Free Media & Entertainment Essay: Prompts, Ideas, and Samples. Page 11

3,261 samples

Conspiracy Theories and Prejudices in Social Media

Although Cohen's fears could be seen as farfetched, the overall tone of the essay allows keeping the focus on an important social issue, namely, that one of the misuse of social media as the tool [...]
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 628

United States News Event Analysis

Secondly, more importantly, the event served as an embodiment of the growing political polarization of American society and the democratic decline in the United States.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 400

Independent but Dependent Media in Japan

In addition, the termination of Koga by TV Asahi expressed the willingness of significant country's mainstream media to bore down to the level of behind-the-scenes reporting by the administration.
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1135

Relation Between COVID-19 and Media

The end of 2019 brought disturbing news about the appearance in China and the beginning of the active spread around the world of a new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes a disease under the international name [...]
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1397

Analysis of the Starbucks UK Advertising

The first scene of the video begins in the dark rooms and the foreground where the person sits on the bed, fulfilling the sections of the online applications with the forms for first name, last [...]
  • Subjects: Advertising
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1384

Analysis of Visual Rhetoric in Business

Due to the use of its unique colors and the incorporation of simple visuals representative of the main idea, namely, price tags with time markers on them, IKEA has managed to introduce the idea of [...]
  • Subjects: Theories of Advertising
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 627

Analysis of Articles Published by CNN and Fox News

Lee's failure to mention liberals' counterarguments and reactions to the report might make the public believe that the court expansion proposal serves no clear purpose and is baseless.
  • Subjects: World News
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 667

Discussion of Media Influence in Society

Despite the fact that its main purpose is to inform, journalists and experts often resort to various tricks in order to attract attention or to present a fact in a convenient light for the source.
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 300

Film Noir and Black Humor in “The Missing Gun”

Black humor and noir elements can also be viewed as features helping to create a specific visual image of a movie and atmosphere that would affect viewers."The Missing Gun" combines these aspects to depict an [...]
  • Subjects: Movies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1112

Social Media Coverage in Russia vs. Global Trends

The paper investigates the question of how the tendencies of Russian social media correspond to the world ones. At the same time, attention is paid to the effectiveness of social networks Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki in [...]
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3614

The Selfie Definition as an Art Form

While the selfie may appear as just another fragment of the structure of social media, it is also capable of being an element of art forms that prioritize self-expression.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 568

Marvel vs. DC Characters Debate

These include the depth and thoroughness with which DC characters are written, the ability to create successful legacy characters, and DC's skills in handling strong villains that raise the character development of the heroes.
  • Subjects: Pop Culture
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 886

The Image of Nurses in the Media

In films and TV shows, it is usually silent that the nurse must perform vital measures to save the patient in the absence of a doctor on-site.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1172

Broadcasting Authority Act 1960 for Journalism in Ireland

According to Section eighteen of the 1960 Broadcasting Authority Act, it is the agency's responsibility to ensure that when information and movies are publicized that correspond to a public uproar or are the focus of [...]
  • Subjects: Journalism
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1173

The Future of Podcasting: Reflection

I could try to be the host and work with the public. Podcasting is a promising and growing segment of the media space.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 311

Sade Moore, Journalist’s Biography Issues

In her cover story for the former, Moore displays her writing skills and competencies as a journalist, surprising many critics with a combination of insight and professionalism.
  • Subjects: Journalism
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 347

Understanding the Effect of Deplatforming on Social Networks

Additionally, the study concludes that de-platforming is influencing the current status of critical social media research, including the ability to investigate extreme speech and the audience of such internet celebrities and ideologies on both mainstream [...]
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 835

Communications and Media: Media Ownership

Media ownership is the act of fewer organizations and individuals controlling escalating shares in the mass media. For instance, vertical ownership is the incidence of individuals and organizations owning various associations in mass media production [...]
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 330

Social Media Risks to Patient Information

A simple awareness of the facility's social media policy and following basic rules of SM behavior reduces confidentiality risks for healthcare employees.
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 634

Decision-Making Process in “Twelve Angry Men”

The twelfth juror is not interested in the case and changes his opinion many times, tending, therefore, to the prevalent decision, as the second one does, because of the lack of confidence.
  • Subjects: Movies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 356

Media Analysis: Ageism in Advertisement

In addition to the idea of saving communicated in E-trade's ad, the commercial also seems to convey the hope of work among the old population.
  • Subjects: Advertising
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 961

The Role of Media in the Public Sphere

Bainbridge discusses the trends behind the monopoly of the media space by mainstream media, which, even in the presence of the Internet, prevent small media from setting the agenda.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 642

Social Media Designers Awareness Training Program

The choice of the focus of the intervention is due to the fact that now the creators of social networks are integrating algorithms that are a threat to the mental health of young people.
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2242

The Little Red Book: A Popular Chinese Network

At the same time, the Little Red Book acts as a platform on which users share their impressions and the sale goes exactly through the word of mouse.
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 277

The Features and Attractiveness of Podcasts

It is impressive and thought-provoking to hear the professionals' attitude on the appealing issue; the podcasts are more accessible to perceive than books.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 392

Indigenous People Shown in Social Media

Through the theory of identifying the key unit, the unit of analysis, in this case, is the reputation of Aboriginal people.
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1431

Advertising: The Use of Human Fears

The use of human fears in advertising is effective since fear is a stress stimulator and a reaction to everything that can threaten human life. Probably, it is the danger to relatives and family that [...]
  • Subjects: Advertising Effect
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 302

Discussion Post: News Source and Knowledge

While intervening variables can be the ideological stance of the viewer, the more the news platform is ideologically pitched, the less educational value it has.
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 384

“Reality TV…” Article by Joanne Morreale

As Morreale shows, associating consumption with fulfillment necessarily leads to the commodification of self. From the author's perspective, Faking It takes the premise of identity as a fruit of consumption and develops it further.
  • Subjects: TV
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 305

Social Media Networks: Positive and Negative Sides

Additionally, the emergence of the social media podia promotes the spread of false and unreliable information. In social networks and beyond, the problem of propaganda and misinformation is now critically important.
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1707

Analysis of Apple’s Advertisement

Moreover, it is argued that such an advertisement might also shape the values and opinions of the viewers due to brands' association with good and prestigious life.
  • Subjects: Advertising Effect
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 392

Slacktivism Called Hashtag Activism

It is necessary to note, for the purposes of this discussion, that activism through the internet in general is a possible and effective way of enacting change, although usually in other forms of influence.
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 608

“Newport Jazz 2021”: The Art Event

The event is named "Newport Jazz 2021," and the team decided to attend a special jazz festival's program he jazz gallery all-stars, which is expected to be played on Sunday, the first of August.
  • Subjects: Events
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 687

The Twitter Social Network and Sustainability Communication

Basing itself on the communication study conducted via the Twitter use analysis, the article tries to identify the key communication themes tagged by the sustainability-related hashtags. This study contributes to the understanding and discussion of [...]
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1145

Social Media Impact on Adolescents

The existence of social media contributes to the appearance of the feeling of invincibility and impunity because there are no limits on the Internet, and people can tell and do whatever they want without being [...]
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 338

Emoticons, Emoji, and Avatars, Oh My

I received some packs of emoticons created by brand designers, and sometimes I use some of them in my messages if I think that emotions translated by them are suitable for the context.
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 598

“Our Language Affects What We See” Article by Caldwell-Harris

The following paper will analyze the selected piece of media and include the review of its target audience, demographics, communication strategies, and influence on readers. The author employs the example of the dualistic perception of [...]
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 831

Impact of Television on American Culture

In the middle 20th century, however, the active spread of the brand new medium created a considerable sensation and was able to change the society.
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 402

Grand Theft Auto Is Good for You?

They spend most of their time playing the game to perfect their skills. In addition, gamers show decreased prosocial behaviors because most of their time is spent playing the game.
  • Subjects: Games
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 297

Advertisements: White Claw Hard Seltzer Pitch

The purpose of the advertisement is to increase sales and form a positive attitude towards the product. Fun" also strives to create in customers the feeling that this is not a harmful alcoholic drink, that [...]
  • Subjects: Advertising
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 363

Ultra Music Festival Twitter Marketing

The first step of the marketing strategy development in this respect is the choice of a platform that corresponds to the goals of marketing.
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 962

KTLA5 vs. ABC7 TV Channels: Comparative Analysis

While the stations were observed live, the nature of the assignment required a further examination of the content. For example, the second segment is three times as short as the first and the third ones, [...]
  • Subjects: TV
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1216

Social Media and Change of Society

Members of the first group used various social media over 2 hours a day on average. Participants of the second group used social media quite rarely.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1217

Media and Communication Role in Modern Society

The second way to theorize media and communication is by classifying it as private and public. In conclusion, these theories bring to life the role of the media and communication with the people.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 888

Food Advertising and Its Effects on Children

The ad targets the child, creating the association that this product brings pleasure and joy. As a result, the child will notice this food on the counter in the supermarket and give it preference.
  • Subjects: Advertising Effect
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 332

Conflicts in Social Work Depicted in Movies

The newly crowned king must reunite the rest of the tribes of Wakanda and use the might of Black Panther to gain victory over his enemies and assure the safety of Wakanda and the whole [...]
  • Subjects: Movies
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1725

Social Media Campaign Encouraging Vaccination

Further, the purpose and the effectiveness of the campaign will be discussed in relation to communication theories. In the given campaign, mutuality is expressed by the organization's and the public's willingness to be connected.
  • Subjects: Social Media Advertising
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1500

Film Independent Inc.’s Media Activism

However, despite the advancement of inclusivity and diversity in education, the workplace, and other spheres, the film and television industry is still a work in progress in terms of equality of representation.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 927

Alysia Steele About Interviewing

That is why she decided to interview other grandmothers, black women, and her contemporaries, to know how they lived in the Jim Crow era, coped with suppression, and raised children.
  • Subjects: Journalism
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 641

Fake News in the United States

That is why in 2020, the topic of fake news was also acute, and it referred to the opportunity of external forces, including China, Russia, and Iran, to influence the election outcomes.
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 900

Women in Society Through the Prism of TV Shows

At the center of the plot of the current British project, Fleabag is the story of the life of an unnamed young woman suffering from nymphomania and friend loss syndrome.
  • Subjects: TV
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1685

Animal Care Facilities in Introductory Videos

The main takeaway from the video is that each type of animal requires a specified type of observation, which must be handled in the safest way possible, as their health may be easily damaged due [...]
  • Subjects: Documentaries
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 348

Social Media Impact on Political Segregation

Simultaneously, the trend of political segregation, when a large portion of the population adheres to the extreme right and extreme left views is an undesirable situation.
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2453

Media Influence on Alcohol Abuse

Consequently, many people are likely to watch the advert, and the ad can increase consumption of the product and limit the fight against alcohol problems.
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 583

The Cronkite News Homepage’s Improvement

Therefore, it is essential to catch their attention within those several seconds, which are the most important. These changes are likely to reduce the bounce rate and increase the average session duration.
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 272

Film Adaptation: Alice in Wonderland

Alice later realizes that she is in the hole for a reason that is to overcome the good virtual evil and bring back the rightful queen to her throne.
  • Subjects: Movies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 361

Mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke

On the other hand, the video presents the dare stones and John White's map with a hidden fort as evidence that the lost colony moved west to the inland.
  • Subjects: Documentaries
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 319

The Legacies of Colonialism in Bolivia

The period of colonialism forever changed the history of Latin America and the lifestyle of its inhabitants. Therefore, the children have to work, although in the majority of countries, children's labor is prohibited.
  • Subjects: Documentaries
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 575

Display Advertising Overview

Native advertising is a subset of display marketing that uses the customized content format to display products in a way that is different from the common use of banners.
  • Subjects: Advertising
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 290

The Popular TV Shows: Political and Social Topics

The Laugh-In and The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour make counter-cultural ideas more accessible to Middle America by acknowledging the racial tensions and the Vietnam war, unlike mainstream television.
  • Subjects: TV
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 554

Virtual Event Venues: Benefits and Challenges

As such, more money and square feet of space are needed to host even a small number of people, yet the chances of a successful event are low, and the risk of spreading the coronavirus [...]
  • Subjects: Events
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 652

Anthropological Study of the Zombies

The fears manifest in zombie films like the King of the Zombies and the Walking Dead, where the undead are portrayed as lacking conscious experiences. In response to civil rights and the Vietnam War, the [...]
  • Subjects: Pop Culture
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1264

The Role of Social Media in Businesses Credibility

The overall problem that will be addressed in this essay is the problem of stagnancy that an organization can face due to the ever-changing conditions of its environment. Finally, with the introduction of digital and [...]
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 560

Adidas “Faster Than” Advertisement’s Special Features

Judging by the fact that it depicts running people, it might be presupposed that a line of jogging shoes is advertised. The manipulative nature of modern commercials is advocated by noble motives that turn out [...]
  • Subjects: Advertising
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 917

Media Biases and Their Influence on Society

In the analyzed case, the journalist immediately implements a strong bias concerning the notion of the "power" of the republican party in the USA.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1154

The Two Episodes of the “Shock of the New”

The series consists of several episodes which try to explain how at the culmination of the 19th and the onset of the 20th century, the evolution of art was prejudiced by the fast-changing landscape and [...]
  • Subjects: TV
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 575

Case Activity: a Plan for Fair Trade Mojo

Sunshine Cafe requires a comprehensive public relations plan to create brand awareness to the prospective customers and increase the number of walk-in businesses at the local stores within college towns.
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 401

Latino Characters in the Film “Machete”

To begin with, it is vital to discuss the literal meaning of the term "Latinx" and outline appropriate signifiers that will be utilized further in the essay."Latinx" is used to refer to Latin American descents [...]
  • Subjects: Movies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 577

Social Media: Impact on the Retail Business

This article compares the situation in the field of retail before the introduction of artificial intelligence software and after the adaptation of social media for this purpose.
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1004

Understanding Trust Influencing Factors in Social Media Communication

Media links people and the government: Provides political information Facilitates political decisions Analyzes political leaders and their capabilities Avails the history and prospects of leaders Informs the public about government plans and projects Media plays [...]
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 619

Doctor Who and Time Travel

David Kyle Johnson explains this paradox by pointing out that time is not just the past, the present, and the future arranged in a linear progression.
  • Subjects: Movies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 294

Media Analysis of 13 Reasons Why

According to the laws of the genre, the atmosphere is intensified, the pace accelerates, and the turns in the plot become more and more abrupt.
  • Subjects: TV
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1747

The Nostalgic Value of Commercials

Although the lack of focus on the other constituents of the videogame experience can be seen as a weakness of the stud, the detailed analysis of how the soundtrack helps to form the feeling of [...]
  • Subjects: Advertising
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 601

Journalism and Controversial Topics

The purpose of this paper is to reveal the need to discuss this and similar topics in various types of media.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 477

Transforming the Wasteland: Newton Minow’s Speech

It is the current state of affairs, but the debate under consideration was the first to be televised. The case of The Atomic Cafe is more complicated, and both the trailer and the actual documentary [...]
  • Subjects: TV
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 635

Advertising Plan For Teen Sportswear Store

The purpose of this promotion is to inform the target audience that a new representative of sportswear for teenagers has appeared on the market.
  • Subjects: Advertising
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 397

Evaluating Lessons Offered by Teenage Films

One of the lessons that young audiences can get from the film is that change is the key to success. A young audience can also learn that to make it in life, the advice from [...]
  • Subjects: Movies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 583

Using Social Media for Business

Anytime a user posts a story with Happy Valley Yogurt's product, their subscribers will see the company and its initiative and will be compelled to purchase products for themselves.
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 578

Guidelines for Employees’ Use of Social Media

To: Management of the Company From: Social Media Expert Date: ______________________________ Subject: Guidelines for Employees' Use of Social Media After considerable deliberation, I have come to a conclusion that it is necessary for public [...]
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 384

Should Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter Be Permanently Banned?

Facebook lacks transparency and content monitoring; it also lacks a timely reaction to human rights violations in every country it is present, not only in the US. Nevertheless, in the same manner, it may be [...]
  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 395

US-Based Call Center Communication

Following technology developments witnessed in the recent past, organizations in the U.S.have moved call center services to other nations with the objective of lowering the cost of doing business.
  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2559

Media Bias Fact Check: Website Analysis

For instance, Fact Check relies on the evidence provided by the person or organization making a claim to substantiate the accuracy of the source.
  • Subjects: Social Media Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 314

BTS’ Map of The Soul: 7

Thus, in addition to the music, the cover connects the musician with the listener and, more importantly, expresses their artistry and conveys the hidden message of the entire album.
  • Subjects: Pop Culture
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 952

Music and Advertising in Television

The changing nature of the music industry has presented a new challenge to the new program producers: breaking into the limelight and drawing a good number of audiences to attract many companies yearning for such [...]
  • Subjects: TV
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2234

Hospital Advertising Decision-Making

Seeking to stand out among the competition and draw attention from the less-informed parts of the audience, the hospital decided to implement a visual marketing strategy.
  • Subjects: Advertising
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

How Media Industries Control Human Lives

All in all, it is essential to know about media industries because they strongly influence the lives of almost all people in the world.
  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 667