Writing & Assignments Essay Examples and Topics. Page 2

383 samples

Concept of Narrative Essay

Just like normal essays, the last paragraph in a narrative essay serves to conclude it. Descriptive language and a premise in narrative essays usually make the essays interesting to read.
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  • Words: 580

Scientific Writing in Humanities and Sciences

It was crucial to become familiar with the MLA style, frequently used in the humanities. The study of languages and literature is the focus of this association in the United States.
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  • Words: 611

Creative Work: Writing and Checking

Firstly, it is necessary to begin with an analysis of the subject since it is the basis of the creative work. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the content of the work [...]
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  • Words: 649

Tips to Improve Business Writing

The goal of my writing is to get the reader to accept the information presented. My writing is for colleagues and subordinates as I am the human resources manager.
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  • Words: 575

The Process of Writing and Its Challenges

The process can be split into the critical stages of brainstorming, writing, and editing, each of which has repercussions that affect me as a writer and a teacher of writing.
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  • Words: 392

Mentor Texts: Different Writing Techniques Usage

In this case, the positive reaction of students will be a motivating factor for the teacher to improve mentoring texts. In some cases, such actions, on the contrary, can be considered by students as a [...]
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  • Words: 282

Aspects of the Writing an Argumentative Essay

Moreover, the last sentence of the introduction paragraph is the thesis statement and consists of an opposing point of view, your argument, and the reason for readers to buy the writer's line of thought. Like [...]
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  • Words: 360

Avoiding Plagiarism With Paraphrasing

There are several strategies for avoiding plagiarism, among them competent citation of sources with the mention of the author's name and words in quotation marks and paraphrasing the source's content are.
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  • Words: 290

The College Writing Course Reflection

For this reason, to remain focused, it is critical to develop and support the thesis sentence, introducing the topic of the essay and the author's perspective on it.
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  • Words: 1216

Thesis and Argumentation: The Writing Concepts

In such a way, a strong thesis and argumentation are the major components necessary for a good paper. At the same time, it should be interesting for readers and create the basis for discussion.
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  • Words: 290

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning and Metacognition

This skill is very important in academic writing, because a writer has to engage not only with their own thought process, but also with the processes of the authors whose sources and thoughts they inspect [...]
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  • Words: 562

The Importance of Good Writing

In addition to improving communication skills, good writing is an opportunity to learn to analyze and understand the background and ways information is received and communicated.
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  • Words: 339

Writing Self-Assessment and Improvement Plan

Specifically, the positive features of my writing are the strong use of evidence, defining the purpose, and applying scholarly tone, but the negative characteristics are the incoherent structure of the text and sometimes incorrect syntax.
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  • Words: 560

Live, Online Short-Courses Article by Marrero et al.

Methodological issues and questions in the research approach and the subject itself are extremely interesting in terms of developing research potential. For example, short course meetings enabled students to ask questions of both the teachers [...]
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  • Words: 1132

Comparison of Video Gaming Articles

Article "Is Gaming Good for Kids?" is more aimed at providing general information that is based on the observations and knowledge of the author. The article "Gaming and Gamers.
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  • Words: 317

Getting Published in Professional Journals

For this part of the process, the main aim is to carefully evaluate the direction of the research, assuming that open access is beneficial for beginners in the field that can provide a wider audience.
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  • Words: 584

Information Structures in Technical Writing

Description paints a picture of what the writer is discussing and enables the audience to be on the same page with the author concerning the event or subject in the analysis.
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  • Words: 1166

Tables and Figures in the APA Citation Style

American Psychological Association APA is a style of citation of scientific papers in research and is one of the most common and widely used in educational institutions in the United States of America and many [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1917

Concept-Building and Strong Argument-Making

The relevant materials include theoretical concerns about the content and concepts of the research and the practical frameworks to analyze the practical scientific experience.
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  • Words: 621

How to Write a Good Research Paper

As such, you need to organize your research by checking on aspects such as author credibility, reliability, relevance and timeliness of the research.
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  • Words: 417

How to Write Academic Papers: Preferred Outline Style

An important part of the Alphanumeric outline is the strict hierarchy of characters, which indicates the status of the section within the context of the paper Roman numerals, capitalized letters, Arabic numerals, and lowercase letters.
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  • Words: 542

Evaluating the Academic Writing Process

This paper aims to explain the academic writing process and evaluate the importance of each stage, with particular attention to the critical thinking skills application.
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  • Words: 642

The Small Group for Substance Abuse

To make more informed recommendations based on the survey conducted among students, it is important to retrieve more data on the number of surveyed students to assess the applicability and feasibility of the results.
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  • Words: 437

Academic Writing as a Way of Dialogue

The ability not only to read a text, but to be able to understand its goals and the language means used by it is also part of the necessary skill base for a productive author.
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  • Words: 360

Managing Writing Assessment

The proficiency of the work is measured through the software and the efficiency of the work requires one to wholly understand the relevance of the software in making good the work.
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  • Words: 558

The Issue of Teaching Students to Write Essays

On the other hand, the author is convinced that the most powerful emphasis should be placed on "a strong use of the work of others and a reflectiveness about one's aims in writing".
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  • Words: 415

The Process of Writing a Paper

Contextually, considering one's perceived receiver of the message should help choose a language and the kind of data to use in designing the document. Succinctly, one needs to master the basic components of a respectable [...]
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  • Words: 523

Educational Research Citing and Formatting

Since the APA style allows for creating a short annotation traditionally defined as an abstract, as well as developing a detailed outline and offering in-ext information on not only the author of the source, but [...]
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  • Words: 553

Recommendation Letter Request

As of now, I am looking for a second degree in nursing in [Degree Name], so I would like to ask you to write a recommendation letter for me where you would outline my most [...]
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  • Words: 360

Gloria as a Tender Perfection

He thought her name was Gloria, and he even decided the name was so perfect for her that nobody else on this gigantic planet deserved to be called like that.
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  • Words: 633

Maintaining Academic Integrity by Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the use of someone else's work and failure to acknowledge the original author correctly. Paraphrasing and synthesizing support future nursing practice because they enable students to understand arguments in each source while matching [...]
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  • Words: 315

Grading and Rubrics: Visioning and Reflecting

In response to this, research to evaluate the relationship between quality teaching and performance could be conducted. In this response, it is vital to modify the learning strategies to meet the needs of learners.
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  • Words: 721

Course Participation Self-Assessment

The purpose of this self-assessment at this time is to provide a chance for you to pause at just over the halfway point of the course and think about how you are doing.
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  • Words: 747

Factors Affecting ESP Skills by Ken Hyland

The chapter, 5 ESP and Writing, by Ken Hyland in Brian Paltridge and Sue Starfield's The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes describes ESP writing instruction, the factors affecting ESP skills, and the general theories [...]
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  • Words: 1109

Dissertation Planning and Self-Care

This paper will highlight and examine some of the reasons leading to non-completion of dissertation among the doctoral students in colleges.
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  • Words: 898

Satire as a Literary Work: Road Trip With Kids

When voted in, politicians seem to forget all the promises they gave to the electorate. For instance, politicians promise to change lives of citizens within a twinkle of an eye yet after elections, they forget [...]
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  • Words: 216

How to Avoid Plagiarism Description

The bottom line is that all materials used in a piece of writing that does not belong to your original production or creativity should be given credit accordingly.
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  • Words: 589

Whats Summarizing in Texts

It can be argued that without being able to summarize an article or a book it is difficult to make a proper background for the work that is being written.
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  • Words: 512

Academic Dishonesty Classification

The definition of academic dishonesty is as follows: "The first type of academic dishonesty is cheating, which includes the intentional use or attempted use of unauthorized materials or information in an examination.
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  • Words: 337

Dissertation Writing Challenges

In this case, I have to identify personal bias that may arise from my -understanding of inherent trait since it might alter the final conclusion of my dissertation.
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  • Words: 616

Dissertation Research: Considering a Relevant Topic

The best way to get started is to own a journal of ideas and activities about the research. The process of looking for the research topic should therefore be one which is systematic and continuous.
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  • Words: 637

Researching the Sources for Writings

For instance, I have learned that sources should be cited exhaustively and appropriately to take care of inherent plagiarism. Furthermore, I have learned that plagiarism is for lazy individuals who are eager to reduce their [...]
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  • Words: 585

Writing Skills: Key Aspects

In the first part, the author and title of the work should be noted without forgetting dates of magazines or publications. The basic plan of the paragraphs should respond to details in the text and [...]
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  • Words: 752

American Psychological Association Style Manual

These guidelines are: the margins of the paper are set at one inch at the sides of the paper, the whole paper is double spaced, single space should be used after all punctuations within a [...]
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  • Words: 695

A Mimicked Short Story’s Analysis

But the kick of the small boy in the house-made him awake from the dream. The story starts with a dream of Tony, which is about his ideal day.
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  • Words: 1770

An Evaluation Essay Is Not Cause-Effect Essay

While an evaluation essay is written from the writer's perspective, a cause and effect essay is written using a causal relationship that is not based upon the writer's point of view.
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  • Words: 297

A Literary Essay: How to Write

The first thing that you can do is to understand the literature piece that you will be writing a literary essay about.
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  • Words: 283

An Argumentative Essay: How to Write

You need to have the required contents of this type of essay for you to create the perfect argument essay. The first thing that you can do is to find a good topic for your [...]
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  • Words: 303

A Five-Paragraph Essay: How to Write

3rd Paragraph This is the second body paragraph of your 5 paragraph essay. 4th Paragraph This is the third body paragraph of your 5 paragraph essay.
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  • Words: 283

Academic Writing. A General Essay Format

The essay format brings the essay to a close in which the final conclusion is given based on the discussion in the previous part of the format, namely the body.
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  • Words: 307

Definition Essay: Advantages of Writing

The writing of a definition essay is an exercise that introduces the student to different schools of thought and the basics of the subject of the definition essay.
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  • Words: 297

Rules of Perform the Academic Paper

For the artwork there is another way to organize the paper: Introduction; body; conclusion. For the compare/contrast analysis it is important to include the following structure: introduction; body; conclusion.
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  • Words: 589

Critiquing a Writing Sample

Another point I will consider when critiquing a research paper is to evaluate the evidence of research undertaken and the methodologies followed by the researcher.
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  • Words: 552

“Assessing Writing” by Sara Cushing Weigle

The first chapter of the book titled "The Nature of Writing Ability" discusses the writing skills at the basic level their emergency, the way to develop them and to shape them into the form the [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 901

Discourse Community: Definition and Examples

The introductory part of the topic Discourse Community begins by the discussion about the term Discourse. When one is in the middle of a group of people who share the same ideas or passions and [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1207

What Would Juniper Think?

To imagine facing the atrocities of the master, including rape, physical torture, and the feeling of fear that one morning, one of the family members would be forcefully separated from you, is the most horrific.
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  • Words: 1188

Strategies of Business Proposal Writing

Financiers need to hear that the company has been doing very for sometime and it is the same management that will be taking care of the new projects that the company is willing to undertake.
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  • Words: 914

Wiki Contributions on a Novel, a Person, a Subject

The novel tells the story of the Considine family in different generations, starting with Anthony Considine, who set the beginning of the story creeping into Mellick town with a stolen house in 1789.
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  • Words: 1380

The Art of Writing Better Compositions

There is no need to be reminded that, especially in the business world, when you put yourself down on paper, you are exposing yourself to the scrutiny and judgment of the people around you in [...]
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  • Words: 1119

Constructing Assessments for an Instructional Unit

To promote positive attitude towards acquisition of new skills relevant to understanding the concepts of effective leadership from others, explanations and knowledge in the discipline By the end of the instructional unit, the learners should [...]
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  • Words: 820

Teaching Writing. Process Approach to Writing

At this step, the student also proofreads the text of the paper and prints it to handle to the teacher. This step is useful as it enables the student to see his or her writing [...]
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  • Words: 556

How to Do an Effective Research

Internalizing the purpose of your research is the key point to consider before undertaking any research. Establishing if the topic one is researching is time-specific, what resources are needed for instance books or journals, and [...]
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  • Words: 633

Information on Compare and Contrast Essay

The writing process of a compare and contrast essay is pretty much similar to another essay only that in the thesis statement, the writer must provide his opinion on the subject and perhaps sustain it [...]
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  • Words: 632

Nontraditional Undergraduates by Susan Choy

Other sections address the weaknesses of the paper and suggested areas of improvement, this writer's overall impression of the article, the usefulness of the study to educators and the education history, and the suggested research [...]
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  • Words: 1283

The Optimism in Tragedy Analysis

The words "I will live for love, and the rest will take care of itself," which begin the dedication of the book and which Marina pronounced on her graduation day, are fundamental for the tone [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1738

Writing Workshop as a Method in Education

The use of the same workshop structure every time will contribute to the necessary atmosphere since my students will be aware of the key practices in advance.
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  • Words: 1696

Writing Fundamentals and Recommendations

The process of writing good and interesting essays is the practice that reflects knowledge in the field of study and involves introducing various techniques, including the use of additional resources as justification for certain ideas.
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  • Words: 561

Pandemic Flu: Health Literacy

The higher the readability score, the easier it is to percept the ideas reflected in the text. The higher this score, the better the understanding of a document by the reader is.
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  • Words: 584

A Horrible Walk in the Wilderness

Upon some reflection, Ashley concluded that she should have asked someone to meet her at the bus stop when she arrived at 10 o'clock and guide her to the picnic site."One would have thought that [...]
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  • Words: 549

Writing Process in Five Simple Steps

Here, the writer may add some details that connect the central ideas or think about the segments of the text the beginning, the main part, and the ending. The created outline is a foundation of [...]
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  • Words: 360

Importance of Plagiarism Strategies in Writing

Regarding a number of writing requirements and the possibility to be blamed for plagiarism, it is hard for many students to start writing their papers without any fears and doubts about the quality and originality [...]
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  • Words: 1396

Undergraduate Writers Learning from Dancers

The purpose of these interviews is to learn about peculiarities of majoring in dance, how students view their academic process when compared to others, and what are the most common misconceptions they face about the [...]
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  • Words: 1411

Academic Integrity Culture at College

As a student, I understand the necessity to contribute to the culture that I share with the scholars, teachers, and administration of my college.
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  • Words: 558

Emergent Writing in Abu Dhabi Kindergartens

This major variable will be achieved through a sequential implementation of various interactive writing strategies with an emphasis on play-based learning and an active learning approach.
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  • Words: 851

My Current Capabilities in Critical and Creative Thinking

Compare and contrast analysis of the two video projects demonstrate that in "OCD PART 2" BISMCS 234 Media & Communication Technique, I completed in 2016 shows my considerable progress in the video-production area as compared [...]
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  • Words: 507

Writing Lessons in Webster Elementary School

During the first stage, the students should complete the pre-writing activities while discussing the topic of the composition and composing the plan of the essay; during the second stage, the students are asked to use [...]
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  • Words: 605

APA Format Mechanics and Style of Writing

The recommendations provided earlier in this paper are meant to enhance grammar and ensure the accuracy of the message that the author conveys to the readers, and therefore these basic guidelines are applied to most [...]
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  • Words: 699