2900-Word Essay Examples. Page 5

696 samples

Deepwater Horizon Blowout

As the British Petroleum is the major producer of oil in the world, the incident has resulted in the petroleum price changes and influenced the location of rigs previously located in the Gulf of Mexico.

Organisation Analysis: The Apple Company

The theories put forward a number of perspectives that explain the interplay of various elements such as the structure, culture, leadership, and management of the organisation among others. It shapes the behaviour and beliefs of [...]

The Case of Google Inc

It has also given the company stability needed for the company to focus in its core business of innovation and design of new products that continue to strengthen the Company's position in the industry.

Racial Discrimination at the World Bank

In addition, leveraging on an employee in a diverse population always end up with a particular race being victimized through work termination as employers tend to match the contact race of an employee to that [...]

Inventory Policy

When an audit of various spare parts inventories is undertaken, the previous results have indicated that the primary issues attached to the spare parts management include: high financial commitment to the process of procuring spare [...]

Gender Differences in Cognitive Abilities

Despite these problems psychologists have always remained interested in the extent to which the gender differences are reflected in cognitive functioning and a variety of different measures have been devised to try and ascertain the [...]

Ainu People of Japan

Also, due to the growing interest of foreigners and the Japanese themselves in the culture of the Ainu, many of them are engaged in cultural activities to attract tourism, which is also a source of [...]

The Principles of Communication

In the face of preaching the gospel of Christ, using the words from the bible alone can fail to be effective if other factors of communication are not considered. To understand the principles of communication, [...]

Balanced Score Card – UNUM Corporation

How UNUM use the Balanced Scorecard to Communicate Its Corporate Goals to Employees throughout the Organization The process of implementing a balanced score card requires that the organization communicates to employees constantly in a way [...]

Parsing and Analisis Windvane Investment

First of all it is necessary to mention that the company Pinnacle Ventures is engaged in the sphere of capital funding concentrated on offering debt and equity financial support for the developing companies engaged in [...]

Tsar Alexander I and the Holy Alliance

Catherine the great was advocating and persuading the young Alexander to adopt the principles of the Genevois philosopher, Rousseau. The Bessarabia and the parts of the black sea in the eastern side were also seized [...]

Managing Workforce Diversity

This conclusion is arrived by considering two factors; the first one is the fact that it encourages other organization to incorporate objectives concerning effective management of workforce diversity, in their corporate.

Chemise a la Reine as a Dialectical Image

His references to the role of the dialectical image and its possibility to create a meaning help to understand that the dialectical image is not the method that can be used in the analysis of [...]