Free Visual Arts Essay Examples & Topics

Free Visual Arts Essay Examples & Topics

353 samples

Visual arts are the works of art we see with our eyes. It is a broad definition that includes a large number of disciplines and elements. From Wassily Kandinsky to Jackson Pollock, from sculptures and paintings to filmmaking and interior design – the term covers it all.

If you are writing an essay about visual arts, the chances are that you will find yourself a bit lost for words. After all, the subject matter may seem contradictory to the task at hand. However, there is no need to panic.

In this article, our experts have outlined the best way to write your very own visual arts essay step-by-step. You will see that your academic paper can be a work of art in itself. We have also included 19 outstanding visual arts essay topics from which you can choose.

Even a brief essay about visual arts can be overwhelming. It’s usually the case when you don’t know where to begin and how to organize your thoughts. That’s why creating an outline is so crucial. In this section, we have listed what can help you in writing your visual arts essay.

Try following these steps:

  1. Choose your topic. Of course, it’s the most critical step for your paper. The idea you pick should be narrow enough for a detailed analysis. Yet, it should not prevent you from doing extensive research. Try browsing through visual arts essay collections. For example, check Bending Concepts by Walter Benn Michaels et al. There, you can get ideas on what to write about.
  2. Finding relevant art. Unsurprisingly, essays on visual arts require you to interact with the artwork. To offer proper art critique, you might want to conduct a visual analysis of your subject. Besides, it is a great idea to look into art history surrounding your topic. Figure out the context of the work and incorporate it into your paper.
  3. Brainstorming. Jotting down all your feelings and ideas can be an excellent exercise. Everything that you think on the topic may come in handy. So, write down your thoughts about the style and technique of the artist, what message the work is trying to send, etc. When you’re done, make sure to look at your assessment criteria. Compare them to what you have thought of so far.
  4. Grouping information. Here is where you might want to begin thinking of a thesis statement. Begin by grouping all the information you’ve gathered so far by themes. These will later become the foundation for the outline. Sort through all your findings and decide what ideas fit well with your topic. With this in mind, write down an excellent thesis by formulating your message in one sentence. Or our thesis generator can do that for you!
  5. Writing the outline. Now that everything is organized, create a structure of your paper using your ideas and thesis. Begin by making an introduction to visual arts. Explain what you will be talking about in your essay. Your research and formal analysis go into the main body. Finally, your final reflection about visual arts should be left for the conclusion. This is where you get to sum up your interpretation of the work and what you see in it.
  6. Browse through samples. Before you begin your essay writing, you might want to spend some time looking at examples. This can give you further ideas for your outline. Besides, good samples can inspire writing your very own visual arts essay. After all, art appreciation isn’t easy!

Whether you are writing a brief response piece or an entire extended essay, following these steps will improve the quality of your work. With enough practice, you will be composing visual arts essays with your eyes closed.

Visual Art Essay Topic

Still uncertain whether to write about Pablo Picasso or The Color Theory? Take a quick look at this list! Or allow our title generator to create an idea for you.

Here are 19 visual arts essay topics we have compiled just for you:

  1. From painting to filmmaking: a brief history.
  2. Leonardo da Vinci and the Golden Ratio.
  3. Baya Mahieddine – the girl that inspired Picasso.
  4. What do we mean by ‘contemporary art’?
  5. Victorian beauty standards and their depiction in art.
  6. How World War I gave birth to Dadaism.
  7. The symbolism in Frida Kahlo’s paintings.
  8. Cave paintings as very first artworks.
  9. What is the difference between art and design?
  10. Bollywood: how cinema evolved in India.
  11. How the Edo period in Japan defined its arts and culture.
  12. Salvador Dali’s influence on the surrealist movement.
  13. Perpetuation of stereotypes in modern art.
  14. Women in art: why are female artists often overlooked or forgotten.
  15. Is graffiti a legitimate form of art?
  16. The history and evolution of graphic novels.
  17. Greek and Roman sculptures: similarities and differences.
  18. Iconoclasm during the French revolution and its impact on art.
  19. The evolution of Islamic Arts.

Thank you for reading! We hope that you will find inspiration among these visual arts topic ideas. Check out our visual arts essay examples that you will find below.

353 Best Essay Examples on Visual Arts

Chapter 2 in “Understanding Comics” by Scott McCloud

The second chapter of Scott McCloud's book "Understanding Comics" is devoted to the vocabulary of comics and all that the reader perceives when looking at the inscriptions in illustrated publications and what he concludes.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 316

Arguments for Graffiti as Art

Given the comprehensive nature of art and the time and care necessary to produce a piece of graffiti, it should be considered a form of art.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 850

Modern, Modernism, and Modernization

Modern, modernism, and modernization are the notions which may be easily defined in human mind, it means that one can understand what modern, modernism, and modernization mean, however, when it comes to formulation of the [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 565

Art and Society: Goals and Duties of Artists

Therefore, it can be asserted that one of the roles of art is to preserve the cultural trait and heritage of a community or society. This is both to the user of the artistic material [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1752

Chapters 7-9 in “Understanding Comics” by McCloud

Despite the strict logical organization of the stages from the basic understanding of purpose to sharpening the specific skills related to the form of art, the author claims that many artists tend to learn these [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 877

Visual and Performing Arts

As a result, visual and performing arts are crucial for the participators and the society as a whole. The study of visual and performing arts is very crucial for the success in the industry.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 606

The Islamic and Mughal Arts

If the objects presented in the Jameel Gallery reflect the standard features of the Islamic art, the objects typical for the Mughal art can be discussed as influenced by the combination of the Islamic and [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1346

Comparison of Indian and Chinese Art

Brief History of Indian Art The history of Indian art is said to be as old as the Indus Valley civilization itself where each period in history has provided the nation with unique modes of [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1675

Sculpture and painting

A look at the military sculptures in many city parks shows that, they were meant to inspire patriotism while at the same time instigate and boost the pride of a country where the sculptures stand.
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  • Words: 653

Nudity vs. Pornography When Used in Artwork

Nude art forms date back to the ancient Greeks who had the utmost respect for the sanctity that is the human body even though the same cannot be said in the present day where artists [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 752

The Piece of Art “Confrontation” by Spencer Fiddler

While line etching as a form of art has been around for quite sometime the distinctive style utilized by Spencer in this instance is unique in that the personally identifiable details of the subjects involved [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 645

Modernism in Art and Painting

Paintings done in the past about the state of people and past society presently help to give direction to in the world of art.
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  • Words: 859

Phenomenon of Embroidery Stitches

Following the experience of the ancestors, the human being tries to improve it by adding the modern accent to the well-known idea.
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  • Words: 849

Aspects of Graffiti as Art Therapy

According to the psychological perspective when reviewing the art of graffiti, it has helped relieve stress, and tension and brings joy to the people in the community.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 524

Michelangelo’s Artwork

Michelangelo was taught sculpture by Bertoldo di Giovanni. Michelangelo was a renaissance artist and his works were greatly influenced by humanism.
  • Pages: 24
  • Words: 700

Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night”

In a temporary post as a missionary in the village of Petit Wastes in Belgium, he recorded peasant miners' lives in his drawings. He was later exposed to Impressionist artists' works and became friends with [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1544

Definition of Art

Therefore, for individuals to be able to create some pieces of art, they have to have such ideas in their mind in form of mental images; hence, visible works of art are just a depiction [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 870

The Artwork “Pieta” by Michelangelo

The subject matter of Michelangelo's Pieta portrait is the body of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. This artwork is a picture of one of the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary, as experienced [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 409

Western Influences on the Japanese Animation Industry

The Japanese animation industry has significantly evolved to overcome most of the other animation industries in the world. The establishment of newspaper humorous strips and motion pictures in the west spurred the development of the [...]
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2467

Magical Realism as a Literary Genre

The concept of loreal Maravillas was introduced in 1949 to the Americans where the foundations of magical realism were traced from the art world.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1098

The Save Water, Save Life Picture Analysis

After the water in the aquarium runs out, the fish will die due to a lack of water. Consequently, human innovations and innovations cause the disappearance of water, which is a misfortune.
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  • Words: 339

Manga: “Naruto” by Masashi Kishimoto

We want to consider the first part of the story where the main character is just a boy who wants to reach the main purpose of his life, to become a Hokage, the leader of [...]
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  • Words: 807

Art and Aesthetics: Art in Public Space

Public art is important to public art specialists, bodies that commission art performances, curators as well as the entire art world with much emphasis being given to collaborations, the specificity of the site of performance [...]
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  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 2199

Formal Analysis of Two Photos

It seems to have been framed on the warriors' figure in part of a greater scene, and this stresses the significance of the figure. The legs and feet of the warrior look bigger compared to [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 889

Pectoral and Necklace of Sithathoryunet

Thus, the zigzag lines at the base of the pectoral represent primordial waters, which refers to the importance of the royal figure and the concept of eternity.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 242

Visual and Performance Arts in Creative Process

In painting, artists need to know how different paints convey messages and how to blend different paints to convey the desired artistic message. The Number of oil pigments used by artists depends on the desired [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1031

The Use of Fine Art and Architecture in Advertising

However, the advertising industry and the fine arts world have for decades been engaged in a continuing discussion of what constitutes fine art. It is also helpful to know what the place of fine art [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1675

Fine art in advertising

This is meant to make the process of getting art for sets a faster process. In all these uses, art and architecture add a positive and powerful set of signals for the viewer/consumer.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1678

Visual Analysis: Untitled Film Still #21

Hence, the analysis of this piece is feasible from the perspective of demonstrating the importance of the sociological underpinning of cultural products and the way visual techniques are used for transmitting the message.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1414

Art and Design Principles and Their Effects

Contrast helps in emphasis, variation, and addition of interest which enables the user to develop a certain feeling in the work of art. Harmony refers to the consistency of appearance in a work of art.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 600

How Digital Technology Influences Art

This section of the paper discusses the impacts of digital technology on the world of arts. Digital technology has extended the array and amount of artwork that one artist can do in a given period.
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  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2025

The Google Art Project Analysis

The artist employs the principle of emphasis by placing the dove in the middle of the medium with a woman's features.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 333

Rococo and Neoclassical Art

However with the advent of the neoclassical art period in the mid 18th century, balance and symmetry was emphasized as a reaction to rococo art designs.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1267

Parsons Challenge Visual Art

The initial stage of the creative process is the identification of the problem or the definition of the goal of creation.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 648

Emblazoned on History: The Fleur de Lis

The Fleur de Lis is most recognized as the symbol for French Royalty or as a part of a coat of arms, used in many European countries, including England and Scotland.
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2269

Visual Analysis of Nature in Modern Art

In the age of modern arts, when both the creators and the audience is less concerned with the physical form and more with the underlying messages and feelings that art invokes, the multi-faceted topic of [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1701

Visual Arts: Ancient Art of the Greeks

Ancient art plays a significant role in helping the individuals of the current generation explain the civilizations of the ancient past. Fresco painted the Bull-leaping fresco from Knossos art to depict the civilizations of the [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 571

Trend on the Parody of “The Mona Lisa” by DaVinci

It illustrates the modern trend on selfies, the self-made photos of the person holding the camera, among young ladies, and the importance of social media like Instagram in the lives of the people who live [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 274

Analisis of work “American Gothic”

According to reports, the artist was inspired to create the painting when he saw the farmhouse from the window of a car in his home state of Iowa."He decided to paint the house built in [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 974

Painting as the Second of the Classical Art Forms

Here, the paper tries to discuss the evolution of painting and sculpture as important forms of Art, and the reason behind the consideration of painting as the second most classic form of art behind the [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1466

“Understanding Art” by Lois Fichner-Rathus

Though the two works differ in the color gamut used and in the forms and directions of the lines resorted to, in both cases the viewer is encouraged to answer various questions that one can [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 602

Visual Art and Photography

Ice Sculpting is truly an art of its own, and even though this style of art is not permanent, unless a person were to place the item into the freezer, this would still be categorized [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 767

Modern Art: Condensation Cube by Hans Haacke

Thus, obviously being the bright example of the modern art, Condensation Cube helps to author to introduce several questions which are interesting to him and raise the question of the relations between art and science [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1389

Comparison of Color Themes

This reflection is the color of that particular object. In painting color is used to exhibit different effects.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1201

Material Culture: Pottery

In the context of the discussions of this paper, the later definition of material culture is adopted. In the light of the arguments raised above about the origin of the pottery making art, it is [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2808

The distinction between great and mediocre art

This argument can be applied to Elia Kazan did not want sacrifice his work for the sake of his reputation and even friendship with many other people. His or her understanding of art has to [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1082

Art and Design Analysis

The drawings are purely handmade and they show that the artist spent a lot of time to come up with these drawings. There is a clear evidence of thinking in the mind of the art [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 606

Concepts of the Baroque Era

Considering this, the Baroque Era is one of the most significant periods in the world of art, as it bore a new world of art dominated by both religious and iconoclastic artistic representations, as a [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1023

Art in Details: Elements of Art

Form is the existence of elements, principals, and the physical elements of art and design, that an artist uses in his/her production.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 600

The University Campus Picture Analysis

It is essential to understand that when writing work like this, it is necessary to consider not only what is depicted but the emotions it evokes, as this, too, is an essential part of any [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 860

How Writing Is a Form of Art Practice

The concept of writing in expanded sense also extends into visual arts where writing is considered as a verb referring to an activity in the world of arts or writing within arts.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2278

Cabramatta’s Culture and Art

Indeed, seeing that turtle and tortoise shells have been used as the raw material for various types of medicine for quite a while in China and Vietnam, as well as the fact that the Chinese [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1404

“Notes on Camp” by Susan Sontag

Also, Sontag had proven herself analytical enough to realize that the very concept of Camp is nothing but the modern equivalent of the concept of dandyism, originated in late 19th century: "Camp is the answer [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1669

Theories of Art

In this paper, we will look at the mimetic theory of art and the pragmatic theory of the art. As the Mimetic theory of art asserts, art is a representation or just an imitation of [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1077

National Indian Museum

Set up by the Indian government in the forties of the previous century, this museum is located in the capital city of New Delhi and is the biggest in the country.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1732

Visual Art: Evolution and Origins

One of the first historical pieces of evidence that can be attributed to the manifestation of creativity on the part of human ancestors is a pebble from Makapansgat.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 280

The Painter Van Loo’s Rococo Revolution

Van Loo's paintings clearly acord to the carefree style of the Rococo and play an essential role in the art revolution, due to his wise choice of colors and motives.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 663

Deaf Art in the Modern Society

Creating more opportunities for deaf people allowed them to become more confident and proficient in self-expression, enabling the progress of deaf art and culture.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 340

Simplified Shaping in Visual Arts

That is the main base of the two-dimensional area of a work of art, which allows it to indicate contrasting forms and changes in meaning.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 336

Lighting in Painting, Film, and Photography

Due to the lack of detail and the unobstructed silhouette lighting, the viewer can witness the anguish of the photography's subject. Finally, "The Entombment of Christ" is a famous example of chiaroscuro lighting in art.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 411

The “Spiral Jetty” Work by Robert Smithson

Since the main element in land art is the artist's intervention in the natural environment, the projects reflect the diversity and uniqueness of nature, climate variability, environmental issues, and the essence of the impermanence of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1212

The Early Renaissance Artworks

It should be noted that the period of the early Renaissance was rooted in a tide of change in the stagnant Middle Ages, which was accompanied by an explosion of thought, knowledge, and creativity.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1136

African Art and Cultural Heritage

An example of expressive individualism is the artistic creation of the Dan people. Unlike the static form of traditional Western sculpture, African art depicts dynamics and readiness for movement.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 325

Baroque Painting: History, Commissioning, and Functions

Similarly, St Jerome and the Angel of Judgment utilizes a thematic subject of martyrdom and death commissioned at the church of Santissima Trinita Delle Monache, Spain, in 1626, depicting saint Jerome kneeling and looking up [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 641

Picture Observations and Their Meaning

The picture shows the sun shining on the grass at an angle while the sky is clear, indicating that the photographer took the picture in the morning.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1105

Visual Analysis of Objects of Islamic Art

The patterns of the item, which were initially established in southern Italy after the area was converted back to Christianity, demonstrate the widespread adoration of the Islamic style among the aristocracy of Normandy.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 559

Illustrations to “Inferno” by Dante Alighieri

In Inferno, Dante depicted his encounters with sinners in the form of a shocking reminder of the evil that penetrates the world and defiles even a pilgrim passing through landscapes of suffering on the way [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 556

Art: Definition and Components

The existing definition of art fails to grasp the full gamut of influences that shape the development of an art piece and define changes within the very environment, causing art movements to emerge.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1431

Is Graffiti Vandalism or Art?

The first questionable characteristic is the history of graffiti, and associated with the street gang culture of New York in the 70s.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 576
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