Free Case Study Examples. Page 42

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Drama: A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

Given actions at the end of the play, she may appear to be a villain, but, in fact, she is a victim of her circumstances she was driven to her decision by the blackmail and [...]

Business Ethics Aspects in Accounting

External auditors are independent of the organization they audit and provide an annual assessment of financial accounts and statements, and decide whether they adhere to accepted standards of accounting.

Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank

The leadership and management teams at Abu Dhabi Islamic bank constitute part of its organizational structure. The business has also managed to maintain the same structure of management and leadership in its international market locations.

Cisco Systems Inc.’s ERP Implementation

The project was a success since the corporation benefited from the complete support from the top executive. The choice came during the period when the legacy setting of the corporation was incapable of sustaining the [...]

Lockheed Martin’s Corporate Ethics

Lockheed Martin's ethical programs need to involve the training and education of the organization's top leaders. The better engagement of the Lockheed Martin's Leaders in the organizational programs would contribute to the more efficient incidents [...]

Growth Hacking and Marketing Methods

As a result, it could be observed that the combination of the growth hacking methods and the permission-based marketing appear to be one of the most efficient techniques towards marketing that is low-cost and effective.

Performance Measurement System Design

The main similarity among different frameworks is that they allow the individual performance measures to be selected by firms. The broad categories enable academics to form different frameworks for designing performance measurement systems to address [...]

Accounting Ethics and Professional Conduct

The code of professional conduct for accountants and auditors is developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and other relevant stakeholders with the view to setting out the philosophy that inspires the rules [...]

The Preston Plant Problem Case

The story of survival of Preston plant started in 1998 when Preston plant's major client for printing papers, Hewlett-Packard, pointed out some problems experienced while using paper from Preston plant in dry conditions. In 2000, [...]

Schizophrenia: Symptoms and Treatment

The positive symptoms of the disease incorporate hallucinations associated with hearing, illusions, and disordered language and behavior. The symptoms of schizophrenia captured in the DSM IV TR includes illusions, hallucinations, and disordered language.

Sheikh Zayed Housing Program Analysis

According to their announcement which was made at the beginning of the year, the organization is determined to ensure that all citizens of this country, especially the poor, are helped to get decent housing in [...]