Nursing Essay Examples and Topics. Page 9

2,471 samples

Nursing: Working With Aggressive Mentally Ill Patients

Extrapolating this statement to work with potentially aggressive patients, one can note the imperfection of approaches and the absence of mandatory preventive mechanisms in the form of training or reminders, which is a drawback of [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 802

The Methods for the Best Practice in Nursing

Thank you, Oraliaa, for your input on the topic of understanding the methods for the best practice in nursing. Indeed, the critical role of nurses in a healthcare facility is to improve the overall well-being [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 278

The Shortage of Full-Time Nurses

Among the primary causes of the nursing shortage is the absence of sufficient funds to guarantee the number of budgeted employment for nurses.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1175

Nursing: Introspection Through Narrative Pedagogy

The meta-paradigm not only educates and informs one about the status quo of the nurse but it can also serve as a lens for critical appraisal of practice, professional philosophies and personal beliefs of the [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 568

Nurse Training in Health Information Systems

The healthcare system is founded on numerous principles and concepts and represents a unified and strict framework that ensures quality care and cohesiveness of the elements.
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  • Words: 612

Who Controls Nursing on Different Levels?

The Nursing Practice Acts empower the BONs to protect the nursing conduct and the public from harm during care delivery. The nurse leaders are responsible for controlling the nurses and overseeing nursing units.
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  • Words: 310

The Demand, Use, and Recipients of Organs

Further, the varying affordability, cost, access, and affordability of healthcare services and equipment also imbalance the demand and supply of healthcare and medical equipment.
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  • Words: 676

Nursing Policy Mitigating the Vulnerability

The era of technological advancement resulted in the efficient processing of information in healthcare facilities. In addition, it is necessary to implement the hands-on assessment of cybersecurity skills in healthcare workers.
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  • Words: 288

Values in Caring for Dying Patients

Therefore, medical professionals' main task is to provide the most satisfying life for patients and peace of mind for loved ones. In conclusion, the care and treatment of dying patients imply adherence to certain professional [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 339

Critique the Theory of Self-Efficacy Using the Internal and External Criticism

Self-efficacy as a concept is a notion in social theory that explains an individual’s belief within their capacity to illustrate a specific behavior and the affirmation that they can undertake a given function to attain the intended result or outcome. Self-efficacy, in its wholeness, is a component of people’s abilities to illustrate specific conduct. The […]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 583

The Doctor of Nursing Practice Role

A DNP professional can tailor preventative care to the requirements of the community by assessing and analyzing the health of the population.
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  • Words: 287

The Role of Advanced Practice Nurses

When it comes to the first point, patient safety and quality care, it is noteworthy that registered nurses take the responsibility of teaching admitted individuals in addition to safeguarding them and acting as their voice [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 356

Reducing Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections

A central line-associated bloodstream infection is an infection in the bloodstream that is unrelated to another site and that occurs within two days of central-line placement. The goal is to reduce the number and severity [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 856

Social Cognitive Theory as Health Promotion Model

The result of this connection is a regulation of behavior formed as reciprocal determinism: the environment influences the individual's cognitive abilities and creates a specific type of thinking, the patterns of which, in turn, influence [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 441

Non-Traditional Teaching Experience in Nursing

The program gave me insights into accountable coordinated care, the future of nursing in the community, implicit bias and stereotypes within the community, role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics, and medical homes.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1711

Interprofessional Teams in Long-Term Nursing Care

For this reason, all members of interprofessional teams should realize the importance of building closer relations with clients, understanding their needs, and using evidence to select treatment.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 861

School Nursing: The Main Challenges

School nurse managers should investigate the source of conflict and help to mitigate it especially given that the offense may have no legal grounds.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 319

Social Media: The Use in Nursing

Although the medical professionals who are guilty of doing so may not have malicious intentions, it is still a violation of a patient's privacy and confidentiality.
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  • Words: 319

Hospice Program: The Case Study

The misunderstanding between the nurse and Henry on the Hospice program could have been avoided if the nurse could have informed Henry of how the program works.
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  • Words: 288

Cardiovascular System: Physical Examination

Among various roles and responsibilities, emergency department nurses must understand the basics of cardiovascular examination and the necessary steps to assess the vital signs and observe the patient.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 313

Nursing Profession: Nurse Profile Essay

To understand the role of practitioners in society, one needs to understand the process of becoming a nurse and their responsibilities in the healthcare sector.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 571

Patient Safety in Ambulatory Healthcare

The first step is to plan by reviewing data on the frequency of medication errors, design the intervention and determine the parameters that will be used to determine success.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 557

Demographic Changes’ Impact on Healthcare

The capacity of nurses to improve their practice and broaden their core knowledge to handle the issues associated with caring for older individuals and people from different cultural backgrounds will determine how well the healthcare [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 396

Nurses’ Role in Information Systems Selection

Having proper knowledge of the new technology also facilitates the nurse in identifying flaws associated with the prior information systems and places the need for essential changes to be enacted. Finally, a nurse leader can [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 578

Nursing: Patients’ Beliefs and Autonomy

The exercise was necessary to learn more about emerging medical needs, the process of delegation, and the role of practitioners in meeting the changing needs of different patients.
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 1684

Discussion: Quality Improvement Minutes

This is a report of a minutes review held in July 2017 by the quality advisory council to determine the activities and interventions of the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 318

Leadership Philosophy in Nursing

Therefore, effective leadership is the ability to lead people in a manner that advocates their interests as a team and at a personal level.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1498

Pain and Ethnicity in Nursing Practice

Therefore, gaining an understanding of the differences in the transference and response to pain is essential for nurses to provide the most effective care and treatment.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1412

Assessing the Problem: Hypertension

Regrettably, a lack of adequate control of hypertension may be the consequence of both the ineptitude of the hospital staff and the noncompliance of the patient with regard to their prescription.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1660

Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice

First, I will make sure that I choose the right leadership style to ensure the development of the appropriate working environment where the members of my team can use their potential to the fullest and [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 310

Prevention of Patient Falls: System Change Project

The model in question, particularly the combination of decluttering techniques and the use of a personal assistant for minimizing exposure to risks, is based on Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 333

The Buddy System Reducing Burnout Among Nurses

The desired outcome for the buddy system implementation is the mitigation of nurses' burnout. However, further comprehensive research is necessary for effective worldwide implementation of the buddy system to mitigate the nurses' burnout.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1245

Connective Nursing Leadership

Nursing leadership is characterized as the capacity to motivate, impact, and encourage nursing personnel and other medical workers to collaborate to achieve individual and organizational objectives.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 578

Nurses’ Care of LGBTQ (Queer) Patients

The involvement of the NPD practitioners will make sure that the students, more so the ones ready to head into the field, handle the patients at their best.
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4133

Policy-Making Opportunities for Nurses

With the rising concerns for healthcare and in the light of the pandemic, the voices of nurses should be represented in addressing the future of health policies.
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  • Words: 287

Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners in Palliative Care

Highly qualified and effective ARNPs may positively impact access to and use of primary healthcare services in rural regions. Expanding the scope of practice for ARNPs might increase the availability of primary healthcare services in [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 322

Middle-Range Nursing Theories and Their Usage

For example, Barreiro et al.aimed to examine diagnostic validation of the low self-efficacy concept in health and nursing care by constructing a middle-range theory for diagnosis validation.
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  • Words: 320

Nursing Practicum: Reflection and Analysis

The learning opportunity was presented by the facility's nursing instructor and one outside professional the representative of the company from which the facility purchased a new product for equipment sterilization.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1303

The Registered Nurse Career Assessment

The results converged in that they offered the admission of registered nurses and a high readiness level for the job. Regardless of how broad the responsibilities of a registered nurse may be, the following tasks [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 673

Skill Development for Burnout Prevention in New Nurses

The practice gap that the project will address is related to the limited understanding of teamwork promotion in reducing burnout rates in new hospital nurses and the lack of guidelines that would summarize burnout prevention [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1688

Palliative Care in Intensive Care Unit

Palliative care is an important field of the healthcare industry that allows terminally ill patients and their families to feel cared for, which is why the services at this unit should be of the highest [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 847

The Feminist and Gender Theory Influence on Nursing

That is, gender and feminist theories are still relevant in the modern world. This is explained by the fact that women are struggling to demonstrate their professionalism in order to receive the same recognition and [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 309

Student Perceptions of Nursing Metaparadigms

These ideas for a nursing discipline are four key concepts: the patient as a whole, the patient's health and wellbeing, the patient's surroundings, and nursing obligations.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 676

Effects of a Telehealth Educational Intervention

The goal of the research by Song et to explore the impact of a telehealth educational program on patients' medication adherence, as well as disease activity, after the discharge of these patients.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 938

Implementing Change: Telehealth Project

The determination stage will be successfully passed if the change agent and the members of the change team articulate all the positive changes and achievements.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 587

Alarm Fatigue in Health Centers

The rationale is that the alarm may notify clinicians of the patient's deteriorating condition or the failure of a specific machine.
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  • Words: 309

The Psychomotor Skills in Nursing

The instructor acknowledged the student's feelings and suggested a discussion of the assessment process to understand better why he evaluated the work in a certain way.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 348

Ethical Aspects of Research: Analysis

The fact is that the statistics of falls and the manifestations of stroke in men and women are different. In addition, an important aspect is that each study should bring new ideas and knowledge to [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 901

Family Nurse Practitioner Case Study: Headaches

From this perspective, the role of ergotamine is to deal with the symptoms, which cannot be addressed by other medications, and S.D.should be aware that it does not correspond to her needs yet.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1440

Remote Patient Monitoring: A Comprehensive Study

The mission of Easterseals is to achieve equity and equal life, work, and health opportunities for people in disadvantaged positions. Based on the Easterseals mission and focus on working with people needing constant care and [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 649

Nurse Practitioners’ Legislative and Practice Issues

The main objective of such guidelines is to help and direct nurses in a particular health care organization. This activity will help to benefit the role of the practice among nurses and increase towards nursing [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 833

Understanding Community in Nursing Practice

Thus, in order to employ a proper care, nurses, indeed, must maintain immersive knowledge about different geopolitical and phenomenological communities which the multinational society of the U.S.consists of.
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  • Words: 294

Leading People in Interprofessional Practice

The outcome is expected to ensure that there is improved collaboration and effective management through the exchange of knowledge between the IT and corporate departments in the organization.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 913

Wound Management Procedures and Their Importance

Home wound management procedures include preparing the environment, washing hands, inspecting the wound, uncovering the wound, removing organic residue, cleaning the wound, applying an antibacterial, and applying a new cover for the wound.
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  • Words: 657

Communication Competencies of a Practice Scholar

For DNP leaders, it is of great importance to break the barriers to effective communication by adopting the principles of active listening, which means trying to consider the situations of colleagues and patients from their [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1406

Nursing Business Planning: A Training Need

Every week the nurse studies material and practices on patients to enhance the effectiveness of the medicine. The goal of the next two weeks is to enhance team care for the patients and teach nurses [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 619

Discussion: Nursing and Empathy

On the other hand, nursing is a discipline of care nurses connect with patients as people with personal issues and support them on their healing journey.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 297

Community and Public Health Nurses

In addition, in the conversation, you can see and clarify all cultural features to make a comfortable treatment of a person. The cultural environment of specific communities is difficult to understand and generally stays in [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 375

Change Management for Nursing Students

Integrating skills check-off for nursing students starts by identifying the necessary skills, imposing them on the students, cooperating with the clinics, and controlling their success simultaneously.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 310

Skills Check Off for Nursing Students

As a result, the pediatric escape chamber and the virtual pediatric physical exam checkoff were fun and useful instructional activities that aided students' learning.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 407

The Nursing Role During Seizures

It is important to position the patient in the lowest position possible and also take off any potentially constricting clothing. A record is required to detail the patient's vital signs and neurological examination.
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  • Words: 404

Ethics and Diversity in Human Services Team Practice

In fact, in their work, authors tend to study the issue from different angles, depending on the end interest: this includes examining the ethical dimensions of addiction during group and individual therapies, as well as [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1610

Solving Healthcare Organizational Issues

The ultimate responsibility for the planning and administration of clinical operations pertaining to the provision and flow of care services falls to the director of clinical services.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1122

Nursing Paper on Adolescent Pregnancy

Adolescent pregnancy is a global and societal issue affecting the vast majority of countries on the planet. Although there are fewer teenage pregnancies in the United States now than before 1970, this statistic is not [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 438