Politics & Government Essay Examples and Topics. Page 9

5,981 samples

Four Schoolmasters and American Foreign Policy

While they are optimistic about the advantages that will come along with the expansion of trade and the mechanisms that sustain it, they are conservative in the view that they deny the universal applicability, or [...]
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1204

Osama Bin Laden: Assassination vs. Trial

In my thoughts, I believe that the decision to hunt and kill bin Laden was driven by nationalist sentiments due to the terror war and not the considerations of what was morally and constitutionally right.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 330

Public Interest in Parliamentary Law Making

The three most numerous political parties in Great Britain are the oldest and the largest, the Conservative and Unionist parties, the Labour party, and the Liberal Democrats.
  • Subjects: Political Culture
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 895

Politicians’ Communication Strategies

Political communication is defined as the process of creating and sending verbal and written messages from politicians, political parties, and other political actors to citizens in a democratic society.
  • Subjects: Political Communication
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 907

Historical and International Relations-Related Arguments

Since most scholars investigate the rise of the West as the dominant process in the world system for the past 500 years, Abu-Lughod emphasizes the need to restructure the premodern world system.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1207

The Effects of the Release of U.S. Oil on the Market

The main reason is the fact that the United States operates in a competitive market, where it is a price-taker. Moreover, it should be noted that the release of oil from the strategic reserves shifts [...]
  • Subjects: International Trade
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 288

The Most Powerful Branch of the US Government

One of the examples is the work of the presidential administration during the COVID-19 pandemic, when, in the context of ever-changing sanitary conditions, the powers of the President allow for the issuance of urgent decrees [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 578

The US Espionage on Friends or Allies

Thus, for the US as a leading political actor, spying on allies on friends is justified if there is a visible necessity that provides it with an advantage in the international arena.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 328

Midterm Elections in the United States

The article elaborates on the situation in the US as the date for the Midterm elections in November approaches. The political significance of US relations with Saudi Arabia is also emphasized in the article.
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 557

Liberal vs. Conservative: Comparative Analysis

Some of the ideas associated with liberals include the belief in the power of education to improve society, support for a strong central government, civil rights and equality, and belief in the importance of helping [...]
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 351

The National Immigration Enforcement

The intention of ICE to employ their agents in sanctuary cities will only make the gap between the cities and enforcement agencies wider.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 339

Police Accountability and Community Relations

Contrary to expectations, the working of overtime police officers and regular police officers seems to differ, as the former is more hostile to the community.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 399

Diplomacy: Future Trends and Development

In the nineteenth century, the wars were more localized, and the level of tension in the world was no less. The development of diplomacy, mainly due to the various directions listed, has achieved excellent results [...]
  • Subjects: Diplomacy
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 401

Social and Political Stricture of Society

Plenty of our freedoms are sheltered by the Bill of Rights in the United States Charter, whereas the California Constitution's first section covers them.
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 334

Political and Government Structures in Zanzibar

The presence of a common currency and one central bank brings investment to Zanzibar from Tanzania. In summary, Zanzibar is a small federalist autonomous part of the union with Tanganyika, forming the Republic of Tanzania.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 572

Hudson v. Michigan and the Killing of Breanna Taylor

Michigan showed that the search completed by the police officers was unconstitutional due to the lack of a warrant allowing them to conduct the search in the first place. The case of Hudson v.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1105

Israel’s and Turkey’s Foreign and Defense Policies

This report aims to explore the characteristics and trends of earlier mentioned in international relations and to analyze the peculiarities of interaction with neighboring countries and the existing problems in them.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 913

Stakeholder Analysis: Polar Geography

Hence, they had a strong influence and interest in completing the project. Therefore, they had a high interest and a great influence on the project.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 404

The U.S. Researched Public Administration Case Study

It is essential to note that social inequity, in particular, challenges the ethical values and moral code of residents of the United States and the entire planet from the point of view of discrimination and [...]
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 639

Private Prisons’ Benefits vs. Drawbacks

Many of the duties involved with prison management are passed to the private corporation rather than the government. Similarly, a public jail is owned and run by the local, state, and federal governments, while a [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1396

The Veterans Benefits Administration’s Policy

The article is relevant to my study as it provides helpful information about the veterans' educational benefits and what some of their dependents get from the department of veteran affairs after service.
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1462

Aspects of the Zionist Movement

On the other hand, Palestine was considered the location of the Promised Land, but it was controlled by the Ottoman Empire, meaning that Zionists would have to drive out its inhabitants to gain control of [...]
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 644

US Geopolitical Interests in the Middle East Before 1900

Nevertheless, its roots in the Middle East date back to as early as the 1750s, allowing it to improve its influence in the Middle East as the region became increasingly vital for Britain and Asia.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 945

The Role of Faith in the US-Middle East Foreign Policy

Moreover, the belief that the US was the nation assigned the role of fulfilling God's promise to his people and the whole of humanity encouraged them to contribute to the well-being of settlers and natives [...]
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 957

Politics: Theory, Science, and Practice

It is stated that the framework "is no longer informed, in the ways that the great theorists of the tradition took it for granted that political theory should be informed, by the state of empirical [...]
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 625

The Jones Act’s Impact on Puerto Rico

The latter can be found in the fact that a stronger nation taxed the weaker one, heavily undermining the economic wellbeing of a colony or territory.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 637

The Rational Choice Theory in Politics

By not recognizing individual ideas and goals, the rational theory does not provide a reliable explanation of group behavior. The theory of rational choices provides only a limited account of political processes and actions.
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 575

Public Administration in Denmark

The overarching goal of the digitalization process described in the case study was to improve the communication among the vital stakeholders, directly connecting politicians and citizens.
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 496

Presidential Leadership: Diplomatic History

The development of the relations between the United States and the countries in the Middle East is a continuous process, covering the presidential terms of many political leaders.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1951

Rodrik’s Trilemma in the Context of Australia

Dani Rodrik, an economist, came up with the concept of the political trilemma of the world economy to describe the hard choices governments had to make when formulating their responses to globalization.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 950

Significance of City of Canton v. Harris

The significance of the given case contributes to the overall awareness of the issue and the introduction of new measures. The examples of such cases when physical and mental health resulted from failure to train [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 612

Is a Secret Ballot a Basic Tenet of Democracy?

The Supremacy Clause establishes that federal laws, constitutions, and regulations take precedence over state laws."This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States...under the Authority of the United States, will be the supreme Law of [...]
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 315

The Covid-19 Pandemic Public Policies in the US

Without a coordinated national response towards the outbreak, the pandemic has underscored the promise and limits of the tenth amendment. During the early days of the covid-19 pandemic in America, the preparedness and response policy [...]
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 610

Pro-Social Rule-Breaking in Public Administration

This paper, therefore, discusses pro-social rule-breaking, when it is ethical for public administrators to dissent, and some of the problems it might cause.
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 562

Should Canada Get Back to More Peacekeeping?

Given its capabilities, Canada has a moral duty to maintain intercontinental peace and stability because the suffering of residents in war-ridden nations is an insult to Canadian ideals.
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 381

Joe Biden’s First Two Years in Office

The outcome of the midterm elections for the US Congress, where the Republicans received a majority of the votes, is evidence that Biden did not act quickly enough to address the issues arising in society.
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 404

Corruption in Bell, Gilchrist County, Florida

The main form of corruption, as evidenced in the video, is embezzlement. The second form of corruption evidenced in the video is graft.
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 580

The Discussion of 2021 – 2025 Election Project

In the summer of 2021, the Liberal Party was doing well in the polls, and the call for the election was to try to translate that voting support into a majority government.
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 583

A World in Disarray Book by Dr. Richard Haass

The book is divided into three; the first part focuses on the history of the world's order from the emergence of the modern state system to the end of the cold war.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 575

Inequality Implications of Theocratical Governments

Similar to the manifestations of gender inequality and discrimination in Afghanistan, the exposure of the minority group Muhamacheen is disproportionate in Yemen due to the theocratical government in the state.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1104

Redlining in America and Its Effects on Social Life

The concept was introduced in 1934 through the National Housing Act and the establishment of the Federal Housing Administration. The people also do not have access to quality healthcare due to their poor economic conditions, [...]
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 356

Canada’s Constitution and Its Surprising Aspects

The peculiarity of the Canadian Constitution is that it includes two parts, namely: written, which consists of separate judicial precedents and legislative acts, and unwritten in the form of agreements and established legal customs.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 461

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs as Advocacy Group in Canada

The main goals of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs comprise the "promotion, preservation, and protection of Aboriginal and Treaty rights for First Nation people in Manitoba; strengthening and restoring the foundations of First Nation cultures, [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 424

Law Enforcement Officers Overcoming Professional Burnout

Hence, it becomes apparent how nervous and stressful the occupation of an Atlanta police officer is; this fact increases the need for seeking the most appropriate strategies to deal with professional burnout.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2229

“Beyond the “Add and Stir” Approach” Article by Wallace

The author is making theoretical considerations about federalism and multilevel governance, gender and politics, governmental institutions and processes, the history of political thought, Indigenous-settler relations, international relations and foreign policy, political behavior, public administration and [...]
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 533

Aspects of Classical Liberalism

The renowned theme of Separation of Church and state is one of the multiple interconnected ideas that could be summarized as the separation of the economy from the state, differentiation of the land from the [...]
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 388

Extremism: The Contribution of the Military

The United States Army is strict against extremism, terming it as a harmful behavior that neglects the responsibilities entrusted to the military and instead undermines the rule of law. The importance of this topic is [...]
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 405

Founding Eras of the American Government

All the authors had to compose and deny previous scholars who had come before them in the aspect of enhancement of better quality of life through the involvement of fixing gaps that were both in [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1196

Javier de Cuellar’s Biography Analysis

Javier de Cuellar was the United Nations Secretary-General from 1981 and was later re-elected in the same office in 1986. He was acclaimed not only in his mother country Peru but also in the [...]
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 290

Negotiations in Public Diplomacy

The process of reaching an agreement entails three main stages: the diagnostic stage, during which issues are determined, stakeholders are involved, and information is gathered; the formula phase, during which a common framework for agreement [...]
  • Subjects: Diplomacy
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2113

Public Administration: Theory and Practice

To avoid mistakes and differences of opinion, the application of adequate theoretical and practical methods is an essential attribute of successful work. The relevance of administration in the public sphere is due to a number [...]
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 551

Morality and Legitimacy in Politics and Religion

Thinking about it, it is always the wealthiest and most powerful people in society who get to rule in governments, and mostly the needs of the poor and powerless are considered the least.
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1131

Sexual Assault and Role of Law Enforcement

This article is current and reliable since it is a peer-reviewed journal and the authors are experts in the criminology and social justice field. Identifying the causes of sexual assault against women in Bangladesh is [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 986

Incentives for Projects in Austin

While the government loses millions in these waivers, the long-term benefits are economically worthy and can help improve residents' living standards and the overall local economy.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 395

Asian Community and Police Plan to Curtail Future Attacks

The police should encourage citizens of the Asian community to report incidences and crime, which allows the law enforcement to fully understand the scope of the problem in the community and put resources to fight [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 1062

Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech and Policies of the West

However, the signs of the impending catastrophe were visible long before the outlaw recognition of the so-called "LNR and DNR" and even before the launch of this Donbas issue and unacceptable Crimea annexation.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 597

Challenges of Managing the Army and War

The primary subcomponent is to ensure setting a camp in the backline of the trenches or frontline of the anticipated or planned battleground.
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 540

Position Statement: Scarcity & Property Rights

Its goal will be to win the parliamentary elections and change the monopoly of capital to the monopoly of the law on social guarantees in terms of the quantity and qualifications of labor.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 370

Colorado and Statewide Political Culture

The political perspective of the state has frequently been up for grabs, occasionally wobbling from one side to the other between election results, ever since Colorado voters shuffled the state's house of representatives, trading in [...]
  • Subjects: Political Culture
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 293

The Foxtrot Marines Boarding in the Territorial Sea

This was right because Delta, a country that claims a twelve nautical international waters, has agreed to the usage of the blue straits to other countries and is ready to allow humanitarian aid to traverse [...]
  • Subjects: International Law
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 548

Discussion of Marxism Impact on News

This article reports the recent attack on the church in southern California by David Chou, a member of the China-backed organization that supports the idea of annexing Taiwan. The view of propaganda is consistent with [...]
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 908

Instruments of Statecraft in Australian Foreign Policy

The topic of this essay is related to the concept of a middle power in relation to Australia. However, the goals of Australian foreign policy and the role of Australia in the region remained mostly [...]
  • Subjects: Political Culture
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3003

Causes, Costs, and Benefits of Brexit

The United Kingdom was increasingly affected by the EU immigration policy and the economic crisis of the other EU members. EU immigration control, terrorism threats, and economic crisis affected the United Kingdom's decision to leave [...]
  • Subjects: International Organizations
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 384

What Happened in Operation Anaconda

The army could use the structure to avoid the communication jam leading to a smooth flow of information and orders from the top commands to their subordinates during the subordinates' on-scene battleground.
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1473

Mass Murder Reduction in Georgia

In Georgia, having a policy that allows for the implementation ERPOs will enable the public to take some action through extreme risk laws and assist in the prevention of mass murders.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 668

Methods for Improving Voter Turnout in the U.S.

Although early voting may seem reasonable for the country to implement, it may lead to crafting and manipulating results before the final day. This may encourage rigging of votes in early voting stages to alter [...]
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 407

Trade Relations Between Turkey and Russia

The close economic ties between Turkey and Russia have benefited the Western Nations and the growth and development of the local economies of the two nations.
  • Subjects: International Trade
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1937

The Dominance of Foreign Affairs on the US Agenda

Ultimately, the analysis of The New York Times shows that foreign affairs are currently the primary topics in the discussion. For instance, the Russian-Ukrainian War, political turmoil in China, and protests in Iran are on [...]
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 396

The American Government and Supreme Court Composition

If the current Supreme Court judges were to hear the case, they still would uphold the ruling because it reflects their beliefs of defining the US as a haven dedicated to respecting human rights and [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 331

The Army of the United States’ Modernization Strategy

In June 2021, the Secretary of the Army and the Army's Chief of Staff announced before Congress that the Army would revise its priorities to ensure people are put first. The Army needs to continue [...]
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 909

Policies Through American History

The president's policies sought to address some of the issues and pave the way for further social reforms that would alleviate the lives of Americans.
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 861

Operation Geronimo by the US Forces

Nevertheless, the peculiarities surrounding the mentioned concerns can prove that President Obama had the legal authority to order the operation. In terms of the U.S.
  • Subjects: Military
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 641

Riots in Kingsman, Arizona Prison

Riots in correctional facilities are frequent, and it is the duty of the administration to ensure preparedness for critical situations and eliminate any chance for mistakes.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 404

Operation Geronimo’s International Liability

Thus, the purpose of this paper is to provide reasonable arguments to prove the statement that President Barack Obama had the legal authority to order Operation Geronimo and to execute the plan.
  • Subjects: International Law
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 826

China’s, Russia’s, the USA’s Security Aspects

The student protests were a turning point in shaping the understanding among the Chinese authorities that the information space in the country should be strictly controlled.
  • Subjects: International Relations
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2286

European Union: Geopolitical Challenges

Secondly, a humanitarian and migratory crisis that is related to making the territoriality of politics more open and restricting the idea of one member state having power over the other, and lastly, response to climate [...]
  • Subjects: International Organizations
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 914

Donald Trump: The Law Violations

The former president of the US, Donald Trump, has been the subject of heated political and legal discussions due to the numerous charges he faces because of violating the law on several accounts.
  • Subjects: Politicians
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 649

Researching of Political Campaign

My strategy for gaining the support of my constituents will be multipronged to get as many people on board as possible.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 326

Incarceration Abolition: The Ethical Issues

On the other hand, the incarceration abolitionist movement is a forum that calls for the dissolution of prisons because of the ethical quandaries that correctional officers experience in detention centers.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 319

Researching of Struggling Economy

By increasing the availability of high-quality housing in every region and ensuring the affordability of gas and food, the presidency should adopt a housing, food, and energy strategy to ease the burden of property prices, [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 571

Democracy and Its Crucial Features

The equality of income and wealth remain the central issue of democracy, since, though democratic societies strive to egalitarianism, they fall short of ensuring equal income and wealth to everyone.
  • Subjects: Political Ideologies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 307

Discussion: Law Enforcement and Respect

In the case study, the situation highlights a situation in which Arnold, a homeless drug user, refuses to leave the entrance of a building in a low-income apartment complex without causing disturbances.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 301

Discussion: Management of Gun Regulations

Nicholas Kristof believes that countering the high death rate due to the prevalence of guns and the relative freedom to carry them is part of the system to protect ourselves.
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 854

Can the Democrats Win Back Rural Voters?

The article used the Movement Lab approach to be able to win back the rural voters. The article relates to voting and election topic because it deals with voter turnout and strategies to be used [...]
  • Subjects: Elections
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 565

Implementation of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Public Administration

In public administration, the term diversity, equity, and inclusion refers to programs and policies which encourage the participation and representation of distinct groups of people by considering the inclusion of distinct races, religion, age, culture, [...]
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

Chief Judges of District Courts

Chief judges act ethically in the spirit of diversity because they are focused on meeting the values, cultures, and goals of the federal judiciary.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 324

The Body Cam Policy Implementation

As the people holding a significant amount of power and responsibility over others, the police must be capable to stay on top of social trends and adapt quickly, as it is the only way to [...]
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 827

The Standard Deviation in Public Administration

The standard deviation is the measure of dispersion that indicates the closeness of the data cluster to the mean. In general, it is defined as "the number of standard deviations a score of interest lies [...]
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1143

Effects of Lobbying on Regulatory Scrutiny

Even though there are many other elements at play, the lobbying environment and the regularity with which lobbying crises arise in the UK are without a doubt two of the most critical concerns that hamper [...]
  • Subjects: Public Policies
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3403

Western Ideology vs. Political Islam in Turkey

The ashes of the Ottoman Empire led to the organization of the modern Republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923. The end of the Cold War in the new millennium led to the reasoning of [...]
  • Subjects: Political Culture
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3143

Woke Liberals Abuse History to Control Present

This article relates to the topic and readings of federalism because it talks about how a group of people with different ideas on politics can come together and agree on something suitable for everyone.
  • Subjects: Social & Political Theory
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 580

Negative Consequences of the Partisanship

An increase in partisanship leads to negative consequences: a sharp divergence of opinions, fragmentation of parties, and the likelihood of weak party leadership. The last example of the negative consequences of increasing party membership is [...]
  • Subjects: Government
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 668

Aspects of the Street-Level Bureaucracy Theory

The street-level bureaucracy theory is one of the most prominent approaches within public administration that permits one to demonstrate the fallacy of neoliberals judgments. The theory of street bureaucrats stimulates a debate about ways to [...]
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 340

The United States Congressional Committees

First of all, the members of the Appropriations Committee tend not to serve on any other committee, unlike the congressmen and congresswomen appointed to the rest of the committees.
  • Subjects: Public Administration Activity
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 609

Correctional Intervention: The Main Principles

Considering that a corrective plan's effectiveness can significantly impact the possible outcomes, increasing or decreasing the likelihood of successful recovery, it is essential to consider the principles of a productive intervention.
  • Subjects: Law Enforcement
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 294