Free Business Essay Examples & Topics. Page 10

30,680 samples

Helicopter Tours Company’s Business Plan

The firm will specialize in offering air travel services to individual and institutional customers. Despite the complexities associated with this business structure, the firm will comply with the stipulations outlined in the aviation industry.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2797

The Action-Observation Model: Leadership Discussion

In the beginning, I tried to persuade some volunteers to agree with their assignments since they were helping to spread awareness of a good cause; however, as arguments started occurring, I decided that the best [...]
  • Subjects: Leadership Styles
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 553

Work Motivation in Starbucks Company

I have performed a detailed analysis of several factors that influence the motivation of the employees of Starbucks and the relationship between these factors and the practices of the company.
  • 1
  • Subjects: Employees Management
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4120

King Vada Pav Business Location Analysis

Initially, the Indian domestic fast food was unorganised, but gradually, it has taken the shape of a profitable and multi-billion rupee industry that has posed a serious threat to the foreign players. One of the [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1164

XL Ladies Clothing’s Business Plan

The target market for the firm will comprise of the women populace particularly the middle aged and young women that constitute around 62% of the market.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 17
  • Words: 4459

Supply Chain Game

0 1,402 Order point: Calopeia factory to Sorange warehouse. 0 1,409 Order point: Calopeia factory to Sorange warehouse.
  • Subjects: Logistics
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 2647

Pricing: The Sneaker Pricing Wars (Adidas-Nike)

Price is a very essential aspect in every business as it is the fundamental determinant of the profit to be achieved after the sale of a commodity or service and therefore influences the success or [...]
  • Subjects: Marketing
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2212

Nestlé’s HR Practices and Operations in India

In addition, a firm that has competent employees is able to come up with different types of changes in its operations which enable it to strengthen its brand in the market.
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 3976

Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Across Boundaries

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working across boundaries. Institutions are also able to work on some of the problems in their operations through working across [...]
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3070

Company Analysis: Saudi Aramco

The Saudi Arabian government has the authority to determine the direction of the oil policy while Saudi Aramco has the autonomy to conduct its operations.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2360

Emirate Airlines CSR Strategies and Management

The purchasing power of customers in the industry has been reduced after the global economic crisis, and this has forced companies in the industry to apply low cost strategies to reduce prices of the products [...]
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2518

Strategic Management in Hospitality Essay

The mission will explain the role that the industry is likely to play in the market. Through this, the company believes that it will be able to achieve what it wants to be in the [...]
  • 3.5
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3191

Whirlpool Corporation

The company's commitment to produce environmental friendly products gives it a cutting edge and enhances its reputation in the global market. Consumer confidence in its products is admirable and these have enabled the company to [...]
  • Subjects: Company Information
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1163

Work-Life Balance in the Military

The purpose of this research is to establish the main concerns work-life balance in most of the organizations and fields of employment such as the military, business enterprise, health care facilities just to mention but [...]
  • 2.5
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2732

Goals and Objectives

Mission and vision though often confused as to mean the same things are different in that mission is the purpose of existence of an organization while vision is what the organization hopes to achieve. The [...]
  • Subjects: Strategic Management
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 874

Amazon Labor Union: Conflict Description

Before the formation of the union, Amazon was not as open to negotiations as the workers, which is why the union was formed.
  • Subjects: Business Controversies
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2229

Coca-Cola Company Costs: Managerial and Cost Accounting

The Coca-Cola Company is one of the most famous businesses in the world. The company deals with labor, material, and overhead costs that can be further classified into fixed, variable, or mixed ones.
  • Subjects: Company Information
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 301

Coca-Cola: “Taste the Feeling” Campaign

The campaign was brilliantly developed to have a wide variety of marketing applications to address challenges that Coca-Cola was facing with its carbonated drinks.
  • Subjects: Marketing
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 422

The Starbucks Process Map: Overview

The materiality level will depend on the level of risk posed and the variability of the process. The process objectives of sales and marketing are:
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 721

The Biscuit Market in Australia: Nestle Company

Since the introduction of biscuits in Australia, so many market players have entered the industry and the competition has been increasing tremendously.
  • Subjects: Strategic Management
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1400

Ryanair and Emirates in Low-Cost Airline Industry

The first part is concentrated on the comparison of Ryanair and Emirates. Hence, the report is attached with Ryanair and Emirates to show their strategic movement.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 3827

Development of Employability Skills

The coursework is designed to help in the development of both interpersonal and career skills to the students. Additionally, students are supposed to do presentations in class, which are relevant for the development of the [...]
  • Subjects: Employees Management
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 598

Annual Objectives for Strategy Implementation

First, they can be the basis for allotting resources; second, they can be a means for assessing managers; third, they can be a primary tool for checking progress toward attaining long-term goals; and lastly, they [...]
  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 202

Introduction to “Managing for Quality” by Evans & Lindsey

Chapter 1 "Introduction to Quality" in Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence by James Evans and William Lindsay discussed the concept of quality and its impact on the performance and effectiveness of modern businesses.
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Loews Hotels Business Strategies and Training Programs

This tactic relates to the strategy of the company because they need experienced people who can provide the best training to the new employees, which only further improves the quality of training in the process.
  • Subjects: Company Information
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 554

The Coca-Cola Company’s Talent Management

In conclusion, it should be stressed that the Coca-Cola Company has come a long way of evolution and development successfully overcoming different challenges and gaining experience in many respects thanks to the people who work [...]
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 555

Tesco Company Business Ethics: Deontology and Teleology

However, it is the policy of the company to consider the effect that the product will have on the people or customers rather than considering the financial gain that the company will derive from such [...]
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 22
  • Words: 1555

Boeing Company Organizational Structure

One can argue that the operations of the company can be viewed as the main force that determines the organizational structure of this company. This is one of the issues that can be distinguished.
  • 1
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 836

Frito-Lay Company: Cracker Jack

A study on the consumption rate and popularity among the US citizens revealed that the product was widely unavailable in the stores. Among the non-purchasers, over 30% of the population has never seen the advertisement [...]
  • Subjects: Marketing
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1769

Applications of TQM in McDonald Restaurants

Therefore, the sales and marketing people are able to identify the needs of the customers and advice the production department accordingly in order to ensure that the products offered by McDonald restaurants meet the expectations [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Managerial Duties
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1449

Future of Smart Phones

This paper will explore the likely direction Smart Phone development is likely to take in the next five years. Another aspect of change is also in the size of the smart phones.
  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 582

Comparison of Strategic Planning and Strategic Management

Strategic planning defines an organization's goals and strategic management implements strategies in order to attain the goals. In contrast, strategic management involves implementation of processes that help to attain goals and objectives.
  • 2
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 569

Hofstede and Trompenaars Theories of Culture Diversity

When a hospitality company is operating in such a community, the management should ensure they deploy expatriates and people of high moral standings to facilitate good business.
  • Subjects: Management Priorities
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2535

Organizational Culture for Honda

This aspect forced the company to adopt an organizational culture emphasizing on the importance of people, viz.employees, customers, and the society in contributing to its success.
  • Subjects: Corporate Culture
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2484

Sony Corporation

1 3 Strong and competitive brand in the industry 0. Market surveys and researches indicate that imitation of its products is on the increase.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1259

Saudi Arabia ARAMCO: Management and Supply Chain

Competing in the global markets, ARAMCO Company is one of the leading companies in the industry however, along with its competitors; the firm faces various challenges of rising costs brought about by the high demand [...]
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2754

The SWOT Analysis of NAPLAN

It is for the improvement of educational programs and the elimination of gaps in the knowledge of schoolchildren that the NAPLAN exam is designed.
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 940

Traveling Salesperson Problem in Supply Chain Analysis

The term Traveling Salesman Problem refers to the difficulties associated with determining the path that is both the quickest and most cost-effective for a single person to take when traveling to a series of predetermined [...]
  • Subjects: Logistics
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 3009

Walmart in Europe: Entry Into the German Market

Many had expected that with the success it had witnessed in the USA market, it was going to be very easy to conquer the others owing to the high competition in the home retail sector.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1462

Papa John’s Company: Profile and Competitive Standing

For Papa John's to reconcile the conflict, the senior management must put efforts to use the correct approach that will bring out the picture of the relative importance of the shareholders of the company.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 4575

Caterpillar Company’s Competition and Strategy

Caterpillar the world's largest manufacturer of construction equipment and machinery. The company's retail statistics are a testament to the efficiency of its product strategies and show that global sales increased from 4 to 12 [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 924

Alibaba Company’s External and Internal Analysis

One of the key strengths exhibited by Alibaba is the in-depth understanding of the needs and demands of the Chinese marketplace, handling of the complicated policies and regulations, and the ability to work with the [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 862

Walmart Inc.’s Core Competencies and Customization

Wal-Mart has also been able to fully integrate its activities to achieve low-cost operations in the United States and abroad, hence generating the capacity to provide low prices to its customers.
  • Subjects: Company Information
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 894

Globalization Impact on Starbucks Company

The biggest challenge facing multinational companies in the contemporary times is the ability to respond to rapid changes in the market.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1932

Formal Research and Business Proposals

Therefore, both "formal research and business proposals employ a reader-centered approach which ensures that the focus of these documents is the specific and detailed in addressing of the concerns expressed in the CFP to which [...]
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1652

Self-managed Teams vs. Cross-functional Teams

The most common form of teams in a firm comprises the cross-functional teams and self-managed teams. However, these scholars say that it is important to specify the type of teams formed in the organization.
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1392

The Coca Cola Company: Dasani’s Brand Fiasco

The problem was in the fact that the aspect of brand recognition in the United Kingdom could not influence the customer loyalty because of shifting the focus to the product's quality, issues of credibility and [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Marketing
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1107

Route-to-Market Methods and Strategies

With these considerations, it is important to examine the available options for the MS Technologies Limited and determine the RTM options that will fit the company's products, size and industry in the target markets.
  • Subjects: Marketing
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3438

AirAsia Company

The analysis of the main specifics of its strategy, its methods for achieving cost leadership and differentiation, and techniques used to sustain its compatibility reveals the secrets of the success of AirAsia.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1799

Dominos Pizza in Canada and Mexico

By offering quality pizza in both Canada and Mexico, Domino Pizza has been able to compete favorably at the international level. Domino Pizza has different stores in both Mexico and Canada where customers can move [...]
  • 2
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 862

Drawbacks and Benefits of Franchising Essay

The reason as to why this form of business is revolutionary in the corporate world is that, the corporate image and the awareness of the bland of the company selling the franchise is already there.
  • 4
  • Subjects: Industry
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2693

Barriers to Creativity and Innovation

The authorities in the nations asserts that, evident barriers to innovation that includes poor research and lack of resources influences generation of new ideas.
  • 1.5
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 5040

Apple Company’s First-Mover Advantage

To a great extent, these responses are mostly based on the financial performance of Apple at the end of 2009, its market share, and the assessment of the products offered by this corporation.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 275

Eastman Kodak: Porter’s Five Forces and SWOT

The greatest success was from the development of the Kodachrome which was the first colored film and was used by NASA in the maiden flight to the moon to take photographs and relay them to [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2774

Importance of Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal in organizations assists in identification of training and development requirements of workers. Organizations in the US, for instance, consistently articulate merit of associating performance appraisal to pay.
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1916

Staffing in McDonalds

Detailed descriptions of the job, the qualifications as well as the required nature of the job and how to apply are contained in the advertisements.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2719

Leadership Philosophy and the Theories of Leadership

These theories are the trait theory of leadership, behavioral theory of leadership, and the contingency theory of leadership. In line with the chosen personal leadership philosophy that urges the leader to show empathy, the trait [...]
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1410

Business Plan on IT Training Centre

This is the central aspect of the business, the initial analysis for the feasibility of establishing a business opportunity in the UAE had provided evidence of the existing market for training of IT courses in [...]
  • Subjects: Strategic Management
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2609

The Dental Clinic “DentalCare”

Moreover, the clinic adheres to the principle of individualism, respectively, all the means dentists select individually, according to the characteristics of the patient's body, the degree of pain, and the duration of the procedure.
  • Subjects: Industry
  • Pages: 25
  • Words: 6960

Bad Leadership: Causes and Effects

This can result in a loss of confidence on the part of employees and may cause them to feel resentment towards their leaders.
  • Subjects: Leadership Styles
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1176

Maaza Mango Drink’s Supply Chain

Supply chain management refers to the whole process of producing alongside delivering a service or a product, from the initial stage of sourcing the raw materials to the last stage of delivering the product or [...]
  • Subjects: Logistics
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1083

Analysis of Caterpillar Company

The articulation outlines how the firm intends to conduct its operations to address the demands of all of its customers and clients.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 35
  • Words: 9637

Cookie Creations Company: Case Study

Natalie Koebel, the owner of Cookie Creations, seeks to understand which accounting and financial techniques are essential for her business.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 1782

Starting a Business vs. Working for an Employer

On the one hand, there is a variety of supporters of the idea to start the business. For instance, according to Rhonda Abrams, an expert in small business and entrepreneurship, "The independence and flexibility of [...]
  • Subjects: Entrepreneurship
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 841

Working for Someone vs. Owning a Business

A person who owns a business has no one to blame for failure; he has to be an expert in the field of his business and be aware of all procedures.
  • Subjects: Entrepreneurship
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 887

Improving Work Performance: Tom’s Auto Service

The key concern is associated with the need to improve the current performance and reward it. The mission of TAS is to ensure quick oil-change and related services to meet customers' needs.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 594

Air Canada Company’s Challenging Environment

Air Canada faces many challenges which include how to overcome the impacts of the global recession which made the company incur losses in millions of dollars; and how to deal with unevenly rising fuel costs [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1234

Ford Motor Company’s Stakeholder Analysis

At the given moment, the main purpose of Ford Motor Company is to raise their profitability and avoid conflicts among various stakeholders.
  • Subjects: Company Structure
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 582

Business & Legal Issues: Ford Pinto

To be more precise, the Ford Pinto case will be evaluated from the legal point of view to establish which laws were violated in the process of corporate decision-making that led to the production of [...]
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1774

Mark Zuckerberg’s Leadership Style

Shareholders have complained about his leadership and failure to increase the stock price of Facebook, and others have claimed he is socially inept and too young and immature to be a CEO of a multi-billion [...]
  • Subjects: Leadership Styles
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1126

Financial Accounting and Its Main Purposes

The income statement also known as profit and loss account is a financial statement that is used in reporting the operating performance of a business entity over an accounting period.
  • Subjects: Accounting
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 949

Google’s Business-Level Strategies and Issues

A business-level strategy refers to a set of commitments, plans, and initiatives that businesses, corporations, and organizations use to develop competitive advantage through exploitation of strengths of certain products in the market. Google should strive [...]
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 934

Customer Service and Its Value in Companies

The top leaders of companies must realize that they have a duty to not only meet the needs of the customers, but also to work hard to exceed the expectations of the customers.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Marketing
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 2976

Singapore Airlines

It has not been able to achieve the same level of success as SIA due to the low quality of its services.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 3666

Geography of Food. Restaurant Review

Carino's Italian grill was located in Doral at the center of Miami making it accessible to most people. The food was of moderate quality.
  • 4
  • Subjects: Industry
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 520

The Concept of Induction

Learning and Development in the Current Business context Learning and development is the process of improving employees' performance in the organization through training, education, and development.
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1396

Communication and Problem Solving – Part One

It is a two way process because it involves listening and reflecting the responsibility of speaker or listener, its clear, and uses proper feedback, whereas problem solving is a mental process and involves finding the [...]
  • Subjects: Business Communication
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 653

Toyota: Strategic Management Case Study

In this case, Toyota's strategy was to use the just-in-time production approach that it transferred from its Japanese facilities to other countries as the firm's strategy and structure. Related and supporting industries were the suppliers [...]
  • Subjects: Strategic Management
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 816

Emirates Airline Marketing Strategy Analysis

Emirates Airline (also known as Emirates) is a Dubai-based airline company that was founded in the year 1985 by United Arab Emirates (UAE) government.
  • Subjects: Marketing
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 1038

Business Model Canvas: “Bread in a Box”

Some of the significant activities in the bread in a box company include baking bread, delivering it to the customers, and sourcing the raw material.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 968

Principles of Management – Course Reflection

In both the books, I summarized the structures and the content, capturing specifically the following key aspects: the information conveyed by the author in the book; the organization of the book; and the depicted theme.
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 614

In Groups and Out Groups: Definition and Explanation

It is on that note that the researcher wishes to shed some light on in groups and out groups especially in relation to the workplace and to evaluate its effects all round, both to the [...]
  • Subjects: Employee Relationships
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1379

Boost Juice Bar – Strategic Analysis

The basic purpose of this part of the paper is the strategic evaluation of the company in terms of the competitive advantages of the company in the context of SWOT analysis.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3494

Crest Toothpaste Brand Analysis

The purpose of this essay is to assess the marketing mix of the crest toothpaste brand, and also make possible recommendations for changes to the brand.
  • Subjects: Branding
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1259

The 7FE Framework: Develop and Implement Phases

The 7FE framework concentrates on improving the management of BPM projects to enhance all business processes. Among all the phases of this framework, the Implement phase is the most critical one.
  • Subjects: Management
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 516

Operations Transformation & Decentralization: ZARA

Zara's financials are included in Inditex's consolidated financial statements; however, as the brand constitutes a vast part of the parent company's operations, it is possible to evaluate the general financial health of Zara based on [...]
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1094

Danube Group: Business Excellence Model

The adoption of effective corporate governance, which is illustrated by the firm's commitment in achieving its vision, mission, and values, has also played a remarkable role in promoting the firm's performance.
  • Subjects: Organizational Management
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 5876

The Virgin Group: Vertical Hierarchical Organization

While such an approach is considered an advantage due to the diversification capacity it provides, it also poses a significant threat to the viability of the profitability of the enterprise.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1159

The Volkswagen Company’s Emissions Scandal

The fixing of the software in the vehicles followed a requirement by the EPA for the automobile industry to regulate the amount of carbon emissions.
  • 4
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1748

Radisson Blu: Company’s Strategy

It is one of the global leaders in the hotel industry, and it has attained a significant market share both in the domestic and international markets.
  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1462

Boeing Company: Strategic Alternatives and Recommendations

Given the recent growth of the tourism industry, it would be reasonable for Boeing to focus on the design of commercial airplanes as the foundation for its further marketing framework and the process of building [...]
  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Pages: 20
  • Words: 5494