This drawing is often referred to as the canon of proportion because it was used as the basis for the correlations of human proportions and the reference to geometry as it is illustrated in the [...]
As a matter of fact, Montaigne shows that the value of a culture can only be assessed within the context of the users and how members of the society identify the significance of their culture.
Thus it can be seen that the concept of inequality occurs naturally in nature. I can even go so far as state that inequality is even a necessity in the grand scheme of things.
PTSD is seen as a mental disorder but in actual sense, it is a physical condition that has a huge toll on the whole body and can be understood well via the developing science of [...]
One of the most enchanting novels in the American literature, the piece by Cahan offers a plunge into the world of the usual.
On the other hand, Commodus who is now the defunct heir to the throne throws a fit after learning from his father that he will not become Emperor to the kingdom. Lucilla and Maximus had [...]
The main purpose of this paper is to dwell upon the movie Vertigo and to understand its underlying theme, the role of lighting and cinematography effects in movie perception and to compare and contrast it [...]
Although the ornaments on the columns of the Vault are a perfect stitch to the entire work, these are no more than the ornaments designed to emphasize the elegance and airiness of the vault; but [...]
The author tries to achieve this purpose by describing the main character's relations with his family and his friends, on the one hand, and his servant Gerasim, on the other.
Renaissance Humanism: During the period of 1400 and 1650, the humanism term was used for main social philosophy and intellectual and literary works."Expansion of trade, growth of prosperity and luxury and widening social contacts created [...]
It is a significant confusion that Willy has thought that for one to be successful, he has to be well-liked by people.
The following morning Sophie invites Stingo to a walk and she apologizes for the disruption they caused him the previous night. Well, the night that Sophie spends in a hotel with Stingo, she divulges the [...]
In most cases, it is quite difficult for husbands and men as a whole to invert their mindsets on the way they perceive women and their wives.
Jesus, Ahmed, Pandit, and Brittain offered their writings to show how unfair and wrong world's position was for a long period of time and how miserable human actions could be in case they were not [...]
It has been argued that the Miller's tale reflects a fall in social status a from the noble intentions of the characters in the Knight's Tale, and their noble standing as well, in contrast to [...]
In his Futurist Manifesto published in 1909 in Paris, Marinetti formulated the essence and the purpose of the Futurist movement and thus outlined the "ethical code" of a New Artist, a Futurist.
However, this does not negate the fact that bribery is a violation of a legal and ethical principle in the society.
Still, systematizing the materials and implementing the principle of proceeding from the simple to the complex, the authors managed to make the text accessible for high school students. The language of the text is simple [...]
A sufficient amount of time will be required to ensure that the project to turns into a reality. The approach that an individual gives the idea determines the success of the project.
Right from the onset of her documented work, we get to know of her data collection; followed by her painstaking analysis of transcripts that contain details from the groups of people she analyzed.
As aforementioned, it is hard to differentiate between love and passion as they all come in the name of love. Nevertheless, because his 'love' for her is based on passion, he smothers her to death; [...]
These features of the movie are developed as the protagonist, Walter, tries to mourn and recover from the death of his wife.
The misery of those who are unable to accept the reality and to get free from the influence of the past is the main theme of William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily", where [...]