Free Case Study Examples. Page 34

5,758 samples

Woodmere Products and Home Help

The central suggestion for the improvement of the existing proposal is the reconsideration of various kinds of investment to guarantee the gradual increase in the customers' loyalty to the brand and ensure that they will [...]

Organizational Culture Issues

In the modern workplace setting, employees of even profitable and successful companies are asked to follow either strict or loose corporate culture not only for enhancing the quality of interactions in the workplace but also [...]

Sony Pictures Hack: The Criminals Won

Sony's CEO would have to evaluate the risk of releasing the film without changes and compare the outcomes that this move would have in regards to the company's reputation with the overall strategic vision.

The Toshiba Accounting Scandal

According to Misawa, the new CEO of the company issued a public apology to the shareholders and stakeholders and promised a return to the founding principles of the organization.

Job Loss and Career Counseling Strategies

Key components of the assignment the introduction, the discussion on the subjects' stages of career development, the identification of job loss consequences, recommendations for appropriate assessment and counseling strategies, and considerations of client advocacy.

Cyber Security in the Energy Sector

The organization's innovation can be catalytic for the change in the industry of energy since the largest sources of carbon emissions are power plants that generate energy by burning fossil fuels.

Legal Issues of Ending a Relationship

According to Schubert and Samaha, "the earnings of both spouses and property rights acquired with those earnings during the marriage are lumped together and each party receives a percentage of the whole". Lautner's claim to [...]

Marriage Lawsuit in the State of Florida

The trial of Brian and Jennifer against the State of Florida is based on a lawsuit in relation to the existing law prohibiting marriage between short spouses for preserving the birth rate of tall children. [...]

Cyber Crime in the U.S. and Nigeria

A case analysis is offered below, discussing the American justice system, violations of the law in both the U.S.and Nigeria, the collaboration of the international and local agencies, and the outcomes to this investigation.

Sexual Abuse and Workplace Investigation

In addition to the statement, several documents will be used during the planning stage of the investigation: the organization's harassment policy, personnel files of the complainant and the respondent, and attendance records.

Hotel Market in the UAE

Therefore, the analysis of the hotel industry's progress in the UAE depends on determining the relationship between such variables as the growth of tourism and transportation business in the UAE and changes in the household [...]

Serving a Target Fashion Market: Universal Sizing

Retailers seem to acknowledge the increasing interest in clothes for older people and start offering products targeted at this segment of the market. Older people seek functionality and aesthetics, so fashion designers should implement thorough [...]

The Law as the Progressive Science

The modern individual is likely to see the statute as unlawful as it violates the rights of women. This statute can be regarded as an effective illustration of the need to see the law as [...]

Method Adoption Resistance in Nursing

Unwillingness to implement evidence-based practice would most likely be the primary reason for the refusal to use the new technique. The participation of experienced teachers is vital to the successful introduction of a new method, [...]

Journalist Ethics in Social Work

Value: If the story is published, the charity will likely attract significantly fewer donations in the upcoming charity event due to the loss of reputation from the former director's lack of discretion. Reputation: Both the [...]

Nepotism in Recruitment and Hiring

The main problem in the firm is nepotism, which is evidenced by the hiring of Mary Smith, a daughter of the firm's boss, as an administrative assistant even though she does not have the skills [...]

Clif Bar Inc. Balancing Priorities

The working conditions that he has created for his employees allow the conclusion that Erickson stands with the motto "work to live" instead of "live to work" despite the fact that he is definitely success-oriented.