Free Business Essay Examples & Topics

Free Business Essay Examples & Topics

14,745 samples

If you are studying law, economics, finances, or management, the chances are that you will have to write a business essay. It is a fairly standard assignment encountered at a school or college level. Thus, every student should at the very least know the basics concerning this particular phenomenon.

What is business? Everyone has a vague understanding of the term, but there is also a specific definition. A business is a commercial, professional, or industrial organization involved in entrepreneurship. It is not necessarily motivated by financial gain – a charity can also be a business. The nature of business refers to its operations, its mission statement, and the type of service or product it provides. The organization’s size can range from sole ownership to large multinational conglomerates.

Our experts have selected some business essay examples for you to check out so that you won’t struggle with your task. Besides, in this article, you will find advice for writing these papers. You will see how to organize your work best and which elements to include in your essay.

How to Write a Business Essay

In this section, you will see the top recommendations for starting a business essay. The tips here are of most use for argumentative and persuasive writing assignments. These are the most popular styles for essays about business.

1. Pick a topic or analyze a given one.

If you’re free to choose one, select a topic that you find intriguing. Identify a relevant central idea to discuss. When writing an essay on an assigned topic, determine the exact question that needs to be addressed. Double-check the essay format that you have to follow.

2. Research and take notes.

Examine the topic to get a better understanding of the specific field. After identifying a central idea of the business essay, search for the information relevant to your paper. There are plenty of data available online. Yet, books and journals from your local library are also great resources. While researching, note all the useful sources to find them again later.

3. Create a reference list.

In most essays on business, you’ll have to illustrate your points and provide credible sources. Thus, collect the bibliography to indicate all the required citations. It’s a good idea to compile the references before you begin writing. This way, you won’t have to rush to get it all together at the end.

4. Write a thesis statement and create an outline.

Just like any successful organization requires a business plan, your essay requires a solid outline. Create your objectives and formulate your thesis statement around them. Ensure that your points and supporting evidence correspond directly to your central idea.

5. Revise and edit.

Most school and college students don’t bother to double-check their academic works once they are done. However, only with revision and editing will your essay truly achieve success. Check for grammar mistakes and the flow of your sentences. Ensure the logical order of your analysis. If anything sounds off, better to change it before submitting it.

Even after reading these steps, you may still be at a loss as to how to write a business essay. Examples of works written by other students can help you analyze relevant ideas. You can peruse the ones we have provided underneath the article.

Business Essay Outline

In the previous section, we mentioned that you need to create an outline for a successful paper. Thankfully, most essays have the same general structure they follow. We will analyze it in more detail below.

In essence, a business essay structure consists of the following:

1. Introduction. It is the place for you to explain the general idea behind your topic. This is also where you will provide a thesis statement. In the introduction, you will have to identify the central elements of the essay. Make sure you establish communication with the reader.

2. Background. You will always want to clarify specific terms or concepts essential to your audience. Thus, provide relevant definitions and context in your introduction or separate paragraph if your task allows it. For example, most people probably know what leadership is but will struggle to understand social responsibility. If you are writing a case study, important background information is necessary to include in your essay.

3. Main Body. Using your selected sources, create a detailed analysis of the topic. Make sure to incorporate:

  • Arguments in favor of your position.
  • Examples as evidence to support your claims.
  • Counterarguments as evidence that you’ve examined the topic from different perspectives.

Don’t forget to include quotes and citations from relevant sources. These will provide credibility to your research.

4. Conclusion. In your last paragraph, provide a concise discussion of the separate points. Re-examine your thesis statement and reiterate it in different words. Summarize your findings and make sure that they relate to the purpose presented in the introduction.

Thank you for checking our recommendations. Below, you will find business essay examples on different topics. Good luck writing your assignment!

14745 Best Essay Examples on Business

Is Business Ethics an Oxymoron

Business and ethics are incompatible and that is why business ethics is an oxymoron. Business ethics is an oxymoron because business and ethics are incompatible.
  • 4
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 864

External and Internal Analysis of Starbucks

Some of the lessons that other aspiring companies who want to venture into the international market can borrow from the failure of Starbucks in Australia is that it is important to study, adopt and embrace [...]
  • 4.3
  • Subjects: Recognizable Brand
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2391

Walmart Problems and Solutions Essay

It is necessary for the corporation's management to address these issues in order to guarantee their sustainability in the international market. It has three goals to address its sustainability in the market.
  • 3.7
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1253

An Analysis of External and Internal Environments of McDonald’s

The goal of this paper is to analyze the McDonald's segments of the generathe l environment, the forces of competition, mechanisms of improving the stability, external threats and opportunities, resources, capabilities, and core competencies, and [...]
  • 3
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2309

Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up

It is possible to resolve the problem with adding capacity to the factory, changing the order quantity, controlling ROP, and changing the shipping method.
  • Subjects: Logistics
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 870

Nike Company: Costs of Production and Overall Market

Nike's cost of goods sold is provided in Table 1, showing the company's COGS have increased in the last five years, mainly due to the increase in the price of raw materials including thread and [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 922

H&M Target Market Analysis – Case Study

Demographics Demographic market segmentation is the process of categorizing the market according to the variables that range from age to nationality.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 624

Apple Case Study

It moved from 200,000 songs to 500,000 a day and iPod was the only music player in the market that could play iTune music Social Apple has the network of cooperative suppliers & the base [...]
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3300

Hausser Food Products Company Case

Decreases in sales growth and the underutilization of HFP's physical assets, such as warehouses, are exacerbated by the sales team's unenthusiastic approach to idea generation when it comes to the optimization of HFP's selling strategies.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1146

BMW: Case Study Essay

This case study analysis attempts to examine the BMW brand and its approach to market segmentation to expand its automobile sales. Premium vehicles such as BMW base their segmentation and marketing on the concept of [...]
  • 1
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1417

Coca Cola Operations Management and Inventory

This was accomplished through the incorporations of the Coca-Cola company in 1892 and the expansion of the distribution of the concentrated syrup used for making the beverage.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1192

Operations Management Case Study: Toyota

This study conducts a business analysis of Toyota Company in the effort to unveil reasons for the continued success of the operations management for Toyota Company in an automobile industry, which is characterised by the [...]
  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2179

Persistence and Sneakers 2013 Case Study

The initial cost of investment for Sneaker 2013 can be calculated as: Tables 1 and 2 show total cash flows and discounted cash flows for Sneaker 2013 for 2013-2018.
  • Subjects: Accounting
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1616

Factors Affecting Employee Relationships

They explained that government policies needed to check the excessive imbalance of power between employers and employees in the labor market.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Employee Relationships
  • Pages: 25
  • Words: 6901

Adidas Company Organizational Structure

An organizational structure is a framework that specifies how various operations within an enterprise are coordinated to meet its objectives. Joseph and Gaba (2020) enumerated that these operations may include regulations, positions, and obligations. Additionally, the management chart impacts how information moves between firm levels. In a centralized system, for instance, choices flow from the […]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1737

Back Bay Battery Strategic Innovation Simulation

In the fourth year, the price of AGM batteries remained the same, but I reduced the price for SCs to $15 while making crucial steps to reduce the unit costs to leverage profits.
  • Subjects: Decision Making
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 936

Samsung Company Main Challenges Essay

According to Chang, Samsung has become the leading electronic firm in the global market because of the pricing and market communication strategies.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 660

BP Oil Company Ethical Dilemma

The damages caused by the spill originated from the effects of the oil on the environment and the damaging effects of the cleanup activities.
  • 4
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2280

Strategic Management Project: Emirates Airlines

The purpose of this report is to provide the results of the Emirates strategic case analysis with the focus on the PESTLE analysis, the Five Forces analysis, the SWOT analysis, and the Stakeholder analysis.
  • 2.3
  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3397

Issues and Recommendations for Apple Case Study

This shows that constant and distinct product innovation has allowed Apple to be the best company with the fanatic consumer base and high-levels of profitability.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1118

Fashion Clothing Company’s Financial Statements

The opening statement of financial position helps to identify capital intensity, the availability of cash to run the business, assets, and the tools available for the firm to continue smoothly.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1124

Apple Company and Its Impact on Society

The share price of the company is over $530 making Apple the most successful company in the technological sector. In this paper, the effect of the apple company on the society in terms of ordinary [...]
  • 3.4
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 837

Managers Are Born, Not Made Essay

Measuring this issue, many features of managers are going to be considered with the purpose of understanding whether it is possible to learn all the issues which are to be applicable to managers, or people [...]
  • 3.3
  • Subjects: Organizational Planning
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1693

Netflix Problems and Solutions

The company has traditionally used the strategy of fast mail DVDs delivery, and it has also expanded the availability of its content through streaming.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 550

Tata Starbucks Joint Venture

Tata Starbucks is a promising company that can continue its expansion in the future. The company was successful due to its brand name, premium locations, and Indian-specific strategy.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 661

Fire Safety Essay

While the role of fighting fire is designated to firefighters, organizations should do whatever it takes in their capacity to ensure fire is avoided.
  • 3.3
  • Subjects: Workforce
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1112

Robin Hood: Management Case Study

Meanwhile, the Sheriff's side has grown in strength, possessing the resources to discover the band's weaknesses and having powerful allies, including the regent.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 645

PESTL Analysis of Egypt’s Food Industry

The effect of the government's promotion of reforms in the food industry is positive for Floss Halva because of more opportunities to receive investments.
  • Subjects: Industry
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 407

Coca-Cola Business Communication in Practice

These business communication strategies contribute to company's success and improvement of effectiveness and efficiency of the brand, as well as of the "go-to-market" models utilized by the company's managers.
  • 3
  • Subjects: Business Communication
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2025

Samsung Performance Management and Appraisal Report

To do the foregoing, the company has a performance appraisal system that involves self-evaluation, competence evaluation and performance evaluation. One of the main benefits of performance appraisal at Samsung is that, the company is able [...]
  • 3
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1987

Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping

The advent of internet shopping in the late nineties created a revolution in the retail industry. It is possible to know about the sizes, features, and costs of products in online and traditional shopping.
  • Subjects: E-Commerce
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1278

Tesco Strategy Analysis & Recommendations

A change in the management technique and the risk prevention strategy along with the introduction of a slightly new brand will help Tesco to regain its power in the UK retail sector.
  • 3
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2283

The Supercuts vs. Great Clips Businesses Comparison

Great Clips began with a site close to the University of Minnesota, and the manner in which it catered to the university's students eventually became its whole concept.
  • Subjects: Company Information
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 275

Innovation and Enterprise at Tesco

While the management claims that the staff in the supermarkets are always ready to help the customers, the company encourages the latter to use self-service tills as well.
  • Subjects: Company Information
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 294

Apple and Samsung Comparative Analysis

In regard to the opportunities, the clamor for quality, mobile advertisement, and the growth of Indian market can help to expand the company's market share profoundly.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2175

Toyota Motor Corporation: Impacts of Globalization

The impact of globalization, as a result of injection of foreign direct investment, on low-income countries has some benefits, for instance, there has been vivid economic growth in host counties as experienced in Mauritius and [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3136

Nestle: Production and Operations Management Analysis Report

In a bid to save the environment, the company has endeavored in recycling of waste materials and packaging. Nestle company has left a significant mark in food and nutrition sector, hence becoming very competitive in [...]
  • 3.5
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 869

Apple Company: Problems and Solutions

One of the most serious problems that apple Inc is facing and which to a large extent contributes to the occasional failures of the company is a marketing problem due to stiff competition in the [...]
  • Subjects: Business Controversies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1008

Comparative Analysis of Apple and Samsung

The operations of Apple's supply chain was strong enough to warrant speculations by observers that the company's grasp on the supply chain was enough to dictate the terms of other players in the chain.
  • 3
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 80
  • Words: 21518

The Coca-Cola Company’s Managerial Accounting

In this regard, the suitability of the adopted cost allocation strategy is influenced by the nature of the products and the consistency of the production process.
  • Subjects: Accounting
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1985

A Clothing Boutique as a Business Idea

To enrich the clothing industry of clothes in general and ensure the accessibility of a wide selection of fashionable items for plus-size women specifically.
  • Subjects: Entrepreneurship
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1227

Starting a Business: Advantages and Disadvantages

The formation and saturation of the consumer markets are the key elements in the current destabilization of the economy. The advantage of starting a business is that it's not mandatory to be held accountable to [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Entrepreneurship
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1730

Mountain Man Brewing Company

Therefore, Chris had to be extremely sharp in the way he was to introduce the new brand and retain the market share of the original lager.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1401

Impact of Culture on Communication Reflective Essay

And also the differential consideration by the society to men and women, the approach of people in the lower strata of the society towards the social difference and the attitude of people to avoid uncertainty [...]
  • 2.7
  • Subjects: Business Communication
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1153

Importance of Ethics in Communication Essay

The issue that arises is whether employees make the right decision that would benefit the company or they make the wrong choices that call for the downfall of the company.
  • 3.3
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1264

PepsiCo Ethical Issues & Achievements

The firm has established a global code of conduct that generally identifies the main objective of conducting business in the right way as a part of its corporate mechanism aimed at ensuring that customers of [...]
  • 3.7
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1681

The Importance of Stakeholder Engagement for Apple Inc.

Employees, for example, play a crucial role in the development and production of Apple's products, and their well-being and satisfaction directly impact the quality and productivity of the company.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1009

Satyam Scandal and Corporate Governance Failure

The present analysis of the Satyam case study aims at identifying the most important facts surrounding the case, discussing the key issues concerned with it, suggesting the alternative courses of action and evaluating them, and [...]
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1939

ZARA Logistics System & Transportation Strategy

A careful analysis of inbound and outbound logistics, as well as understanding the role of the information flow within the organization will also contribute to providing viable solutions and recommendations to the company's strategies in [...]
  • 3
  • Subjects: Recognizable Brand
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2578

Lush Company’s International Expansion Strategy

This paper proposed the expansion of Lush to the Indian market, focusing on the external and internal analysis of the company as well as the key indicators of the target market.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 16
  • Words: 4467

The Ethical Issues of the Mattel Toy Scandal

The reasons for the considerable recalls of products were that the toys manufactured on the facilities based in China were dangerous for children's health due to the lead paint discovered in the toys and the [...]
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 3964

Ford Organizational Structure Report (Assessment)

The structure of the Ford Motors Company has the Chairman at the apex followed by the President-cum-CEO-cum-Director, then followed by the Executive Vice President.
  • 2.7
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2369

The Role of the Business Communication

In business, communication is necessary, as it plays a role in negotiation between an entrepreneur and the customer, and between the distributor and the entrepreneurs, among others.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Business Communication
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1099

HelloFresh: The Company Analysis

For years the company strived to be the world leading food meal preppers; however with the issuing of a lockdown in 2020 March, global shock of the virus was spread.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1733

The Walt Disney Company

This essay provides an in-depth analysis of the Walt Disney Company as one of the top US companies that are competing in the media industry by looking into the strategies that the company has embraced [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2030

Operations Management of Pizza Hut – Analysis

The distinct role of operations is to be possessed with the quality of pizzas and the experience that customers receive. In response to this, Pizza hut operations managers have the role of ensuring the survival [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2030

McDonald’s Cultural Issues in India

Some of the issues which are discussed include Mcdonald's historical background, the cultural and ethical issues at the organization's operations, and the social responsibility issues in different regions where the organization has operations.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1153

The Brand Positioning Map for Netflix

On the basis of the findings, it is evident that the perceptual map is inherently subject, but online sources reflect the scores shown in the table.
  • Subjects: Branding
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 273

Google Case Study: SWOT Analysis

This is an opportunity Google can exploit and stamp its control of the internet service market. The second recommendation is that Google needs to reorient its organizational structure and culture to promote development of its [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1455


In addition, the level of employment in most economies is has been on the increase in recent years and as such, this would mean that the disposable income of a majority of the members of [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2732

Apple Inc. in a Global Environment

Apple has been able to continuously and repeatedly develop innovative products and therefore create and sustain a competitive advantage in the technology industry. Senior executives at Apple have a critical role of recruiting and introducing [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3008

J.C. Penney Case Study Analysis

The core values of the company are to improve and recompense the talents of the workers, work with the maximum moral principles, train prospective workers, celebrate small successes, assist sincere communication, promote the innovative idea [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1791

Real-Life Examples of Organizational Behavior

The diversity evident in contemporary organizations emanate from the increased mobility that has facilitated the movement of people across various parts of the world. As such, the concept of privacy is one that modern organizations [...]
  • Subjects: Employee Relationships
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1676

The Four-Day Workweek and Its Positive Effects

The author of this work believes that a four-day working week is a promising and prosperous method, which, despite some shortcomings, will positively impact companies' economy and the condition of employees.
  • Subjects: Workforce
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 905

Concept of an Entrepreneur in Business

Unlike a business man who runs a business and becomes part of a larger business community, an entrepreneur takes the risk to star up a new venture, which he expands and grows to a full [...]
  • Subjects: Entrepreneurship
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2037

Aspects of the Diversification Strategy of Disney

It is especially crucial for the decision-making of the company as it allows the leaders of the company to achieve effective problem identification and analysis, as well as objective comparison of alternative courses of action.
  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 585

Apple Business Plan

This competition has been worsened by a number of Chinese firms that mimic the products of the top brands and sell them in the international market. The firm was chosen because of its strategic importance [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2150

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis on the Hospitality Industry

The analysis covers five dimensions: competitive rivalry, power of suppliers, power of buyers, the threat of substitution, and the threat of new entry. It might be supposed that the threat of a new entry is [...]
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 583

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Essay

In this light, this paper discusses the importance of ethics and social responsibility and various practices and theories employed in different organizations. In future, ethics and social responsibility will have a new meaning in the [...]
  • 3.4
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1745

Nike Inc.’s Performance Measurement and Control

This company has resourceful inventory management principles that allow it to supervise the shipment of merchandise from manufacturers to distributors and retailers.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 912

Alaska Airlines: Navigating Change

The most recent one occurred at the beginning of the new millennium when the company's performance almost hit the rock bottom.
  • 4.7
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4015

Apple Information Systems Essay

The company also applies the same philosophy in its communication and information transfer. The company has ensured a lean and efficient information management strategy.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 894

KFC Micro- and Macro-Environment Report

The strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization while the opportunities and strengths are outside forces from the company's control.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Industry
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1455

Nike Inc.’s Corporate Social Responsibility Project

The following paper aims at analyzing the CSR program of Nike, a publicly traded sportswear company, in order to determine the transparency and effectiveness of social and environmental responsibilities stated in their report.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2252

Yves Saint Laurent Branding and Challenges

It is based on this that I have chosen Saint Laurent in Rodeo Drive, one of the most sought after high-end fashion retail destinations in the world, in order to examine the current popularity of [...]
  • Subjects: Branding
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1719

Business Plan: Coffee Shop Report

The main reason for positioning itself in this segment is that the business has the opportunity of incorporating new features to the existing services to cater for the changing demands and needs of our targeted [...]
  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3413

Sony Corporation’s Mismanagement as Decline Factor

In 1971, the company went ahead to invent the Walkman, which was a portable improvement of the cassette recorder. It is evident that the lost opportunities have led to the company's loss of value.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2836

Emirates Airlines’ Strategic Choices and Decisions

The aim is to identify the strategic choices of the firm that could improve its competitiveness in the industry. SWOT analysis is a strategic tool for the evaluation of a firm's internal and external environments [...]
  • 3
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1620

Porsche’s Strategy, Structure, and Culture

The change of the legal form of the company allowed other people who were not members of the Porsche family to become members of the Executive Board of the company.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3465

Organizational Structure: W.L. Gore & Associates

It can be stated that the main factor in the formation of organizational structures is the desire to control the production and the manufacturing process, the division of labour, and the occurrence of management functions.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1345

Pepsi Company Advantages and Disadvantages

In addition, it is considered to be among the best in production of snacks, beverages and foods. In addition, the company has expanded its lines of operations with involvement in food snacks, and beverages, foods, [...]
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 536

National Music Studio: SWOT Analysis

As indicated in the survey, the poor location of one of its constituent branches is a challenge in running the school.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 561

Contingency Theory: Behavior, Pros and Cons

This theory is relevant because it creates room for managers to focus on the deliverables of the targeted project. The contingency theory supports the need to change leaders throughout the project life.
  • 2.7
  • Subjects: Leadership Styles
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 515

The Coca-Cola Company Research Paper

Research Objectives & Research Question The main objective of this report is to examine the operational performance and strategies of Coca-Cola in its global operation and especially in Saudi Arabia to understand and identify the [...]
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 27
  • Words: 7236

Innovation and Its Positive Impact on the Society

The stage gate model is used to manage the risks that are associated with the development of new products. This is because the product development and innovation process faces a number of risks.
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 563

Tesco’s Globalisation Case Study

Strengths Brand Awareness is the key strength of Tesco; The efficient and dynamic human resources are the key assets for the company; According to the annual report 2011, Tesco offers large product lines and services [...]
  • 2.3
  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2527

Organizational Structure of Nokia

Nokia is an international phone company that is currently leading in the phone segment of the electronic market in the world; the company's organizational structure has enabled it to command the success it has attained.
  • 1
  • Subjects: Recognizable Brand
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1271

Build-A-Bear Workshop Inc.’s Marketing Strategy

The company specializes in the production and sale of toys to children all over the world. The company's growth is attributed to the customer-centered strategy that is in place in the firm.
  • Subjects: Company Analysis
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2542

Toyota Ethical Issues and Social Responsibility

Another set of the company's stakeholders that affect the ethical code of business in the company is the external environment like customers and the society; there is a level of quality that customers expect from [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2118
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