In light of exploration and subjective reports regarding whether to use steroids or not for bodybuilding reasons, it appears there are unquestionably two distinct groups and every camp with primarily divergent viewpoints concerning the advantages [...]
The effects associated with drug abuse tend to vary depending on an individual's age and the phase of drug abuse that the person is in.
The alterations in behavioral traits of animals due to psychoactive drugs are primarily attributed to the changes in the brain functions or inhibition of certain brain components in animals which ultimately translates to changes in [...]
According to the national institute of drug abuse, the active chemical in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, act on the region of the brain responsible for time awareness, sensory, attention, thoughts, memory and pleasure.
In a bid to explore the various impacts that are brought about by drug abuse, I took it upon myself to investigate the various aspects that could have contributed to drug abuse in my neighborhood.
All through the 1800's the process of pharmaceutical compounding was a sole a function of specialized individuals, a fact that led to the discovery of more medicines, for example, Laudanum.
Nevertheless, it is impossible to legalize the use of performance-enhancing substances due to the number of incompatible arguments: these drugs lead to grave health problems; legalization cannot prevent the use of new more dangerous drugs, [...]
It is the purpose of this paper to critically evaluate the functions and side-effects of fertility-enhancing drugs with a view to demonstrate that their benefits outweigh social and health costs.
The focus is on the meat processing industries and how these practices effects transmission rates and resistance of the antibiotics in human beings.
This has since led to the changes in the ways of production and manufacturing of drugs. This will lead to more development in the field of pharmacology.
It gives the health care providers the benefits of prescribing drug coverage to many individuals Gardasil vaccine has been marketed for a long time as one of the vaccines having the capability of preventing cervical [...]
Adams in this article tries to show that despite the label on psychedelic drugs and the fact that mescaline is among the most harmful of drugs, neglecting of the alkaloids in mescaline should not be [...]
The feelings of hallucination make one to lose consciousness and feel as though in very different world that is full of bliss.
Although such is the case, it is important to note that, majority of diet control pills have adverse effects on individual health, if such individuals never take precaution in their usage.