The Fry's test involves taking three random quotes from a book, 100 words each, and counting the average number of sentences and syllables in them; the results are then assessed according to a table.
The term "formative assessment" refers to a certain understanding and philosophy of evaluation in education, as well as practices and approaches based on this understanding and intended for educators' use. Formative assessment is the evaluation [...]
A majority of the students from the Middle East opt to study in the United States. The desire to advance my knowledge in art and design is what forced me to go to the United [...]
There are two topics that I want to center my attention on, namely: Adult education and the significance of adult education to the economy of the country; ABE shortage of funding in British Columbia and [...]
While the issue is approached differently, one common theme is a deterioration of moral and ethical principles and lack of objective foundation resulting from the openness as the main direction taken by the primary education.
In general, people used to believe that education is essential for every person because it allows to reach a wide range of opportunities in the future and determines the way one will live till the [...]
The school CSCP will be adapted to the diverse abilities and developmental levels of the students determined via a needs assessment.
Since the introduction of the concept, specialists have identified and developed a variety of environments that may be used to promote students' interest in education and enhance their perception of different subjects.
This paper will focus on discussing four learning plans such as Individualized Family Service Plan, Individualized Education Program, 504 Plan, and Individualized Transition Plan, which are called to ensure a comprehensive identification of a child's [...]
For this reason, the RN might become a teacher needed to improve different competencies and guarantee positive final outcomes as the experience she/he possesses contributes to the unique efficiency of the whole process.
Since only a fraction of individuals is able to stay organized in the long run without guidance, a written plan is recommended to maximize the efficiency and keep track of the progress.
The primary aim of this study is to review existing data on the development and the role of education in improving the economic standards of the community.
The theory explains that meaningful learning should occur in a familiar context to ensure students understand the meaning and application of concepts.
Much attention should be paid to the social and structural factors that can impact a person's experiences and his/her attitudes towards continuous education.
When writing reports about personality and the use of drugs, the information given is underestimated most of the time due to the pressure by the beliefs in society.
According to Chen, it is a great problem of the modern educational system which affects the development of the society and, consequently, the growth of country's economy.
The paper will dissect arguments presented in the article and assess the author's line of reasoning in relation to the content of the course.
Understanding the importance of the explored issue for the modern educational process, the paper evaluates the benefits of using picture books in the education process, ten picture books for schoolchildren of 6-12 years of age, [...]
In addition, social support ensures students do not deviate from the norms of learning and social order. However, parents and teachers should not compromise the value of education by pampering their children in the attempt [...]
Another reason that contributes to a high rate of school dropout is the issue of those students that cater to their school fees.
The Humanistic Approach implies that the students' needs and unique abilities should be taken into account when designing the curriculum. Alternative assessment strategies, self-directed learning and the promotion of the learners' independence are incorporated into [...]
For instance, to be such an equalizer, education should be free for the economically disadvantaged; otherwise, if all students have to pay for tuition, the role of education as a social equalizer is diminished, because [...]
The author cites his own experience and that of his colleagues regarding the counseling to prospective students and the college preparatory initiatives of Maryland.
Since the focus on early education and care was removed, formal education in the public schools became the priority of the federal government regarding the promotion of poor children's welfare.
The representative will give a presentation to the student-athletes and their families about the potential prospects for their career in college sports, the assistance that NCAA provides to the athletes, and the standards for eligibility.
The problem addressed in this study is the methods of dealing with the issue of plagiarism in applied research papers amid graduate students, which threatens to weaken the quality of academic research.
Moreover, the relation between the claim and the evidence Valachis introduces in his article is not strengthened; one can notice that the evidence is not integrated with the author's own ideas, so, the use of [...]
To solve the problem of the lack of mentoring in many community colleges of the United States, the national government should guarantee that all community colleges in the country are obligated by a decree to [...]
By way of this research, it will be established that a school's physical environment helps, to a great extent, the performance and progress of students.
A," Keech suggests that the exploration of the history of the city, in general, and the areas that the community inhabits, in particular, should be considered a foundation for enhancing the links between the members [...]
The main goal of this paper is to highlight similarities and differences between project-based learning and makerspaces and how they might be implemented in an educational setting.
For example, libraries and museums provide such makerspaces and opportunities. Also, specialists at makerspaces raise the awareness for the motivation and effectiveness in overcoming challenges.
The main goal of the scholars is to ensure that deaf and hard of hearing children have a fair chance to get an education and to develop efficient communication skills through language in written and [...]
Teachers were applying different strategies to win the attention of their students. According to my observation, students were fully engaged in the classroom.
The selection of proper educational resources is a stage in the instructional system design process that has to be preceded by the adoption of instructional practices.
In this narrative, I would like to share a story about the role appreciation and encouragement played in my personal experience of being a student, and also offer some thoughts on how it changed my [...]
The group work area can also be used for rest and play; the presence of a comfortable area that is suitable for different activities contributes to a positive learning environment.
The intended audience of the schedule are parents and caregivers, and the language of the schedule is appropriate. The teachers helped to resolve the argument, which helped to minimize the delay and prevent the distraction [...]
Nowadays, education is extremely important because it provides the representatives of the general public to receive the knowledge needed to live an independent life to the fullest.
They provide non-disabled people with insights into the life of disabled people by offering the former to experience some of the limitations that permeate the lives of the latter.
It tends to investigate the main aspects of this job and provide a detailed description of the major tasks and activities of the given specialist.
Also, the paper relies on five more sources that explore the issues of inclusion of the special needs students and presents the discussion of passages from the Bible that refer to this problem.
According to him, liberal arts education helps the student to develop confidence and judgment and also equips them to fully contribute to the world they live in.
Using of maps will also enable the students to understand the significance of this purchase. The map will enable the students to understand the shape of the United States before the purchase.
The ideas presented in the essay might be interesting both to adolescents who have their own children and could think about their future; for graduates who will face the described problems and try to overcome [...]
The utilization of these old ideas and resources in the current academic environment has also contributed to the failing of schools.
However, in order to be able to accept some principles as binding, it is necessary to have a system for the systematization of the concepts of "right" and "wrong" in a specific context of online [...]
The thing is that students do not have a wide range of offerings as they decide what they are going to do in the future. They are often in poor condition due to the lack [...]
It is important to make sure that children use buttons of the right color and size. A shell washing activity is important as it contributes to the development of motor skills and children's independence.
And a divisive question among psychologists and educators is the use of group work and discussion as a means to develop critical thinking.
School counselors are expected to uphold the basic ethics and professional standards of the counseling profession as well as the American School Counseling Association.
The researcher introduces the basic concepts of leadership and emphasizes the significance of the leadership behaviour in the achievement of positive organizational outcomes providing the evidence from the academic works of over ten prominent scholars [...]
The Abu Dhabi Autism Center has to operate within the laws and regulations of the Zayed Higher Organization for Humanitarian Care and Special Needs.
A play-based teaching philosophy allows children to interact with their physical environment and, therefore, augment learning and development in all aspects.
The individuals and organizations opposing trans inclusion in higher education stress that one of the main purposes of all-female colleges is to ensure the safety of the female students.
Therefore, it is essential to instruct students to help them to comprehend the issues related to the use of both primary and secondary sources and to understand the importance of utilization of both of these [...]
In particular, the writer notes that public funds are usually transferred to the most prosperous classes of the community. The problem is that they do not have the opportunity to pay the price of a [...]
The major challenge as regards the use of assistive technology is the lack of preparedness among teachers, which affects their ability to use these technologies and applications.
A more liberal style of education as seen in Russia during the 1917 Revolution is ideal for imparting innovative and creative skills.
The behavior of the learner offers the only sign of learning. In this conditioning, the learning is reliant on what occurs before the act and the act is linked to the experiences.
In fact, both parents and students are led to believe that better grades in high school are the solution to a good college degree and a dream job.
They stress that the walkout situation is entirely new to the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and is also "one of a handful of faculty strikes around the country in recent years".
This is to say that it is up to a teacher to ensure that the room does not look compressed. It is a teacher's duty to understand his/her students and reorganize the classroom.
Did you know that this country was once home to the great civilization of Maya?" Providing students with new information about other cultures will be an effective strategy for sparking interest and encouraging engagement, especially [...]
All these arguments are not enough to withdraw the support of the national government and to force the 45 states to abandon the use of the CCSS framework, because the CCSS proved helpful when it [...]
The research question guiding the study is, "what are the differences in perceptions of self-efficacy among counseling students in online and land-based counseling graduate degree program?" Initially coined by Albert Bandura in 1977, the "self-efficacy" [...]
This passion for education is outstanding to the extent that girls in Pakistan are ready to meet their death in search of education.
The visits to the museums and dance training show that learning outside of schools is characterized by diversity, communication, and interaction.
It is on this basis that a growing number of stakeholders want teachers to take a central role in the assessment of students.
The current attendance rate is lower for students of Hispanic or Latino ethnical background. Academic performance is also lower among students of Hispanic or Latino background.
If Tsui only states the perspectives according to which it is possible to reform the existing approach to enhance the students' critical thinking abilities with references to the conducted research, Payne and Gainey provide the [...]
The aim of this paper is to propose a model for identifying and implementing the change needed to address the situation, as well as a means of assessing and evaluating the process.
A music program should be at the heart of nearly every school board discussion, and it is important to advocate for monetary input when it comes to music programs since we are in tight economic [...]
The key research question that the study had to answer was the existence of a relation between the type of educational environment and the effective student performance as measured by a preliminary exam, course exam, [...]
The first example is when a learner utilizes the work of another person, or changes a few words and keeps the same structure and the same importance without acknowledging the author.
It is important to note that the narrative is not the story itself, but the event of telling the story; the narrative is not several happenings, but the act of communicating those events, possibly omitting [...]
Before all, it is necessary to make several remarks regarding the content to be given to students and the principles to be employed.
The given report is created by Child Trends Data Bank, an organization that fulfills the examination and monitoring of the factors that influence the development of children.
The influence of such impairments on a person's development and academic achievements is considered; legal and educational definitions of these impairments are given; and, finally, their types, degrees, and causes are discussed.
One area that has to be changed in this program is the interaction levels between children and the staff. A different program has to be designed for communication between children and the staff.
The objectives of the class and the characteristics of target learners are also highlighted in the instructional plan. Learners will be expected to develop new knowledge and skills on the use of new technologies to [...]
1415, if the behavior of a student with a disability violates school regulations and is considered the manifestation of the disease, the IEP Team should "review the behavioral intervention plan if the child already has [...]
The developments in Romanian educational management can be thought of largely as determined by the national culture, especially considering the characteristics of ideological and political components dominating the country's culture in the recent half of [...]
According to a survey carried out by Pennington, the majority of the studies in this area emphasize the literacy of learners with ASD as opposed to major other areas such as academic performance and functionality [...]
In addition, it is known that educators often experience problems distinguishing between students who are unable to comply with the curriculum due to the difficulties of learning a second language and those who suffer from [...]
To deal with the problems and help the learners, the professionals are required to adopt a number of strategies and approaches.
Thus, one can argue that the values of residents can be reflected in the design of sex education curriculum. In particular, one should determine the extent to which these people try to influence this area [...]
The main aim of experiential learning is the variation of the content and forms of teaching and student activities to determine the effect of these factors on the rate of development and formation of specific [...]
While some scholars tend to narrow down the origins of the problem-centered approach to the introduction in medical schools in middle-nineties, the exact starting point of the phenomenon is less specific.
Perhaps, one of the most popular myths that are subverted unbelievably fast in the environment of a classroom is that everything goes according to the lesson plan and that all the items from it will [...]
The foundation of motivation is invoking participation in the process of learning and transparency of the systems since all results and performance are visible to everyone in the classroom.
By making the use of the identified phrases a second nature of the learners, one is expected to promote the development of the Monitor Procedural Memory by the learners.
The fact that the challenges, met by students while studying abroad, contribute to gaining important experience can be demonstrated on the example of an obligation for international students to learn a new language.
A student who is a "helpless hand raiser" either pays little to no attention to the teacher's explanation of the new materials or gets disrupted during the explanation; as a result, the student misses important [...]
The philosophy of the Montessori Method is based on a relationship triangle between the child, the environment, and the teacher. So deviant behavior is not the fault of the child, but rather of the environment [...]
According to the information represented in the scenario, the learner is incapable of locating the video that she must watch in order to complete the task.
The social and emotional issues that the learners may face when dealing with the school-related communication processes will be considered in the course of the session.
Thus, proper task analysis is required for teaching children how to add two double-digit numbers first on paper and then in the head.
Subject English Language Arts Lesson Title Valentine's Day Grade Level 4th grade Central Focus The focus of this lesson will be the identification of similarities as well as differences in the way people of different [...]
The articles under consideration reveal the problem of the involvement of parents in children's education. The second part of the article is devoted to the ways of parents' involvement.
This paper looks into the issues of learning disabilities, communication disorders, and giftedness among children, exposing their nature and providing guidelines for the education of such kids.
Matching the new pieces of the puzzle to the already existing ones is similar to sorting out the "stuff" and putting it onto proper labeled "shelves" that the learner already has in their head.
The teachers' awareness of the possibility of having indigenous students in class and the necessity to adhere to their learning needs is the key to a successful diversity experience here.
Talking about the role of models in the gain of knowledge, it is important to note that the knowledge is not limited by the concrete information received in the process of studying.
The curricula of the Public Schools of Brookline are developed by the Office of Teaching and Learning. After this, the curriculum is implemented in four phases: the production of a curriculum product, the testing phase, [...]
The first idea of defining closing the gap as an overarching goal relates to a range of problems that exist in the society the contrasts in performers like the rich and the poor, boys and [...]
While the humanistic theory underpins the general decisions behind the design of the document, the situated learning theory is visible in suggested approaches and activities.
The discussed case is one of the disturbing examples of unethical behavior on the part of the school authorities that covered up for the individuals that abused their students.
The question that this research was aimed to answer seems to be what is the influence of the student self-evaluation on "the improvement of students' learning and effectiveness of maritime studies".
The article also contributes towards positive change in the administration and leadership of adult education, lifelong learning and training programs. The article also contributes to the development of an effective curriculum for adult education and [...]
The research question not only brings out the primary objective of this research, but it also demonstrates the nature of the study and the sources of data to be used.
Although the current study is not aimed at detecting the differences in the efficacy of the intervention based on the gender of the participants, the outcomes of the research may create prerequisites for a follow-up [...]
Any curriculum plays a significant role in the educational process because it provides teachers and students with a certain list of activities or tasks that have to be discussed and completed during the forthcoming course.
In her article, Duff investigates the impacts of ethnography of communication method to learning that is a qualitative research method widely used to study cultural and social issues.
The technological breakthrough that was witnessed in the late 90s and the early 2000s also contributed to the development of the phenomenon, sparking the concepts such as cyberbullying and online bullying.
The larger issue associated with the problem faced by the school administration is the problem of collaboration between teachers, policymakers, and stakeholders in the process of change, and the importance of the application of relevant [...]
One of the primary positive perspectives on parents and families relates to teachers' ability to effectively engage the families in the process of education in the earliest stages.
To enhance the learning environment in the classroom, one has to consider the implications of social class on schooling. Consequently, this aspect creates a wrong perception of a student in the classroom and leads to [...]
It took me a lot of time and research to come to this conclusion, as I always believed that teaching is a natural talent instead of hard work, and all of the needed decisions are [...]
Practically, the learners could use the information offered in the title of the text and the vocabulary in order to explain the perceived intention of the author, the message he or she attempted to communicate, [...]