The weight of the ethical issues that the news portended require deep analysis to identify the moral lapses that may have contributed to what some describe as the largest Ponzi scheme in human history.
Additionally, the article focuses on social corporate responsibility as the viable underpinning for gaining social recognition, as well as a fresh insight into a series of activities that produce benefits both to society and to [...]
By analyzing the strategic plan of the organization, I was able to gauge how the alignment of my values and the values of the organization would influence my performance if I were the leader of [...]
Their efforts in the area of environmental sustainability are contents of sustainability reporting that show how businesses affect the natural environment and the community in which they thrive.
I now understand sustainability themes, issues, challenges, and approaches that are critical to businesses and society. It is also important to mention that individual or business sustainability is anchored on availability of capital.
For this to happen, the managing director wanted me to give a false account of stock goods to portray a rosy picture of the company's operations.
Regardless of the situation where this theory is applied, it is important to try and strike a balance between successfully applying the organizational justice theory, meeting the organization's set objectives, and passing the right information [...]
In this essay, the codes of ethics and business conduct of the Cheesecake factory are examined in a bid to determine the extent to which they can influence the organization's business activities.
Using reverse discrimination can strike the balance between the white populations presenting the majority in business organizations of the United States and the minority groups.
The theory of Moral Unity is amongst the fundamental opinions featuring within the age-old debacle of seemingly tolerant morals within the business environment.
Speaking about human rights as the priority for the company, it is essential to consider the specifics of company views in this relation.
The scope of this report brings out the various codes that guide IT security professionals and the validity of these codes in relation to ethical conduct.
In this context, the word frontier is used to describe the situation when the management does not know how a product can affect the life of the community.
It is due to this that my personal code of ethics in any business practices that I enter will be based on the concept of corporate social responsibility wherein the company will ensure its actions [...]
In a sales environment, it is of utmost importance to identify the degree to which salespeople and sales managers differ in their view of what is ethically acceptable.
In a real sense, the character is the total sum of cumulative choices and decisions made daily. From these definitions, it is irrefutable that the concepts are interrelated and can indeed be used to define [...]
Understanding the expectations of the consumers by the business proprietors is valuable enough to help in making decisions to attract and retain different personalities of the customers.
That is why it is not surprising that the issue of morals has a great influence on the world of business.
In the event that there is a crisis, it can be evaluated if the company or employees responded to signs of there being a problem.
Due to this, there was a public outcry over the issue as both Facebook's and Burson's actions were both unethical and in breach of the trust, they had in the industry.
It is possible to state that Benji should not sign the contract proposed by New Gen Health Sciences because the company seems to fail to follow the ethical codes, respect employees' needs, and customers' interests, [...]
What is the main conclusion of this text? What are the strengths of the argument presented in this text?
Apprenticeships in the form of mentoring can be considered a useful method for fostering ethical behavior since it enables a senior manager/executive within the company to impart the necessary ethical mindset needed to ensure that [...]
Moral awareness gives a person an opportunity to understand the moral nature of the ethical problem or dilemma and to make certain conclusions on the issue.
Lately, the concept of "corporate social responsibility" became of great interest to both researchers and practitioners mainly because the public started to recognize that international trade, commerce, and manufacturing harm the environment and the communities [...]
The ethical dilemma is whether Wayne should choose between protecting the professional ethics and anyone who uses the software and delivering the product on time to protect the jobs of many workers and the image [...]
By declining the approval of the loan for the tobacco-producing organization because was advantageous to the company because it portrayed the willingness of UBC to uphold ethical practice and social corporate responsibility.
The development of any organisation in the sphere of CSR implies only personal interests of its owners or corporate managers to improve the living standards of this firm's employees, their families, and other members of [...]
Arguments for some of these items are that they cost next to nothing to the company; in addition, it is very likely that employees do some work for the company for free, so it is [...]
Both ethics and law may sometimes overlap, and what may be considered or perceived as ethical in some instances may be against the law, therefore, ethics and law are not the same things.
These could involve consulting all the stakeholders and provision of the penalties to the breakers of the laws provided to provide security to the confidential information. I have also learned how to ensure the privacy [...]
From the point of Jean, the most positive consequence of engaging "the other party" technique is the increased number of closed deals and the subsequent remuneration.
The application of industry-supplied teaching materials in schools becomes a common practice which, however, is associated with a few controversial implications on the one hand, it allows enterprises to achieve both corporate and social benefits [...]
Conversely, the Organizational Culture Scale was used to investigate the organizational cultures of the firms included in the study. The study concluded that there was a slightly significant relationship between particular cultural characteristics and employee [...]
However, it was better to outsource the production process as it impacted the lowering of the firm's prices and manufacturing expenses as well.
A code of ethics is composed of a guide of principles and rules that help professionals in the workplace to act with honesty and integrity.
The report concludes that young leaders encounter difficulties in maintaining ethical standards primarily due to the lack of experience. The changes in the perspectives of leadership ethics also suggest that experience is vital to maintain [...]
This company is committed to the detection and deterrence of bribery. Every person should be ready to support and follow the existing code of ethics.
Data governance also referred to as data management, is a term for the creation of cross-functional teams and establishing laws and boundaries in providing data services to various stakeholders. Data stewardship, on the other hand, [...]
For instance, in the case of the Bangladesh factory, meeting the human cost would require the management to ensure proper and decent working conditions.
Business regulation refers to the measures that the government imposes on businesses in order to control the activities that they undertake.
In particular, people may believe that the traits and behavior of an individual can be attributed only to one factor, such as race.
The attitude of employees to ethics and moral norms, both corporate and social, often reflect that of their employers, and if managers and leaders are found to be breaking the law, circumventing the prevalent code [...]
The purpose of this paper is to review the case study and provide arguments to support the position that the conduct employed by the used-textbook store is unethical.
They assume that it is difficult to determine the credibility of the source of information and whether it is quality enough to be disseminated or used further. Apart from that, it is essential to determine [...]
The first issue worth discussing is the problem of fraudulent reports that continues to persist in the contemporary business environment and organizations.
Among other aspects of the discussed problem, the authors introduce and explain the notion of sustainability quotient that is used in order to understand the relationship between the resources used by the company and the [...]
To achieve these goals, it will prioritize fair and honest attitude and gratitude, follow non-discrimination laws, and constantly increase the diversity of the workforce to reflect and support the concepts of multiculturalism.
This happens to be the case because such supplies are usually intended to support the business model of the targeted organization.
The authors of the article draw a line between the recognition of the legal boundaries and the ability to comply with the current legal regulations.
For the analysis of the sales representative activities, the situation with the supply of switches can be considered, which relates to the inconsistency of these goods with the needs of the modern market.
Therefore, the strategies in Satz's and Anderson's articles seem more justified and have a better impact on the audience due to the fair consideration of the opposing perspective than the approach of Gintis whose use [...]
An appropriate example of rewards is a chairman award for taking measures to comply with the company's values and eradicate unethical behavior in the workplace. A special biennial survey was designed and completed in order [...]
They argue that the purpose of CSR is to ensure that the business goes a step further than minding the needs of the shareholders alone.
Considering the case of the University of Phoenix sponsoring Head Start, putting into consideration the PRSA's codes of conduct and arguing from the position of PR officer who works for the non-profit-making organization, the problem [...]
It becomes hard for organizational heads and staff to choose between lying to clients to preserve a company's profit and telling them the truth, which might result in the business losing the customers.
The purpose of the present paper is to examine Nike as the company that follows some principles of corporate social responsibility but fails to meet the ethical requirements in relation to its workers from the [...]
Using the case of the soda industry, this discussion explains why the needs and rights of the consumer should guide a firm's business model and products.
In this context, PharmaCARE, CompCARE, Wellco, the employees, the Colberians, and the investors of the company are the stakeholders. The Colberians are the potential customers of the business, and they will be directly affected by [...]
Besides, the ethical advertisement should cover the interests of the business as well as the customer. Misguided presentation of the products through advertisement happened in the process of communicating to the consumers.
The "Department of Labour Protection and Welfare", a department in the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, has the responsibility of enforcing and administering labor-related laws. The laws related to environmental protection and management in [...]
The authors of the first chapter "An Introduction to Social Responsibility" begin with the definition of the term "social responsibility" and introduce a number of contexts within the frames of which it is possible to [...]
Ethics in sales and business relationships in general pertain to not taking advantage of the organization or customers, to which a salesperson is trying to sell.
The question of ethics is thrown into sharp relief when it comes to the activity of companies in the food industry and their attitude to providing end-customers with an opportunity to choose unhealthy food that [...]
In an article written by David De Cremer and Henri-Claude de Bettignies, the business ethics becomes a subject of a thorough analysis in order to determine what are the true moral values of the individuals [...]
For instance, the company operates in a manner that ensures that it takes care of the customers and the rest of the stakeholders.
While all of the four types of social business responsibility, namely economic, ethical, legal and philanthropic, are important for today's companies, the legal responsibility can have the strongest effects upon the company's success.
This paper explores this dilemma in terms of the extent to which a firm may abide by the ethical provisions against the backdrop of the heightening competition.
According to Confucianism, alignment between the company's methods and person's conduct is significant for attaining the unanimity of the group. The most important factor contributing to the company's high achievement was the high rate of [...]
The Coalition underlined the fact that Samsung spent millions on the advertisement during The Olympic Games in Beijing, while the Recycling Programs were in need of investments.
Though Ross was eventually relieved of his duties, all the circumstances under which he was sacked were not explained to all.
The outcomes of the military activities in regards to the Karen people could be interpreted in a variety of ways; utilitarian, rights, justice, and caring approaches will be discussed in the paper to understand if [...]
Offering ethical courses to MBA students is essential since it helps in the creation of ethical individuals in the business environment.
In this paper, the author argues against the commencement of the controversial commercial development of Tusayan, Arizona, which is one of the projects proposed by investors in this region.
The main objectives of this paper are to discuss and analyze the issues Valerie is facing at her current job that influence her decisions to follow the corporate ethics and act for the benefit of [...]
The harassment was viewed as a breach of ethical behavior which the public strongly expected the Nike Company to uphold regardless of whether the abuse was from the suppliers or the Nike Company itself.
The first and most crucial aspect of the fraud prevention program is to create a culture of honesty and high ethics within the company.
This is evident when the contractor conducts the private work of the mayor without any delay, as well as the birthday gift that the contractor advances to the mayor as a friend.
While CRS is a great way for companies to benefit themselves as well as help the society, it is important to remember that social support and incentives to make the lives of communities better should [...]
The case of Volkswagen's cheating draws people's attention to such major corporate social responsibility issues as the efficacy of self-reporting by companies and the responsibility of customers owning compromised products.
One of the biggest problems is that the liberalization of the policies related to the return of the food and beverages led to the abundance of the products that should be returned.
The exploding smartphones have shown that, although the Samsung Company's status and quality of products were supposed to be at the highest levels, they are not trustworthy from the consumers' point of view.
In this instance, the actions of the CMO should be reflected as unethical since he/she should not violate the rights of the competitor by reading and reviewing the confidential information.
These warranties could be provided in different ways, however, the main thing is that with the help of this remedy a person will be protected and a company will be able to save its positive [...]
The purpose of research developed in the chosen article is to identify possible personal and situational variables that may affect employee theft in a certain work setting and explain their relation to unethical behavior that [...]
Nonetheless, the development of emerging economies is seen as a threat to the dominance of the western doctrine. Thus, the example of the development of multinationals shows that communities and countries have the power to [...]
This discussion outlines the unique issues to consider throughout the code of conduct's implementation process The management's role in the implementation of the code of conduct is to guide the employees, create the best working [...]
The typical situation is the fact that the salesperson has to decide whether to lie to a client or explain the real drawbacks of the product and lose the sale.
In the context of this experiment, it was also determined the reasoning for the actions of the employees by highlighting the moral principles and the need for the ethics program.
The aim of the review is to analyze main points of the article, validate the integrity of claims, and conclude on its value for business practices.
The courses can also make it easier for the targeted learners to think critically about the best morals and values that can result in character development.
The following paper aims at applying the decision-making framework to Kant's version of deontology, to locate and rule out conflicting decisions, and choose the course of actions based on the obtained information.
The more attention the management team pays to the organizing and sustaining positive working conditions for its employees, the higher their job satisfaction and dedication levels are.
Since there is a need in the multicultural and diverse environment to take the needs and cultural specifics of all stakeholders into account, the corporate ethical standards should borrow from the Social Contract Theory instead [...]
The main point of the article is a misunderstanding of the ultimate goals of CSR initiatives by the majority of companies and the resulting discrepancies in its implementation.
It is a complex notion that is claimed to be connected with: The economic responsibility: the company has a total revenue of almost $422 billion in 2011, which is a great number. The interest of [...]
The transistor company is confronted with the ethical issue of choosing to stop the supply of transistors to the heart pacemakers company and or supplying the transistors and risking the lives of patients.
However, if it had incorporated the virtue of honesty in its safety and quality codes, the chances are that the product recalls would not have occurred.
An action that appeals to the most significant population is a welcome approach that can promote the growth of any business entity.
Bribery, embezzlement of funds and illegitimate procurement always impose extra and unjustified costs to the cost of acquiring public services and damages the credibility of those institutions that are involved in the vice.
In their article, "Ethical Implications of the Mediatization of Organizations," Litschka and Karmasin address the topic of mediatization from the perspective of business ethics, arguing for new and improved methods of communication between organizations and [...]
According to the concept of moral dimensions, the context of a particular dilemma often predetermines the choices that have to be made to address it.
Business ethics is the branch of ethics that deals with the application of ethical principles to make the right business decisions.
The table below summarizes some of the relevant costs and costs that are not relevant to the company's decision to improve its nutrition standards.
In the construction industry, CSR plays a significant role in ensuring that projects create employment for the locals, the environment is protected, energy is conserved, the land is utilized in an economically sound manner, construction [...]
If he did not send this man, there is a possibility that the man may try to reach him and tell him that he had previously contacted me.
In order to avoid such conflicts, Chappell asserts that if faced with this type of conflict, one may leave the workplace, do what is required, or come up with a strategy that addresses the issue [...]
Second, after all, the shareholders' liability is limited and they are not assuming the entire risks of the business as in the event of loss, the stakeholders will suffer more than the shareholders do. What [...]
The primary reason for companies to refuse to issue a health insurance surcharge to employees who smoke or drink against medical advice is the fallacious argument that such employees in the work environment are conscientious [...]
The move will make it easier for Little Sun to develop and support more charities in different parts of the globe.
The results proved that there had been a considerable level of dishonesty to the regulations and the leadership of the army.
On the one hand, the use of these copyrighted materials can be vital for the competitiveness of Google and its ability to attract users.
The demands that are put on the project coordinator are extremely high since the creation of a separate model is a multidimensional task that implies matching the outcomes to the priorities of certain society groups [...]
It would be important to note that good governance and business ethics are key elements for the success of any firm. Therefore, it would be important to analyse the significance of good governance and ethics [...]
The chapter of the book is trying to analyze some of the questions related to the social dynamics of life that shape society.
In the case of the tenant supporting the landlord, it should be noted that the variable payment scheme ensures that the mall itself is serviced and maintained properly by the landlord since that is where [...]
The case of CRM demonstrates how marketing and ethics co-exist since organizations engage in CSR by committing a given portion of profits from the sale of services or products to a noble course or program [...]
In spite of the fact that the current agency was organized in 1971, the background of the organization is related to the development of the first postal service in the country based on the U.S.
The Ethics Program for the World Insurance Partnership is designed to declare the company's core values, to promote the ethical principles and standards among the stakeholders with the focus on principles of transparency, integrity, and [...]
At the same time, for-profit firms focus on gaining profit as well as try to assess needs of communities and address them.