Law Essay Examples and Topics. Page 27

5,890 samples

Prison Facilities and Certified Mental Facilities

The main purpose of this research is to find out the extent to which the prison facilities are not relevant and or appropriate in the handling of mentally ill individuals.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1875

Court Watch Expectation: Personal Experience

Apart from the court staff, I expect to learn about the sections of the courtroom and the function of each. I am hoping to observe how, in the initial court proceedings, the charges are filed [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 542

Jury Trial Analysis: Common Law System

A jury trial is a court proceeding whereby members of the public referred as the jury, are given the authority and the responsibility to make a legal finding that pertains a case which is then [...]
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 593

The Case of Bobby: Collective Negligence

Andrews, the surgeon, is potentially liable for both gross and ordinary negligence due to a breach of the elements of duty and care despite being a professional.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 879

National Nursing Shortage Reform and Patient Advocacy Act

To improve the quality of health care in the United States, Barbara Boxer recognizes the shortage of nurses nationwide and drafted a bill entitled, "National Nursing Shortage Reform and Patient Advocacy Act" to address the [...]
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1166

Health Care Situations in the United States

The government, being the primary institution that should attend to the health and medical needs of the people should be proactive in planning and legislating laws to answer the growing demand.
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 688

Deciphering the Wounds of the Victim

She has been strangulated by some sort of synthetic rope, and as the knot of the rope is on the right side of the neck we can surely understand that the assassin was a left-handed [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 832

Forensic Information and Evidence

Forensic evidence is obtained by having a selection of criminal materials and which can lead to the arrest of the culprits behind the crime.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2299

Discriminatory Tax Provisions

But the establishment of a uniform tax regime to implement the principle of freedom of movement of goods as one of the four fundamental freedoms for the entire region has not been smooth and the [...]
  • Subjects: Taxation Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 723

Business and Corporate Law: Federal Court of Australia

ASIC was provided with the notice of the application and it advised the Federal Court of Australia that it did not oppose the application; neither did it propose to attend the hearing of the application.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 554

The Concepts of Identity Theft via the Internet

In addition, because of a lack of knowledge by individuals on the nature of internet crimes, the majority of individuals discover that somebody has defrauded them when it is too late hence, making it hard [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2158

Corporate Regulation and Crime

Despite the separation of the roles and rights of the business from those of the directors, it's important for Andy, Roberts and Sugar to realise that there are some incidences when the directors of a [...]
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 3311

Types and Degrees of Homicide

Proof has to be shown that the conduct of the defendant was the resultant cause of the victims' death and that it was due to negligence.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 626

UK Adoption of Fisheries Policy

K parliament said it was acting in its sovereign powers and that it was superior to the European community this resulted in a breach in the European community laws set by the Economic committee 2 [...]
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 800

Understanding the Causes of Juvenile Crime

From the study, it was evident that the connection between the levels of perceived peer pressure and peer conformity disposition to the varying levels of self-reported behavior; was stronger among subjects falling within the middle [...]
  • Subjects: Juvenile Justice
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 2028

The Corrections Task Force Project Presentation

There is also the participation of the private sector when the suspect is represented by a private lawyer. The facility will be a women prison where they will be rehabilitated.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1210

Corrections Task Force Project: Program Summary

The benefit of this is that the members of the society will come to acknowledge the inmates as still having a part to play in the society after their release.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1104

Contract Law and Legally Binding Relationship

The analysis of this case will tend to advise him on the next reaction relating to the competition which was in place, the contract and the letter that he received from the solicitors.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1447

Criminalistics and Forensic Science vs. Traditional Methods

The development of cellular genetic tools and their relevance to the study and exploration of the human D.N. Their borne of contention also lies in the fact that it is prone to be washed away [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1174

Court Proceedings: Pretrial Motion and Its Aspects

Any request, defense or objections which are competent of resolution devoid of any court proceedings of the common matter may be pleaded at any time before trial by motions. At the discretion of the judge [...]
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1937

The Department of the Prosecuting Attorney’s Job Announcement

All newly hired prosecutors begin their careers in our office as "fixed term" Deputy District Attorneys. Support staff in each division, under the direction of a clerical supervisor, assists the prosecutors with their work.prosecuting misdemeanor [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1013

Future Correctional Issues in Relation to Prisoners

In this case, the wish of the inmate is that the family unit should stay as intact as it can always be and this can be made possible when the family members are allowed to [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1116

Corrections: Personnel Roles and Functions

In the face of this diverse behavior, there need to be some general guidelines and principles of general public conduct for everybody in the society.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4126

Criminal Identification Procedures in the 21st Century

It has emerged that these advances have significant effects on the efficiency of the criminal justice system, particularly from the perspective of crime control. Databases for DNA are in the custody of the government in [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 521

The Innocence Project in the American Legal System

The innocence project has thereafter been undertaken in the States, Australia, Canada, and many European countries as a way of proving someone's innocence through the use of DNA testing.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1380

White-Collar Crime Offenders and Legislation

The Sox Act was introduced by congress after a near collapse of the stock market in the 1990s. This was a more elaborate piece of legislation as it increased the maximum sentencing period to 20 [...]
  • Subjects: Crime Theories
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 572

Bank Fraud: Easyloan Bank Ltd and ABC Pty Ltd

This is similar to the situation in the US where the office of the Attorney and a section of the Criminal Fraud Department of Justice handles mortgage prosecution cases.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2183

Modern Prison, Its Facilities and Design Support

It will be the highest building in the facility, and the upper floor will be used for monitoring purposes. The playground will be in front of the dormitories and located at a place where monitoring [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1435

Vicarious Liability in Healthcare

Where their negligent acts concerning health officials, their employer is illustrated an independent official thus they are not vicariously liable hence, whether a party is a independent official or an employee generally depends on the [...]
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 835

Contractual Remedies Act in New Zealand

Here, it is affirmed that when a contract contains a statement that prevents inquiry into a promise or statement or act that can be a representation of the terms of a contract before enactment of [...]
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1423

Criminal Profiling and Investigative Linkage

On this basis, case linkage is the process of identifying some evidence that satisfy the investigators of a particular case that the offender committed the crime.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 984

Contract Law in Business and Consumer Protection

When the couple approached the hotel manager, they were referred to the terms and conditions form they had signed as they checked in and one of the terms and conditions read that the hotel will [...]
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2218

Stealing Others’ Identities for Monetary Gain

This is a criminal offense and the court should punish the offender, however before imposing a sentence a judge must consider some factors to ensure that the sentencing given is just and meets its intended [...]
  • Subjects: Administrative Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 684

Regulation and Criminal Liability in Healthcare

These are to be verified by the IDPR before the professionals are authorized to practice. Licensure defines the areas in which a professional is allowed to practice and the extent he or she is limited [...]
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1506

Women Offenders: Offenses, Punishment, and Treatment

Others still believe that women offenders are accorded harsher treatments due to their lack of fitting in the femininity roles and the societal expectations and subjective judgments.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1767

Lax Punishment for Entertainers: Literature Study

This article has related information on the research as it explored the perception of ordinary people as compared to popular entertainers, but its relevance on the topic is limited.
  • Subjects: Law Ethics
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 675

Crime Analysis Conceptual Study

It is the work of crime analysts to assess the basics of a crime and give an analytical product which is used to handle such offenses and assist incarcerate the offenders, and the accomplice.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 743

The Gordon Act Argument Analysis

The grackle population has continued to decline since the passage of the law, demonstrating that the Gordon Act has not been sufficient to protect the species.
  • Subjects: Environmental Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 711

Jones vs. Nastech Pharmaceutical

Linda Jones was the only plaintiff that the physician had treated and none of the other four plaintiffs had been treated by the physician or at the clinic.
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 733

Keeping Women Out of Prison

Peer counselors should form part of the workers since they will be required to continually counsel the inmate and prepare her for life outside the precincts of jail.
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1518

Classical and Biological Theories of Crime

In this theory the criminal is fully aware of the consequences of the crime but chooses to commit it. This is best explained by the classical theory of crime.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 664

Evaluating Evidence: Investigations

The witness has mentioned the number of the tomb that the criminal was seen and also his dressing. There is also the picture of the criminal in question and also of the lady.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 601

Criminology: Professionalization of Investigators

First of all, there are no formal education requirements for a majority of the investigator jobs but all should possess a post high school degree in addition due to the diverse demands of the work [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2626

Law Enforcement Relation to Health Law

Law enforcement officers on the other hand rush to the scene to get people to help them in gathering information required in taking into custody of the persons responsible for the mishap and offer proof [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 822

Business Law: On Using Independent Contractors

The other risk that may be faced by the company is that the contractors may delay in completing the project on time and hence exposing it to the risks of duplication.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 814

Criminal Legislation: A Change for the Better

Some parts of the criminal code are filled with useless and obsolete statutes which should be repealed or abolished and replaced with legislation that would serve the society of today in a better way.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1431

Legal Rights Offered to Accused

The first thing that the police authorities must do is to file a First Information Report which details the entire gamut of the professed crime, or offense and inform the suspect about his suspected offense.
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 766

Features of Conviction of Juvenile Offenders

The risk of making the juvenile worse must be avoided because it would further pose a threat to the community. Separating those who can be accorded remedial measures from those who deserve transfer to the [...]
  • Subjects: Juvenile Justice
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 953

Property and Computer Crimes

In United States, jurisdiction of kidnappers is based on the length and purpose of the kidnap, for example if one individual abducts another person for the purpose of ransom, such kind of a kidnap is [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1469

Legal Aspects of Human Resource Management

Exceptions to this doctrine also depend on the state in question and as such, to avoid unnecessary legal liabilities, human resource managers should be careful when dealing with termination of employment where the employment at [...]
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 921

The Rome II Regulation Analysis

This regulation is based on conflict rules and includes the laws and rules of the parties involved into the conflict, laws of countries where the conflict appears, and laws of other parties that are more [...]
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 615

Criminal Capacity Overview and Analysis

Some of the differences between justification and excuse include the fact that justification is universal while an excuse is personal in nature and in most cases it applies only to the unique individual who has [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1133

Adjudication Decision-Making for Polycentric Disputes

Secondly, in polycentric disputes, the information provided to the adjudicator only by the affected parties might not be sufficient to determine the repercussions of a particular decision.
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 549

Policy Project: The Drug Trafficking

The committee was also in making reports to the convention. Reforms in judicial systems should be advocated to the countries that are signatories of UN convention.
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1436

Contractual Obligations in Global Commercial Disputes

The Rome 1 allowed parties to a contract choose the country on which they will base their contract following the laws and provisions of that country; this was referred to as the "Choice of law"."Choice [...]
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 807

The Stolzenberg Litigation Analysis

With the help of the case offered, it becomes possible to explain numerous legal problems like conflict of laws and its connection to the English judgment, the impact of Common Law rules and the existed [...]
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 578

Community Oriented Policing Recommendation

Community policing is the involvement of police and the community in the identification and solving of community problems. Despite the fact that the community is usually aware of the issues affecting them, the police have [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1935

Crime in the Suites Effects of Power and Privilege

According to Karl Marx, the capitalist control the economy they control the means of production and others were the laborers in the farms of the wealthy. The perpetrators are usually people who are in power [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1164

Portland Police Community Officer Core Obligations

A police officer is expected to monitor violations of the law and regulations in the respective area of jurisdiction. In cases of casualties for example in an accident scene a police officer is expected to [...]
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 696

European Regime Effects on Foreign Judgments

According to article number 2 of the Brussels regulation, those defendants who are domiciled in any of the states that are in contract should be sued at the location of the domicile.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 590

The Rise of the Sicilian Mafia

The Sicilian mafia gained a lot of power in the absence of a legitimate government and started controlling land and business deals in the country.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 203

Plea Bargaining: Charge Bargain and Sentence Bargain

Most of the courts require a guilty plea to be made in an open court. Most of the prosecutors settle cases whereby the legality of the police is going to be challenged.
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 643

Police Accountability Analysis

The policing strategies are supposed to agree with the expectations of the society in order to make both the police work effective as well as to enhance the relationship between the police and the community.
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 767

Torture and Other Forms of Interrogation Techniques

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether torture and other forms of interrogation techniques should be used in obtaining intelligence that has the potential to save lives.
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 577

Causes of Organized Crime Analysis

In order to assess what are the causes of organized crime, we have to begin by assessing what organized crime is.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 540

The Use of Discretion in Police Work

This is a reasonable discretion and the police officer is free to make any decision. In such a situation, a police officer is free to make any of the two decisions.
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1623

Utility of Intelligence-Led Policing

In this paper, the utility of intelligence-led policing will be criticised to define its distinctive features in comparison to other business models, its roots and possible ways of development, the level of crime reduction, and [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1741

Legal Advice on a Felony. Criminal Law

More evidence to establish the genesis of the crime and the nature of the crime is also brought before the court.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1668

Researching the Natural Law School

Both corporate, legal, science and business laws compose natural laws learned in the natural law school. In the natural law school, natural laws depict nature to exist everywhere.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 857

Police Role Description in the Media

Secondly, the police's role as crime fighters is depicted by the arrest of the teenagers as well as the collection of the evidence.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1103

Contemporary Western Penology Issues

The best proof as to the full validity of this suggestion is the fact that, throughout the course of Western civilization's history, the concept of corporal punishment never ceased continuing to transform, in order to [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 3074

Marginalized Youths in Australia

This conflict mainly between the police and these minority youths as Cunneen explains, has been caused by the unequal distribution of the country's resources; the pursuit of social networks and the massive youth unemployment which [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 2080

Researching Conflict of Laws

So what is conflict of laws? "Conflict of laws is a set of rules of procedural law which determine which legal system and the law of which jurisdiction apply to a given legal dispute". And [...]
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 826

Juvenile Detention and Desistance from Offending

A support of the latter can be seen through the fact the congregation of areas that constitute evidence of failing social and economic conditions, the result of which is a threat to social order.
  • Subjects: Juvenile Justice
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1807

Criminal Investigation: The Murder of Brianna Denison

There is full adherence to the law in which the police officers are supposed to get in detail the root of the case and be able to have supportive evidence to the accused person.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1454

Correctional Law: Amendments in the US Constitution

In an incident in which the prisoner was searched by a female officer in the absence of a male officer while in prison, the Fourth Amendment of the prisoner was not violated, because the female [...]
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1188

Knowledge-Based Policing

The rapid advancement of the information era has altered the nature of policing which now plays a key and essential role in the management of information regarding the safety of the public.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3316

Writ of Habeas Corpus

In a decision that was voted 5-3 the court of appeals was found to have erred in denying the habeas petition by the Supreme Court.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 950

Alternatives to Juvenile Detention Centers

They refer to diverse types of supervision, treatment, reintegration, control, and support programs for the youth involved in the juvenile justice process.
  • Subjects: Juvenile Justice
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1701

Personal Application of Criminology

I rushed home quickly and found the door to the house ajar and, as far as I could remember, I was the last to leave the house and there was no way that I could [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1970

Separation of Powers in Australia

Examples of past Acts include the Aquaculture Act of 2001, which was enacted by the Australian parliament to act as a guideline in the handling of issues related to aquatic life, the Adoption Act of [...]
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2250

Procedures in the Justice System in Maryland

When it comes to the selection of judges, there has been a lot of conjecture and discussions on the issue for the longest number of years in this country as well as in this state, [...]
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1920

A Theory-Driven Critique of the Vera Reports

The Vera Reports are accounts of the major problems currently facing the correctional system in the United States. In accordance with the rational-goal theory, the Vera reports also explain the actions taken by the corrections [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1390

Tillotson Extracts and Factortame Litigation

Nevertheless, the role of private parties in the infringement of Community law is underlined in the paper in order to point out the ability of such doing by a Member States at the national level.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 548

Four Major Patent Law Differences in USA, Japan & Europe

In case there are two applicants for the same patent right, the European patent Authority and Japan Patent Authority offer the right to the first applicant and not the applicant who claims to have made [...]
  • Subjects: Intellectual Property
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 615

The Right to a Fair Hearing in Taxation Disputes

The varied nature of this provision makes it diverse enough to support grounds that may be presented for the rejection of particular rulings and time and again a clause in the article may be used [...]
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3026

Marine Surveying, Inspection and Safety Practices

The importance of these conventions and rules was to address the need to access different ports in different countries based on uniform rules and standards acceptable to destination ports or countries in addition to maintaining [...]
  • Subjects: Transportation Law
  • Pages: 19
  • Words: 6025