Being a governor is not an easy thing for any person: to be in constant touch with country and state affairs, to complete the functions of commander-in-chief of naval and military forces, to take care [...]
The world of accounting and finance is very interesting from different perspectives: first, accounting and finance help to develop new services and improve people's living conditions; second, these two concepts are the major needs for [...]
It is very hard to define whether military-industrial complex is a kind of a threat or a benefit for the Americans, as many historians have their own points of view concerning the American history; one [...]
The problems of sex and marriage, sex before and after marriage, and the role of sex in marriage are considered to be one of the most burning ones in different spheres of life.
The situations and backgrounds, presented in all these movies help to comprehend and describe the obligations, which dads have to their sons: some dads want to protect their sons, other dads think that their duty [...]
From my own experience in Hands on Greater Portland, after numerous readings and class discussions, now, it is easy for me to give a clear explanation to ethical and social responsibility, and compare it with [...]