Free Critical Writing Examples. Page 42

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Juvenile Statistics in Criminal Activities

Consequently there exist various factors that could lead to the reduction in the levels or rates of juvenile delinquent arrests, which follows a decline in the engagement of the juveniles in criminal activities that could [...]

Critical Aspects of Film Die Hard

For example, at the beginning of a scene where the character of officer McClane is being shown arriving to L.A.on the plane, viewers get to be exposed to the sight of McClane clutching to seat's [...]

Killings by Andre Dufus

According to Kant's Moral Theory, the act of killing Richard is morally right since Matt's intention was to get justice for the murder of his son. Even though is aware of the guilt of Richard, [...]

Segmenting the Japanese market

The sizes and the purchasing power of these segments are quite measurable and should therefore make things quite convenient for the companies that will be using these products.

Sister Act: Critical Review

The show is based on the music by Alan Menken, and the variety of wonderful songs the lyrics to which is written by Glenn Slater is presented in the musical.

Is Global Warming Good or Bad?

In my opinion, global warming causes adverse effects that outweighs the positives and therefore, efforts should be invested to manage it through mitigation in order to lessen greenhouse gases emissions, adapting to its effects and [...]

Core Stability Training

The article, "Core Stability Training", describes the role of particular training approaches in the enhancement of health and strength of athletes.

Letter by Lin Tse- Hsu

To begin with, the letter was diplomatic due to the level of diplomacy that the Chinese empire had exhibited then. Other sources indicate that the letter was send to the Queen through a British friend [...]

Critical Thinking in Problem Solving

The common practice disorients the attention of the driver and endangers the lives of other individuals using the road. Thus, the technique has been employed to increase the production of food so as to meet [...]

Rosenhan and Eqbal’s arguments

The following essay examines the articles by Rosenhan and the speech by Eqbal to explain the sociological approach to deviance. He also points out that it is hard to stop deviant behaviors in the society [...]

Sin and Redemption

Sin and redemption are the basis of religion and this will help analyze people's attitude towards sin and redemption. However, not all believed that it was true and there is forgiveness of sins.

Arguments in Star Trek Movie

There is conflict between Maddox and Captain Picard when the admiral introduces the commander and reveals that he is intending to work on the android that is Data.

Free Speech: First Amendment

Obscenity is one of the exceptions, according to the US Miller Test, obscenity is a test used by Supreme Court to determine if an expression or a speech can be termed obscene and whether it [...]

Concepts why marriage matters

In addition, in most global societies, there exist many single individuals with happy and successful families, a fact that makes many to question the reality behind the argument that, marriage is the primary determinant of [...]

Summary of John Humphrys

In a rather humorous essay, John Humphrys presents the argument that the act of texting actually causes a degradation of the English language as we know it due to its use of abbreviations and terminologies [...]

Managing Innovation at Nypro, Inc.

Nypro a plastic injection molding company which was established in 1955 as Nypro products cooperation and the performance of the company was average, similar to other companies in the plastic injection molding industry.

Advantage of Hong Kong Relative

The advantage of Hong Kong relative to other Asian cities is that it is politically, culturally, geographically and economically attached to the largest and fastest-growing market in the world Mainland China.

Strategic Management Accounting

It then critically evaluates the methods of dealing with product and service costing and budgeting in the higher learning institutions and then explains a number of alternative strategies that may be more useful in the [...]

America’s Workplace Inequality

Sources of these inequalities are, but the most often cited include forces of globalization; the economic interplay, social and political aspects, which tend to influence workplace policies and social interaction in the workplace.

Decision-Making in Management

As an illustration, when a team makes a suggestion, it is expected that such a group would do anything to support the idea irrespective of any evidence presented in opposition to the idea.

On God and Christ

When reading through the work of Saint Paul, it can be seen that his style of writing/ delivery of certain aspects of religious introspection were somewhat "limited" in that he placed a greater degree of [...]

US Taxation System’s Features

The researchers stress that the tax is not efficient as it is based on gas emissions mainly. It is necessary to add that the researchers provide a thorough analysis of the problem and support their [...]