Law Essay Examples and Topics. Page 12

5,787 samples

“Nothing to Hide” Argument Regarding Privacy

The first article's goal is to explore the "nothing to hide" argument in the context of privacy conceptions. In the second part of the article, the author examines the "nothing to hide" idea that has [...]
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1282

School-To-Prison Pipeline: Educational Perspective

The school-to-prison pipeline is a phenomenon, which implies that expelling students can push them to face the criminal justice system. Keeping students informed about the existence of such a phenomenon and discussing it in classrooms [...]
  • Subjects: Juvenile Justice
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 680

Importance of Haptics in Forensics

However, replicating the study to verify the findings may prove a challenge due to the high cost of assembling all the specimens and equipment utilized therein.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 368

Anti-discrimination Legislation and Supporting Case Law

The response to this was the abolition of the quota system and the adoption in 1995 of the Act on Non-Discrimination of the Disabled and a package of additional regulations, in particular, on the education [...]
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2120

Is Tipping a Police Officer a Bribe?

In the context of law enforcement, a gratuity is a gift to operating officers based on their occupation. However, there is a blurry line between tips, gratuity, and bribes, and it is the main argument [...]
  • Subjects: Law Ethics
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 149

Ethical Issue: Public Corruption

The theory of ethical formalism that is represented in the works of Immanuel Kant and John Rawls argues that "the only thing truly good is goodwill, and that what is good is that which conforms [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1176

Habitual Offences and Sentencing Guidelines

In regards to the career offender guidelines, this means that black people and other people of color find it more difficult to leave the prison system.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1663

Article I of Florida Constitutional Rights

The paper aims to analyze Article I of the Florida Constitution in terms of its correspondence to the U.S. The rights of the accused and of crime victims describe the rights of those involved in [...]
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 618

Pioneering Technologies’ Ethics and Corporate Culture

The company should analyze the harms and benefits of the campaign and the product not only in relation to its success but all stakeholders and users who may be affected by the decision.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 610

The Texas Border, Security, and Immigration

Immigration from Mexico is not thought to represent a violation of, but the issue of the Texas border remains relevant and intriguing.
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 580

“Whispers in the Closet” Article by Wilkinson

The theoretical background applied by the author is based on the interplay of privacy and security. The article explains the concept of privacy in security checks in a structured way that is easy to follow.
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 594

The Criminal Justice Core Competency

Nowadays, the situation is different, and more women and minorities are encouraged to join law enforcement professions to reduce the impact of bureaucracy and other biases.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 319

The Faragher v. City of Boca Raton Case Management

Having analyzed all reasons offered by the parties and appealing to the Civil Rights Act, the District Court concluded that the City should be held liable for the supervisors' actions and their misconduct.
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 921

Researching of Confidential Informants

The "snitches" work by pretending to be part of felonious groups while secretly reporting the proceedings to police forces like the FBI. The spies' ability to acquire first-hand evidence from the apparent offenders makes the [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1449

The Domestic Violence Arrest Laws

According to the National Institute of Justice, mandatory arrest laws are the most prevalent in US states, indicating a widespread agreement on their effectiveness.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 339

American National Incident Management System

Firstly, following the 9/11 attack, the Homeland Security Act ordered every level of a government agency to NIMS for responding to any type and size of emergency.
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 569

Trade Secret and How It Differs From Trademark

The unauthorized acquisition, use, or disclosure of such secret information in a manner contrary to honest commercial practices by others is regarded as an unfair practice and a violation of the trade secret protection.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 383

Criminal Justice System Development

The sweeping changes impacted all elements of civil litigation and gave criminal justice professionals a stimulus to be more assertive in their cases.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 651

Bail Reform: New Rules and Their Effects

Thus, the original motivation behind the introduction of the bail reform was centered around the inequality issues and disparities that allowed the rich to buy their freedom and return home.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 590

The Carjacking Problem: The Key to Auto Theft

The goal of interviews was to ascertain the intent of offenders, employ methods of car theft, and other crime-related details. Some offenders use manipulation techniques to persuade car owners to allow them in the vicinity [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1115

Policy Briefs: Federal and State Policymakers

Action to be taken to eliminate poverty and hunger Escalating food prices pose a problem to the poor, government of low-income countries with high import bills, and aids agencies managing increased demand for cash and [...]
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 848

Criminal History Core Competencies

Historically, law enforcement was founded on the need to ensure citizens' safety, possession, and health and to safeguard the people from civil disorder and crime.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 283

Fighting Mafia and Counterfeit in Europe

In order to combat the issue, measures for identifying the instances of counterfeit and preventing them from entering the market must be designed.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 552

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment

Equal Protection Analysis is a procedure intended for considering the possibility of the violation of fundamental human rights by the government or the state.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 294

Discrimination: Trans World Airlines, Inc. vs. Hardison

However, the court concluded that TWA made a reasonable effort at accommodating Hardison and granting him the request to work four days a week would detriment the function of his department due to them being [...]
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 877

Prison Reform in the US: Background Information

To understand the issue, one would need to look at the history of the American punishment system, how it changed throughout the turbulence of the post-war age, and came to the today's state of existence.
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 624

The Brewer vs. Williams Supreme Court Case

Williams became the main suspect of the young girls' abduction after a young boy confessed to have seen him at the YMCA packing his car a large bundle of clothes with "skinny and white legs" [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 311

Charles Schwab Brokerage Account Agreement

Similarly, the contract outlines the crucial responsibilities of Schwab, thus, creating a basis for cooperation and the successful delivery of the end product to the customer.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 286

What are Belize Country’s Privacy Laws?

In that definition, Belize's Data Protection Act shares a lot in common with the European GDPR from 2018 and the United Kingdom's Data Protection Act from 1998.
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 550

Aspects of Adversarial Criminal System

It is a system that presumes that one is innocent that shifts the burden of proof to the prosecution to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 352

Israeli National Security in Era of Change

Although, it is difficult to judge the extent of the Syrian threat to Canadian interest during the outbreak of coronavirus, which seems to continue even today.
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 292

Crime Rates in the United States

The number of overall violent crimes in 2018 was higher, and as such, 2019 depicted a 0. Other tables have shown that southern regions and states accounted for the most violent crimes, with 41% of [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 390

Processing a Physical and Electronic Crime Scene

The third step involves scanning the scene to identify the primary part and the secondary one. The processing of an electronic crime scene should involve the identification of the information about the devices at the [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 300

The Gunshot Residue Collection and Analysis

Lastly, the possible sources of the primary elements in the GSR should be considered, such as the occupation of the subjects or the possibility of the subject being near to early firearm discharge.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 329

Investigation and Processing of Evidence

Associative evidence refers to any physical evidence that links a suspect to the scene of a crime. In summary; associative evidence is used to determine the perpetrators of crime.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 318

Civil Justice Legal Case: Tanzin v. Tanvir

Later, the plaintiffs appealed the Court's decision, claiming that the RFRA provides the opportunity of seeking "appropriate relief" for violation of one's religious freedom.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 831

Analysis of Juvenile Murderer Case

Jordan Brown, the son of the victim's fiance, is one of the youngest suspects in the country to be charged with murder.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 284

Researching of Criminal Psychology

It refers to the development of a criminal investigation from the information relating to the offense that can be obtained at the crime scene.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1937

UAE Privacy Laws and Its Impact on Media and Individuals

These laws are intended to protect people and the government from defamation and leaks of vital data. The existence and execution of privacy laws ensure that the people's peace of mind and legal rights to [...]
  • Subjects: Administrative Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 841

Juvenile Delinquency is a Product of Nurture

These criminals have been exposed to unfavorable conditions in their lives such as violence and poverty and turn to criminal behavior as a coping mechanism.
  • Subjects: Crime Theories
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 906

The Gideon v. Wainwright Case Facts and Judgement

The United States Supreme Court announced that a person accused of a crime and cannot afford to pay for lawyers to represent them has the right to an attorney. According to the Court, Gideon had [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 689

Unethical but Legal Technical Writing

On the one hand, the workers of this organization may believe that their employer is right, and they do not need a siesta.
  • Subjects: Intellectual Property
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 291

Researching of Minimum Wage and Living Wage

Like any other commodity, labor is determined by supply and demand in the market, and any artificial intervention disrupts the market balance, leading to shortages and gray employment.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 320

Corrections and Incapacitation

From the ancient Code of Hammurabi to the harsh ways of the death penalty in the 19th century, there was an evolution of practice that the response to violations of law should be strict.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 603

Kristen’s Law: History and Aims

The victim's death made Suzanne Coutu, the victim's mother, seek the most severe punishment for the drug dealer, which resulted in Kristen's Law.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 341

Contracts: Definition, Concept, and Key Elements

The concept of the contract is used in three meanings, the contract as: Legal fact, the basis for the emergence, change, or termination of a civil legal relationship; Agreement of the parties, providing for the [...]
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 591

Digital Forensics Tools and Software

One of the most famous software programs for digital forensics is Autopsy, a toolkit that examines the images present on a device's hard drive.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 302

Reasons for Individuals’ Delinquent Behavior

This statement in no way absolves the perpetrator of responsibility for the actions committed but describes that the decisions taken are often motivated by the unconscious part of the personality or the presence of mental [...]
  • Subjects: Crime Theories
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1669

Crime Trends in the Jurisdiction

The purpose of the presentation is to review some crime trends in the jurisdiction and provide some commentaries regarding the matter.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 845

Healthcare Regulations and Federalism’s Impact

Although the ACA established the regulations for getting the coverage on federal levels, the government had to allow local policy-making due to the high autonomy of many regions.
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 665

The Function of Professional Licensure

The function of professional licensure is to secure society by implementing norms that regulate the practice, creating a valuable contribution to the job framework.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 285

Domestic Violence Investigation Procedure

If they claim guilty, the case is proceeded to the hearing to estimate the sentencing based on the defendant's criminal record and the scope of assault. The issue of domestic abuse in households is terrifyingly [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 817

Neil Gorsuch and the Constitution

In the video, the main topic is the discussion of constitutional issues and the organization of state power. The executive branch monitors compliance with the correct execution of the law, while the judiciary relies on [...]
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 303

Crimes, Future Challenges and Issues

Law enforcement agencies will have challenges with legal requirements and privacy issues in operating vehicles that demand law enforcement agency compliance.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 292

Researching of Impact Panel on Cybercrime

The received email can be recognized as a scam due to poor grammar, lack of proof, and explanation of legal reasons why the money needs to be transferred to the victim.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 781

California’s Criminal Justice Realignment

The existing experience of reducing the number of prisons in California is of some interest to researchers. The articles attempt to study a number of humanitarian problems of the detention of citizens of California.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2117

Cultural Criminology: Inside the Crime

To facilitate an understanding of cultural criminology, it is essential to consider such ideas as crime as culture, culture as crime, the media constructions of crime control and corruption, and political dimensions of culture, crime, [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1101

ShotSpotter: New Technology Adoption in Policing

The signal about the shot is sent to the incident review center. The Detroit Police Department approved the use of this system and awarded a four-year contract to ShotSpotter.
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 927

Nurse Legislators: Issues and Prospects

The significance of the initiative included not only the popularization of the Medicaid plan coverage but also the promotion of community education and reaching out to patients throughout the state. Currently, Underwood is invested in [...]
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 288

Crime of Extortion and Potential Defense

The criminal act element characteristically implies obtaining property of another by using a threat to cause harm to the victim. The threat may be related to the victim's health, to property, to the victim's reputation.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 344

Online Identity Theft and Methods to Prevent It

In turn, this brings to the idea of the crucial necessity to establish two-factor authentication, as it is expected to be less vulnerable to particular attacks in comparison to any other existing methods.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 883

The Drug Enforcement Administration Case Studies

The majority of responsibilities for the DEA remained the same over the years, with the only essential difference becoming the decision to separate general drug law enforcement into the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and the [...]
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2375

Early Evolution of Parole in the US

In Chapter 3, there is a discussion on the early evolution of parole in the US, as well as its utilization in the current sentencing practices.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 281

Law Case Study: Dismissing First and Second Counts

Additionally, the statute of limitations for the claim of fraud based on misrepresentation is a two-year statute defined in A.R.S.Sec. The right to prefer charges on the breach of oral contract is allowed within 3 [...]
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 313

Patterson vs. McLean Credit Union Case Study

However, with the political and public response of the civil rights in 1991, the decision by the Court was reversed, and foreign employees in the United States have something to smile about.
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1346

Filling Living Will and Power of Attorney Forms

Due to the fact that the forms are legal documents, the old people may need the help of a lawyer to fill the forms and understand all the detail of the directives.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 331

Alonzo vs. Chase Manhattan Bank, NA Case Study

However, the author provides an insight into the matter by claiming that the policy concerning workplace discrimination took a dramatic turn in the early 1960s upon adoption of the Title VII of the Civil Rights [...]
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 864

Johnson v. Transportation Agency Case Study

The paper aims to answer the key research questions: Why should the court system advocate for the affirmative action of the reversed discrimination? and what have been the respective roles of affirmative action and federal [...]
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1231

Lombroso’s Theories in Italian Criminology

Since Lombroso was the first criminologist to take a scientific approach to studying criminals, he is considered by many to be the ancestor of modern criminology.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 246

Bias in Diverse Research: Law Ethics

The concept is generally referred to as maternal discrimination, and relates to the tendency of employer to reluctantly hire women between the ages of 20 and 40.
  • Subjects: Law Ethics
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1681

New York State Fair Labor Laws

For instance, in addition to state laws protecting employees from discrimination based on sex and gender, New York's laws extend to gender identity and expression.
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 268

The First Protection of Right to a Grand Jury

The history of the grand jury dates back to the early British constitutional system that mandated courts to use the structure in certain criminal cases. It is crucial to determine the independence of a jury [...]
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1373

Analysis of Mandatory Retirement Age

Industries such as nuclear plants producing chemicals and radioactive radiation should have a mandatory retirement age for all employees because of the effects on health.
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 298

Injustice in American Prison System

Between the articles of violence and the observations about the extent of injustice in the American prison system, there is a high level of injustice instigated by the U.S.government to the African Americans.
  • Subjects: Crime Theories
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 285

Most Harmful Survey Response Biases

However, in order to eliminate any errors of bias and inaccuracy, it is essential to think carefully about the sampling strategy.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 302

Business Laws: Educational Course Overview

Business ethics is a behavior of a company in a situation with dubious practices that might not be restricted by law but can be harmful to its customers and society as a whole.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 551

Facebook Privacy Policy and TRUSTe’s Certifications

The purpose of this response is to apply TRUSTe's policy writing guidelines to analyze the privacy policy of Facebook, Inc. The extensive use of lists, including the types of personal information and information about devices [...]
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 608

The Ethics and Law Relationship Analysis

A law system is predicated on and tends to be modified according to accepted ethical norms. It is opposed to subject-matter jurisdiction, in which the court has jurisdiction over the law relevant to the case.
  • Subjects: Law Ethics
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 587

Robert Peele’s Principles in Criminology

Policing became a legitimate practice in the eyes of the public. The focus of Peelian principles is on preventing crime and not necessarily catching criminals in the act.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 285

The Data Collection of Read Team Attack

The situation should be evaluated first to understand the main vectors of the attack. Then, the environment should be analyzed to collect all possible evidence from the work office of the Sifers-Grayson company.
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 645

The Fourth Amendment Rights in Higher Education

Therefore, the basic principle of this Amendment is that the citizens of the United States should not be searched, and their property cannot be seized unless the case is a threat to the safety of [...]
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1108

Legal Search of Students in Schools

In the Constitution, there is the Fourth Amendment, according to which the rights of the people are to be protected in their personalities, accommodations, and documents from inappropriate searches and seizures.
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1124

Corrections Pendulum and Policies in the US

Correctional ideology is reflected in the swinging pendulum analogy because the history of criminal justice in the United States shows the oscillation between severe judicial discretion and mild rehabilitation.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 300

US Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws Response

The employment-at-will doctrine is the common law legislation act that regulates the United States employer-employee relationships. Public policy is one of the main exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1381

The United States Uniform Crime Report’s Aims

The Federal Bureau of Investigation provides the reporting agencies with a handbook that outlines how to classify and score offenses to achieve uniformity in crime and crime data definitions.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 863

Consumer Law: Protecting Digital Information

Digital Rights Management is a technique of protecting digital information through the application of technologies that prohibit copying and usage of protected properties and works. The protected work has to be placed in a medium [...]
  • Subjects: Consumer Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 639

Department of Justice Project on Organized Crime

Organized crime is one of the forms of offenses that groups of people conduct. Still, there are leaders and subordinates in international crimes, and it is similar to all organized crime groupings.Mr.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1755

Labor Law: Abdulaziz and Yazeed’s Case

Torts can be identified in the case of Abdulaziz and Yazeed, and the first one is negligence. As with the tort of negligence, the court requires the element of foreseeability to accept the claim, and [...]
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 284

Commercial Law: Case Analysis

The joint partners are Ahmed and Sarah, and they are responsible for their "entire funds for the partnership debts," while Khaled is a dormant partner, meaning that his share determines his level of responsibility.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 607

Researching of Hot Spot Policing

Public safety is a major concern of the government, and it is the responsibility of the state through the criminal justice system agencies to offer security to the citizens.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564