high power distance, less powerful individuals accept their position in the chain of command and acknowledge the strengths of their superiors in the hierarchy.
The improvement of the economic performance of Somalian immigrants is beneficial to them and other Minnesota residents. The Somalian immigrants in Minnesota are the poorest compared to natives and other immigrants.
However, even some of the students who retain a suitable connection to school take part in cheating. The majorities are found in public institutions and are a much diversified set of students.
This is to say that, the reader should be eager to know the content of the essay as depicted by the title. Notably, there has to be a direct link between the title of research [...]
It also looks at various issues that have been raised on the levels of students' participation in academic issues and the views held on the issue of students' consultations and participation in the implementation of [...]
Thirdly, parental involvement is shown in the case study under consideration as one of the principal goals, which is to be achieved by the home-school community liaison teacher.
The film offers the perspective of the struggles the Puerto Rican immigrants underwent while in a foreign country. The two consider the Puerto Rican migration and the challenges faced by them in a foreign country.
The provincial government of Ontario has been working closely with the federal government of Canada to facilitate education loans for needy students in the province.
We can use the following avenues to learn the old fashioned methods of doing things. For example, one may have to be trained for some time to gain the skills of hand sewing.
The purpose of this lesson was to help student understand algebraic equivalence and find the correct order of operations for solving mathematical problems.
It is one of the largest providers of funs to students in the US at the federal level. The role of the agency is to ensure that stakeholders are involved in the allocation of student [...]
Planning an essay is a crucial step since it provides the writer with an idea of the direction of the essay, in other words, the way it should flow.
The advantage of online courses for full or part-time employed individuals is that you can plan how you take your courses. Online classes also introduce students to a variety of web-based tools and techniques that [...]
The focus of the literature review will be to find information on effects of the internet on family members and also to determine the current state of research as regards to the effects of the [...]
However, the number of those who do not finish high education is increasing not only due to the students inability to pay, but to the constant cost rise for the tuition over the years.
In USA, the problem of drug use is unresolved considering that the youths drop out of school and venture in the drug trade in an attempt to sustain them.
This person knows the evils of engaging in activities that will divide the society, and one will make sure that the whole society is directed to follow and accept changes that such a person wishes [...]
To remember the necessary concrete information which will be examined with the help of a test, it is useful to provide the students with instructions to prepare the flash cards basing on the explained material [...]
In order to place this debate in context, one must understand the history behind the policy as well as the relative effectiveness of the goals.
It enables students to review what they did, learned and the effects of learning on his or her capacity to perform in future.
The children generally showed a lot of interest in the project as well as sustainable creativity in their work. The child had the knowledge and meaning of numbers in the clock and he systematically arranged [...]
For example, the questions sought to evaluate whether the teachers involved in the study were able to understand the thinking of students and whether the application of different instructions based process affected the performance of [...]
The environment should be characterized by mutual respect amongst the students and the teacher and this will facilitate the classroom to listen, ask questions, make constructive comments and generally when this is done freely the [...]
This proves the words of the President of the UAE 'education is like a lantern which lights your way in a dark alley' and an increased attention of his wife to promoting this issue in [...]
Application Based on what I have learned in this article I can say that I will endeavor to bring to light the problems in the current system of education in order to save it from [...]
Narrowing Down the Focus of Research Questions and Hypotheses Refining the scope of a research question is a daunting task. Focusing on the scope of a research hypothesis, specific topic should be highlighted.
It is against this scope that this paper intends to explore the meaning of truth, how it is taught and the theoretical basis of learning and teaching.
The presence of full-day kindergarten classes whose purpose is to prepare the kid for higher academics in the future and the capability of the IPS Corporation to fight against discrimination and racism has created a [...]
Lack of goals by the student may cause them to view their education as irrelevant and unrelated to their lives and this will result in low levels of motivation and disillusionment hence increase the chances [...]
All the study skills are important for students, but it is useful to focus on the effective listening skills and time management which improvement can contribute to the students' high academic performance.
In Carrey's case, the question is how learning concepts can be used to improve techniques used in teaching math and science.
For this reason, he is in the best position to inform the teacher and the teaching assistant some peculiar behavior of the child or some important information that would help the teacher and the teaching [...]
This paper set out to discuss the merits and demerits of sex education in school so as to show that it is beneficial for the youth.
Teachers have access to the medical files of students and are required to disclose such information to the parents and student. Teachers will use this kind of communication to inform the parents on the medical [...]
More so, life satisfaction is closely connected with the concept of self-esteem, and mental health also depends on proper development of self-esteem. It is also necessary to remember that a number of factors influence development [...]
It seeks to investigate the role of teaching assistant, and the collaborative role of the parent, the teacher, and other responsible stakeholders in enhancing the general welfare of the child.
According to Church, the objectives of the common school movement were to ensure that white children had access to free education, to educate and train teachers, and also to ensure that the state had control [...]
There is need, therefore, to emphasize the common aspects of all the different cultures in the US in a bid to foster cultural cohesion and create a united nation.
The theories describe the characteristics of newly formed groups, the search for purpose and position, the place of acting out the group's purpose, and in some cases, the point where the group disintegrates.
During the early days of his teaching career, the author of the article took a lot of time to prepare for his classes.
In 2005, in the contract negotiations, the United Federation of Teachers effectively included language to the agreement that precisely safeguard teachers from experiencing penalty due to the planning of the classroom furniture, the arrangement of [...]
For the Chinese courses, the university uses native speakers of the language, so the student gets learns from the experience of the expert.
In this paper, I will highlight the points made by the author which I do not agree with and proceed to support my stand on the issue so as to demonstrate that the tenure system [...]
It is possible to note that the author addresses rather a narrow field which is one of the most important features of a successful research.
It does not compel pre-school education to focus on modernization and rationalization like in the US and China. In the US education, a social institutions' economic aspect and a need for rationalization are seen as [...]
According to Morrison, this is the education and the knowledge acquired by both the parents and the family as a whole of how to bring up their children.
In this stage, the researcher should formulate a statement of objective, which outlines and determines the data to be collected, the features of relevant and the relationships to be analyzed in the research.
He concluded that academic dishonesty is on the rise and students perceived that most institutions and faculties had failed to institute a strong culture of integrity.