Violation of probation could attract penalties that include fines, revocation of probation, and increment of probation conditions. The main aim of boot camps is to help offenders modify behaviors that are likely to motivate them [...]
When police have reasonable grounds to believe that William Bloutt and Bertha Bloutt committed the robbery, they have the power, not the obligation, to put them under arrest.
One of the issues identified by the interviewee is the failure of the criminal justice system to help convicts integrate into the society.
Consideration is the legal determinant of a valid contract that has been bargained between the two parties willing to enter into a contract.
The following is a critique of some of the articles that have been put forth to address the subject of criminology.
In this case, 38 neighbors committed an act of omission by not reporting this ordeal to the police. The main advantage of charging bystanders is to make sure that people do not tolerate crime as [...]
This implies that one party should be willing to give the contract and the other party should be ready to take the contract.
The purpose of the PID Act is to promote the integrity and accountability of the Commonwealth public sector1. The interest of the ASCI in implementing the PID Act is to ensure that those who make [...]
However, in order to create more harmonized services, the government has ratified the Affordable Care Act to help in achieving cost reduction in the health sector. In conclusion, ACA regulations have greatly helped consumers and [...]
Overall, it is possible to say that this particular case illustrates the importance of forensic analysis because the absence of conclusive evidence is one of the reasons why this case continues to be debated by [...]
Prior to the end of the war, the United States implicated Yamashita for his involvement in the atrocities and sued him under the military commission.
The parties involved in this case were Elena Sturdza who was the complainant and appellant, and the United Arab Emirates Federal Government, who were the defendants.
The architect and the UAE entered negotiations on the contract. In 1996, the UAE sent the final draft which incorporated all the necessary changes and Sturdza agreed to sign the contract.
Texas was the first state in the United States to report a case of Ebola. This will reduce cases of malpractice in the medical institutions.
The cause of the disaster was a storm, which led to a hole in the hull of the vessel, and the fuel leaked into the ocean.
Human trafficking refers to the act of acquiring people through the use of improper means. As far as human trafficking is concerned, there is a need for nations to unite and help and guard human [...]
However, an increasing problem in the law courts is the aspect of false testimonies or false confessions that the witnesses, the claimants, and the defendants often present.
A charge bargain occurs in situation where a prosecutor offers the accused an opportunity to plead to a lesser charge or in situation where the accused has a number of charges to plead guilty to [...]
All the decisions about punishment for the offenders in both countries do not disregard the provisions of the law and/or the code of ethics of the profession.
Learning academies provide the foundation and therefore they cannot be eliminated in training force for the sake of police officers to be.
Thus, the federal government has embarked on the Act as a way of reducing cases of fraud in the health care sector.
One of the reasons for increased youth crime is the failure of parents or communities to effectively mould their children to become responsible citizens.
In this way, it is possible to reduce the number of inmates in state prisons because studies have shown that low-level offenders make more than 55% of the total number of inmates in American prisons.
Computer crime is a new type of offense that is committed with the help of the computer and a network. This article aims at evaluating some of the laws established in the United Arab Emirates, [...]
This paper seeks to compare hate crimes in the two metropolitan areas of the New York City and Los Angeles. As a rule of thumb, each hate crime had to indicate the motive of the [...]
It should be mentioned that the employees of restaurants and hotels can also sustain their injuries in the workplace, even if this risk is lower in comparison with other industries.
One of the major peculiarities of the case, which is stressed by the author himself, is that the case is international in its nature.
Hospitex hospital's representative made a mistype in the word 'Goodscan' when filling in the payment information, and this led to the delay in date of receiving the cash by the Goodscan company representatives.
The easiest way to understand the protection of patents and the rationale behind them is by appreciating the fact that patents are part of human rights.
The hospitality industry is the provision of accommodation, food, drinks and holiday activities to people in exchange for money. The State environmental management authority ensures the activities of this industry are controlled to promote a [...]
This paper will highlight the effects of contraband in the prison system and some of the steps being taken to control the issue.
This pressure has been brought about by the changes in the sector of trade and technology in the years following the World War II. The change in employment relationships brings about alterations in the policies [...]
For his "dream team" defense group, he was a re-launch into the limelight as the case of the century for they had after all managed to make names for themselves in the profession and now [...]
In the situation of earlier payment, the advantage to the creditor of having the money early could be taken as consideration for the promise to relinquish the remaining debt.
A bankruptcy court holds proceedings that are required to administer the estate of the debtor in bankruptcy. A straight bankruptcy can be commenced by the filing of either a voluntary or an involuntary petition in [...]
Since 1963, it has been the decision of the Supreme Court that all the pieces of evidence should be presented to the courts, even if it is in favor of the defendants.
In response to the charges, the association maintained that the charges lack merit. To enhance competition and productivity, the firm should avoid entering into agreements that compromise competition in the market.
This stance is somewhat solidified by the absence of a requirement in Title VII for seniority systems to let up and accommodate employees for religious observance.
The issue that concerns patents in biotechnology is the inventions in the industry and inventions in the academic field. Of greater focus in the paper is bringing out the complex issues that appertain to patenting [...]
This issue is particularly relevant to the functioning of medical institutions that have to ensure the rights of patients. Thus, it is necessary to introduce a set of safeguards can minimize the risks of the [...]
The executive officer was inked with the deliberate alterations of the company's profits and the omission of debts and losses in the financial reports.
This is further worsened by the fact that the number of offenders to be monitored after being released is often higher than the number of officers tasked with the responsibility of following up on them.
It is imperative to note that some of these theories are swallowed up in the initial five, and so for the purposes of this paper, only the fundamental aspects of these theories will be discussed.
The violation of intellectual property rights through counterfeiting and piracy is an issue that has mostly affected the conduct of trade and the benefits that accrue from such trade in countries worldwide, locally and internationally.
The corporate finance defines the life and death of a corporation. Implementation of the corporate law has created a favorable environment for businesses to thrive.
The growing urge to change the justice realm within the international judicial phase has been the force behind the transformation of the world in the current days.
This paper discusses the extent to which rules of standing and the grounds of judicial review have struck the right balance between helping claimants achieve justice and protecting the executive and public bodies from excessive [...]
Self-control theory is a criminology theory that analyzes the lack of self-control and its influence on crime rates. This article considers the influence of the self-control theory when dealing with juvenile sex offenders.
Identification of murder victims can be instrumental in solving murder cases because much of the information about any murder case is usually found when investigators know the details of the life of the victim.
When examining the case of Darfur, it can be noted that three specific factors prevented "true justice" from being administered, these encompass: the abstained votes from the U.S.and China in voting for a resolution for [...]
These include the presence of anger in the general strain theory and the depression that an individual experiences when he is a victim.
According to the Supreme Court of California's calendar, several cases were to be heard during the day and the day after.
The court was established in the year 1879. The court was told that after the murder, Nuckles escaped to Mexico.
Emiratisation is an initiative supported by the government of the United Arab Emirates to tackle the imbalance in the employment of the local population about that of expatriates.
This study will focus on assessing the reliability of the rules governing the movement of goods and intellectual property and the significant impact of the rules in safeguarding the interests of key stakeholders.
For example, during the probation period, the offender is ordered to abide by the orders given by the probation officer. The major target of probation is to change the behavior of the offender.
Leadership rests in the top management of the prisons who are the decision-makers and lead the prison to attain its objectives.
The persistence of poverty, regardless of the many shocks that every state receives in the normal course of its survival, raises the feeling that underdevelopment is a condition of equilibrium and that there are pressures [...]
The concept of deterrence is the foundation of criminal justice systems in a majority of democratic nations. In my opinion, law enforcement is the second area where the implications of deterrence have more impacts.
The health of citizens is the main aim of any country because it ensures that the workforce is in good shape to contribute to the economy of the country.
The girl woke up to find the boy raping her. In this case, the boy might have had an insecure childhood and, therefore, engaged in the act for self-interest.
The study followed a good research study in order to achieve the targeted goals. The researchers also used the best research method in order to have a successful study.
This is one of the main issues that should be considered since it is important for understanding the dangers of these injuries and reducing their risks. These are some of the main challenges that can [...]
This paper offers advice to the family of the patient in the case. The paper achieves this by examining the case of Ann's family and her wishes regarding her health.
Although the article does not state the specific research question or hypothesis for the study, it is clear that the study wanted to address the question "what is the impact of drug courts on recidivism [...]
According to the author, the problem-solving courts richly supplement the function of the formal justice system in the United States. Second, the author assumes the role of an observer in order to report both the [...]
The generalisation about the people who commit crime indicates flaws in the processes of thinking and possible outcomes. It appears that the society chooses to pay attention to crime committed by specific groups, such as [...]
The booking process involves procedures such as recording the name of the suspect and the reasons for the arrest. The officers then scan the fingerprints of the suspect and the information is noted down in [...]
This relationship highlights the structure of inequality in America and the role of the "system" in contributing to the social and economic challenges of the urban poor.
However, the common practice in Canada is that many ministers and other public servants have been assigned a rights-determining function that meets the specification of a judicial function. In this respect, Ellis notes that such [...]
This documentary also examines the inappropriateness of the decision to execute Aileen Wuornos. Some of these theories can support the events and facts of Aileen Wuornos as portrayed in the film.
Even though the case generated a lot of controversies, Timothy McVeigh was convicted and sentenced to death by the District Court in Colorado for the crime.
In the movie, the main cause of criminal activities is corruption and drug trafficking. The other cause of crime in the area is the widespread trafficking and use of drugs in the area.
The determination will depend on the strengths and weaknesses of the case as presented to the prosecutor by the detectives. Being that Sally and John were in a relationship at the time of her death, [...]
The main purpose of seeking compensation of damages resulting from a breach is to put the innocent party in its initial position if the breach had not occurred in the first place. Huang had clearly [...]
These laws consider the rights of parents towards children, and the rights of children towards parents, as stated in the parents and child ordinance.
The main protection provided by the fourth amendment is based upon the concept of protection and the right to privacy. The first issue that is provided for under the Fifth Amendment is the use of [...]
Employment laws have been used for a long time to safeguard the interests of employees and employers at the workplace. Second, the effect of the existing employment laws on the local and overseas executives has [...]
The fact that John's DNA results match the crime blood DNA results does not prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is responsible for Sally's murder.
Penney alleges that the company was aware of Samuels' disability and the fact that Samuels was a valued employee of the company.
Many feminists create movements against honor killings, trying to protect the rights of women in the Middle East; Western people do not understand the tradition of honor killing in Islam and judge every case of [...]
The outlined research question points to the purpose of the study. The researchers compare the recidivism patterns of offenders who undergo sex offender treatment with the same patterns for offenders who do not undergo the [...]
The elements of a contract with regard to real estate are analyzed in this essay. Recently, I entered into a contract with the seller of a strategically located house in Nevada.
Combined with eyewitness testimony and video evidence, it can be stated beyond all doubt that Clark was guilty of the crime.
According to Schneider community policing is a value system that permeates the department of police with the main aim of collaborating with the general public to identify and resolve issues that are negatively impacting the [...]
It will also discuss the differences between the benefits that the nationals of the UAE are entitled to and those that their foreign counterparts receive. Generally, the benefits are provided to improve employees' standard of [...]
The committee consults the employees in a certain health care facility to get information on emerging problems in relation to violence, and on feedback with regard to the prevailing workplace violence program in place.
Neighborhood networks in Memphis focus on the provision of resources and high-quality programs to the youths and families who are exposed to crime.
The Criminal Justice system in the United States consists of three major parts namely the police, the corrections, and the courts, all of which tend to have their historical roots and influences from English Law [...]
It refers to circumstances where crime intervention efforts make the cost of committing an offense greater than the benefits accruing from the crime.
In particular, it is necessary to explain the importance of this activity for the protection of investors and customers. On the whole, whistleblowing is particularly important for the protection of investors who place their trust [...]
Gains due the cancellation or sale of a life insurance policy before the death of the insured are subject to taxation because the tax exemption on proceeds from life insurance applies upon the death of [...]
At the center of this analysis is the role of socialization in explaining crime and the legal definitions of crime as a misdemeanor and a felony.
Instead, the police discovered a fallen piece of decoration that was a clear indication of what had really caused the death of the young man.
The concept simply means that the rule of law is the supreme authority in the land. The rule referred to in this case defines the behaviour of individuals in a given society.
Prior to the case, the general position "was that non-payment of hire allowed the owners to withdraw the vessel and to claim for unpaid hire only, but the owners had to show a repudiatory breach [...]
Moreover, the employees who obtain an employment contract are on the safe side, as their employers have no right to dismiss them until the end of the contract. The employment at will doctrine describes a [...]
This paper draws the theories discussed herein from a radical orientation; they include radical, feminist and critical criminology theories and present principles that alter the existing and traditional views on the development of criminal behaviour [...]
The nature of behavior problems particularly the absence or presence of physical aggression is central to a concrete understanding of the origins and effects of conduct problems.
This is one of the strategies that can often be adopted by designers to defend their rights in court. This is one of the points that can be made.
The use of a personal name as a trademark is one of the most disputable issues now. However, it is not that easy to make a personal name a trademark in the world of fashion.
In this paper, advice is provided to Fiona, a consumer, from the perspective of consumer law in the United Kingdom. The hire purchase agreement between Fiona and the company amounts to a regulated contract that [...]
The main task of the law enforcing officers, in this case, is to investigate to establish the truth in form of evidence attached to the suspects.
One common thing, however, is that in all the countries of the world, the body that concerns itself with the responsibility of enforcing the governing laws is the police.
Despite the doubtless coherency of the argument and reasonability of the claims, Martinson's article has a number of problems, which brings the significance of the results a few notches down.
Further, the Association provided the data for the frequency of fraud under the various sub-categories of the asset misappropriation for the year 2012.
One common thing, however, is that in all the countries of the world, going against any of the stipulated constitutional laws usually results in penalties for those who violate these laws and the body that [...]
According to Merino, the effects of the implementation of change or change initiating in the criminal justice system extend far beyond the desired change.
Ulane, as a transsexual, brought a lawsuit against Easter Airlines for dismissing her from her role as a pilot. The Court maintained that the company discriminated against Ulane based on her sex as a transsexual [...]
There have been suggestions to study the inquisitorial system and adopt some of its features that could help to improve the determination of truth under the US adversarial system. It is thus advisable to redesign [...]
Therefore, the legitimacy of the comparison of police to warriors depends on the concept that the person making the comparison has of a warrior.
As a result, both the insurance company that issued the life insurance policy on Peter's life to fund the shareholder's agreement and the insurance company that insured the building cannot be held liable.
But there is also the matter of usage of already existing material and the contracts that are drawn up by companies to make a profit.
The author of this paper identifies the problem to be a lack of proper training and the use of outdated modes of instruction.
One of the most affected areas where abuse of intellectual property is common is in the field of graphic design. It means that there is need to develop laws that would govern intellectual property in [...]
The Superior Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment rights of the defendant were violated; a decision that was upheld by the Court of Appeal.
The article studies the degree at which feelings, family units, and surrounding correlates are linked with the increase of non-aggressive to aggressive offending among the imprisoned teenagers.
The acts and omissions lead to indivisible harm as medical professionals jointly contribute to the occurrence of harm or injuries among patients.
In this regard, companies are able to compare their financial management practices to those from other parts of the world. The economic implication of switching to IFRS is that the conversion is costly in terms [...]
A good case brief should show clear case facts that include the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant as well as the incident that led to the case. A brief of a case should [...]