In this case, breaching is preferred by the extent of culpability; in most cases, it is irrelevant as compensation is the final requirement once the breach of duty is realized.
Therefore, it is critical to consider a holistic approach to take care of the family and improve the quality of their lifestyle.
The theory promotes the need for a holistic approach to nursing that handles the connection between the universe and human being hence influencing the grand theories and the metaparadigm in nursing.
The expected outcome is eliminating the risk of falls, reducing the number of falls, and preventing the falls-related injuries.
The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of self-care on the quality of life of an ESRD patient.
To clearly identify the difference between the two types of conversation, I narrated a case with my colleague of a patient who presented to the emergency with pain and swelling in the facial region.
In this model, the order of the steps is flexible and can be altered, so long as all the first six are considered before step seven. In this step, ethical theories and practice principles are [...]
In this paper, the author will analyze the effects of Nightingale and her theory in the nursing profession. According to Masters, the theory is important in the nursing profession as it enhances the comfort of [...]
Without prioritization, it may be impossible to create an experience that is genuinely patient-oriented and focused on the needs of various clients.
Evidence-based nursing is deeply rooted in the development of life-long learners, which is also one of the pillars of contemporary nursing education.
In the introductory section of the document, the contributors pay focused attention to the projected outcomes of the program and specific skills that the courses aim to develop.
The high levels of risks are attributed to the following factors, among others: physical appearance of the needles, the methods of disposal used by the medical practitioners, the level of education of the medical practitioners, [...]
In addition, it provides a chance to engage with the audience and solve any impending issues, resulting in enhanced utilization of the EBP.
During my clinical internship, I had to perform various tasks and assist in treating and providing care to patients. For example, I often consulted with other doctors and nurses when I had problems with diagnoses [...]
This post is dedicated to person-centered care and the role and application of principles of holistic nursing, cultural humility, and self-reflection in nursing practice.
I felt that the assistant looked down on me since I was a student and thought that I was inexperienced to be in that operating room.
This paper aims to discuss how the measure of effect strengthens and supports nursing practice and identify the risks of not using the assessment strategies.
This allows readers to take a fresh look at the treatment process and the interaction between the patient and the nurse.
The main themes in the analysis showed that reducing risks and improved access to health care were the most important factors leading to the use of the systems.
The concept of resilience is very critical in the nursing profession. The decision to work as a community nurse in this shelter was not out of consideration and research.
With this being said, my decision to go for a BSN degree was driven by the goal to become a leader and a nursing mentor in the future.
The right drug is one of the medication administration rights and it involves the administration of the correct medication therefore the nurses should compare the medication administration records with both the pharmacy labels and the [...]
The LPNs are obligated to oversee the implementation of the care plans developed by RNs. The duties of LPNs and RNs are similar.
As elderly patients need understanding, patience and genuine care, the nurse that would be assigned to them should be able to give this kind of care to the elderly patient.
Also, the regular assessment of the IV access is recommended to recognize a potential tissuing of the fluid, which might cause pain and discomfort to the patient.
To meet the needs of patients in the diverse contemporary community, one must focus on creating consistent communication between a nurse and a patient based on the latter's environment and background.
The issues of nursing competencies are of significant interest in the modern research literature, and the investigation of the professional competencies in the area of disaster medicine has both practical and theoretical implications as it [...]
The environment as the second concept of the Health Promotion Model refers to the physical, cultural, and social background in which an individual grows.
That being the case, the nursing practice should focus on the best healthcare services and support. According to the theory, professionals and nurses should always embrace the "art and science" of nursing.
Consequently, by application of the principles of social justice and provision of ethnically focused health care, disparities in health care outcomes is set to reduce.
The purpose of the paper is to understand that the principles of communication are essential while delegating the duties of the registered nurse to other healthcare providers without endangering the patient's safety.
In this situation, I was presented with an ethical dilemma: to either comply with the request or to stand by my professional boundaries and refuse to continue the medication round without supervision.
Thus, the theory arose in response to the needs of the people after leaders expressed concern about the self-sufficiency of community members.
Since the goal of obtaining a degree and moving toward the role of APRN prompted me to study in the MSN program, the primary choice was the specialty.
The primary ability that is required to engage in reflective practice is critical thinking, which requires one to use imagination to extract knowledge relevant to their recollection of a past event.
Thus, particular attention will be on the causes of nurse burnout and the factors of the work environment that lead to this condition.
Of particular interest for this study is the introduction and interpretation of the concepts of diversity and inclusion in the context of nursing practice.
Thus, the concepts of inpatient and outpatient care arose, which depend on the patient's condition and the severity of the disease or the conditions with which the person was admitted.
Their dedication to the core values of the profession, multiplied by the willingness to express opinion freely and implement ingenious strategies, has proven to be essential for the rapid evolution of the phenomenon.
The purpose is to address the problem of short attention span among the nurse students as they are exposed to the complex learning environment.
The members choose me as the nursing student among the ten to be their leader. The leader creates a vision for the team and encourages them to make the dream a reality.
In my own practice, I strive to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of my patients' data by never bringing it up in a medical setting unnecessarily.
This is expected to compound the current problem of nurse shortage and increase the opportunities for nurses. In this regard, it is important for nurses to understand the concepts, policies and principles of ACO's.
Her efforts during the Civil War, and her advocacy for ratification of the Geneva Convention, led to the formation of the American Red Cross.
In a study to investigate the nature of the gap between theory and practice, Wilson found that allowing increased freedom and autonomy in the nursing workplace is an effective way of bridging the gap between [...]
The study by Beitz and Goldberg was a qualitative research of the phenomenological design which was both apt and in context as the aim of this study involved the investigation into emotional and other feelings [...]
The purpose of this evidence-based project is to evaluate the impact of the adaptation of reflective learning on nursing burnout in managing cardiac patients in a coronary care unit of King Fahad Medical City in [...]
In my opinion, nursing is a profession that requires years of specialized training and then years of professional experience to make a successful expert, nursing deals with people's health; this is why it cannot be [...]
The fourth article, "Empathy in Nursing: A Phenomenological Intervention", presents the theme of empathy and its relevance in the field of healthcare. The third one is the ability to communicate the exact feeling and understanding [...]
H.R. 4387: Maternal health quality improvement Act of 2021 Introduced in June 2021 by Robin Kelly Has 20 cosponsors with a 4% prognosis Seeks to amend the public health service Act Aims to improve [...]
This paper explores the nature of groups, events, and perceptions that affect group dynamics, the skills and styles involved in leading and managing groups, and the importance of group dynamics by using the Rolfe Reflective [...]
Proper support and guidance from my classroom professor will enable me to have enough rest. In the course of my education, various support systems would help me reduce mental anguish and improve my ability to [...]
Further, when it comes to the nursing process, an example of a nurse demonstrating professional accountability will be the proper usage of equipment, adequate documentation of the information related to treatment, and the correct administration [...]
In conclusion, the baccalaureate and master's prepared nurses are required to have skills and abilities to provide healthcare services to patients.
Since the respiratory therapist is concerned about how well the patient's parents will be able to handle day-to-day treatment, the personnel at the hospital arrange online consultations with a pediatrician and social worker in McHenry.
In order to finalize the assignment, I took the responsibility of a charge nurse in the emergency department to facilitate the prioritization of care services to patients suffering acute health conditions.
Metformin, Apidra, and Cozaar are some of the drugs to be prescribed to take in doses appropriate to her condition.
Subsequently, the nurse can access the patients' electronic medical records while communicating with the clinical team, including the physician, to make a clinical decision. Moreover, the patient can use the video conferencing component of the [...]
The medication errors in Intensive care units present the most danger to the patients' safety due to the critical nature of the patients' diseases and the potentially severe consequences of medication errors.
By combining the data and choosing one of the 11 frameworks of assessment, nurses can construct health patterns relatable to the individual's lifestyle.
The most proper way to tackle it is to accept it and follow the will of a patient. It is obligatory to respect the worldview and opinion of a patient.
Therefore, the units are overstretched, and nurses are prone to burnout and job stress due to long shifts a scenario that may account for the low retention rate.
There are three main requirements of the nursing treatment that should focus on protection from harmful influence, motivation from growth, and insurance of a nurturing environment.
Nowadays, nurse staffing rules that represent one of the three previously discussed strategies are in use in more than ten states.
Thus, the patient was admitted to the hospital with a possible heart attack. As a result, I managed to convince the patient to reconsider his lifestyle and make the decision for himself.
Today, being a nurse is associated with a number of complexities due to the need to comply with diverse obligations in social, political, and healthcare segments.
I had to go and ask the buddy nurse to come and assist because the patient needed two people to help her get to the toilet.
Understanding comfort in nursing helps prospective nursing professionals and caregivers to integrate medical psychological, psychosocial, and emotional care in their program of patients' care.
Hence, fair application of justice across the board is the most outstanding ethical principle within a healthcare is not possible to act in a moral manner if the ethical principle of justice is absent.
The nursing role that will be most preferable in the next five years will be in leading the adoption of preventive healthcare practices.
One of these models was developed in 2003 to promote the importance of the interactions between a nurse and their patient and the impact of this relationship on the health outcomes.
In this case, negligence is manifested in the nurse's ignorance of contraindications, and in the fact that she did not read the description of Orthoblok and did not report the patient's request to the doctor. [...]
With the delivery of comprehensive care to long-term patients as my main motivation, acquiring competencies in NP-PHC will be crucial to holistically managing chronic conditions for diverse patients of different ages, backgrounds, and needs. As [...]
This analysis will outline the areas that should be improved and opportunities that can support the plan. This practice will help the professional to identify the unique gaps and achievements that define his or her [...]
In addition to that, nurses are required to factor in the input of the patient while caring and treating the patient.
The best way to enter the profession of a nurse is to be knowledgeable of possible difficulties, be ready to face them without fear and not stress out before trying it. The solution for this [...]
The nursing theory of needs provided by Virginia Henderson is pivotal within the scope of the field. The external environment involves the material and social aspects that are outside of the individual and interact with [...]
The workload and increased stress can lead to poor work performance and strained relationships between the nurses, the leaders, and the administration.
The acceptability and feasibility of the evidence findings' summary should be defined. The application of the Stetler Model has multiple reasons first of all, it encourages nurses' critical thinking in relation to what evidence should [...]
As a graduate student, writing is often characterized by limited use of relevant studies to support the research and failure to follow instructions. The use of formal academic language and the presentation of information with [...]
Rhoads and her team went to Vietnam on April 26, 1970, and they arrived in the middle of a rocket attack and were immediately ordered off the plane and told to lie down on the [...]
As can be seen from the discussion, the target population for the quality improvement initiative is the elderly residents of nursing homes.
After the procedure was done, I had a small discussion with the new staff and the trainees to mention some negative and positive things about how I handled the procedure before the doctor's arrival and [...]
For instance, in 2021, the number of MSN programs for training was higher than that of DNP programs. These statistics suggest that the number of MSP nurse practitioners is greater than DNP, and the employment [...]
Holistic nursing is a practical medicine that focuses on the mind, body, and spirit of the individual in interaction with the environment.
While transferring information from the old to the new MAR, the nurse mistook the new Lasix order as a duplicate since he saw the initial one on the old MAR and thought it was an [...]
Outcomes achieved by advanced practice nurses are considered some of the objective metrics that could be used in evaluating and monitoring the quality of care.
HPM clearly states that the idea of health promotion is multidimensional, and all the levels that impact one adherence to a health plan are interconnected based on their relationship and the overall outcome.
The first thing critical in the work of the professional nurse is the ability to assess the practices, attitudes, values, and beliefs of different populations in general, groups, and individuals in particular to illness and [...]
To address Maria's case, this paper uses the introductory section, the application of the first four phases of the CRC, the discussion of the R-L-T model's implications for the scenario and concluding remarks.
In most of the clinical settings, medication incidents would trigger a number of challenges that could disorient the overall image of the healthcare industry.
Updating procedures and policies is a way of anticipating the effectiveness and consistency of the policies in the organization since old policies may not necessarily comply with the new regulations.
Philosophers supporting the perceived worldview place an important role of lived experiences, human interpretation, and interrelatedness in the nursing science. The philosophical underpinning has been dominant in the modern times, allowing for integration of quantitative [...]
In order to work effectively as a coach, it is necessary to address the risks of epidemics for each patient individually, depending on the patient's everyday activities, health status, and lifestyle.
If high mortality rates are recorded in particular parts of the country, the government should conduct research to establish the cause of the high mortality rates. If the causes of the high mortality rates are [...]
The right diagnosis of a patient's condition also helps in the administering of the right medication. In this case, the doctor would keep the goal of administering the right medication to the patient.
Family members have been visiting the family regularly to monitor the condition of the child and give them moral and financial support for the child's medication.
The current paper is an attempt to analyze the situation of a particular patient, William Peterson, collect information about this person and the situation he suffers from, identify three nursing problems inherent to the situation, [...]
The major symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are severe pain in foot, circulation problem that result to feet numbness and reduced knee jack reflexes.
A good leader should also be able to listen to the views of fellow employees so as to improve the performance of the organization.
The aim of teaching this topic is to enable the learners to understand the principles of CPR training and adequately develop these skills for teaching high school students to perform Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate and compare The Neuman System's Model and Braden's Self-help theory. The concept of her theory is aimed towards the systemic approach to stress relief and the human [...]
Moreover, the delegation process may be complicated as nurses should evaluate the skills and knowledge of the delegatee considering the task, as well as provide clear instructions and supervision.
According to American Nurse, CNSs "practice across the lifespan and in all settings, and provide support and expertise to other nurses, physicians, hospital systems, and patients".
The purpose of this paper is to develop a handover communication process analysis, evaluate the worth of nursing communication in the emergency department, identify the main elements of nursing handover, and introduce possible improvements of [...]
Unilateral neglect Impaired environmental interpretation syndrome Acute confusion Chronic confusion Ineffective impulse control Impaired memory Impaired verbal communication Hopelessness Risk for compromised human dignity
Therefore, the choice of the ideas that will guide the nurse's decision in the course of the intervention will determine the success of the therapy.
A respiratory therapist is a medical professional specializing in treating people with respiratory problems. In conclusion, a respiratory therapist is an essential and significant specialist in healthcare who is engaged in assessing and treating patients' [...]
To conclude, communicating with patients, carers, and families as a mental health nurse demands considering the needs of each individual. On the one hand, MHNs must be active, empathetic listeners with patients and their loved [...]
Harassment and harassment in the workplace lead to a range of negative consequences for the well-being of workers, the work environment, and the professional culture.
In addition, the high workload of nurses has reduced the time for educating patients with diabetes, so many do not fully understand the features of their disease and the necessity of proper treatment.
The purpose of this paper is to apply one of the MRT known as the Illness-Constellation Model in guiding the understanding of the mortality of African American women in prenatal.
As I prepare to become a nursing student, I expect to study, volunteer numerous times in the hospital, and have a traditional learning experience.
The ISBAR framework is, therefore a channel for improving the quality of healthcare during communication of patient assessment during handovers. ISBR can be applied in the communication of assessment findings in a healthcare setting by [...]
The patient reports nausea-causing headaches and occasional sharp chest pain; the severity of pain is 7 on a scale from 1 to 10.
The students in this course will learn the conceptions and theories primary to the art and science in nursing. This course focuses on the beginners of nursing care of customers to encourage healthy transition for [...]
Therefore, the current research examines the importance of intensive and critical care skills in nursing. Due to this, ICU and critical care training can be considered most beneficial in nursing.
To overcome the observed barriers to change, a healthcare leader will need to introduce a proper communication framework that will keep all participants informed and updated on the latest changes.
Through my experience working in the medical field in the United States for many years, I witnessed the impact that diversity has on cultivating respectful and honorable relationships in patient care settings. My goal is [...]
A possible solution to this problem may be to pay more attention to the education of patients on the topic of data collection and the importance of their precise analysis.