28 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples

33 samples

What does a 28 page essay look like? Find the answer below!

28 page essays are 6950 to 7000 words long (double-spaced 12 pt). They contain 70 to 93 paragraphs. A paper of such a length is rarely an essay. You’ll more likely be assigned a 28 page research paper or term paper at the graduate level.

How long does it take to write a 28 page essay? Such a long piece should be properly planned. If you need to perform research and add references, you’ll need at least 28 hours. Trying to complete such a serious task in one day is not a good idea.

If you’re searching for 28 page paper examples, look at the collection below. Get inspired to write your own piece with the samples we’ve prepared!

28-page Essay Examples: 33 Samples

Marlboro Cigarette Company

The following are the specific problems that the company is facing: How can the company advertise and sell its products without negative effects of anti-tobacco campaigns How can the company sell and market its products [...]

Brand Awareness Through Motorsport Sponsorship

Hypotheses The research is qualitative in nature and the outcome of the study is descriptive analysis of the findings collected from different sources to decide upon the acceptance or rejection of the following research hypotheses: [...]

Dialysis Department and COVID-19

In the context of the United States, the most significant circumstances were the introduction of Obamacare the nationwide citizen insurance which was President Obama's response to the poor performance of two programs, Medicare and Medicaid, [...]