Because of the high variability of drinking among college students, the main problem of the paper is to address psychosocial variables that predict excessive drinking and, therefore, account for the problem of drinking among college [...]
While it may be true that there are other related factors to the dropout rate such as the increasing cost of education and the fact that the economy has not been getting any better the [...]
The research focuses on the causes of the school's parking problems. Second, the researcher observed the car park situation to determine the severity of the university's parking problems.
The trend of declining enrolment in Trent University is a combination of different factors like economic difficulties of both parents and students and decline in funding from the Ontario government.
Therefore, Pratt's main claims enable the reader to understand the meaning of 'one voice' in a new way. Pratt's claim seems to motivate Madera to press on and learn the new language.
This paper will thus use both primary and secondary data to discuss the prevalence of bullying in schools and whether the federal govern should enact federal laws to curb the social vice at school.
In an attempt at passing the message against discrimination to her 3rd grade students she attempted to give a lesson to sensitize the class on the effect of the vice.
The paper address the issue of motivation in English Second Learners bearing in mind the fact that motivation is the single most important factor that determines the success of second language learning in the students.
The paper will look at some of the trend of involvement of college students into caffeine consumption and the risks that surround consumption of caffeine by college students.
For the youth, the major challenge to their situation is due to the facts that adolescence is 'a time of unprecedented curiosity about life and the decoding of its inner workings".
Furthermore, the law states that training should be done to the teachers as well as the other members of staff on how to deal with bullying and the law also needs the schools to report [...]
This has led to the decline in the average performance of students since the use of laptops in class is more likely to make students get fewer benefits from class work.
This is because it is normal for boys and girls to establish romantic relationships within the group, and if there are no clear rules about such issues, their personal disputes can affect the performance of [...]
The socio-economic status of teenage mothers dropping out of high school because of teenage pregnancy has been low and dismal, compared to their counter parts that persevere and go on to finish high school education, [...]
This is correct despite advances of remarkable nature in our comprehension of the virus's molecular biology and its effects on the body; advances that have resulted to therapeutic findings in the second decade of the [...]
The research focuses on the effect of cheating on the college exams. Indeed, cheating on the college tests is a transgression of the school's policies.
The students who do part time jobs in companies get the opportunity to meet their future employers and if they become good employees while doing their stints as part time employees they will improve, their [...]
Of the various forms of cheating in existence, arguably the most prevalent one is the use of cheat notes. The major disadvantage of this cheating technique is that there exists physical evidence of the cheating [...]
To solve the problem of education in America, it is necessary to analyze and improve education policies, extirpate the problem of racism, create programs to help students who cannot choose institutions according to their own [...]
To begin with lesson pacing can be described as a given rate or speed at which a teacher tends to present a task to pupils in a class.
The meeting with the students was meant for counseling, where as the meeting with the parents and teachers were to determine the impact of the intervention program.
After the supreme ruling, more schools have incorporated the exercise of drug testing as they seek to battle the issue of drug use among student athletes.
Procrastination in the studying process is not the choice; it is no longer the norm to do the task in the last minute such as the night before it is due.
In school, the child learns that a person does not need to do anything they do not want and they learn to be bored.
This implies that all stakeholders should come together to support the cause for special education because it is the only way and avenue through which students with disabilities like Asperger's Syndrome can be taken care [...]
The deregulation of tuition fees by the Campbell government was the beginning of the increasing fees of most institution of higher learning such as Kwantlen Polytechnic University in the province of British Columbia.
It can also be ascertained that most parts of the articles examined explore both the socio-cultural methods and psychometric approaches to answer the question of cultural bias in research and testing.
Increased sex education is important because it emphasizes on the need to abstain and use of contraceptives. It is therefore important to increase sex education in schools to avert cases of teenage pregnancies.
In the Newtown School dispute, the issues at play include the renewal of a contract between the board and the teachers following the expiration of the previous contract.
In as much as the strike was a negative event, it culminated to significant changes in the relations of persons in educational institutions.
The objective of the article is to offer a description of the process of behavior modification for a child diagnosed with ADHD.
I had a wonderful opportunity to participate in these activities and help the members of the Children's Book Bank to repair donated books; it was a great experience where I could not only contact with [...]