Notwithstanding, the diversification of the workforce in a business may ensure flexibility in the definition of the interdependent components that translate to the realization of an elastic business operation.
A PEST analysis of the business environment shows that economically, Saudi has one of the strongest outlooks in the world. The banking industry is one of the most attractive in the region owing to its [...]
Al Bilad is a private bank in Saudi Arabia. Macro environment for private business is thriving in Saudi Arabia, especially in Riyadh, which is the headquarters.
This paper aims to assess political risks and examine specific legal factors that can affect the decision on the FDI in the computer industry in South Korea with the focus on the macro and micro [...]
The Impact on Consumption, Supply and Demand, and Prices The invention of flying automobiles has lead to notable changes in this sphere.
The roles of the management and that of each of the stakeholders are also well documented within the reports. As earlier mentioned, each of the reports as presented by the two companies varies greatly in [...]
The saudization and natigat policy is calling for the companies in Saudi Arabia to ensure that they employ the nationals of Saudi Arabia and deploy the expertise foreigners working in their firms.
The GCC offers a market that is dissimilar to the markets of the developed countries and other emerging markets because the GCC separates from the entire equity market of the world and is highly affected [...]
The expansiveness of the UPS products can lead to the company losing a big part of its customers. The quantity change can evoke a demand increase as well if the company lowers the prices for [...]
The main goal of the bank is to respond to the primary Islamic values and to see the world from a different perspective.
The bank has always provided its clients with advanced customer experiences, yet they were in need of special tools that would help the organisation to integrate and coordinate the functions of their back and front [...]
Considering the drawbacks of economic growth as a measure of performance for economies such as failing to record productivity in the black markets, Keith asserts that all nations endeavour to ensure a balanced economic growth.
This paper discusses the impact of unemployment on the economy of a country and explores the rates of unemployment and GDP growth in Saudi Arabia.
The community does not allow anything or anyone to interfere with the Arab language because it is part of the Arabic heritage.
Firstly, the elimination of tariffs may imply that foreign companies will have the incentive to enter the oil and gas industry due to reduced barriers to entry. The entry of foreign firms in the industry [...]
In Australia, the government is proactive in regulating the contributions of the multinational corporations to ensure that the economy and the society are at advantageous position.
As a way of measuring quality of life, economists first measure the size of an economy and then use social indicators to determine the distribution of wealth.
Furthermore, the increased costs of beef are the primary drivers of the growth of the prices for grills due to the interdependency of the components.
On the other hand, the benefits that can be observed as a result of globalization are not always available to everyone, and the number of losers can exceed.
It is obvious that the mentioned issues are among the most relevant reasons for II; eliminating them should lead to the improvement of II situation in the world.
One method in forecasting is the use of data and the corresponding analysis, and tracing price trends that may appear in sequence or in cluster.
In the context of the substantial price growth, inflation increases the social differentiation of the population and creates a gap between the groups of income recipients.
The terms of relationships and the norms of behavior that represent the framework of the agents' collaboration can be referred to the notion of corporate governance.
The paper evaluates UAE's main economic challenges, domestic issues, and its relations with the rest of the world. For example, the UAE is the largest consumer of U.
As customer satisfaction determines the competitiveness of these companies, the study aims to evaluate the level of customer satisfaction in the usage of Samsung, Apple, and BlackBerry models of mobile phones in Dubai.
The participation of the European settlers in the development of these institutions played a significant role in the provocation of the economic weakness of the colonized countries.
This means that a wealthy nation will reduce the greater volume of output than developing the nation in an attempt to increase the level of clean air and water.
The second one is resource cost-income approach, which includes the sum of all the payments to suppliers of resources and other inputs used in producing goods and services during the year under the review.
From this point, the long-term investment can be discussed as the effective tax shelter method to reduce the taxable income and tax payments.
Under the ijarah contract, the lessor must be the owner of the asset to be leased. The leased asset must be treated as a trust in the hands of the lessee and the contract is [...]
In his article Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and the Raising of Value of Money, John Locke outlines the main theoretical provisions of what later became known as the amonetary' [...]
According to Locke, money should be left to find its path in the market through the balance of trade, in this regards, he argued that by putting a ceiling or lowering the interest rate, the [...]
When selecting a contractor, the client must evaluate the financial strength of the potential contractors based on the scope of the project.
In the article, the author attempts to describe a situation that will result if the government succeeds in pushing and implementing the rise in the minimum wage.
According to "The Rise of the Creative Class", the model of creating a successful creative city should not only embrace the advanced economic aspects of a place but also the 'sticky' aspects of that place.
In the case of the latter, the advocacy for FT could be explained by the fact that economic integration is considered to be beneficial to the economic welfare of member countries and for the global [...]
The management should be aware of the issues so that the right approaches can be used to facilitate a culture of excellent performance. They are organized markets that rely on information that is used to [...]
They allow firms to set up factories and businesses in countries that do not restrict the production activities leading to pollution.
The parts that could be ideological in the opinion are the wages of workers and levels of production. Although the use of science in solving economic and social problems has demerits, it is also important [...]
The coffee spilled when Stella was trying to add sugar and cream to it. Stella's decision to sue the company was misguided simply because she handled her coffee recklessly.
The development of the taxation of the policy has significant implications for the development of the community, and one should identify the most optimal taxation strategy.
Though a shrinkage in the number of vacancies and the rapid increase in the number of part-time jobs have had their toll on the unemployment rates, the lack of vacancies still remains the key cause [...]
Therefore, one of the variables of the present research will be time as it is essential to trace the development of the countries throughout the 2000s and 2010s to identify major factors affecting this growth.
The article "Strategic Procurement in Textile and Apparel Sourcing Companies in Hong Kong: A Practitioner's Perspective" identifies different elements of procurement and strategic sourcing.
Economics is the social science that focuses on the behavior of organizations, groups of people, and individuals that manage resources. It is possible to note that the approaches mentioned above mainly focus on setting prices [...]
The availability of the internet is probably the single most important innovation of the 20th century that has increased the speed of communication and availability of information fundamental to conducting business.
Speaking about the wars and conflicts which had a great impact on the country, it is possible to admit the role of foreign countries and United Nations in the attempts to make the compromise and [...]
The graph above shows that the level of income inequality is at its highest at the top of the income scale.
The end of the twentieth century was characterized by the rise of emerging economies to the status of global players. It is noteworthy that up to the 1930s, Latin American countries had been oligarchic, and [...]
In the case of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, the firm has improved on its ability to turn the capital into profits.
Over the years, the industry has played a major role in the growth of the French economy. In comparison to the largest economy in Europe, Germany recorded a GDP growth of -5.
The strategic location of the UAE in the Middle East and its access to sea routes and ports boost the service industry because of the free movement of merchandise and the wide market that is [...]
The concept of market competitiveness occasioned by globalization has its roots well entrenched in the historical era of the industrial revolution when the demand for market and increasing focus on the quality of products became [...]
However, it is necessary to emphasize that the consideration of a great number of various key points at the same time is the guaranty of the efficient and prosperous economy of the state.
The aim of import substitution industrialization is to safeguard local industries by forbidding the importation of traditional consumer products. 2 The wave of import substitution industrialization in the United States and Europe took place in [...]
The current United States' "national debt is the sum of the arrears held by the US government, and it stands at $328 billion, which has shattered the record of $238 billion set in the past [...]
There are other examples in which the lack of such a component as talent has blocked the way for the state to introduce the phenomenon of a Creative Class into its economic structure.
If one summarizes the information from the book, the virtue can be defined as a somewhat vague idealistic image of the "good" of the correct way of living.
A number of factors in the economy can cause the stock market to crash. The model equates total income in the economy to a sum of expenditure in the economy.
Employers are said to pay efficiency wages to increase the cost of job loss and increase the effort and intensity of work.
Also, it is paramount to say that the number of complaints depends on the expectations of the customers most of the time, and it is necessary to make sure that advertisements are reasonable depending on [...]
Therefore, Marx confirms the relationship between political economy and the primitive accumulation of capital. Moreover, Marx explains in respect to the relationships or similarities existing between the primitive accumulation of capital and political economy.
Expatriate salespeople are the company's direct tie to the customer since through them the company is able to transfer its technology to the customers.
Since the introduction of the PFI into the British governance system and in some countries in the Middle East and North Africa, several changes have occurred in the provision of public services and in the [...]
The article also integrates how the economic situation of today affects the strategic decisions made by the company and the managerial economics exhibited in the company.
The price of the cloth used to make khaki pants falls The price of the product is more likely to decline, if the cost of cloth declines, because the manufacturing expenses of companies will diminish.
According to Marx, economic systems deal with the development of strategies and policies that govern the behavior and employment of the means of production.
In regard to the above-mentioned definitions, the issues raised in the interview conducted with a representative of the concerned party, i.e, an "instructor at UCRI", as the respondent called herself, sheds some light on the [...]
The excellent economic relationship between Hong Kong and Shanghai has contributed to the growth of Hong Kong. The city of Hong Kong is located in the south of China.
Taking all these facts into account, it is possible to suggest that the Middle East will obtain more and more popularity as one of the main areas of interest for the majority of leading international [...]
The main expectation of approaching the US for a bilateral trade agreement was to increase investor confidence in the country and improve its economic fortunes in the same regard.
Based on several aspects of business criteria, they strongly opposed the management and involvement of the community in the activities of the credit-based firms.
There is a tendency to assume that wealth of citizens of a country will not necessarily lead to prosperity of the state.
The succinctness of this book lies in the critical analysis and emphasis of the financial history of money in spite of the fact it has impeded some important functions of the global economy.
In this paper, the author will discuss the role played by economic and political institutions in the growth of the economy of the United States.
Nussbaum supports Sen's argument that efforts in poverty eradication should be focused on capability deprivation, which is the taking away of the abilities bestowed on someone, rather than raising the income of the poor.
In the course of that occurrence, the old British companies insured the US corporations, in addition to the government, and the payouts after the destructions were massive.
Mumbai is one of the most populated cities in the world. It is on the western side of the Indian coast and has one of the deepest natural harbors in India.
The first objective related to the purpose of the research is to explore the relationship between sukuk and the monetary policy with the focus on differences between expansionary monetary policy and contractionary monetary policy.
The author provides quite an explicit thesis at the beginning of the article. Importantly, the author provides the answer to the question he raises at the beginning of the article.
This is one of the aspects that should not be overlooked. This is one of the problems that should not be disregarded.
The article in question dwells upon the demand and supply correlation in the commodity market in 2014. In conclusion, it is necessary to note that the article in question unveils the essence of supply and [...]
The second problematic aspect of grant funding, in the context of human service programs, is the inherent challenges that were the end result of poor economic conditions. The first step is to determine the type [...]
In order to carry out a conclusive technical analysis, reference must be given to the volume of sales, the basic price that dominates a given market and patterns of the past market data.
To start with, supply is defined as the amount of a commodity that the seller is willing to bring to the market at a given time, place and at a given price.
Forecasting is an essential input to the decision-making process in an organization because the output of predictions is used to plan for the future. The data will be for a period of five years, that [...]
In this type of market structure, "the market is comprised of a large number of small market players offering identical products". Moreover, the market is characterized by the existence of perfect knowledge of the products' [...]
It is important to understand the difference between growth stocks and value stocks before diving into the world of investing in stocks.
In order to conceal the unusual trading activities, a certain trading branch of the firm purchased the derivatives that the bank was selling in high numbers.
The first part covers the definition of opportunity cost and an example of a situation that gives rise to opportunity cost.
The advancement in information technology in China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, and Australia have contributed to emergence of the Asian economic giants, which trade with major European nations in global stock markets.
On the other hand, the federal expenditure on Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP amounted to $599 billions in 2008 which translates to 20% of the total government budget.
There are a number of measures that the federal government can put in place in order to lower the deficit. One of the key areas of the federal government expenditure is social security.
Social Insurance: Social insurance is the type of compensation that is offered and controlled by a government for the people who are aged, handicapped, or unemployed.
Should The United States Federal Government increase "sin taxes" on alcohol and tobacco to help pay for the increasing costs of medical care?
He faults the economics profession by arguing that the economists failed to predict the current messy economic situation. He argues that the education being offered to modern economists is to blame for the current situation.
But in order to appreciate the significance of this change it is important to understand the evolution from a centrally controlled economy to a free market economy.
Much effort has been in place to from the government of Saudi Arabia in order to address the question of unemployment despite the fact that the nation is full of vast deposits of crude oil.
Time value of Money is the notion that a dollar held at present has more value than one which would be received in the future.
However, banks need to meet a number of requirements so as to qualify in their mission and objectives to the countries where they belong and also to the customers.
The significance of this study is to bring out the effects of increasing interest rates in Africa. This study will cover the major banks in Africa such as Barclays, Ecobank, Standard Chattered Bank, and Bank [...]
On the other hand, progressive tax is the form of tax where tax rate varies with income. In this case, the VAT tax may reduce the level of aggregate demand in the country.
Australia Dollar is the currency used in the nation. There are also scientific and medical researchers in Australia and this means that the country has a huge number of educated persons.
In Islamic business, currency notes and debt certificates in exchange of homogeneous currencies are not valid subjects of sale as they represent purchasing powers with respect to the different denominations they are in.
Al-Ali attributes the influx of foreign expatriates into the Gulf States to the shortfall in the labour force to work in the construction of facilities and infrastructure.
Thus, the management of the business that sells fast moving goods should prepare to increase the stock of the firms to meet the rising demand.
There are seldom cases, when in spite of the intervention of the union and the management, the disputes are not solved.
Joseph Stiglitz's book Making Globalization Work is the representation of the author's opinion on the question of globalization in the context of the economic and political development of countries with determining globalization's main challenges and [...]
A similar search of the origin of the Getwear products that the researcher outlined in the list above indicates that most of Getwear products do not originate from Scotland, which is the headquarter of the [...]
In the 21st century, there are so many issues in the economy of the United States. This is increasing the demand for skilled workers by the day as opposed to the unskilled.
This can be viewed to be an increase in the efficiency of the market since the market is able to sustain itself and both producers and consumers can rely on the market.
In most cases, if one is suffering structural unemployment, it is as a result of improvement in a certain area, or a change in the way things are done.
It could be assumed that unemployment is a critical issue in the United States of America, as it has a strong impact on the society and other spheres of everyday life.
In a slow economy, the expenditure by the government is reduced, and thus, the economy is contracted. When the population, on the other hand, is not willing to spend in the country, then there is [...]
The advantage of maintaining the Swedish organizational culture in the company's top management is that it facilitates the continuity of effective financial strategies in each department, thus fostering the financial foundations of the company over [...]
Nelson explores the neoclassical perspective on the curves of supply and demand, the prices within markets, and the allocation of resources.
Marginal revenue and marginal cost are microeconomic concepts that are very significant in making production decisions. Marginal revenue refers to the revenue that is associable to the sale of the last unit of a product. The revenue for the aforementioned unit could either be the same as that of the previous unit, higher or lower. […]
However, in the long term, a tax cut is speculated to have macro-economic benefits if the taxpayers use the supplementary income they get wisely, and at the same time, the governments adjust well to its [...]
For instance, the business sector is responsible for the production of goods and services which have to be consumed for production to continue.
In such a market, the price is determined by the forces of demand and supply, and the firm is left with no option than to take the prices. A monopoly firm is one that has [...]