1050-Word Essay Examples. Page 21

2,658 samples

The Concept of Quantum Hall Effect

The focus of the study is on the effects of the hall effect on topological insulators at room temeperature. One of the examples of QHE is the room-quantum hall effect in graphene that occurs at [...]

Statistical and Probability Analysis of Staff

The implementation of statistical analysis, in this case, takes the form of determining to what extent specific employee training programs can derive the greatest amount of performance from employees while determining the necessary cost of [...]

Nursing Practice: Hospital and Home

The study results will be of great importance in addressing all issues concerning the management of congestive heart failure. In this case, adequate numerical and statistical data concerning the management of congestive heart failure will [...]

Piano Music, Baroque and Nationalism Influences

The keyboard music of the Baroque period has exhibited the features characteristic of the other forms of art of the period: the increasingly complex and ornate patterns and the virtuosic and exquisite nature of the [...]

Dogs: What Can’t They Do?

In this context, the term 'active duty dogs' refers to those dogs engaged in both military and law enforcement activities. The training of military dogs pertains to searching buildings, detecting bombs and other explosives, scouting [...]

Queen Latifah as a Hip-Hop Feminism Icon

The song was released in 1989 when the third wave was starting, and Latifah talks about the importance of women the society and the need for equal treatment and supporting each other.

Anti-Terrorism Security in Aviation

First, if the results of these interviews are to be used to validate the entire study, ethical approval is required of the participants. Are there tangible differences in the implementation of anti-terrorist measures during takeoff, [...]

Analysis of Aspects of Uber Company

They include worldwide brand recognition, pricing, market domination, the safety policy, the communication approach, and service satisfaction, and each of them will be discussed in detail below: Worldwide brand recognition.

Ethical Violations: Whistleblower

The best strategy for avoiding ethical problems in organizations is through timely identification and solving of conflicts and misunderstandings that result in ethical violations. Employees should be aware of their ethical obligations and rights in [...]

Penetration Test Data and Procedure

The following information will be required to conduct the penetration test on the client's systems. The provider guarantees that it will be responsible and professional when conducting the test in accordance with the existing codes [...]

Qantas Safety for Maintenance

There will be no need for specialized personnel outside of the project team in the course of the project. This may limit the usefulness of the information to the project.

New Jersey Forrest Community Analysis

The background of the study is the necessity to find the optimal density of species of the trees within the planted areas, and suit the calculated density towards the climatic and geographic particularities of the [...]

Wars of Independence in Latin America

Occurring between the 18th and 19th Centuries, the Latin American Independence Wars culminated in the creation of several independent states, such as Brazil and Haiti, which had been colonized by Spain and the French.

Memorandum to Chairman of CX Technology

To meet the requirements of the modern developed economy and global market, it is necessary to change the stable strategy and orient to the new market and customers which used the cold forged steel components.

Smithton Inc. Marketing

The actual performance of the organization proves that in general, the standards set underestimate the ability of the organization to efficiently apply the use of materials in production.

Marketing Concepts Explained

Buying Decision Influences on the buying decision can be described as factors that have a persuasive ability on the consumer behavior, they include environmental, organizational, interpersonal, and individual. These factors play a key role on whether a customer buys what one is selling or not. Consumer behavior is a study that focuses on the factors […]