1550-Word Essay Examples. Page 7

793 samples

The Han Dynasty Methods

Despite the fact that nomadic groups started to settle the territory of the northern China without a strong military support, the Chinese had no opportunity to protect themselves.

Market Conditions and Financial Models

The author notes that while it can be helpful, its usefulness is limited to certain situations and that other models are more useful in different situations. The author argues that it is a mistake to [...]

Greece: Country Analysis

Greece was selected due to its rich history and significance to the world as a first place to embrace reason and philosophy as well as develop very initial versions of democracy.

Impact of the Digital Society

Electronic commerce has the following drives with respect to impact of digital society: Internet penetration Many individuals and organizations are capable of accessing internet services to check emerging and market trends Internet charge services have [...]

IKEA Company’s Global Strategy

The paper identifies the types of products that are produced by the Philippines and its neighbors. By examining the data, it is clear that most of these countries produce the same products with a small [...]

High Tech Materials and Designs

Some of these materials are nano-structured materials, smart materials as well as spin off materials mainly used in the aerospace industry and renewable materials that are expected to provide an alternative to materials of fossil [...]