The aim of this work is to examine some of the basic theories to consider the causes of their diversity. It is interesting to note that in the past years, the development of the state [...]
Therefore, it still remains that ethnonationalism is a major cause of the plight of minority groups and the increase of refugees in the world today. It was this ethnic mixing that led to the idea [...]
In the years following the death of Plato, Aristotle quickly gained the reputation of being a leading thinker, philosopher and intellectual in the city of Athens.
With the help of such definition, it is not that difficult to identify the functions of public administration and clear up what the role of attorneys and prosecutors for society are.
This means that public should not use their authority to oppress people but instead they should use it for the betterment of the public.
In return, people have the responsibility of obeying the laws, being loyal to the government and the country and facilitating the government with revenues in form of taxes.
It is important to understand that the signing of the Peace Treaty of Westphalia was predetermined by the objective laws of history, concerned with the fact that the course of a continuous social, cultural and [...]
The subject of gambling is that the gambler losses the money offered if the outcome of the event is against him or her or gains the money offered if the event outcome favors the gambler.
The influence of the mass media in both countries again differs significantly since in the UAE, it is mainly controlled by the regime in power whereas Japan mass media is independent.
The other component is the actors in the policy making process who are involved in the presentation, interpretation and making decisions regarding the issues, the social, economic and political resources affected by the issues, institutions [...]
The involvement of more people in the voting process leads to improved representation and involvement of people in the government's affairs with the public.
To improve the performance of police officers, they should take a course in the history of the formation of the justice system, which will be useful in understanding the investigative relationships in the current system.
Thus, it is essential to formulate the strengths and weaknesses of the ICC and Victor's justice and to describe the relationship with the U.S.
On the one hand, globalization erases many international boundaries to stabilize fair trade and cooperation, and protectionism is necessary to maintain the national identity and economic prosperity of each country separately.
The growth in the popularity of gay marriages in America provides evidence of the impact of process philosophy on government policies.
As a leader in the Army, I will let it be known to everyone that the decisions I take on behalf of the US Army will not be mine but for the rightful will of [...]
One of the examples is the work of the presidential administration during the COVID-19 pandemic, when, in the context of ever-changing sanitary conditions, the powers of the President allow for the issuance of urgent decrees [...]
The Supremacy Clause establishes that federal laws, constitutions, and regulations take precedence over state laws."This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States...under the Authority of the United States, will be the supreme Law of [...]
In this regard, technical training and college education are crucial for the police force to effectively perform their work in the community.
The standard deviation is the measure of dispersion that indicates the closeness of the data cluster to the mean. In general, it is defined as "the number of standard deviations a score of interest lies [...]
The current essay examines government policy actions and the significance of policy analysts to demonstrate the pivotal role of government in society.
As it is more difficult for humanitarian organizations to attract people to their company, the diverse forms of cooperation are the main strengths of the organization and enable it to attract a large number of [...]
She shows the remorse and other range of emotions that the convicts exhibit. This essay will examine the characteristics of her narration and the appeals it gives to the audience.
Below the attorney general is the treasurer, while the superintendent of public instruction is at the bottom of the ladder. I believe that the current qualifications for members of the plural executive in Arizona are [...]
One of the examples of it is the emergence of the discussion about the relevance of diplomacy. In the second part, the importance of the physical presence of the diplomats in the host countries will [...]
Since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, the concept of a sovereign has become apparent and seems to be accepted as a matter-of-course. The main problem of the sovereignty principle is that it is contradictory [...]
On the other hand, a weak state is a country that lacks economic, political, and social stability, hence, it's unable to implement its strategies.
The "official" unemployment rate is released by the U. S government is not a correct reflection of the actual state of unemployment in the nation.
In this respect Rieper & Toulemonde analyze in their research the significance of the key concept of the discussion provided in the paper in terms of evaluation practices sharing for state and local governments.
Before his expression as India's leader, he regarded himself as an engineering prophet and was awarded India's superior civilian honor Bharat Ratna in 1997 for his work with DRDO and his position as a scientific [...]
Hal Moore's courage to fight on despite the odds that had afflicted his men was the major driving factor that led to the victory of his group over the Vietnamese.
According to Simeon and Robinson, vertical competition of federal government and provinces since1970s and 80s and in Canadian politics depicts a shift to regional orientation because the constitution does not enumerate areas of provincial and [...]
The main goal of this paper is to discuss the reasons that led to the dominance of the Western international relations theory.
To begin with, Woods provided readers with a detailed research of the methods of operating of the IMF and the World Bank.
The pertinent issue, in this case, is that of the suitability of linkage fees in Bradford given the fact that the town needs to boost its growth and development.
Public administration is concerned with the implementation of government policies and management of the behavior of non-elected officials before they are inaugurated to work in the public service.
The flag demonstrates that a ship is subject to the legislation of the country, and it helps to find the location of the ship's owners easily.
Obedience can be as a result of cooperative mood of the people or fear of punishment depending on the system of rule or authority in place.
The paper tables the MRAP acquisition process, the long-term effects and challenges, and the budding repercussions for advancing the standard acquisition process as the major programs managed via the acquisition process.
Darwinism, in general, is a biological theory describing the appearance of new species and extinction of the existing ones defining species through the process of natural selection1 that is the core of Darwin's theory and [...]
The winners of the war decided to form the United Nations Organization to prevent similar disasters in the future. The event would change the relationship between the United States of America and the Middle East.
According to this claim, the constructors of the temple comprised the initial stonemasons and who founded the extensive organization of freemasons that is seen today.
Those who argue against the idea of banning the smoking are of the opinion that some of them opt to smoke due to the stress that they acquire at their work places.
In India, there exist three dominant proprietary classes, namely: the industrial capitalists, the rich farmers and the professionals from both the civilian and military groups plus the white-collar workers.
He notes that transformation in the systems of power alters the truth. The construction of discourse and truth facilitates the emergence of power.
The interviews were conducted during the president's reign and after their tenor in order to identify the difference between the two incumbents.
If prostitution will be legalized, prostitutes will not fear to report the clients who rape them and the exploiters will stop this menace, as they will be afraid of consequences of their actions.
Based on the current military standards, most of the great military leaders in the history of the US military would be considered as racists.
In pursuit of idealistic leadership, Berlin articulates that leaders and organizations should be able to differentiate actions that could impede the achievement of the goals that are in the best interest of the majority.
The above-mentioned helps to explain the particulars of the Realist conceptualisation of power in IR, as such that 'comes out of the gun's barrel', on the one hand, and serves as the main indication of [...]
The history of the Armed Forces in the United States focuses on the government's reliance on the civilians who should consider military service as their moral duty and obligation to contribute to the protection and [...]
In this paper, the evaluation of the United States Marine Corps and its internal factors and strategic goal accomplishment will be offered to analyze the current situation of the company and its possibilities to gain [...]
So far, as insinuated by Misuraca, the dominant literature perceives e-government as the next phase in the rationalization of government activities along the continuum of new public management, particularly in terms of better delivery of [...]
Besides this, social media has also contributed greatly to the development of international politics by increasing the knowledge of politics in different parts of the world and encouraging more young people to participate in politics.
The purpose of a pay structure is to take the role of each person and reason why people receive different compensation.
The key member of the alliance in terms of finance and military capability enabled the United States to accomplish its mission as envisaged in the formation of the alliance.
The manner in which the various entities come together to form a surveillance assemblage to enhance operation of the entities is dependent on the capacity of individual entities to operate effectively.
Therefore, the research project will seek to explore and investigate the following: The extent to which multilateral diplomacy contributes to peaceful coexistence among nations of the world To identify economic gains that member states receive [...]
He observes that the emergence of the Zombies would be the perfect solution to the problems facing powerful states. In chapter eight, Dresner observes that unstable cooperation among states is always the order of the [...]
The heroes in the democratic battles did not and could not be persuaded that the destiny of their nations would based either on the contemporary levels of progress and advancement or by the far-away past [...]
According to this theory, there is a glimmer of hope in the development of many countries. This is because many countries in the world continue to embrace the concept of democracy.
I will analyse this Act in its merits as a solution to affordable health care and a compromise between the interests of health care providers and the beneficiaries of the health services.
Freedom and equality are guaranteed under this form of democracy because they are enshrined in the constitution which is always the supreme law of a given country.
In the criminal context, jurisdiction to prescribe refers to the power of the state to invoke its criminal law in arbitrating certain actions.
In most cases, globalization means the extensive integration of multiple economies to the point where the significance of national or international networks declines allowing the emergence of national and global networks.
The death of Lin as the front crusader of the Mao ideology left the Chinese people feeling used in the political power game.
According to sociologist Luis Astorga, the history of drug cartels in Mexico has a correlation with the political eras in the region. As such, they are the eyes and ears of the drug cartels.
The relations between public administrators, public servants and the representatives of the government and political system in Canada should be neutral according to the doctrine of political neutrality.
According to Machiavelli, the republic was the best form of government as opposed to an authority of the prince. Machiavelli supports the use of military to gain power and protect the kingdom.
This is the case with Pakistan and Hains notes that while the geographical region known as Pakistan appears as a unified state on the map, the region is not wholly under the control of any [...]
The main reason for escalation of the problem of poverty is urban areas is because the intricate problems of urban poverty are considered too small to attract big policies.
The article "Leadership, Corruption and the Dignity of Humans: Some Reflections from the Nigerian Context" by Kefas Kure examines the current situation in this country.
She is the longest-reigning prime minister in the country and undoubtedly left the most significant contribution to the state's history. Sheikh Hasina has become a pillar and a source of confidence for many, and the [...]
To find the causes of the outbreak, scientist Michael Faraday threw pieces of paper into the water while he went along the river to determine the river's state.
A state's quest for security can be presented as stabilizing in the case of a solid internal socio-economic foundation. While the term is the main determining factor in international politics, it can be viewed as [...]
After the rise of terrorism, the management of the Police agency or organization has evolved in several ways. This suggests that a line supervisor makes explicit requests to their representatives and prioritizes maintaining the "solidity [...]
Moreover, the belief that the US was the nation assigned the role of fulfilling God's promise to his people and the whole of humanity encouraged them to contribute to the well-being of settlers and natives [...]
The main form of corruption, as evidenced in the video, is embezzlement. The second form of corruption evidenced in the video is graft.
The process of reaching an agreement entails three main stages: the diagnostic stage, during which issues are determined, stakeholders are involved, and information is gathered; the formula phase, during which a common framework for agreement [...]
It is of grave importance, as it is part of the global struggle of the United Nations against the terrorist movement, the focus of which was on the lands of Afghanistan.
However, the change that has raised the debate among police groups and law enforcement organizations is the decreased provision of military equipment and vehicles to police departments.
Greek citizens were allowed to control the land and wealth of the polis, which was a privilege enjoyed only by citizenship.
Vladimir Putin claimed that the main objective of the invasion was to demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine and to protect people from the bullying and genocide by the Ukrainian government.
The ideological and political differences between the ideas of Mussolini and Hitler are nuanced. They lie in such government branches as ethnic and military issues.
2 The belief that the United States, much of Europe, as well as Australia, and New Zealand all belong to one civilization is a core concept of the book.
The formation of international relations in the context of the struggle for independence and strengthening international positions is the area of the Turkish development course that deserves particular attention.
To analyze the influence of political culture on the state's social policy, one must define precisely what political culture is, and what the nuances of its existence are.
In the following paper, the main consequences of the Congress in Vienna will be addressed including the way liberalism and nationalism were challenged in Europe.
He was the 13th of the 45 sons of the founding father of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz. For instance, in order to modernise Saudi Arabia education, King Abdullah sponsored King Abdullah University [...]
However, the organization's lack of unity and a shared global aim means it is likely not going to change the global balance of powers in a significant manner.
The world can be split into two main world regions - the 'periphery' and the ' core.' The core nations essentially own and control the main means of production in the world and monopolize the [...]
Depending on the conditions and the environment a person is in, the character of the given person is expected to show up through the same person may try as much as possible to hide it.
However, pointing out that no economist before him had investigated the device that kept the population on par with the means of subsistence, Malthus identified this device as misery.
It gives directions for the developing states benefiting from the financial assistance from the international monetary institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
The West, on the other hand, believes that the nuclear armament drive by these nations is a threat to the rest of the world, hence their collective efforts to avert such a crisis.
There is controversy concerning the exact date of his birth: his family considered the 11th of January as his birthday but records in Glasgow indicate the 10th of the same month2.
However, the European Parliament, European Commission, the European Court of Justice and the Directives that are issued, bind the member countries.
Essentially the crux of the theory emphasizes the influence and role of a small elite percentage of the total population of a country in holding immense power in running the affairs of that state irrespective [...]
Contrary to this, in Kenya and many other African countries, only the citizens that live within the borders of the country and have obtained the national identification card are allowed to register.
The issue of propaganda is of current importance because we hear such words we can face propaganda in every sphere of human life: political campaigns, propaganda of healthy way of life, propaganda in the sphere [...]
Davis's assessment of the situation indicates that transferring the increased expenses on the beneficiaries is not going to yield a positive result, as the overall percentage of yearly healthcare bills is going to increase, and [...]
The purpose of this essay is to embrace the argument of the book by Acemoglu and Robinson and develop it further to the extent of answering the question of how to get and keep good [...]
Socialism developed from the social conditions and events of the early 19th century due to the impact of the industrial revolution.
This further assures high quality of the information in the site. The source is a property of USAID, which is renowned and reputable in their various humanity activities.
The author uses the history of military and diplomatic missions that have occurred in the last two centuries to support his view of international politics.
According to Amartya Sen, the author of Development as Freedom, development is the appropriate metric for evaluating a country's freedom, for it is impossible to make the right decisions regarding the subject without autonomy.
The application to the International Court of Justice was filed by the Republic of Costa Rica against the Republic of Nicaragua.
There is a number of not-for-profit organizations operating in the United States, and it is important to review their financial statements in order to get an idea of financial accounting in such organizations.
From the beginning of the twenty-first century, partly with the help of the foundation, four countries managed to battle malaria. Furthermore, Gates Foundation possesses potential for reducing and eliminating poverty in Africa by means of [...]
This paper will seek to outline the importance of leadership to public safety and reflect on strategies, tools, and leadership styles that can help public safety leaders to protect communities more efficiently.
Some of these events include the "The Arab Revolt of 1916", "The Arab Congresses of the 1930s", "The League of Arab States of 1944", and the brief unity between Syria and Egypt.
In fact, former Congressman Ron Paul believes that in order to create the most good, the best strategy is to reduce the involvement of big government in the affairs of men.
Usually, the police officers in communities may not necessarily be members of those localities, the concept of community policing injects into the system people with hands on experience of the concerns of the immediate community.
Karl Marx was one of the philosophers who opposed liberalism arguing that the system is based on a defective policy that allows the rich and the powerful in society to own the means of production [...]
This paper intends to support the policy of assassination by evaluating the moral, legal, political and practical dimensions of assassination. The immunity theory and consequentialist approach will be revisited to espouse the political dimensions of [...]
One can say that this theory can be helpful for distinguishing those factors that can contribute to the development of a country and the growth of its economy; however, the recommendations offered by the advocates [...]
President Yeltsin supported the career of Putin, and Putin was appointed to become the Prime Minister in 1999, and then in December of 1999, Putin was named as the President of Russia because of Yeltsin's [...]
Stakeholders in this school of thought feel that human security is secondary and less important in dealing with the issue of violent conflict However, many advocates of human security hold the view that the foremost [...]
Liberalism set up a code of conduct in the political structure of a nation through identifying the norms of a state or country.
Over the past decade, the concept of good governance and political development has dominated development literature. A good governance system provides for the participation of citizens and various groups in the society.