Mehmed II carried out his ruling in Ottoman Empire outstandingly to a point that he was recognized as a legend for his contribution to the army.
Hammurabi ascended the throne of Babylonia during 1800 BC and he was the from the Amorite dynasty and the sixth king of the kingdom.
In the later years of this reign, the Tang Empire was really hurt and this was what marked the decline of the Tang Empire.
The book's first half was a reconstruction, a narrative in historical view of the burning of the chowki or station and the account of the trial that focused on the testimony of the principal prosecution [...]
Even if the Xiongnu conquer the lands, they would never be able to occupy the lands and if the Chinese conquered the lands of the Xiongnu, since the lands were wastelands, they would be of [...]
Shakespeare: Well, I assume you have watched the play and if you have not I would request that you do for you to understand the meaning of these words within their context.
Consequently, the formation of alliances and foreign relationships enabled Brandenburg, which was economically weaker to expand to the capital-rich areas of the lower Rhine.
The primary purpose of the paper is to discuss the peculiarities of the gold rush and the impact it had on people's life.
The purpose of this essay is to evaluate the life and experience of the social justice leader and a nonviolent protest organizer Bayard Rustin and demonstrate how the pivotal moments of his life can illuminate [...]
While the establishment of the new state brought benefits to the Jewish people, the Balfour Declaration is also responsible for the beginning of a still-continuing conflict between Israel and the Arab world.
The achievement of the French Army and the surrender of Lombardy by the Austrian Empire led to rebellions in the other states of central Italy.
It is important to note that objects of material culture change over time due to the intermingling of communities, and this influences the way people lead their lives.
Each country was famous for its particular products and searching for the new way to the East with the purpose to make increase the delivery of goods might be the reason for financing the voyage.
This he does by teaching them the art and creativity of speech for the sole purpose of getting advantage over their peers. He was a proponent of multiculturalism who invited the barbarians and the Greek [...]
Some of the most popular features include the four walls of the country that have since been reduced to three following the demolition of one of the walls to create room for the development of [...]
In spite of the evolution of a uniquely Australian cricket in the country, the mark of imperialism and Anglo dominance remained.
However, some people feel that Iran fits the ownership of the inland sea and it should bear the name the Persian Gulf because Iran covers most parts of the sea to the north while Saudi [...]
Although the majority of nations in Europe were established during the 20th century, it is worth to note that the events leading to the creation of these states took place during the 19th century.
The whites considered the progress of the African Americans as something that threatened the success and achievements of the whites in the society.
Even though MJ was never proved to be a paedophile, the fact that he paid one of his 'victim' to settle the case out of court and that another man accused him of molesting him [...]
Richelson in the book, 'The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology' traces the Science and Technology Directorate from its inception in 1947 to post 9/11 period.
Some of the ancient trading activities included the exchange of food crops which led to development of agriculture in various territories."Ideas also spread and developed through trading activities". At this time many people were concerned [...]
Before the Second World War, the term Middle East was used to refer of the region between the Far East and the Near East.
In this deadly war, the Northern States went into battle against the Southern States for the sake of preserving the unity of the Union of States.
To begin with, it is profound to note the contemporary civilization being experienced in America was mainly triggered by the Columbus' discovery of 1492.[1] While some historians may argue that the American civilization was bound [...]
Having grown in Al Anan and experienced some of the hardships in the area, Zayed was determined on protecting the environment and the livelihoods of the people.
Later on, he shifted to Bukhara where he got his accreditation in the field of mathematics as well astronomy based in medieval principles.
Such decision proves the significance of the chosen site and the unbelievable role of the palace in the history of the city.
The love between Pocahontas and her father was a combination of filial and spiritual love that extended beyond the two of them to the people her father was serving.
At the turn of the twentieth century, hurricanes were unknown and it was hard for the meteorological officials to predict that the storm of 1900 would be a hurricane.
The apparent reason for the queen's speech is to motivate her troops in the face of the imminent conflict with the Spaniards.
With the fine details included in the memoir, it helps a reader to walk through the Chinese revolutionary era and witness the havoc that the revolution triggered by Mao Zedong had on the Chinese people. [...]
Other theories have also suggested that it first spread from Portugal to India and to the rest of the world. Several theories have come up to describe the origin and distribution of chili throughout the [...]
The Philosopher, Socrates was a Greek and he was born in the proximities of 470 B. Much of the philosophy and life of Socrates is explained by Plato in his dialogues.
3 The vessel's owners made Jones the master of the ship and the crew, giving the commander ten percent of the cargo in reward for the work well done.
The purpose of this essay is to examine the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, including the influence of the Catholic Church and Kings in the secular and religious activities of the Europeans.
Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889; he became the ruler of Germany and one of the most reviled persons in history.
It is reasonable to conclude that most individuals in the Caribbean associate with Africa and its cultures since they cherish and acknowledge their forefathers, shipped from the continent to the Caribbean by Europeans as slaves.
Charlemagne and Einhard justify Frank's conquest and treatment administered to the Saxons and Lombards by stating that these two groups were in a conspiracy against Charlemagne and the Franks. He began his efforts to conquer [...]
In contrast, Aztec creation stories are based on dismembered gods, and thus the origin of the world is catastrophic violence, which explains why Aztec art depicts divinity as gruesome and awe-inspiring.
Despite the advancement of this source of livelihood, the need to regulate the utilization of natural resources, replenish the food supply, and maintain the land formed a critical part of the Indigenous peoples' practices.
This paper describes the Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Fourth Caliph of the Muslims, History of his life, the way he think, his battles, accomplishments and how did he die.
The revolutions differ in their origins as one was a social movement, the other was driven by religious groups, and the other was actually instigated by the government itself.
In this presentation, the discussion of the impact of Tet Offensive on the United States and the role of media in military events will be discussed.
Through this depiction, he failed in terms of honoring his promise of respecting the rights and freedom of the African-Americans that he had made prior to his election in 1912.
The nineteenth century was a period of the United States' history when significant development in transportation, communication, and trading led the country to the Market Revolution.
Importantly, the physical composition of the land and natural resources alongside artifacts of ancient Egypt had a substantial impact on the country's growth and development.
Her contributions include the first solo cross-Atlantic flight completed by a woman, the books she wrote on the topic of aviation, and the establishment of "The Ninety-Nines" group.
The prerequisites to farmers' organized attempts to stop the violation of ethical norms and their civil rights trace back to the geographical aspects of history and the government's attempts to shrug off the responsibility for [...]
The Great Zimbabwe was the capital of the ancient empire Shona. Political and religious beliefs of the ancient people influenced the way Great Zimbabwe was built.
First, it should be pointed out that this event attracted avid attention of the Vatican because the alleged resurrection of William Cragh was attributed to the intervention of Thomas de Cantilupe, the deceased bishop of [...]
The Nanticoke Indian Tribe was an Algonquian-related tribe of people living in the Chesapeake Bay region of the North American continent at the time the area was first discovered by white people.
During the depression, the population experienced intense pain and extensive misery and the event has been blamed for leading to calamities such as World War II and the rising to power of Adolf Hitler.
The first step in evaluating the justice of the Code of Hammurabi is the examination of the judge's position. As mentioned above, Hammurabi was not the first Mesopotamian king to create a set of laws [...]
As noted by West, the change in the role of science was key to the consequent promotion of the Western norms of beauty and civility.
To the west of the lake, their influence could reach as far as Lake Nipigon and to James Bay to the north, to Quebec-City and the area now occupied by St.
After the war, he continued his studies in Chinese and received a Master of Arts degree as well as a the following years.
The author explains the reasons for such rapid grown by stating that the USA was destined to become the world's cotton farm due to the having the three main components required for the production of [...]
This was unacceptable in the eyes of the factory owners resulting in the implementation of the practice of children being sent into the mechanisms of machines while they were still operating since they were supposedly [...]
The pioneers first settled on the East and they set out to conquer and establish settlements in the west of the country. In the minds of many Americans, the cowboy embodies the virtues of the [...]
The author examines the views of the consensus historians and the attitudes of the anti-federalists towards the idea of American democracy.
Abu Abdalla Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, simply referred to as "Al-Khwarizmi," was born in the year 780CE at the town of Khwarizmi in the Persian Empire.
The Aksumite Empire was one of the ancient civilizations whose existence was mainly supported by the natural environment and the natural resources of the region.
The queen wanted the assistance of Caesar, and thus she found a way of going to the Regal citadel to speak to Caesar and request for her cause for action.
Although the main causes of the great depression are still vague and contentious to date, the overall outcome was unexpected and resulted in the universal loss of trust in the economic future.
The Progressive era in the United States which lasted from 1890 to 1920 was known for two things, namely that it was a period of progressive social movement and change that sought to reform many [...]
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce was assigned the mandate to get rid of the last four letters and refurbish the residual part of the insignia on the hillside.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It is worth analyzing the place according to its appearance to the eyes of the millions of viewers who visit [...]
It will give the symbolic meanings of the bunny and its eggs, and the historic aspect of all the actions that occur during Easter celebrations in Canada.
The fall of the empire was mainly caused by rampant corruption in the dynasty's courts and the bad rule of the eunuchs.
Special emphasis will be given to nurses because without their contribution, so many soldiers would have lost their lives or suffered from deteriorating conditions in the War Some of the nurses in the Vietnam War [...]
Throughout his life he was able to face hurdles which were some kind of a stepping stone towards success, manifested through the empire and legacy that he built with the aim of improving the life [...]
The emergence of the state of Communist China in 1949 was one of the most significant events of the 20th century and the Communist Revolution which led to its emergence is hailed as one of [...]
Evidently the perception of South Africa as an overseas investment saw the exclusion of the locals in the participation of the mining business.
This paper reviews the book The cellphone: the history and technology of the gadget that changed the world by Guy Klemens.
The author criticizes the historiography of the Dutch participation in the transatlantic slave trade by pointing out that the participation of the Dutch in this trade was not given the attention that it deserved.
The activities of this era resulted in the interaction of people from different backgrounds and linked most parts of the world together.
The peculiarities of the Western culture in the early 21st century depend on the heritage of the 20th century with its orientation to the social, economic, scientific and technological progress.
The mission of the organization is to enhance the voice of women in society and influence other organizations that advocate for women rights.
A person has the freedom to be in business according to the classical liberalism. There were inspectors to check the working conditions of the workers.
Romanticism was anchored in the work of the poets which was evident in the daily lives of the society. Besides, the role of women in romantic literature was significant, thus; they were greatest poets and [...]
The effects of the war included the loss of sovereignty of the Aztecs as the second attack by Cortes led to the defeat of the natives.
In 1958 Brown and his band were propelled to the top of the charts by the hit single Try Me and it remained to be the best of Brown's best tracks for a period of [...]
The theme of the hippie movement was for the youth to be and live 'themselves' and in the process transform the society to a place full of peace and safe to live with others.
As the paper reveals, the role of women in America was then a replica of the role of other women especially in Britain where it was well documented.
He was aware of his disadvantaged situation as a slave but instead he chose not to bow to the pressure and fight back.
Coretta was exposed to the social injustices when she was a very young girl where she was forced to face the wrath of a segregated society, that is, the society where the native and the [...]
The paper seeks to explore issues surrounding the US foreign policy in the course of the war, as well as the implications of the war on the United States' society and culture.
The Separatists were the people who separated from the Church of England and decided to choose their own way in religion.
Events that followed this murder have been debated by different people and this formed the bedrock of Nazi propaganda in a broad way.
After the continued poor performance in Apple, the CEO was fired and Steve appointed chairman of the board and CEO of Apple.
In a considerate and inspiring participation in the existing argument as regards to the meaning of extensive culture and multiculturalism, Gary Okihiro investigates the importance of Asian Americans in history and civilization.
Many people had lived the way he did, mainly the refugees, but he did so by choice, since his teachings emphasized that people should live a natural life, he chose to teach the people by [...]
The narrative of Equiano's life Equiano was born in Africa in a country known as Benin, his family included seven members and Equiano was the youngest in the family that only had one sister; during [...]
The reconstruction era refers to the period following the civil war whereby the numerous different affiliations in the government intended to find a solution to the socio-economic and political problems imposed by the civil war, [...]
Surprisingly, the education system forbids the culture and history of the Negros with the primary aim of the whites being to impose inferiority complex in their black counterparts.
By 1858, the British regained control and immediately passed the Government of India Act, which allowed the British Crown administrators to run the country instead of the British East India Company.
Slavery had various social, economic cultural and political implications for both the African Americans and the Whites after the civil war and in as much as it was officially abolished by the Lincoln administration, the [...]
In as much as there was a lot of changes in terms of the institutions that were present; together with the environmental conditions surrounding the changes, the economic play was so relevant and of great [...]
Thus, the differences between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson's visions for the future of America boil down to their differing approaches to the role of government in society and the economy.
The late 1800s and early 1900s were a time of great cultural, economic, social, and political changes in the United States. The Cold War resulted in a number of changes to the United States' foreign [...]
What was the role of the inquisition group in religious practices? To assess the roles of the inquisition group in religious practices.
Harriet Tubman was one of the people who led the abolitionist movement in the U.S. The unethical behaviors of the slave masters led to the death of many slaves and separation of families.
Bolsheviks constituted the largest radical group in revolutionary Russia that played the most important role in the initiation and the course of the revolution.
Of great importance was the apprehension of Mandela that further awakened the clamor for independence in the Africans especially after delivering a speech on the trial day, in his defense.
However, at the beginning, the emergence of auditing was reckoned with the extreme necessity in regulating the movements of the capital integrated in terms of the accounting.
Finally, they agreed that the main aim of the republican economy was to sustain citizens and ensure independence and prosperity for all. For example, immigration due to economic opportunities in the US was focused on [...]
Therefore, the study of complex societies has risen in popularity to investigate the formation of states separately from the concept of urbanization. The evidence of African civilization enables anthropologists and archeologists to better understand the [...]
I have read his biography by Ann Byers and the three online articles about the influence of his business on the world. Later, Bezos joined the team of the Banker's Trust, quickly rising to the [...]
The purpose of this research paper is to give a detailed analysis of the Bedouin people in the United Arab Emirates and how they use camels to achieve their personal, societal, and economic objectives.
If we address, for example, the Encyclopedia Britannica, it will state that "...the writing of history, especially the writing of history based on the critical examination of sources, the selection of particular details from the [...]
In the picture of a gold necklace placed in the Field Museum it is visible to the naked eye that the work is so fine and marvelous that it is even hard to believe the [...]
The settlers were mainly made of French, British, and the Spanish who interacted differently with the natives depending on their primary mission.
The differences in the value that the English and the French attached to land and industry also contributed partly to the conflicts.
The monarch's symbol of power was the Bastille jail in Paris that had been in place for the past 400 years and its attack signified the beginning of a republican government.
In particular, the paper investigates the Mandatory Oil Import Program and the exemption of Canada from this initiative as well as the historical treaty that was officially appended by the two leaders in regard to [...]
The Europeans considered the strange ways and religious practices of the natives as barbaric and considered it to be their moral duty to 'civilize' the 'sub humans' that they had subjugated leading to a superiority [...]
This happened due to the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen which was approved on the 26th of August 1789 and which promised legal equality and liberty to every [...]
One side of the Turkish nation supported the movements of Ataturk and this action was under the name of "Kemalism", while the other side of the Turkish nation supported the traditional religious rules to be [...]
The concluding chapter details of the demise of slavery on the onset of the Civil War and Reconstruction. The period of American Revolution was a "watershed "in transforming the vision that portrayed slavery was justifiable [...]