Free Movie Review Examples. Page 2

706 samples

Seven years in Tibet

His relationship with Dalai Lama is also seen to be the turning point of this transformation. However, for this to be achieved, he is first denied the source of his pride and compassion.

The Outsiders: Critical Review

Thus, this analytical treatise attempts to explicitly and critically review the elements of storytelling, acting, cinematography, editing, sound and style, directing, themes, genre, and the impact of the film on the society, framing and scene [...]

Global Ethics: The Babel Drama by Iñárritu

Through the intersecting stories of four different groups of people from Morocco, Mexico, Japan, and the United States, the film paints a poignant picture of the moral responsibilities and cultural differences that divide society and [...]

Solution Focused Therapy

This paper includes the discussion of a video that exemplifies the main techniques included in solution focused therapy. This approach highlighted the idea that it would be easy to overcome a certain problem.

The End of Poverty

Philippe Diaz's documentary, The End of Poverty, is a piece that attempts to dissect the causes of the huge economic inequalities that exist between countries in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.

For the Bible Tells Me So

The consequences of socially constructing homosexuals and homosexuality as an abomination according to the film "The Bible Tells Me So" are destroyed family relationships and discrimination of the homosexuals by the society.

“Coffy” by Jack Hill

In the 1970s, however, the society exaggerated black women's sexuality, and Coffy was the typical depiction of such exaggeration. Producers of the film, Coffy, were reducing African American women to this narrow characterization.

Too Big to Fail

The fall in the mortgage market in the US quickly spread like a wild fire to the whole financial sector in the Country and to all other sectors of the economies.


Beowulf and Grendel's mother make a deal and the warrior becomes the next king while the Water Demon gives birth to Beowulf's son.