2900-Word Essay Examples. Page 6

673 samples

Wind Energy Feasibility in Russia

In Russia, feasibility studies have been conducted to establish the viability of wind turbine projects. In conjunction with the problem statement above, the following aims have been formulated: To use the available and relevant data [...]

Toyotas E-Marketing Strategy

The reason is that the firm is a dominant player in both the local market and international market. Right from online advertisement to social media, the objective is to ensure that the user of the [...]

Analysis of the Tale Cinderella

In our criticism of Cinderella, we asked the questions: "What is the disposition of gender in this artifact?" And, "How does the disposition of gender affect the behavior of children under the age of ten?" [...]

Deepwater Horizon Blowout

As the British Petroleum is the major producer of oil in the world, the incident has resulted in the petroleum price changes and influenced the location of rigs previously located in the Gulf of Mexico.

Ainu People of Japan

Also, due to the growing interest of foreigners and the Japanese themselves in the culture of the Ainu, many of them are engaged in cultural activities to attract tourism, which is also a source of [...]

Managing Workforce Diversity

This conclusion is arrived by considering two factors; the first one is the fact that it encourages other organization to incorporate objectives concerning effective management of workforce diversity, in their corporate.

The Hip-Hop Genre Origin and Influence

Hess, in addition, notes that from 1970s, the development of Hip-hop as a culture has been very complex due to immigrants from different parts of the world, who in one way or another equally contributed [...]

A Study of the Inquisition

The papal bull also known as the Charter of the Inquisition stated that in order to eradicate the various heresies that were springing up in different parts of the world, the full power of the [...]

Hat Styles for Men and Women

The differences in the styles of hats that have been seen during the first 2 decades of the 20th century are mainly in the styles relating to the crown, brim or peak of the hats [...]

The Rocks of Grand Canyon

The rocks, the trees, and the animals found in the Grand Canyon National Park, and the general nature of this place has seen it make visitors come to the region several times.