This was after the evolution of the use of herbs as poisons that were used to kill people. Herbal knowledge in the region revolved around the army quite a bit and the soldiers gained from [...]
The response to this challenge led to the formation of a defensive posture that acknowledged the place of slavery in the natural order of the things and viewed abolitionist challenges to the peculiar institution as [...]
Due to the above stereotypes American Muslim women have redefined the function of the hijab as a tool for fighting stereotypes in their society. Therefore, such women are in a position to challenge some of [...]
The utilities enjoyed in the modern world such as cell phones, computers and the internet can be credited to the work of scholars such as Charles Babbage, who was the first to conceive the idea [...]
It is alleged that through their firms, these businesspersons reduced the prices of their products and services to lure more customers and push their competitors out of business.
In Res Gestae Divi Augusti, the Roman Emperor Augustus talks about his remarkable achievements and journeys contributing to the welfare of the Romans.
In spite of the fact the book covers the shift from the era of postwar liberalism to the economic crisis of the 1970s, the author's arguments can be discussed as relevant for analyzing the current [...]
After the collapse of the Nazi government, in the year 1945, the US and the Soviet Union became the world superpowers.
The author's main purpose of writing this book was to draw attention to the experiences of Chicago industrial workers during and after the great depression.
Warren's place, as a woman, gave her plenty of time to consider the activities of the revolution and offered a keyhole, which allowed her to record the events of the war.
His association with the Nation of Islam equally put him to the limelight, as he headed the movement from the year 1934 to 1975 when he died, leaving his legacy and philosophy enshrined in the [...]
In her publication, 'Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939', Lizabeth Cohen examines the possibility of the industrial workers to form union movements during the Great Depression in the 1930s.
His popularity started after he led other activists in boycotting the services of the Montgomery Bus Service in the year 1955 after an incident of open discrimination of a black woman in the bus. Martin [...]
The Anglo Americans had slaves back in the United States, and brought them to Texas. They wanted to become part of the United States, and eventually Texas was annexed to the Union.
In the book, the author highlights the realities of the end of the eighteenth century during which the Founding Brothers, also known as Founding Fathers, sought to define the practical underpinnings of our government, as [...]
The author makes sure that throughout the entire novel, the story of Su Qi's family relates extensively to the historical context of the book.
The accusers took advantage of the ignorance of the people to make them believe that it was indeed supernatural causes which made the town of Salem suffer.
The Glass Slipper is one of the movies that show the position of women in society in mid 1950s. All women agree that subordination of women to men in the society is a result of [...]
During the late part of the 19th century, the development of Zionism as the focus on the historic connection between the Jews and the lands of Palestine led to the active Arabs' opposition because of [...]
The process of colonization of America that began in the mid of the 16th century was instrumental in formation of the United States.
Although many Founders discussed the phenomenon of slavery as violating the appeals for freedom and liberty for the Americans, the concepts of slavery and freedom could develop side by side because the Founders did not [...]
Besides, it looks at the events that led up to the siege and the actual days of the siege. In the first day of the siege, news of the impeding attack from the Mexicans circulated [...]
Hence, this study examines the main achievements of Harold Washington in the fields of employment, racism, equality in provision of social amenities, gender equality, freedom of expression, and the creation of the ethics commission in [...]
The drastic change in the industrial sector across the United States led to the spanning of mechanization, specialization, and division of labor between 1820 and 1870.
Economics was one of the main reasons which caused the development of the Civil War as the slavery in the South was caused by the desire of the Northern Americans to get more money at [...]
One of the policies adopted by the government was the deployment of the military to the southern states to maintain peace and order.
To enlarge on the issue, it should be stressed that "in the telling and retelling of their stories, the elderly immigrants reclaim the authorship of their own history".
The Cold War was the repercussion of World War II following the emergence of two key supremacy blocs in Europe one of which was subjugated by ideologies of the democracy of the capitalist America.
In regard to the buildup of history of the continent, it was characterized by many uprisings from countries including France and Germany. This paper seeks to explain the intrigues that led to the historical uprisings [...]
The Second Estate consisted of the nobility, another privileged group which held the highest positions in the government, the Church and the army.
In this paper, however, the term imperialism is used to refer to the era from the year 1848 to 1914 when the power of Europe was extended over several nations of the world.
Even after the abolition of the slavery following the outcome of the civil war and emancipation of the blacks, racial bigotry and discrimination were rife in the South.
The San Ciriaco Hurricane witnessed in the year 1899 led to the death of many workers deployed in the sugarcane industry since most of the workers in this industry were Puerto Ricans.
The author of the book 'The Age of Empire', Hobsbawn, clearly shows the transition of the continent from the revolution period to the period of 'empire' which occurred in the 19th century.
While describing the details of the journey, the chapter points out the way the Portuguese fleet under the auspices of Vasco da Gama confronted different cultures, religions, and societies in the pursuit of new scientific [...]
The historian observes that the US was forced to engage in the Second World War in order to restore peace and tranquility.
The claim in this essay is in form of an opinion that women in the ancient Greece and the ancient Egypt are assigned the roles of wives and mothers to the children.
The Edo period also known as the Tokugawa period is the period between 1603-1868 in the Japanese history when Japan was under the Tokugawa Shogunate rule who had divided the country into 300 regions known [...]
Ira Katznelson concludes the current situation related to Affirmative Action exploring the details of such social programs as New Deal and Fair Deal, examining the period of the Great Compression, and analyzing the civil rights [...]
Indicatively, this was before the period of the start of the Darfur genocide. Particularly, this relates to the development of the war within the area.
Only money solved all the problems and was the source of the decisions in the USA."The Gilded Age celebrated two kinds of virtues: those of the soldier and those of the entrepreneur" and this phrase [...]
The text in question provides important insights into the history of Puerto Rico from the prehistoric times until the end of the nineteenth century.
In the 18th century, the development of Britain's mainland colonies depended on the effective usage of forced labor necessary for the progress of plantations in the southern colonies and non-plantation territories of New England.
The Memorial is located in the South West region of the National Mall. It is believed that Martin Luther King, Jr.influenced and continues to influence every visitor in the museum.
A significant outcome of the World War II was the emergence of the United States of America and the Soviet Union as the two world super powers.
With the introduction of renaissance, it made sense to focus on an individual as a contributor to the beauty of the world and hence the one, who values the ideas of each and everyone.
However, the failure to reach a consensus promoted the abandonment of the Articles, and the onset of the drafting of a new constitution.
The movie by the name Marie Antoinette tells the story of the Austrian-born queen and the events leading to the collapse of the monarchy in France.
All through the unrests, I noted that the middle class were greatly affected by the unrest, and in turn intervened between the workers and the entrepreneurs.
Djoser and Imhotep, carved in people's memories: the architecture When it comes to the architecture associated with Djoser, the first and the foremost thing to mention is that he was the one to begin the [...]
At Fez, he continued to win the hearts of many through his knowledge and doctrines of the Ash'anya school. For instance, he was exiled from the city of Fez, after the fuqaba heard his theology, [...]
In this way, he tries to attract the attention of the audience, emphasizing that the future of the country depends on the new young generation which will solve the problems and develop the new course [...]
Regarding the first document revealing the new concept of the American document, the president attains much importance to the role of the government in imposing the new principles of the country development.
In 1903, the Elkins Act was enacted with the motive of reducing discrimination between rates charged to the farmers and the big companies over the same distance.
On the other hand, McCarthyism refers to actions that were taken to identify and eliminate those people who were though to be communists or sympathizers of communism.
As an English man, he did not fear fighting for the liberty of the American people by winning debates in the English parliament. The independence of the American people was greatly contributed to by Edmund [...]
Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by an atomic bomb marked the end of World War II and the beginning of the cold war.
The year 1967 was a major turning point in Australia as most of the people came out to vote for the alteration of the constitution. The outcome of the referendum was of great benefit to [...]
The British left in the year 1948 and the autonomy of the new state of Israel was declared by the Jews in Palestine.
More so, the connection between the Civil Rights movement and the Feminist movement did not cease to exist up to now. Of course, the root of the Feminist movement can be found in the nineteenth [...]
Historians have always been interested in discovering the motive behind the action of the monarchs to start inquisition in Spain at a time when elsewhere in Europe it was declining. What was the role of [...]
Hence, the remnants of the great Roman Empire had been preserved in the philosophical, scientific, and artistic achievements representing the major cultural sources influencing the reformation of the European society in the Middle Ages.
In particular, one can speak about the establishment of a civic state, the adoption of new approaches to education and science, the development of new artistic forms, and more critical attitude toward those people who [...]
That is why the central conflicts in the political life of the USA in the 1830s were the problem of protective tariffs and the issue of the National Bank of the United States.
The changes occurred in the attitudes of the slaves towards the white in the South. The consequences of rebellion were important to the slaves in various ways.
Athens developed a democratic form of government that allowed the citizens to participate in the drafting of the constitution and the governance of their city-states.
The author wants to draw the readers' attention to the events, which took place during the Second World War and other important points of the US history.
This was due to a prediction of the end of rise in the stock market thus; there was a nationwide stampede to unload the stocks.
The importance of this speech is in the statement of the reasons of the war, the development of the USA before its intrusion in the war and the betrayal of Japan which attacked the USA [...]
This historical disaster had emerged after the contact of the first European arrivals who had attempted to conquer the land and impose restrictions on the rights of the Aboriginal People.
The CIA's directorate of science and technology was founded on the recommendations of the Dulles committee, the Hoover commission, and the Eberstat committee who analyzed the intelligence programs of CIA and other government agencies in [...]
According to article 25-1, the attack on the Pearl Harbor was one of the reasons that forced the US to join the war.
During the World War II, aggression of Adolf Hitler and Nazi party led to persecution of Jews who lived in Germany.
The Nazi under the leadership of Hitler is ready to kill all the Jews as witnessed in the atrocities against them.
Chosen events after the World War II will be the subject of the study in order to fully understand the development of the American society in the 1960s.
One of the major dilemmas that faced Churchill was Britain's ambitious plan to replace the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East.
As Dunn notes in page 14, the Sultans failed to control commerce in this region, a fact that led to the fall of the economy of the empire.
Of course, the fact that Marshall's program had a great success is recognized to be indisputable; however, taking into account the points Marshall's Plan included, one can state that the importance of the Plan is [...]
Under his leadership and due to his close connection to the President in the Republican politics, the Bureau gained national control of the forest reserves, and this led to the name Forest Service.
According to Spielvogel, the discovery of the Americas in 1490s and the growth of sugar plantations in South America and the Caribbean are significant factors which drastically changed the destination of slaves i.e.the destination of [...]
However, the film was not successful, and the leaders of the studios began to blame Monroe for her bad acting and the failure of the movie.
The impacts of the War of 1812 were felt by the slaveholders in the South. In conclusion, the War of 1812 provided an opportunity to the Americans to grow stronger and wealthier.
The Korean War of 1950 to 1953, was a war between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, backed up by China and the Soviet Union; and the Republic of Korea, backed by the United States [...]
Tracking the course of events that led to a turn in Nixon's presidential career, one can rethink the event and possibly decide whether the Watergate scandal is as scandalous as it is believed to.
This paper will discuss the role of the French Revolution in shaping the concept of nation, freedom, and citizenship. This author argued that people of the Third Estate constituted the bulk of the French nation [...]
However, the west and other societies should not be too quick as to judge the condition of women in Muslim societies.
Since the main message of the article is that women are strong and that they are not what the west perceives them to be, the article should have concentrated on the positive efforts of women [...]
First of all, it should be stated that these two notions create an opposition as feminism presupposes the domination of women with the restriction of subordination to men while patriarchy is the male domination over [...]
First, since 1914, the world was featured by global integration and its changing patterns that led to: immense colonies and powers, the three worlds of Cold War eras, and the current interdependent and networked of [...]
The films featured several themes such as the virtue of the Nordic or Aryan, the strength of the military and the German industry, and the evils of those who were perceived to be enemies.
One of the Andean civilizations, the Inca Empire was the largest country in the pre-Columbian America. The tax system was one of the statements of the Inca's economy.
This paper seeks to highlight on the issue of The Atlantic Slave Trade in relation to factors that led to the Atlantic Slave trade, how the Atlantic slave trade operated, effects of the Atlantic slave [...]
Cold war refers to the military and political tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union immediately after the World War 2.
When republican Dwight Eisenhower succeeded the presidency, he continued the New Deal policies, enlarging the scope of the Social Security and promoted the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 which authorized the construction of the Interstate [...]
The arrival of Europeans in the United States led to alteration of the economy since the people had to adopt the European way of life.
This paper provides an in-depth outline of the history of the voting rights in the regard with Constitutional amendments that have been witnessed so far in the sector.
The painters and the sculptors started to portray the dying and the dead with images of the grim and death reapers.
Therefore, because of the establishment of the photographic film at that time that required the use of great illumination, the application of the electric spotlight that was introduced in 1904 in theatres became essential in [...]
The Status of Women during this Period Beforehand, women were perceived as inferior and lived according to the rules stipulated to guide the family settings, making them lack a sense of identity in the society.
This paper, therefore, keenly examines the activities of the principal trade routes in the sixteenth century and the cultural exchange that took place.
The paper discusses the nature of the cultural influence between the Romans and the Greek revealing the commonalities and discrepancies existing between the two.
The entry of the colonialists into Native America was the beginning of the suffering of the Native Americans. However, the situation changes in 1812 when the policy of assimilation of the native lands was no [...]
The son that she gave birth to was taken to a land far away in order to grow up and avenge of the death of his father by confronting his uncle.
The writer of the book "a peace to end all peace" makes a strong case on the contribution of the European nations in the unrest and volatility in the Middle East.
Secondly, the fact that the country needed a jolt on the verge of the unwelcome political situation at the moment necessitated calling into action for people to help grow the economy of the country.
There were three plans that the delegates were presented with: the New Jersey plan, Hamilton's plan and the Virginia plan. The plan by the Virginia proponents also embraced the three arms of the government that [...]
The slaves who were born in America developed African American culture out of slavery. The African-American communities were developed out of the American born slaves in America.
The aim of this union was to fight against the encroachment of machinery in the shoe making industry but they failed because the machines that were introduced were easy to operate.
The soldiers devalued the value of women because they belong to the land and therefore, represent the land. In this article, the author proves that the contribution of the Spaniards to the development of the [...]
Suetonius' father was a tribune of the armed forces and was theretofore involved in the battle of Betriacum during the reign of the four Emperors.
The leaders then began to call for some order and organization of the cities to provide a plan for the congesting cities.[2] As both the buildings and parks were increased, the numbers of slums were [...]
In understanding these tributes and Jizya, it is important to underscore the fact that this section of Iberian is vital in establishing the Jewish life history in Al-Andalus from between the 10th and 12th century.
Klaus and Lane state that this war came to be known as the cold war because the two sides: the Soviet Union and the United States never engaged in a physical fight. In conclusion, the [...]
The main aim of the movement was to end control of government by the elites and to encourage citizens to participate in government. The war of the Bank is the name given to the disagreement [...]
The Congress was to be given the powers of invalidating laws that it found to be contradicting the constitution. For amendments to be mad in the constitution, the Founders passed that nine of the thirteen [...]
The government that was put in place entrenched the concept of African slavery in that the Africans were regarded as lesser humans and unequal to the whites. The states that encouraged slavery saw this as [...]
The Hermitage is a historic landmark and museum that mirrors the life history of Andrew Jackson and the history of the United States.[1] Thus, the hermitage is a historic site that reminds Americans of a [...]
The representation of the Yorkists by a white rose and the Lancastrians by a red rose led to the emergence of the name "War of the Roses".
The influence of the Great Britain was widely witnessed through colonization of other countries and domination of world affairs. This paper discusses the impact of industrialization and colonization on both the Indians and British people [...]
In countries like Japan, class mantra was the order of the day in the areas that were controlled by communists, the CCP which was the main political party was against agrarian radicalism and hence abandoned [...]