Law Essay Examples and Topics. Page 15

5,890 samples

Cyber-Terrorism and International Interventions

Most of the cyber-attacks that have occurred involve the direction of the malware and attacks to specific critical systems and Information Technology infrastructures.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 560

Intellectual Property Description

The soaring demand and constrained supply of COVID-19 vaccine constitute a potentially lucrative business opportunity for the holders of vaccine patents, which may also provide a lesson for future businesses.
  • Subjects: Intellectual Property
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 320

Police Departments in Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta

The Knapp Commission was a major investigation of corruption within the New York Police Department in the 1970s. It was influential as it uncovered a massive and deliberate system of chain corruption that pulled in [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 364

Issues With Juvenile Interrogation

Indeed, children are susceptible to police pressure as recognized by the court in the case of Haley v. As Wigler recommended, the police should embrace contract principles that shift from seeking a confession to seeking [...]
  • Subjects: Juvenile Justice
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 340

White-Collar Crime-Related Data Sources in the US

The data available in NCVS to examine the utility of employing the NCVS to quantify white-collar crimes includes the list of white-collar crimes and their classification.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 267

Regulating the Actions of Employers

The unpaid leave also applies in a case where the said employee is unable to handle the roles of his position due to health problems. This amounts to discrimination against the older employee and is [...]
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1138

Criminology: The Case of Uncle Bob

Accordingly, the information available to the Miami Police Department includes biographic data and criminal history, all of which flow from the local agencies to the federal center and back.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 977

The Repeal of Obamacare: Desirous or Disastrous?

Although both its proponents and opponents advance persuasive grounds in support of their respective positions, a repeal of the Act would be disastrous as it would undermine the significant gains in terms of increased access.
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 570

Pro-Football Inc.: Cases Summary

In June 2014, the trademark registration was cancelled by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board as it violated the Lanham Act. The trademark was claimed to disparage Native Americans at the time of registration and [...]
  • Subjects: Intellectual Property
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 541

Affirmative Defense: Dixon v. the United States

Dixon claims that if the defense provides evidence that its actions are due to coercion, it must consider refuting the burden to determine the extent of the defendant's guilt in the proceedings.
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 323

Supermax Prisons: Pros and Cons

The main purpose of such prisons should be isolation and safety leading to correction instead of destruction of personal character or mental and physical harm.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 315

Torts Practice: Dwarf-Tossing Pub

Tort law cannot effectively redress injury both to the dignity and health of the majority of people who may be engaged in such attractions.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1022

Criminal Court System in U.S.

As a result, one gains an in-depth insight into the subject matter and becomes capable of improving it to reduce the threat of a mistrial, The stages of a court process may vary depending on [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 827

Criminal Responsibility and Moral Culpability

Similarly, a defendant's mental state can be viewed as grounds for the lessening of one's punishment because of their diminished moral culpability and responsibility.
  • Subjects: Law Ethics
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 384

Sexual Harassment in Meritor Savings Bank vs. Vinson Case

Mechelle Vinson, a defendant and a former employee of the plaintiff bank, filed a lawsuit against the bank and its bank manager Sidney Taylor. Sidney Taylor was the vice president of the bank and the [...]
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 610

Rape Victims Rights Legislation

The Parental Rights and sexual assault Law state that if a childbirth is a result of a rape case, the rape victim is automatically granted custody of the child and the rapist denied custody.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 324

Louisiana District Court: Role, Structure, and Jurisdiction

Criminal District Court in Orleans Parish has supervisory jurisdiction over the municipal and traffic courts. There is a total of 42 district courts in the state, executing jurisdiction of criminal and property-related cases.
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 602

Public Perceptions of Racial Crimes

It also presents an in-depth discussion of racial hoaxes and their effects on the public's understanding of the concepts of race and crime.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1785

Cell Phone Privacy and the Constitution

In this chapter, the authors investigate the concept of privacy and whether government employers' warrantless searches may be considered reasonable and justified.
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 367

Tortious Interference With Business Relations: Case Study

Concerning the second ingredient, the applicant must demonstrate that the respondent possessed an actual awareness of the contractual or business relationship that is the subject of unwarranted intrusion.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1049

Relationship of Hip-Hop With Race and Identity

The beefing between the two hip-hop artists, Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks, indicates a misapprehension existing on hip-hop's history. Due to the competitive nature of the market, artists try to survive by beefing with their [...]
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 618

Actus Reus in Criminology

The prerequisites of actus reus vary based on the crime definition and rely on place, individual, victim's state of mind, preparation, time, and consent.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 350

Regulatory Measures of Financial Sector

Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations is a crucial activity for the companies that ensures the correspondence of business ethics and compliance programs effectivity.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2106

Healthcare Fraud Case

The case caused a significant resonance since a large number of patients, including children, were involved in the fraud of Benevis and its affiliated clinics.
  • Subjects: Health Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 865

Case Study: Happy Acres and Insurance

Being on the second floor of the facility, she fell down the stairs and broke her hip, and got a concussion. The nursing home had failed to implement the relevant measures to maximize the safety [...]
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 885

Potential Outcomes of the Attorney Motions

In the case of Badboy, there is also a high chance the motion will succeed, because the law enforcement agencies have broken into the defendant's house without a warrant and used the collected evidence in [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 791

Religious Discrimination Against a Muslim Employee

The company, thereby, is meant to use this insight to deliberate on better inclusive laws to ensure that religious discrimination is no longer in its application of the 'look policy.' Secondly, the company needs to [...]
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1178

Age Restrictions Imposed on Judges Worldwide

The majority of countries have age restrictions for judges due to the nature of their profession. In conclusion, age restrictions are necessary for future judges because of the nature of their profession requiring experience, objectivity, [...]
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 883

Wearing Headscarves and Workplace Discrimination

Johnson's unwillingness to compromise and adjust to the plaintiff's needs aggravates the case. Johnson's preoccupation with the employee's safety and appeased the fear of losing patrons due to Ms.
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1102

Restricting Aggressive Panhandling in Fargo, North Dakota

First, proceeding with a municipal ordinance that restricts aggressive panhandling needs to be done with the acknowledgment of one of the most recent cases concerning panhandling and its connection to the First Amendment.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 356

Auto Taking, Robbery, and Larceny

It occurs when a person "drives or takes a vehicle not his or her own, without the consent of the owner thereof, and with intent either to permanently or temporarily deprive the owner thereof of [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1100

Gun Violence: Raising the Voices

According to Bieler, an existing policy is to cure the disease and use the public health approach, reducing risks, and preventing the transmission of violence.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 406

Regulation of Compensation and Benefit Programs

In accordance with the agreement with the management, the workers were asked to leave the workplace 20 minutes before the end of their shifts, which, according to the suggestion of the managers, was supposed to [...]
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1110

The Role of Media in the Courtroom

The problem of the press and system of justice interconnection is based on the freedom rights against the interference of the government in accordance with the Constitution Amendments; every person has a right to a [...]
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 562

Grutter v. Bollinger: The Case Study

The University of Michigan Law School is one of the most prestigious and exclusive universities in the United States. Justice O'Connor presented the majority ruling, holding that student body diversity was a compelling interest based [...]
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 919

Company Debts in the We-Ship vs. Goodboy Case

For instance, if a company faces liquidation, and debts should be paid to creditors, the sole owner of the business may be forced to repay the debts.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 563

Mohamud v. Morrison Supermarket Plc

The idea of holding the employer accountable for the actions of the employee, during their employment, is a part of the legal system, which is called the vicarious liability according to the English common law.
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1164

Court Proceedings Experiential Report

The practical experiences of the proceedings both confirmed and challenged some of the information that I have learned about the structure of a trial.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1659

Legal Representation of Poor and Racial Minorities

However, the reality of the justice system is different for the majority. To summarize, class and race largely determine the quality of legal representation; primarily, this applies to the African American race.
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 304

The Fabrication of Academic Credentials Case

The story of Marilee Jones is about that particular act, and, while her motivation is interesting to unravel, the reaction to the case reveals much about the tolerance to that kind of deception.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1000

Trafficking: Transferring in Illegal Ways

Trafficking also attracts the people in order to bring the items that are banned and also the high duties over some goods have made the people to do this illegal transportation just to avoid paying [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4344

O. J. Simpson Case: Myths and Postmodernism

One of the issues that it raised among researchers was the emergence of myths about the criminal justice that can affect the justice system.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 584

Cirac Analysis of the Case of Jeannette M.

In the case of Jeannette M, the conclusion is that the receptionists at the patient's physician's office is responsible for the fact that medical care had not been provided to Jeannette on time, which inadvertently [...]
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 561

Justice Research in the News

The paper discusses the angle of the news article, the author's perspective, and the appropriateness of the research data utilization. At the same time, the results are only relevant to the black community, which means [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1197

Probation Violation and Decision-Making

The paper attempts to identify the theory underlying the decision to revoke probation, make valid assumptions concerning the rationality of such a decision, and establish the limit of rationality.
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 547

Elmer Fudd: Law Case Study

First, it is crucial to establish a contact with the offender and communicate to obtain some new facts that might help when determining the main points of the plan.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1133

Woman Doing Life: Notes From a Prison for Women

However, it is not correct to believe that this act is the only legal document to reduce and control unwanted sexual contact in jails and prisons in terms of which prisoners are provided with fail-safe [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 856

Correctional Administration and Factual Situations

Although the above opinions can be justified when viewed through the lens of the proclamation of human rights as stipulated in the US Constitution and international laws, a question emerges whether the lives of the [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Police Encounters With Suspects and Evidence

Officer Taylor also had reasonable suspicion to make the driver stop the care as it had similar characteristics to the vehicle involved in a road-side killing of a police officer.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 569

Rediscovery of Crime Victims

Voicing of problems of crime-affected persons is a good effort in addressing their plights because it brings their troubles to the attention of the public.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 302

Psychological Foundations of Criminal Behavior

Answer: the examples of the early psychological and psychiatric theories trying to explain criminality are the trait theory, the moral development theory and the cognitive information-processing theory.
  • Subjects: Crime Theories
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Aspects of Fingerprint Technology

Although the term latent means hidden it is used in the forensic world to refer to accidental impressions that are left by friction ridge skin after touching a surface, regardless of the print being visible [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1172

Public Perceptions of Crime Analysis

On the same note, the collaboration of the public and the police have an impact on perceptions of safety, crime and policing processes.
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1108

Katz v. United States and Terry v. Ohio

The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The issue presented to the court was the legality of search under the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 712

Aspects of the Hearsay Evidence

Thus, for instance, there is an opinion that the only valid evidence that should have any impact on the course of proceedings is the direct one that can be, in its turn, supported by the [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 562

Protecting Copyrights and Intellectual Property

The central issue that emerges in this case is how to enact the appropriate laws of protecting copyrights and intellectual property on the web to ensure that personal information is not compromised.
  • Subjects: Intellectual Property
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1431

Chimel v. California

He objected to the evidence retrieved from his bedroom, arguing that it was the outcome of an unconstitutional search. The court also concluded that the warrantless search was reasonable because there was a valid reason [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 366

Congressional Laws and Trading in Different States

Wayfair, which the prosecutor required out-of-state sellers to remit and also take the sales tax the same way as businesses with the same physical presence in the state.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2529

Adolescent Sexual Offenders Treatment Program

The benefits accruing to the society, the victim and the individual are enormous through utilization of the treatment program. This led to the evolution of the current sexual offenders treatment theories.
  • Subjects: Juvenile Justice
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2475

Corporate Finance Law in Saudi Arabian Insurance Institutions

This study will stand on available research to examine the fundamental growth drivers and estimate the prospects that Insurance institutions in Saudi Arabia have under the corporate finance law in terms of the situation of [...]
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1888

Discouraging Libel Tourism in the United Kingdom

It is upon this backdrop that this paper seeks to compare the reforms made by the new draft Defamation Bill which is intended to discourage libel tourism, with the current prevalent law on libel tourism [...]
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 2755

“Paulsen vs. Paulsen”: Law Case

The Applicant moved to extend the limitation period under the FLA statute and asked the Court to identify the exact date of separation.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 671

Taylor and Garrett Case Study

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the actions of Taylor and Garret in terms of such felonies as breaking and entering, burglary, and battery.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 672

“The Financial Cost of a Criminal Conviction” by Pleggenkuhle

The research under analysis is called The financial cost of a criminal conviction and is conducted by Breanne Pleggenkuhle. The significance of these questions is justified by the importance of financial aspects of a criminal [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1396

Quality Improvement in Labor and Delivery

There is no doubt that there are many initiatives that could be implemented in order to solve these problems and to increase the quality of healthcare.
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1433

Legislation Governing Furniture Restoration in the United Kingdom

The sub-headings enumerate the five pieces of legislation that will inform the operations of the company: Hazardous Waste Regulations Act 2005 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Noise And Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 The Regulatory Reform Order [...]
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2502

Measuring Crime Within Lynfield Estate

Crime refers to a serious offense that violates the code of morality, unlawful actions of individuals, or acts committed or omitted to result in violations of the prescribed code of conduct and the established rules [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2251

Cardware Company’s Type of Business Organization

This type of business entity would see the limited partner oversee a specific element of the business on the island, such as production or retail but not partake in the general management of the company.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1470

Notwithstanding Clause in the Canadian Constitution

In such a case, a legislator might refer to the notwithstanding clause and justify the priority of the collective majority's rights over individual rights and freedoms of the citizens.
  • Subjects: Constitutional Law
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 302

Immunity for Business From COVID-19 Lawsuits

This paper aims to examine the policy issue discussed in the article by Sexton, paying attention to the neutrality of the piece and the means by which the policy can be influenced.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 828

Law: Legislation Regarding Marijuana Farming

To evaluate the applicability of the proposed marijuana farming bill, the current marihuana production legislation needs to be reviewed, and the changes in social norms regarding criminal behavior are to be analyzed.
  • Subjects: Administrative Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 924

Legal Advice for Tenants and Landlord

Both Pain and Youens must sign and date the covenant or a Schedule of Dilapidations. In this case, Youens and sub-tenants must bear the costs of repairs and maintenance.
  • Subjects: Common Law
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2866

Guidelines Regarding Negotiating with Hostage Takers

In hostage negotiation situations, a hostage negotiator should have with him proper and precise intelligence and information, which is very vital to securing the freedom and safety of hostages and safe taking into custody of [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1149

The Criminal Conspiracy Laws

Criminal conspiracy laws are broad enough that assuming that the government's allegations are accurate, Gotti Jr.was properly charged with criminal conspiracy.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 599

Raj Rajnaratnam and Evidence of the Prosecution

Through evidence of witness testimony the prosecutors were also able to prove that the Galleon group of Companies was able to make illegal profit of over $25 million in the process.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 698

The Practice of Judicial Justice: The Courts

An important development at this level is the fact that a suspect can be temporarily freed on bond depending on the nature of the offense.
  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

Slovenia Department of Corrections for Male and Female Detainees

For effective management of correction facilities and ensuring that detainees are accorded the fairest and appropriate treatment, structural change is very crucial in enhancing effectual and fair treatment of people in the Slovenian correction facilities. [...]
  • Subjects: Criminology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1441

UK Climate Change Act 2008

The aim of the UK is to balance the levels of greenhouse gases to circumvent the perilous issue of climate change, as well as make it probable for people to acclimatize to an inevitable climate [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Law
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 3938

Leadership and Law: CJS of the State of Minnesota

It is evident that the problems that are experienced in the criminal justice system of Minnesota are a result of a lack of proper strategies to address the grievances of American Indians.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1371

Red Light Camera Should Not Be Enforced

Red light cameras are intended to capture the registration numbers of vehicles if the driver runs a red light. The problem with this case is that it only functions if the red light cameras are [...]
  • Subjects: Transportation Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

The Ruling on Shah Regarding Suspicious Transactions

In 2009, the High Court made a landmark ruling in a case where a customer claimed that his bank declined to process transactions while the consent under Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 was pending with [...]
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2459

Who Is the Lawyer: A Demon or a Saint?

The government passed Intellectual property laws to protect creative individuals; however lawyers have manipulated these laws to support cartels in the software and technology industries. In conclusion, lawyers have a dual nature of being both [...]
  • Subjects: Administrative Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 527

Management of Criminal Justice Agencies

Conflict of interests is bound to arise every time the needs of a healthy worker collide with the properties of a formal organization.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 828

Understanding The National Labour Relations Act

The National Labour Relations Act popularly known as the NLRA is the act which was enacted by Congress in the year 1935; the Act was basically aimed at protecting the rights of the employee as [...]
  • Subjects: Labor Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1174

Case Assessment of an Arson Attack

She also gives details of Sue's relationship with Golding and how the two of them, Ron and she had struggled to keep Golding away from their daughter.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3580

Parent’s Right to Travel Out of the Country

This paper seeks to analyze the parent's right to travel out of the country and outlines why traveling has been an issue for the courts In the US, the Supreme Court acknowledges that every citizen [...]
  • Subjects: Family Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 179

Legal Briefs – Swindall, Montana and People

The court issued a summary judgment in favor of Cox Enterprises based on the fact that the statements made in the editorial were not libelous.
  • Subjects: Criminal Investigation
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 853

Homeland Security: Challenges and Solutions

A plausible solution can be created to address the conflict that may arise between the functions or operations of DHS and the constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals once the progress made by the agency [...]
  • Subjects: Homeland Security
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1924

The Federal Grand Jury in the Criminal Justice System

For instance, the President of the United States of America may not directly request for the formation of a grand jury but can do so by directing the Attorney General to constitute a grand jury.
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1104

Packaging and Product Liability for Unilever

The directive affected the performance of many companies, including Unilever because they had to readjust their packaging systems to comply with the new law.
  • Subjects: Business & Corporate Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 618

Roles of the Defense Counsel and Prosecutor

The defense counsel and the prosecutor have several similarities in terms of the roles they play. The defense attorney protects the defendant against charges of crime while the prosecutor protects the public against the wrongdoers.
  • Subjects: Law Practice Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 549

Restoring the Requirement of Mens Rea for All Crimes

The reason behind incorporating the two notions was that people had to be responsible for what they do whether intentionally or not; the law also seeks to prevent people with criminal intentions from violating the [...]
  • Subjects: Criminal Law
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1121

Excise Law in Canada Analysis

When determining the products that the country will impose excise taxes, the government consider the impact that the tax will have on consumption of the product, in the event that a commodity is highly required [...]
  • Subjects: Taxation Law
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3568