He stated that their ignorance of the customs and beliefs of the Indian people had a hit against the British and that this had resulted to a distant loss of administrative power to British government.
After the end of the cold war and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, there were still huge amounts of nuclear weapons that left on the face of the earth.
Before the 19th Century confinement and use of mechanical restraints was prevalent mode of treatment for the patients who were mentally ill in many parts of the world.
Similarities The French military involvement in Algeria during the counterinsurgency displayed a couple of similarities and differences with the tactics that the American forces used in countering the insurgency in Philippine.
Bismarck considered Austria as a potential ally and there were no need to waste combat power when the object was to neutralize the force of Austria, which followed the principles of Clausewitz's paradoxical trinity exactly, [...]
The authors make accents on the formal aspects of women's socio-political organizations in Australia and connect their development with the progress of social movements associated with the problem of human rights in Australia from the [...]
In this essay, I will discuss five walls, namely: The Hadrian wall The Great wall of China The Berlin wall which separated East Germany from west Germany Moroccan wall The Maginot line between the border [...]
It was considered to give a connotation to the international structure throughout the cold war and could work as a dynamic aspect in generating the dynamics of the east-west conflict.
This paper seeks to critically discuss the contribution of empiricism and rationalism to the emergence of the scientific perspective in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
In the period of 1933-1939, which encompasses Hitler's rise to power that saw a sustained persecution of Jews in Germany and the pogroms, which culminated in the Night of The Broken Glass, the reception of [...]
As a result of the diversity of the communities of the Aborigines, there are historical differences in the cultural practices of the people.
Suffice to say most of the countries exceeded the developments targets by the end of the plan in 1952. To make this possible the US made it known to the Europeans that the efforts to [...]
The US administration of the time believed that Moscow's activities in Cuba were a threat to International security, hence; the ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba enhanced a major security blow to the leadership of United [...]
The historical influence that the marines or the navy has had on international trade and the complications in comparing measures of sea power has been issues of discussion in the past.
The first consequence of the Second World War was the disintegration of the alliance between the Soviet Union and the western allies.
The capture of Constantinople by Ottoman in 1453 led to a stop of the movement of slaves from the Balkans and the Black Sea region.
One of the characteristics of the new imperialism was that Britain was no longer a major economic and political power in the world politics due to the emergence of other powers such as the United [...]
However, the reasoning of freedom fighters, including the officials of the National Congress Movement, was that helping the British to win the war would elevate the status of India.
In this paper, I will explore the validity of the above-stated at length, while promoting the idea that the very emergence of the term 'total war' cannot be discussed outside of the fact that, throughout [...]
In order to be successful in any armed conflict, a country must be stable in a number of ways and some of the key aspects to observe here are things such as economical status and [...]
For instance, one can mention the formation of ANZAC or the troops formed by the soldiers for Australia and New Zealand.
On the other hand, the impact of the war resulted in the stopping of the building of the telescope by drawing of the labor force as well as resources.
The battle of the Somme was one of the deadliest battles in the history of humanity. Thus, it is possible to assume that it is an antiwar story as it shows horrors of the war.
From the census, it is clear that the culture and the cuisine Hawaii, which are known today, were created by the history of the migration of Japanese to Hawaii when they settled there to work [...]
In the article "German Military Culture and the Colonial War in Southwest Africa, 1904-1907", Isabel Hull states that the reaction of the German militaries to the revolt in Southwest Africa can be classified from the [...]
One must be very enthusiastic about this course and must reflect on the past and be seen to be happy since a re-enactor gets to immerse himself in the deep world of the past, learn [...]
It is important to note that the description will sample some work and lives of key members of the Lunar Society, a provincial scientific society, because the society occupies an exceptional place in the history [...]
The majority of historians adhere to the idea that the period of ideological tension dates back to the period after the World War II whereas other scholars agree that its beginning refers to the end [...]
In the text, the author describes the period as important because it led to the establishment of new empires and political structures.
One of the foremost aspects of how history is being taught to students in Western countries is the fact that teachers usually stress out the full objectiveness of how they evaluate the significance of a [...]
The leaders of the movement could effectively confront the Communist system because they proposed the realization of the public's democratic rights with references to the interests of workers and ordinary people.
Michael notes that the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, such as nuclear bombs, tends to qualify the infiltration of security threats in the United States and across the world.
The figure of the 'flapper' and her mode of dressing initiated Australians quest for pleasure and changes in moral and social values and attitudes.
In the end of the nineteenth century European countries divided the continent into areas of their control. Of course, the struggle in Africa was a great inspiration for the African Americans.
According to Foner, the initial motivation that drove Europeans to embark upon the conquest of Americas was their desire to find a safe passage-route to India, which at the time was considered the source of [...]
The plan also lad the ground works for the integration of European nations, a plan which has culminated in the emergence of the European Union. On the negative, the paper notes that the plan was [...]
The chief adviser to the House of Osman was Grand Vizier and the noble class. Field marshals were in charge of the territories and reported to the commander in chief.
Moreover, the scramble for Africa by colonial masters began, and this led to the Berlin Conference of 1888. Consequently, massive migration from the colonies into Europe occurred, and this was a key factor to the [...]
The creation and use of the atomic bomb may be considered as the beginning of the new world if measured by the technology and science as this particular event has created the time line before [...]
King Leopold's Ghost gives an account of a cruel, heartless and cunning king who raided Congo and took away the lives of the people and economic resources in the nation.
However, the settlers gained the influence to grab the territories from the natives and took over the entire leadership, collecting taxes and decreeing at their dispensation.
The Industrial Revolution is the era of massive enormous technological advancements and social changes, which affected people to the extent which is often contrasted to the change from hunter and gathering to agriculture.
Most of them revolve around the issue of the conflict between the settlers and the Aborigines, and the minority status of the Aborigines in their own land.
The Western democracies led by the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a discussion regarding the development of the war and the nature of the post-war settlement.
There were significant changes in the lives of most Europeans during the era of the industrial revolution. This is attributed to the introduction of machinery in the manufacturing industry.
The period 1945-1990, referred to as the cold world war, arose because of national conflicting interests between the United States and the Soviet Union over the future of Europe.
Therefore, in spite of the controversy surrounding the cause of Black Death, modern genetic studies have confirmed that Y.pestis is the bacterium that was responsible for the Black Death in Europe.
Additionally, the top-down method involved spreading the benefits of the revolution from the government offices to the community and to the village to help the masses.
The U.S.economy, the military needs and strategies of the country, the oil crisis and the U.S.relations with other countries, China and the countries of the Middle East in particular, are the main themes which need [...]
The events leading to the sinking of the ship and the finding of its wreckage in the Atlantic Ocean led to in-depth analysis of technology with a clear line between advantages and disadvantages of technological [...]
The role of male and female patients was absolutely the same in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in America unlike the role of women in medicine where they were only given the functions of midwives."Aside [...]
The British's aim in doing this was to lure the thinking of the Indians thoughts so that they could perceive the British rule with positivity.
Although, the industry was not highly mechanized, the value attached to the products was significant due to the level of skill that was employed to produce them.
In 1994, Rwandan population was made up of three ethnic group namely the Hutus who were the majority, the Tutsi who were relatively few and the Twa who were insignificant due to their number, the [...]
As the Ottoman Empire was getting more and more dominated by western nations, Europe used the chance to market itself in the territory as a way of assisting them.
This essay looks compares some of the political organizations in the history of man's existence in the world. These two are the centralized political units and the decentralized political units.
Some historians claim that the foremost thing that led to the Revolutionary War was the influx of Europeans into the land of America and the dictatorial control.
Secondly, the stage of 'preconditions of take-off' is characterised by the spread of the idea of the possibility of economic prosperity which is a necessity for other desired societal conditions. The last stage of economic [...]
In particular, the Native Title became a custom will and at the same time, traditional law in order to bring equality and justice before the law.
In the history of nations that throve on the territories of North America and Australia, the nineteenth century is marked by a series of gold rushes that forever changed the ways of development in economical [...]
To this effect, Anderson and Perrin vocalize the concerns of most researchers at that time by saying that: The Aborigines' utter lack of development posed a fundamental challenge to the assumption of human unity."In so [...]
The historical recordings of past events are very important in the understanding of the actual happenings, analysis of the flow of past events, understanding the factors influencing past occurrences, explanations of the effects of such [...]
The skills learnt in farming were of great help to the colonies since they applied them in their farms after independence and this accelerated their modernization process.
The urge for a reformation was also spurred by the emergence of humanistic philosophies and the spirit of the Renaissance, which drew increased attention to the teachings of the Bible and had the tendency of [...]
In a democratic nation, the leader is appointed by the people through a fair vote, the public is considered to be the center of the government and the common goals and interests are based on [...]
The rules and policies produced by the international laws state that as long as there is intent to systematically get rid of a group of people and there is the act itself, it is genocide.
After the participation of the United States in the war, especially the support of Western Europe, the United States government embarked on a course that now determines the position of the United States in the [...]
The slaves in the Ottoman Empire were often obtained from the Crimean Tatars who engaged in the capture and selling of slaves.
To start with, it is essential to keep in mind that the imperialist tendencies especially in the Western globalized environment, affects a state on not only political, but also economical and socio-cultural levels, therefore, changing [...]
The success of Ottoman kingdom according to Hovanissian was owed to a group of professionals that was responsible for monitoring the activities of the treasury.
Some of the examples of walls created by Imperial states are the great walls of Hadrian in the Roman Empire, the west bank barrier between Israel and Palestine, and the Berlin walls separating west and [...]
Therefore, this paper examines the state of pre-colonial African societies, factors that led to European colonization of Africa, British colonial rule in Africa, and the impact of British colonialism on the postcolonial African states.
The League of Nations was meant to create order in the world after the world war one that led to destruction.
The Nile was instrumental for settlements and cities to flourish and the proof of that is the distribution of the population and many peoples along the river valley.
His book looks at the factors that have caused and prolonged the issues that have deprived many people of jobs and ability to come out of the atrocious conditions.
Neither is the language used in the Holy Quran, nor the succession of the Holy Prophet by the divided Shiite and Sunni communities.
On the whole, one can argue that that the Great Depression significantly lowered the standards of living and drove many citizens to the brink of property.
According to Vazquez and Mbemba, the slave trade in Africa and Spanish rule in Peru witnessed the annihilation of the existing political systems and the introduction of foreign ones.
The link represented a great advance in the progress of the long distance trade in Eurasia compared to the Sub Sahara.
The utilities enjoyed in the modern world such as cell phones, computers and the internet can be credited to the work of scholars such as Charles Babbage, who was the first to conceive the idea [...]
The Cold War was the repercussion of World War II following the emergence of two key supremacy blocs in Europe one of which was subjugated by ideologies of the democracy of the capitalist America.
While describing the details of the journey, the chapter points out the way the Portuguese fleet under the auspices of Vasco da Gama confronted different cultures, religions, and societies in the pursuit of new scientific [...]
A significant outcome of the World War II was the emergence of the United States of America and the Soviet Union as the two world super powers.
The year 1967 was a major turning point in Australia as most of the people came out to vote for the alteration of the constitution. The outcome of the referendum was of great benefit to [...]
The British left in the year 1948 and the autonomy of the new state of Israel was declared by the Jews in Palestine.
First, since 1914, the world was featured by global integration and its changing patterns that led to: immense colonies and powers, the three worlds of Cold War eras, and the current interdependent and networked of [...]
This paper seeks to highlight on the issue of The Atlantic Slave Trade in relation to factors that led to the Atlantic Slave trade, how the Atlantic slave trade operated, effects of the Atlantic slave [...]
This paper, therefore, keenly examines the activities of the principal trade routes in the sixteenth century and the cultural exchange that took place.
The writer of the book "a peace to end all peace" makes a strong case on the contribution of the European nations in the unrest and volatility in the Middle East.
Klaus and Lane state that this war came to be known as the cold war because the two sides: the Soviet Union and the United States never engaged in a physical fight. In conclusion, the [...]
The influence of the Great Britain was widely witnessed through colonization of other countries and domination of world affairs. This paper discusses the impact of industrialization and colonization on both the Indians and British people [...]
In countries like Japan, class mantra was the order of the day in the areas that were controlled by communists, the CCP which was the main political party was against agrarian radicalism and hence abandoned [...]
As already aforementioned, prior to the "Age of Enlightement," the church and state respectively were the institutions that controlled people and the state of affairs, in general.
According to Leffler in his book "The Specter of Communism" the cold war was a political and economical war between the United States and the Soviet Union, which started few years after the end of [...]
Furthermore, before the war, the US described the USSR as a reincarnation of the devil but the feeling was mutual; the USSR did not see the US any different from the devil.
The issue of the partitioning of India into India and Pakistan in 1947 was a change that was unnecessary based on the reasons that fuelled it as well as the evident outcomes of the change.
This is exactly the reason why USSR was doomed to collapse in just about every society, the functioning of which is being concerned with the observance of Socialist principles, the prolonged continuation of social, cultural [...]
Therefore with the help of a specific policy, rather flexible for the given culture and time slot, Ottoman Turks managed to build their Third Empire, influential and omnipotent.
Although the Ottoman Empire was the multinational state and this situation was affected by the historic processes, the Turks followed the policy of exterminating any non-Turkish elements in the Empire and provided violent repression policies [...]
The development of the first Heliocentric theory of the universe and the Pythagorean system had profound revolutionary implications on man's conception of the universe and natural law.
The signing of the Treaty of Brussels in March 1948 by five European countries which included the UK, Netherlands, France, Belgium and Luxembourg marked the beginning for the formation of NATO.
However, Mau Mau leaders, as the leaders revolt was popularly known, had a different presentation to make about the group; they were of the opinion that the movement was the most legitimate in the voicing [...]
In his book "The Decolonization of Africa" Birmingham, argues that the process of decolonization of Africa had ripple effects in other parts of the world, such as the civil rights movement in America, and the [...]
The Safavid empire became very dominant and maintained its authority due to their ability of linking power and religion; in fact this empire advocated the ideology that power was attached to religion which was the [...]
Due to the inflexibility of the Latin language, there was a decline in the literacy forcing the clergy to act as the main teaching authority.