Politics & Government Essay Examples and Topics. Page 7

5,981 samples

Global Conflict Likelihood

The world is changing rapidly and the changes are likely to lead to a global conflict in the future. The awareness will rekindle the animosities that existed between the civilizations in the past and each [...]
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 965

The Communist Manifesto: Rhetorical Analysis

In the exordium, the authors introduce the text with a hook by stating, "A spectre stalks the land of Europe the spectre of communism".
  • Subjects: Political Communication
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1137

Federalism Advantages and Disadvantages

This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a federal system of government. A federal government can either be centralized where the central government has broad powers compared to state or provincial powers, or a [...]
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 628

The Importance Of Voting In America

Vote because of the freedom we all experience, all the benefits we enjoy from the government, all stemmed from the fact we, as a collective group, exercise the right to have our voices heard through [...]
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 920

India’s Road Infrastructure and Economic Development

The government has therefore been focusing on the problem of infrastructure in order to support the growing economy. The past one decade has been characterized by numerous challenges and obstacles due to the inefficiency of [...]
  • Subjects: Infrastructure
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1413

Palestinian-Israeli Crisis and It Causes

Therefore, the study examines the case study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and discusses the cause, type of the conflict, effects of the conflict, crisis management process, and offer recommendations.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1497

Social Darwinism in European Imperialism

Darwinism, in general, is a biological theory describing the appearance of new species and extinction of the existing ones defining species through the process of natural selection1 that is the core of Darwin's theory and [...]
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2592

The Indian Political Parties

The President is the head of the state while the Prime Minister is the head of the government. A multi-party system is the final type of party system in the country.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 3550

Differences Between Jails and Prisons

These include their mode of operation, the size of facilities, the source of funding and the length of sentence for offenders.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 567

Contribution of Walt Rostow in Modernization Theory

The process of transformation of a society from the traditional to the modern state through the Rostow's stages of economic development is as a result of influence of both internal dynamics and external forces.
  • 3
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1409

The Status of Women in Leadership

This prompted her to investigate even further and in the course of her investigation she realized that while it is extremely difficult for a woman to get elected she also found out that women leaders [...]
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1829

Proposed Part Privatization of the Royal Mail in the UK

But, the technological development and introduction of wireless communication and other ways of communication, there caused a decrease in the profitability to a level that it is now almost impossible to run for the government.
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2546

Political Sciences: Do States Have to Be Enemies?

Even more recently, the animosity between Russia and Ukraine has already resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people and the moderate to severe injury of thousands more.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2559

The European Union Citizens’ Directive

According to the first part of the directive, every citizen has the legal opportunity to reside without restrictions on the territory of the state that is a member of the EU.
  • Subjects: International Law
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1504

The Police Departments: Funding Reduction

For example, in rayon, the reduction of funding and, accordingly, the reduction of police staff will increase public order violations, which will lead to general discomfort of residents. In addition, the reduction of funding for [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 364

The Afghan National Army’s Camouflage Uniforms

By "potential," we suggest understanding the possibility of an interested party increasing its significance for the project in the future. In case of negative potential, the importance of the interested party for the project may [...]
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 301

Voting Rights: Historical and Social Perspectives

The history and social sciences lenses were chosen to explore the topic because they provide ample opportunities for research and understanding of voting rights as a phenomenon.
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 275

NATO’S Border with Russia News Story and Maslow Theory

From this article, I learned about the complex relationship between NATO and Russia and the strategic importance of Finland's decision to join NATO. Overall, the article emphasizes the influence of NATO's presence and the tension [...]
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 330

The European Union: Greece’s Place

The main reason the Greek authorities presented as their motivation to join the European Union was the economic stability that would result from the adoption of a single regional currency.
  • Subjects: International Organizations
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 903

Freight Transportation: The US Public Policy

USA public Policy towards freight transportation has historically been marred by the misunderstanding of the roles of the different levels of government- the federal, state, and national government and their workings with the public and [...]
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 317

African Democracy: The Role of Structural Factors and Policy

Thus, through policy, structural factors directly impact the economy and political order of a nation. Structural factors form a crucial context for the development of political institutions, attitudes, and values in a society.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 639

Dynamic Party System in France

The party system of France has constitutional recognition, the parties in France are diverse and there is a tendency to create new parties that meet the changing interest of citizens. The distribution of power in [...]
  • Subjects: Political Culture
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1122

Georgia’s European Integration and Internal Politics

In many ways, the concept of organized synarchy expands on the first edition's portrayal of the EU as a confederal consociation and represents the next phase in the development of the bigger entity.
  • Subjects: International Organizations
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1103

Aspects of Florida State Government

The Lieutenant Governor of Florida assists the Governor in the performance of his duties and has the right to substitute for the Governor in his absence.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 427

Minnesota Election Policy Persuasion Speech

In this speech, I will explain the Minnesota Election Policy and persuade you that it is a good policy for ensuring a fair and secure election process.
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 880

Essential Role of NGOs in Decentralized Societies

The most responsible part of the process is achieving the donors' trust and finding ways to represent the results of the spending, which can be difficult due to the often-blurry consequences of humanitarian efforts.
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 335

The Rise of Nationalism in Nineteenth Century

It was the case in 19th-century Germany when Poles were represented as a threat to the well-being of Germany. To conclude, the nationalism of 19th-century Europe is a crucial phenomenon in world history.
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 886

Multicultural Respect in the Police Environment

In this article, it is important to discuss three reasons why police officers should demonstrate multicultural respect, as well as three ways to show this respect and the benefits that will be gained as a [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 551

Marty Stu as a US Senate Candidate

Stu's extensive experience in the Texas House of Representatives and participation in more local committees has created a reasonable positive reputation in the state.
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 949

Concept of Autocracy: Analysis

Oligarchy and tyranny are comparable in that tiny groups of affluent, educated, politically, and socially influential persons dominate most of the population and largely contribute to the leadership.
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 957

Debate on Saudi Navy Expansion

2 billion in 2021 dollars, while the cost of the second to the tenth ships to support the aircraft carrier would be roughly $830 million per ship.
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 840

Turkey: Political Environment

However, Turkey has to contain the outcomes of these changes, preferably through peaceful resolutions and negotiation, which is apparent in Turkey's foreign deals.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 319

Political Community: The Distribution of Power

The establishment of economic power results in the restriction of the free market, which leads to the formation of classes of people who oppose and hinder the development of the free market.
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1112

Citizen Engagement in a Democracy

Citizen engagement is necessary for a thriving democracy because it is the basis for the protection of individual rights and for the rule of law. In a democracy, citizens are responsible for the enforcement of [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 379

The 2022 Midterm Elections in the US

It has been the only instance besides the 1998 and 2002 elections when a party holding the White House managed to keep most of its seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives. The [...]
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 598

Federalism in the U.S.: Analysis

As the example of the movements associated with fighting for the rights of marginalized populations indicates, bottom-up federalism can be implemented as the means of shaping the state policies by citizens and, therefore, defining the [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 556

The European Union: Spain’s Accession

However, the collapse of power and the loss of overseas possessions stimulated the tendency toward isolationism, which also asked for the geopolitical isolation of this mountainous country on land from the more developed nations of [...]
  • Subjects: International Organizations
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2060

Dubai’s Journey Towards Smart City Solutions

The combined foreign and local population migrating to the urban centers for opportunities has made Dubai one of the most urbanized cities with a larger number of people residing in the urban centers.
  • Subjects: Infrastructure
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 3724

The Representation of Women in African Legislatures

According to the article, research has shown that there is a positive relationship between a party's level of issue salience and the appointment of women cabinet members. For instance, political parties are more likely to [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1228

Effect of European Post-War Instability on US Leadership

Among all the countries, the US attracted envy and admiration by being the only country with a system that kept all regions in peace without conquering. The US decided to lead democratic countries and support [...]
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 339

Army Service Pistol (M17) and Related Issues

In late November 2017, the army started deploying the M17 pistol, the newest piece of equipment for its soldiers, to members of the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell in Kentucky.
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

The United States European Command’s Strategy

The National Security Strategy of 2017, the National Defense Strategy, and the National Military Strategy of 2018 all built on these tenets to further promote US partnerships with Europe and the Trans-Atlantic NATO.
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1953

Corrections: Philosophical and Conceptual Foundations

A philosophy of sentencing entails defining the notion of punishment and the underlying values, dispositions, and beliefs, as well as rationalizing the imposition of a severe burden on someone.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1770

The Malaysian Government System Analysis

Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Malaysia's ultimate sovereign, is the government's leader and the ruler of the Islamic religion. The federal government and the two chambers of the federal parliament have legislative authority.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 388

UN Security Challenges and Peacekeeping Missions

After the Second World War, the initiative was to create the United Nations to foster world peace and security. The UN peacekeeping missions are responses to situations in the hopes of quelling threats through peaceful [...]
  • Subjects: International Organizations
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 638

Regime Change During the Cuban Revolution of 1958

1 As a nation that believed in the rule by the majority and committed to spreading democracy and capitalism around the world, the United States government planned and successfully handed over power to a civilian [...]
  • Subjects: Political Culture
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1388

Letter to the Prime Minister on Canada’s Food Policy

It is important to emphasize that, in Canada and other high-income countries, food insecurity and inadequate access to food are important determinants in determining one's degree of health.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1650

The Veteran Affairs Organization Analysis

On top of the list is the absence of proper transportation strategies designed to support the expectations of the served individuals.
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3406

Executive Remuneration in the UK vs. Germany

Arguably, the most important difference between the German and British executive remuneration systems is that in Germany, executive compensation must not exceed that of other companies of the same size and engaged in the same [...]
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 497

Liberal International Order’s Existence and Future

However, the primary assumption of these ideas is the existence of a liberal international order, which refers to a system of interconnected, regulated connections founded on political, economic, and international liberalism. To conclude, the idea [...]
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 864

Democracy in Japanese Constitutional Monarchy

Hence, it is crucial to conduct a thorough analysis of the national political system to determine the country's classification. Moreover, it has been ruled by the Liberal Democratic Party for over seventy years, and most [...]
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 895

Discussion: Definition of a Great Power

Both cooperative and conflictive behaviors of great powers within the international system are discussed in the literature on great-power foreign policy.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 308

Globalization’s Impact on National Security Strategies

It can also be said to be the art of science of developing, applying, and coordinating the instruments of national power such as military, economic, informational, and diplomatic to achieve the objectives that contribute to [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1957

Affordable Housing in New York City

The project is remarkable for its design and uniqueness among low-income public housing complexes in the city that depicted a connection between the garden-type courtyard complexes and the modern designs that are related to big-city [...]
  • Subjects: Infrastructure
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1516

Ian Paisley: Religion and Politics in Northern Ireland

That year, he founded the Committee for the Defence of the Ulster Constitution and the Ulster Protestant Volunteers, which served as paramilitary extensions of his churches. In 1970, Paisley was elected to the parliaments of [...]
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 1660

Diplomacy and Power: International Actors in the Middle East

Diplomacy in the Middle East: the international relations of regional & outside powers. In this article, a group of prominent and up-and-coming academics from around the world analyze the effects of China's expanding footprint in [...]
  • Subjects: Diplomacy
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 404

Matt Gaetz: The Republican Representative

The confrontation between Matt Gaetz and the DOJ official was a culmination of months of speculation that Hunter Biden was under investigation and that the laptop story was true and not malign Russian propaganda.
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 604

Researching of the Great Stink

To find the causes of the outbreak, scientist Michael Faraday threw pieces of paper into the water while he went along the river to determine the river's state.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 346

The ‘Us’ in Trust and Cultural Backlash

The confrontation between authoritarian concepts and the ones that are built on trust is one of the most significant oppositions in the modern world.
  • Subjects: Political Culture
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 576

William Blackstone’s Influence on American Political Thought

Moreover, he highlighted the positive role of the separation of church and state, which is one of the key Blackstone's influences on Founding. In summary, Blackstone's publications revealed and clarified notions that early American jurists [...]
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 629

Responsibility for the Attack on US Capitol on January 6

The attack was the culmination of a seven-part plan by Trump to overturn the elections. The news was passed through the media to several groups, increasing tension concerning the results of the elections.
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1802

The Dissatisfaction with the European Union

The British exit from the EU, Brexit, is an example of the fight by nationalists to protect the rights of their countries which cracked open weakness in the EU.
  • Subjects: International Organizations
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 349

International Relations: Theory, Policy, and Governance

On the other hand, liberalists will argue that the US strives to establish a democratic environment in the Middle East and positive economic developments. Similarly, it is reasonable to adopt strategies and theoretical concepts that [...]
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1830

Government Regulations on Banks Report: Pros and Cons

By demonstrating the advantages and limitations of the government rules on the banks, the writer states that regulation is necessary in fostering economic stability and the banking system.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 678

Political Party Systems: A Summary of an Encyclopedia Article

The article covers the topic of American political parties, from the emergence of factions to the contemporary nature of parties. Eventually, the parties are chosen by the voters due to the qualities and programs of [...]
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 272

Enhancing Search and Rescue Operations With Drones

Hence, to protect vulnerable populations from calamities and manage the increasing number of injuries, deaths, and loss of people in disasters, the integration of technological innovations such as drones in search and rescue operations globally [...]
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 4034

Ex-Offenders’ Rehabilitation: Innovative Approaches

For instance, certificates of rehabilitation, which are provided in some parts of the US, can overwrite the stigmatizing label of being an offender. One must consider several advantages and disadvantages of NT in rehabilitation to [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2328

Exploring Democracy: Comparison of Two Articles

Interpersonal trust among individuals is the kind of cooperative social preference most central to democratic governance and aids in resolving some of the joint problems common in liberal and economic governance systems.
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 591

The Theory of Social Choice and Its Actors

The main idea of the work is to explain the theory of social choice and how it works with society. However, the author doubts that this theory is entirely unnecessary and populist in that the [...]
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 878

Pharaoh vs. President: Similarities and Differences

The pharaoh and the president are both responsible for the well-being of their people and are entrusted with ensuring prosperity of their countries; however, choosing between the two, I would prefer to be a pharaoh.
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 672

Sentencing: Gender Disparities

Studying some of these disparities in sentencing, such as gender, gives a theoretical framework for the justice system to develop more trustable and reliable strategies.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 328

Democratization in Uruguay vs. Venezuela: A Comparative Analysis

Political culture is the first theory that can explain democratization in Uruguay and Venezuela. The composition of exports for trade is represented primarily by the agriculture sector in Uruguay and oil in Venezuela.
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1467

The United States as a Hegemonic Country

The world order should be created under the supervision of one specific power. While the political regime depends on the elements of the international order, the stability in the world should depend on hegemony.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 578

The United Arab Emirates Foreign Policy

As a member state of the global community, the United Arab Emirates engages and works with other countries to attain a more stable and peaceful Middle East. The United Arab Emirates engages as well and [...]
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 719

The Future of Global Diplomacy and Credibility

The future of diplomacy will be the contest of credibility as it will continue to become easier for a nation to adopt the ideologies of another when there is trust due to a good reputation.
  • Subjects: Diplomacy
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 679

Public Diplomacy Campaign for UAE

The campaign's audience is the governing bodies overseeing foreign aid strategies in the UAE to get approval and support for the activity.
  • Subjects: Diplomacy
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 612

Prostitution Legalization: Policy Analysis

The opening of a brothel includes not only the design, construction, and maintenance of the building but also the involvement of medical staff for the employees of the institution and clients, law enforcement agencies to [...]
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 592

Police Brutality: Is There a Solution?

Considering that, in general, law enforcement agents must be devoted to justice, the police misconduct covered in the news outlets should be interpreted in the context of bigger socioeconomic issues and structures that place people [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 866

Militarism in China and Its Advantages

The system of Chinese militarism was a specific form of political power, characteristic of the initial republican period of modernization of Chinese society. The peculiarity of the period of militarism is a variety of ideological [...]
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 280

Third-Party Challenges in the US Elections

The author advocates the necessity to reorganize the existing system and argues against the approach preventing the other from struggling with the primary candidates.
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 371

Public Health Amidst Porous Boarders

The first diagnosis of the disease was made in China, after which there was more spread to other parts of the globe.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 611

The Problem of Police Brutality: The Case of Gregory Gunn

The narratives of the police and the community in regard to the incident above were strikingly different, which implies that racism was likely to be the main pretext for Smith to act in the described [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 836

Public Diplomacy in the United Kingdom

The requirement for joint work of public diplomats and their colleagues from other educate within the agent workplaces to the EU, as well as within the bodies of the Union itself, is fundamentally due to [...]
  • Subjects: Diplomacy
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 915

Creating Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet Policies

The Federal Reserve has released a research note titled "Balance Sheet Policy in a Changing Economy: Some Modelling Progress and Illustrative Simulations" that examines the effects of its balance sheet policies on the U.S.economy.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 622

Politicians Representing a “First” During Elections

Further, during the 2008 United States presidential election, he became the first person representing African American identity and culture who was elected as the President of the United States.
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 283

Discussion of State Security Enforcement

A state's quest for security can be presented as stabilizing in the case of a solid internal socio-economic foundation. While the term is the main determining factor in international politics, it can be viewed as [...]
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 851

Presidents of the United States and France

This essay will provide a comparative analysis of the political role of the Presidents of the United States and France and their relationship with representatives of the legislative branch of government. Some duties and rights [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 404