5000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 4

542 samples

Liz Claiborne Inc. and Its Portfolio of Brands

Knowledge and expertise of the managers failed to identify the factors that could have maintained Liz Claiborne's lead in the apparel and fashion industry. Claiborne perfected the concept of subcontracting to different factories in Asia [...]

Operations Management in Coca Cola Amatil

In a bid to achieve the desired quality, the Coca Cola Company ensures that the firm is consistent in its operation, complies with the formulated operational procedures, and attains speed and perfection in the delivery [...]

Globalization: The World is Flat

The conventional wisdom is that the Anglo-American model of democratic capitalism is the only viable model left in the world. It is the institutional structure that has been developed over the centuries to facilitate the [...]

Problems of Hospitality Industry

Therefore HR is discussed in the context of tourism and hospitality along with the frames of reference on employment relations, rules of employment, and power relationships to HI, workers, and customers.

Telemarketing Scams against the Elderly

This piece of work discusses in depth the telemarketing scams against the elderly giving insight into the problem of the study, context of the problem, the problem statement, research questions, significance of the study, organization [...]

Economics in the Movies

Because the cost of drugs is so high, supporting a habit in the US or Europe is the impetus for the creation of more addicts. As it is, crime and punishment are profitable to a [...]

Internet Communication and Graphic Design

To get a definition of graphic design and an understanding of the pieces of work that is produced by graphic designers To understand the extent to which the internet can help graphic designers in training [...]

Business Plan of ABC Fitness Center

In the content of advertise, the ABC center will highlight the positive sites, emphasis on the importance of fitness center in public health, environment of this center, and the advantages of the membership.

The Learning Log Assignment

I also need to get a better understanding of such concept as integrating marketing communications, which implies that the company should use all of its marketing communications tools and channels in order to appeal to [...]

Samsung Marketing Strategy

However, the organizational structure of the company is illustrated in a simplified format below - Figure 1: The organizational structure Source: Samsung Electronics Samsung has experienced outstanding growth in spite of the adverse impact of [...]

Marketing analysis of shampoos in the UK market

According to the creative approaches chosen by different brands, the advertisements can be divided into several categories, namely the advertisements emphasizing the benefits of using a particular product, advertisements focusing on innovative technologies used in [...]

OnePlus Company’s Economics

The purpose of this research is to analyze the case on the economics of OnePlus by using managerial economics standards; as a result, the paper has investigated a number of academic concepts in order to [...]

Large Animal Rescue Process

Large animal rescue situations demand not only the removal of the animal from whatever obstacle, object or place that their currently situated in but such an action must take into consideration possible alternatives when it [...]

Japanese Tourism Industry

The main purpose of the agency is to promote and monitor the number of tourists that enter into the country and develop specific legislation that is subject to the approval of the main governing body [...]

Chinese Manhua History Development

Explaining the Decline in Popularity of Chinese Manhua Wong explains the decline in the popularity of Chinese manhua by explaining that as the popularity of manhua based in Hong Kong grew, this meant that the [...]

Using Food Preservatives Ethical

At present, the use of chemical food preservatives have gained prevalent use as many people have become tailored to the convenience of buying food that is already prepared, instead of preparing and preserving their food.

Technological Development: Oman Insurance Company

According to the requirements of combining information technology and information system relating to the internal and external environmental elaboration and development purpose, critical analysis of technological background and overall judgment of competency regarding the selected [...]

Evaluation of Silver Spa

The mission of the business is to improve the wellness of its clients consistently by offering unparalleled spa services. Price is an important determinant of success in the industry due to high competition.

CPTED and Metal Detectors in School

The proposed study aims to compare crime prevention through environmental design with the use of metal detectors in schools in order to develop an adequate understanding about their effectiveness and how they could be used [...]

The Electricity Industry in Australia

The government and opposition parties are debating in parliament about the proposed constitution and the support for the segment as part of the overall electricity industry. The report also looks at the contribution of the [...]


The capital city of the country is Ankara, and in fact, the greater part of Turkey is in Asia; however, politically, modern Turkey believes itself to be a committed European nation, and therefore it applied [...]