The diplomatic protocol and diplomatic privileges apply to both the diplomats and the supporting staff working in the embassy. The provision that gives them the right not to be searched extends to the family members [...]
Since the approach that Coase demonstrates incorporates the spheres of law and economics, trying to explore the nature of the problem, the ideas offered by the scientist are likely to have great effect on the [...]
Located in the heart of the Asian continent, the Democratic Republic of China is founded on the principles of Communism and ruled by a single party government.
In response to these attacks, the United Nation's Security Council passed resolutions 1816 and 1838 in 2008, to facilitate the international community to aggressively take part in the management of security in the Horn of [...]
Systematic evaluation of the effects of individual and ecological experience have established that a number of these chemicals comprise or may pose a threat to human fitness or to the atmosphere as per the criterion [...]
1 According to the deputy director of the USCIS, there are two types of immigrants to the United States - the legal and illegal immigrants.
In the hierarchy of political goods, human security is a core claim that citizens make upon the state, and it is at heart of the social contract between the nation and its people7.
It is not enough to be locked in prison for ending the life of a fellow human being. Revenge is one of the ways that can be used.
However, the following arguments seek to reinforce the fact that the use of private security contractors is desirable in contemporary settings. Consequently, it is safe to argue that the continued use of private security contractors [...]
This article discusses the role of the USAID and the US state department in relation to elections in developing countries. In the existing international system, the US is unable to influence leadership in the Arab [...]
According to the theory, anyone who attempts to impose rule on others is perceived to be in a state of war with the subjects and should therefore be opposed in an attempt to prevent the [...]
Recent advances in neurosciences have offered a wealth of information on the workings of the brain and the interactive processes between the body and mind.
In the contemporary international society, the aspect that sticks states together is the Westphalian ideology of independence, territorial integrity and the principle of non-intervention.
In the recent past, the centre stage of the UK political arena has been the formation of a coalition government in 2010 between two major UK political parties; the conservative and the liberal democrats.
Johnson believes the US congress passed a bill aimed at upholding DADT, during its late 2010 sittings with the aim of seeking an assurance from the head of state, his defense Secretary, and the highest [...]
In the last 2 decades, the most important aspect of the UK housing policy has been the overwhelming priority directed towards home ownership promotion throughout the 1980s, and the consequent withdrawal from that policy in [...]
In an authoritarian state, the judicial system subscribes to the ideals and practices of the states security apparatus and it is devoid of standards of due process of the law.
In the earlier analysis of Marx of alienation in the form of the 'fetishism of commodities', he believes that there is a distorted relationship in commodity fetishism "between individuals and the production and consumption of [...]
In the understanding of pressure groups, it is important to underscore the ultimate role and influence of their existence and the manner in which they manifest themselves.
Ben Ali then quickly rose to the ranks and became the general in the year 1979, then the Tunisian ambassador to Poland in 1980 and the Head of national security.
The capital flow ceases to be from the developed to the developing as the developing repays the loan. There is a call to policy makers and financial analysts to question the stability of the developed [...]
The participants talked about the impacts of the law to the Arizona youths and what could be done to reduce its impacts.
The two chambers of parliament that is, the senate and the congress checks on the excess of the president and his/her team.
According to Barker, the main objective of the agreement was that Quebec province wanted the government of Canada to delegate to it the responsibility to control the reception and the integration of all the immigrants [...]
They had to leverage successful, existing institutions to the hilt; to work to keep the domestic population in overall support of the war effort and take advantage of the enemy's mistakes.
With its 4 million members, NRA is able to reach out to the congressmen and influence the policies that they make in a way that favors and protects the interest of her members.
This is why it is very important to understand and investigate the validity of the claim by the realist that the rise of China will inevitably lead to international conflict and order.
The first one was the Battle of Verdun and Somme in 1916 in which German and French troops were the main casualties.
The argument in support of this bill is that the US interests and its manufacturing sectors are negatively affected by the artificially cheap Chinese imports due to China's fixed exchange rate.
The destabilizing effects of the changes in the work place have led to the creation of new types of political subjects and new urge for politics.
The justification for this discriminatory treatment of the minorities is that according to the national crime data, the minority groups are the greatest offenders and therefore, the police officers have to be more vigilant on [...]
The high standard of living in Canada is majorly attributed to the high quantity and high quality of goods and services that is readily available to a majority of the Canadian population.
Due to lack of minorities' representation in the electoral system, Shively asserts that there is heightened lack of democracy in the electoral system.
Later the influence of the widespread of Islam led to high rate of conversion of individuals of this state to Islam.
The paper discusses some of the important issues as regards to Gaddafi's leadership and the position of Libya in the international system.
In this case, it implies that the effects of the healthcare system in the country have not been known to the public.
Imperialism refers to the actions of the main power towards the land and people that inhabited it as to the dominion or any other subordinate territory with regard to the invasion and spreading of culture, [...]
The free movement of workers is a fundamental feature of the EU's internal market and is defined in the treaty of the European Community.
While the original intention of the media was to provide an independent, bipartisan check to the power of any individual government, the power base of any established democracy relies on the media to communicate to [...]
Collective bargaining is a process of negotiating the working conditions and terms of employment between employees and their employer. Under these conditions, collective bargaining in a public sector forum is more likely to be heated [...]
These people are the ones who are in a better position to accelerate the development of Africa because they have the skills that are required to take African states to another level.
Though Canada is among the countries which are highly ranked in the realms of democracy around the world, it has a number of limitations and in-adequacies within its political system.
In the article, the author routinely emphasizes that these self-regulations were emergent and rose quickly overwhelming the compliance of the existing public rules.
The enactment of the Patriot Act caused a lot of problems for civil liberty groups who were opposed to some of the provisions in the Patriot Act.
He was primarily interested in the reasons that orchestrated the actions of the employees, and the reasons behind the people of an organization accepting the roles accorded by their seniors and complying by them.
The Security Council is one of the most important organs of the United Nations and it has the mandate to safeguard international peace by ensuring that there is enough security in the world.
While the NBC proliferation threaten the US security, cyberattacks by terrorist hackers threaten US security strategy, and in particular, the US security forces' ability to use communication networks as a tool of that strategy.
The prevalence of poverty among women and the Aboriginal people in Canada is an issue that requires urgent concern. This is a clear indication that eradication of poverty among the women and Aboriginal people in [...]
The United States president said he was convinced and sure that, relating with India would make the interests of the two nations best advanced.
The second face of democracy is that of rights and liberties consisting of given basic rights and freedoms that the law to citizenry must guarantee.
Consequently, and contrary to the maxims of a stable and representative government, it can be argued that the MMP as practiced in New Zealand permits coalition governments to form where minority parties have in their [...]
This is whereby the leaders of the federal as well as the local enforcement agencies cooperate to reinforce the existing partnerships.
While focusing on the changes of foreign policy, the author also tries to show several factors influencing the emergency of such changes in the government administration and in the civilian realms.
The control dominated system In this system of policing, the main role of the police is maintaining order in a situation where the populace does not identify the state as well as its mediators namely [...]
Democracy dictates that the authority or the power of the government should be approved by the people or citizens of any particular country.
Due to the collateral effects of the war, and the interactions of the two countries that were necessitated by the war, the two countries had a chance to learn from each other, with China being [...]
The citizens of these two countries are engaged in intensive business throughout the world and this is why they are in a good position to control the world economy.
On the contrary, the US is highly capitalistic nation that believes in the power of privatization of key areas of the economy.
Sociology equally contributes to the understanding of the process, which workers employ in forming groups and unions. The unions can cultivate a common sense of dedication and loyalty to the candidates so long as the [...]
Therefore, as a representative of the US special envoy in the country, applicability or rather employment of varied techniques and strategy will be a great assistance to people in ensuring the containing of the objectives [...]
Islam has played a crucial role in the research on the compatibility in Islam and democracy, in elections and in the building of a civil society in Indonesia.
According to Cheek & Saich the aim of the government was to control the number of people who went to the cities to seek employment.
Although there were widespread rumors of the North Korean involvement in the incident, the South Korean government downplayed the allegations and opted to wait for the exclusive report of the investigation.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development documents that the gap between the very rich and the very poor has in fact widened over the last few decades.
This shows a deficit in the democracy within the global setting in that there is no 'one' answerable to accountability, regulation and enforcement of such global and human pressing issues.
Obama wanted the American Jobs Act to be passed by the Congress as he believed that this act was the only necessary for the country. In conclusion, Obama's American Jobs Act is a great opportunity [...]
The higher the economic gap among the people the lower is the country in terms of development. On the other hand, the smaller the gap among the people the higher is the level of development.
The current trends are a positive move in the social welfare function and hence they favor the solution of the social problems suffered by members of the society.
It outlines the mandate of all the stakeholders, policies and strategies to be adopted and sets aside the resources to be grabbed upon the occurrence of an emergency.
The US government's attitude towards the Australian foreign policy is that the Australian foreign policy is always supportive and likely to toe the line with that of the US government.
Rule of Law The rule of the law as described in the constitution of the country is based on democracy. The political culture is likely to change in favor of a more liberalized economy.
There was a powerful set of shared assumptions we had in the wake of 9/11, and one of the most powerful was the assumption that we would never be forgiven if we failed to do [...]
Hence, according to De Certeau, everyday life operates in the same manner by poaching and grabbing in the territories of others, applying the products and rules that are already in existence in a particular culture [...]
However, it has recently come to light that these non-citizen's are slowly invading the rights of our citizenry and has left us citizens to answer the question "Do non- citizens deserve the right to vote?".
In a democratic society, the freedoms as written in the constitution to administrate the government due to the fact that independent judicial and law enforcement agencies are constructed within the government.
The fall of the Soviet Union heralded the rise of the US, and, this is what led it to become a fierce superpower.
This paper examines the instruments in relation to the foreign policy of United States and Greece. The Greek population in the United States influences the government to make sound foreign policies to Greece.
Appadurai argues that the complexity of global culture is due to economic, political, and social disjunctures that exist in the modern world.
The topic deals with the ministry and Christian development in the concept of the church. A tactical technique to examine the repercussions of postmodernism for theology is through the theological topic of the second coming [...]
India is the most responsible nuclear weapons state compared to North Korea, Pakistan, Iran and other nuclear weapons. The Possession of nuclear weapons by North Korea has augmented the stakes in disagreements.
The numbers of countries that have nuclear, chemical and biological weapons have reduced drastically due to the ability of countries to curb/reduce their inventories and have also been necessitated by the signing of nuclear proliferation [...]
This paper discusses the history and neo-liberalism of fiscal decentralization, the geographical administration of the regional units, the policies and practices that have led to increase in economic growth, the introduction of capitalist reforms as [...]
The profitability and riskiness of African markets is the subject of this study to derive a comprehensive conclusion of Africa's viability as an investment destination to the Chinese.
The polls are subject to sampling errors that mirrors in the consequences of probability and vagueness of the data sampling procedures.
The Role of Force There is no integrated structure of sanctions in international law in the sense that there is in municipal law, but there are situations in which the use of force is regarded [...]
The parliament coordinates with the executive authority that consists of the Queen, represented by the General Governor, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet who have the mandate of implementing legislations passed by the House of [...]
The major objective of this study is to explore the concept of hegemony by demonstrating some examples that can enable the reader to fully conceptualize the term.
The situation that was presented by the threat and the final occurrence of the Second World War then facilitated research into the nuclear field which led to the development of nuclear weapons.
To the contrary, was it the reason the many countries and people failed to bring forth the question of decolonization even after the departure of the colonist?
The viewpoint of the modern investigation forces us to underscore one of the most expressive findings to the understanding of meritocracy in the universal structure of administration.
It is worth noting that since 1945 the concept of non use of nuclear weapons have occupied the minds of scholars, the general public and have remain the most and single important issues in the [...]
The level of participation of the poor in politics characterized by class voting is correlated to education and income levels. The participation of the rich and influential people in politics is however, limited as compared [...]
The power of the state as reflected in the political system is related to the economic development of most countries. The government can provide subsidies to lower the costs of production in order to reduce [...]
Democracy is thus interpreted to mean: government of the majority or people. As a form of state, democracy is not the same as aristocracy, monarchy and dictatorship.
Deliberations of the conference led to restoration of French territories and even larger than it was before 1789 because it was in the interest of the powers represented in the conference.
The financial market regulation is one of the key areas that the economy relies on as the first line of defense, to correct the inefficiencies of the economic system.
One of the strong areas of pacifism is its "...commitment to peace-building and to finding alternatives to war and violence as responses to social and political conflict".
A major reason for the decline of NPM is that these practices were entirely brought to public sector without a clear understanding of differences that exist in public and private sectors. To begin with there [...]
Though the ideas of Marx and Weber may seem to be similar in some ways, it is wrong to believe that these theorists took the same positions; Marx found it obligatory to critique the activities [...]
In the American constitution, specific powers were bestowed upon the national government and in the tenth amendment of 1791, it stated "the powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by [...]
In an effort to solve the homelessness issue, the municipal council of the city in conjunction with other governmental and non-governmental agencies concerned had the goal of eliminating homelessness in the city by the year [...]
The key democratic points highlighted by the wiles are concerning with the way the detainees are treated before the courts. The judicial process normally violate the way the cases are separated and dealt with by [...]
He affirms that while the bible would state that "the race is not to the swift...nor to the strong...but time happeneth to all", modern writers would say this: "contemporary phenomena compels the conclusion that success [...]
Jeremy points out that a democratic leadership allows for cooperation in all aspects of decision making and that the leader's decision is not unilateral as he or she has to depend on the input of [...]
However, in capitalist societies, it is the state that would look for means to get the rest of the society to contribute to the surplus resources required and not the appropriating class.
The two party systems started back in 1891 in Australia with the rise of the labor party as a political party in 1909 after the protectionist and free traders joined hands to form the party.
It must be noted though that despite the Freedom of Speech being a first Amendment right, subsequent amendments to the constitution as well as various historical acts such as the Sedition Act of 1798 and [...]
It is worth mentioning that the above two principles especially Bahrain's membership to the GCC is considered critical and exceptional in the sense that as opposed to the other crises in the middle east, Bahrain [...]
How the political machine worked and factors that suppressed this form of urban politics Political machines came about as a result of the poor living conditions amongst the newly immigrated citizens of the cities; this [...]
The reason why the evolution of world's economy is best assessed through the lenses of economics, is that it provides us with the scientific insight onto the very essence of economy's functioning, as such that [...]
The global trade and commerce has not been able to generate the economic growth essential for the development of the Third World countries, while the rich nations continue to achieve significant economic growth and development.
Despite the fact that proponents of a privatized health care system speak so passionately about it, Aguayo is opposed to the idea of privatizing the health care system for economic reasons.
The progress in achieving the first goal- to cut the number of people living in poverty by half- is evidenced by the high growth rates in China and India.
At community and civic level, the capability of someone to lead is usually based on the ability of that person to acknowledge the fact there is the positive and negative side of leadership.
Lijihart used the terms "Continental European" and the "Anglo-American" for convenience and thus do not necessary imply the geographical positioning is a factor for distinguishing the two systems.point out that, the social system and the [...]
However, according to the Act, the employer should notify the employees of the right of representation in 14 days after the notification time.
Despite the call for minimization of the role of the state in regulating trade and other economic activities by proponents of trade liberalization following the demise of the Cold War in 1980s and 1990s,it is [...]
The main aim of this study is to find out if the utilization of e- politics by politicians, as well as journalists has changed the nature of political communication in Australia in terms of its [...]
Different people come up with different definitions depending on the applicability of the term and the nature of the situation in which the term is being used.
Explain the concepts of equality of opportunity and equality of condition The concept of equality of opportunity is founded on the political ideal that goes against class hierarchy.