4100-Word Essay Examples. Page 4

433 samples

Apple’s iPhone 5s Marketing Plan

This feature will improve the likelihood of the iPhone 5s penetrating a wide market and to cope with the competition, the firm will undertake continuous improvement on the iPhone 5s in order to take into [...]

The Jones Act: Economic Consequences

Since the Jones Act caused the decline of the maritime industry, increased costs for the economy of the US and particularly non-contiguous territories, and failed to strengthen the US national security, it should be abolished.

Data Warehouse

In a bid to get to that end, the data has to pass through data acquisition, which refers to retrieval of information from the data sources; that is, "a set of processes and programs that [...]

The Manufacture of Polyethylene

5 The popularity of polyethylene is rooted in the fact that this polymer is cheap, flexible, durable, and chemically resistant6 It is important to take a closer look at the manufacturing process in order to [...]

Amazon.com: E-Commerce Marketing Plan

Fetch stated that this company has ability to serve a diversified customer base from a one-stop shopping environment since it has strong logistics to deal with a broad product portfolio; in addition, it has efficient [...]