The main message of the article is that academic ghostwriting is a nuanced job, the essence of which is not limited to cheating.
Article "Is Gaming Good for Kids?" is more aimed at providing general information that is based on the observations and knowledge of the author. The article "Gaming and Gamers.
The contrasting and arguable opinion would add a side to the conflict; the example source would analyze the actions of the US in this war.
Design the work's title page following the rules of the APA: no more than 12 words and the title is placed in the upper half of the first page.
For this part of the process, the main aim is to carefully evaluate the direction of the research, assuming that open access is beneficial for beginners in the field that can provide a wider audience.
The topic of the video is reflective writing and its concept, regarding the analysis of the past and future events. However, the most important point is that reflection writing is useless without the analysis of [...]
Multiple-choice questions have a structure of a question and a list of choices from which a learner chooses the correct answer.
Most of the time, if you are going to employ this rhetorical device, you will want to compare and contrast both similarities and differences.
Description paints a picture of what the writer is discussing and enables the audience to be on the same page with the author concerning the event or subject in the analysis.
The relevant materials include theoretical concerns about the content and concepts of the research and the practical frameworks to analyze the practical scientific experience.
The academic writing process can be summarized by five distinctive stages. First, the discovery and investigation stages require writers to engage with sources.
Information should be synthesized during the academic writing process. The first part of the process is knowledge, a type of category that involves remembering information.
This paper aims to explain the academic writing process and evaluate the importance of each stage, with particular attention to the critical thinking skills application.
For instance, the Survey Monkey tool is available to capture the views of the parents of children with disabilities and special needs.
The sample in question is a letter addressed to the George Bush at the time of him being the President of the United States.
To make more informed recommendations based on the survey conducted among students, it is important to retrieve more data on the number of surveyed students to assess the applicability and feasibility of the results.
The ability not only to read a text, but to be able to understand its goals and the language means used by it is also part of the necessary skill base for a productive author.
The authors Templeton and Morris of the article Questions Teachers Ask About Spelling draw the attention of readers to the problem of misspelling.
The proficiency of the work is measured through the software and the efficiency of the work requires one to wholly understand the relevance of the software in making good the work.
To include this effectively, it would be important to consider the type of event that must be covered in the presentation.
On the other hand, the author is convinced that the most powerful emphasis should be placed on "a strong use of the work of others and a reflectiveness about one's aims in writing".
However, the awareness of such characteristic features of the qualitative research process and the influential role of the researcher's positionality allows for predicting the bias and addressing it effectively for more reliability and credibility of [...]
I am writing to share my experience related to the use of emails. I appreciate the opportunity to obtain better knowledge in netiquette through lessons and constant writing of emails.
5 Bitter woe precedes thee. Bitter woe of ripe old age, Bitter woe, you are named
Their views should not be undermined because they can help one to identify both simple and complex mistakes in the paper.
This is because the student has only left out some words from the original passage and has used the same words that were in the source.
This lesson sequence is the introductory step towards learning the basic concept of weather and climatic changes in the Earth Science curriculum.
The research is made to inspire most people in the world and make KAUST a leading university in research and innovation.
The condition is that the discount is available in respect of those purchases made by the teacher above the limit of $ 20 and the discount is calculated on the value of purchases exceeding $ [...]
He thought her name was Gloria, and he even decided the name was so perfect for her that nobody else on this gigantic planet deserved to be called like that.
Plagiarism is the use of someone else's work and failure to acknowledge the original author correctly. Paraphrasing and synthesizing support future nursing practice because they enable students to understand arguments in each source while matching [...]
Kairos is the right time and the right moment to open opportunities that require action to implement them or share the news that can be overwhelming for people.
Below, there is a list of some helpful websites where one can get information about the APA style in general, the rules one should stick to while formatting a paper, and a list of references [...]
The details that are missing in this email include a date, venue and contact details. It is also wrong for the source to assume that everyone knows that Joe would be retiring.
The purpose of this self-assessment at this time is to provide a chance for you to pause at just over the halfway point of the course and think about how you are doing.
The chapter, 5 ESP and Writing, by Ken Hyland in Brian Paltridge and Sue Starfield's The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes describes ESP writing instruction, the factors affecting ESP skills, and the general theories [...]
People need to change their mind and accept the fact that the leaders in power and administrators still do not know some things, and they are always supposed to learn some things.
When voted in, politicians seem to forget all the promises they gave to the electorate. For instance, politicians promise to change lives of citizens within a twinkle of an eye yet after elections, they forget [...]
The bottom line is that all materials used in a piece of writing that does not belong to your original production or creativity should be given credit accordingly.
This paper provides the general analysis of the provided articles and the detailed evaluation of the academic quality of the selected material.
The definition of academic dishonesty is as follows: "The first type of academic dishonesty is cheating, which includes the intentional use or attempted use of unauthorized materials or information in an examination.
For instance, I have learned that sources should be cited exhaustively and appropriately to take care of inherent plagiarism. Furthermore, I have learned that plagiarism is for lazy individuals who are eager to reduce their [...]
The abstract of the article provides an overview of the research paper by making the results of the research clear. By making the achievements of the study clear, the abstract enables the reader to comprehend [...]
In the first part, the author and title of the work should be noted without forgetting dates of magazines or publications. The basic plan of the paragraphs should respond to details in the text and [...]
But the kick of the small boy in the house-made him awake from the dream. The story starts with a dream of Tony, which is about his ideal day.
This essay can be regarded as an example of the process of writing or the writing that "analyzes the process in which we are interested, break it down into steps, and shows how the process [...]
The first thing that should be considered is the content of the essay; when one hears the topic connected to the lost of magic in America, this person creates an image of the American dream [...]
When minimal time is given to the task, this often compromises on the quality of the essay. The paper must end with a conclusion that can be linked to the main idea.
Like most other essays, lyric essay are written in order to make sense of the world around us. Poems and lyric essays both embrace complexity, poetic language and ingenuity in order to make sense of [...]
In a given Lord of the Flies essay, one needs to illustrate the different themes used by Golding in his novel.
To address the several different methods used in food preservation in the food essay and the effects of preservation on food appearance, taste and its quality.
Choose the Article or theme you want to analyze: Once you have decided the topic of your process analysis essay, you should choose the theme or topic you aim to analyse.
The first thing that you can do is to understand the literature piece that you will be writing a literary essay about.
You need to have the required contents of this type of essay for you to create the perfect argument essay. The first thing that you can do is to find a good topic for your [...]
3rd Paragraph This is the second body paragraph of your 5 paragraph essay. 4th Paragraph This is the third body paragraph of your 5 paragraph essay.
This is because of the fact that the writing of a narrative essay gives the student a high degree of independence.
The writing of a definition essay is an exercise that introduces the student to different schools of thought and the basics of the subject of the definition essay.
A definition essay seeks to explain the definition of a term and to elaborate on it. The definition essay seeks to elaborate on the definition of the term or concept.
For the artwork there is another way to organize the paper: Introduction; body; conclusion. For the compare/contrast analysis it is important to include the following structure: introduction; body; conclusion.
As a writer, I understand that each of my works is created to check my level of knowledge and the ability to share the information in a clear and interesting way.
Writing is a daily activity that every person has to indulge in, and this is especially significant in the case of students who pursue academic degrees.
The first chapter of the book titled "The Nature of Writing Ability" discusses the writing skills at the basic level their emergency, the way to develop them and to shape them into the form the [...]
To imagine facing the atrocities of the master, including rape, physical torture, and the feeling of fear that one morning, one of the family members would be forcefully separated from you, is the most horrific.
Financiers need to hear that the company has been doing very for sometime and it is the same management that will be taking care of the new projects that the company is willing to undertake.
The first step I take when I have to write an essay is to think of a thesis that I can write about.
To promote positive attitude towards acquisition of new skills relevant to understanding the concepts of effective leadership from others, explanations and knowledge in the discipline By the end of the instructional unit, the learners should [...]
Internalizing the purpose of your research is the key point to consider before undertaking any research. Establishing if the topic one is researching is time-specific, what resources are needed for instance books or journals, and [...]
The writing process of a compare and contrast essay is pretty much similar to another essay only that in the thesis statement, the writer must provide his opinion on the subject and perhaps sustain it [...]
When my outline is ready, I start researching, and the exciting thing is that the outline and research are parts of an iterative process.
The words "I will live for love, and the rest will take care of itself," which begin the dedication of the book and which Marina pronounced on her graduation day, are fundamental for the tone [...]
The purpose of the research is to investigate and evaluate the influence of social media integration that stays as an independent variable on administrative decision-making and public engagement and collaboration.
With this in mind, I consider every writing assignment as an opportunity to improve my strengths and minimize the impact of weaknesses to become a more professional writer.
The use of the same workshop structure every time will contribute to the necessary atmosphere since my students will be aware of the key practices in advance.
The role of science cannot be ignored in research, and therefore, it seems to be reasonable and interesting to compare the opinions and beliefs of different theorists on research, its main characteristics, and a scientific [...]
Education research tends to solve issues for improving the quality of education and contribute to the welfare of society. Hostetler emphasizes the main theme inherent in good education research is the well-being of stakeholders in [...]
The higher the readability score, the easier it is to percept the ideas reflected in the text. The higher this score, the better the understanding of a document by the reader is.
Upon some reflection, Ashley concluded that she should have asked someone to meet her at the bus stop when she arrived at 10 o'clock and guide her to the picnic site."One would have thought that [...]
Here, the writer may add some details that connect the central ideas or think about the segments of the text the beginning, the main part, and the ending. The created outline is a foundation of [...]
Regarding a number of writing requirements and the possibility to be blamed for plagiarism, it is hard for many students to start writing their papers without any fears and doubts about the quality and originality [...]
It is not that easy to claim what can be considered the theft of other people's ideas and what is used just as the confirmation of a specific theory.
On the one hand, I was free to do everything. There was no way for me to spend them with pleasure, as I wanted to share it with my nearest and dearest people."Mike, dear!
The decision to enter a chef school was evident, and I had to evaluate my strong and weak sides and check if I could meet the standards and my expectations.
One of the main goals of the study was to identify differences in the interpretations of the revision process by students and experienced writers.
For example, we may reflect on past experiences such as what went wrong, how we felt about it, whether there is a better way of doing it again, and the future prospects. Perhaps, it is [...]
Since this is the conclusion section, it should not operate with any facts or statements that were not already mentioned in the main body of the text.
This major variable will be achieved through a sequential implementation of various interactive writing strategies with an emphasis on play-based learning and an active learning approach.
To write a persuasive essay, it is necessary to get well aware of both concepts and concentrate on the one you want to defend.
This personal evaluation essay explains how I have developed my skills and competencies as a business writer and researcher. I have also gained new skills as a business researcher and coordinator.
The recommendations provided earlier in this paper are meant to enhance grammar and ensure the accuracy of the message that the author conveys to the readers, and therefore these basic guidelines are applied to most [...]
Students will have to go through the process of learning what a thesis statement is and then define what is a thesis statement using their own words.
It is imperative to mention that the importance of professional development plan should not be disregarded, and it can be used to address some of the areas that are in need of improvement.
In the introduction part of the guide, the author explains to his audience the need to write, among the reasons given are; the explanation of ideas, the ability to have an influence on the thinking [...]
The number and order of examples depending on the topic and the amount of collected information. The sequence of the causes and effects in the paper should also be considered.
Sterling was a spoon unlike any other; supposedly made from the finest silver and inlaid with gold and intricate designs from stem to head; he distinguished himself as a spoon fit only for the hands [...]
As a matter of fact, I usually find myself in a dilemma similar to the one presented by the author of the article when deciding what's important in my own life as I make choices [...]
In the provided dissertation "A Quantitative Approach To The Organizational Design Problem", the student Jes s A. The major shortcoming noticeable in this chapter is the exclusion of the historical perspectives of the problem.
Journalism, on the other hand, is a form of writing that involves the investigation and search for information then publishing the findings for the sake of informing the general public.
In my cover letter to Omnibus, I believe that I achieved my goal, which was to communicate effectively through the cover letter and the report. It was then followed by the message of the letter, [...]
The writer should decide on the theme and the type of article; whether it is informatory or explanatory. The initial schema in the writing procedure is to execute studies on the subject matter.
In light of the issues highlighted above, MP it is apparent that sports are a little different from other activities in the wider society.
Same as writing style, length of writing is determined by the nature of the message in terms of content and the need for an in-depth explanation.
The names of the author have been presented after the title to clearly show the owners of the work. This is necessary to show the relevance of the content to the reader.
I have learned that whenever one reads something, and he is unable to comprehend the thoughts of the writer, it does not mean that the person reading is incompetent.
I have gained so much academically from studying this writing course, and I believe that the skills and knowledge gained from Clouse and Grevstad's The Student Writer: Editor and Critic will go a long way [...]
To begin with, a literature review should start with an evaluation of the available books, journals, and websites that can contribute to the development of the research topic.
Initially, it was perceived that developing a topic would have been easy in comparison to the main bulk of the research proposal which would involve considerable research and developing the necessary methods of data collection [...]
The first step in writing a comparative essay, after the research, is to make a list of what you know about subject one. The introduction of your comparative essay has to discuss both of the [...]
Moreover, I think that the process of determining the effective sources and facts necessary for the research to support the thesis statement is more problematic than the process of writing the main body of the [...]
The topic of discussion was "Obesity problem in the United States," there are numerous materials on the internet addressing these issues, however, the sources have a different reputation, and the ones to be used needed [...]
Bartholomae also argues that a good writer should make use good of a "commonplace" in his/her writing. The choice of words should suggest that the writer has in-depth knowledge and understanding of what he or [...]
The development of writing skills in primary students is one of the elements of primary education. The suggested intervention involved a combination of traditional tasks, games, and the use of digital devices to develop writing [...]
The identification of stakeholders and their needs is essential for the confirmative evaluation plan as an integral part of the adequate assessment.
The team adopted the name "Leading in a Big Way" consequential to the success of the efforts of the leadership to motivate all members to own the process.
In conclusion, it is possible to note that the level of trust to the existing educational system is very low as people do not trust the formal education anymore.
The revision of the first draft of the essay based on the peer review revolved around the incorporation of the following corrections: inclusion of a proper definition of corporate social responsibility, punctuation correction, and choice [...]
The body of an essay is divided into the distinct sections in which the author explains one's arguments and explores the subject to convince a reader that the ideas presented in the thesis are true.
Ethics in research promotes significant social and moral values in the process, encourages collaborative research and enables researchers to be accountable for their actions.
The most common form of plagiarism is copying information and using it as part of one's assignment or essay, without acknowledging the original source of information Sometimes, students are dumbfounded by the amount of work [...]
The doubting game is considered to be an essential approach to this process. Moreover, this approach helps to evaluate the personal position and to see its possible drawbacks and weak spots.
The problem addressed in this study is the methods of dealing with the issue of plagiarism in applied research papers amid graduate students, which threatens to weaken the quality of academic research.