Free Case Study Examples. Page 40

5,758 samples

UTi Worldwide Company’s History

Feitzinger joined the company as a consultant in 2009, later becoming the Executive Vice President of the Contract Logistics and Distribution branch in 2010 and the Executive Vice President of the Global Operations branch in [...]

Getting Beyond: Show Me the Money

Nevertheless, underpayment and overpayment are common, leading to dissatisfaction. Notably, compensation is part culture, but analytics will gain traction in the big data era, as start-ups leverage such advantages from experts to manage a sales [...]

Centurion Media Company’s Decision-Making

Fowler's disregard to the opinions of the vice-presidents would potentially result in losses in the tune of millions for Centurion Media, and as revealed by the Bennett's systematic reasoning, the contract with Northpark would ultimately [...]

European Energy Market Liberalization

The economic benefits of liberating the EU energy market amount to increase competition intensity between the market players, and therefore, the customer service quality and price balance optimization.

Fiat Mio as a Collaborative Innovation

The head of the Fiat Brazil Style Center, Peter Fassbender, gathered the company's best representatives in the innovation, publicity, and communication departments and offered an open innovation paradigm in which Fiat consumers were invited to [...]

Curator: Definition and Examples

While the time frame of the identified role is typically restricted by the deadline of the exhibition, a curator may also assume the role of a keeper of artworks in the museum and not in [...]

Olympus Company’s Financial Frauds

Back in the 1980s, when the operating income of the company decreased due to the "sharp appreciation of the yen", the Olympus executives started an "aggressive financial assets management" in order to shift losses off [...]

Successful Operations Strategies and Their Elements

Some of the proposed strategies are: consolidating the objectives of marketing and production, making the process of communicating with the customers easier, controlling the workload and time, enhancing the process of sharing information, organizing a [...]

The 1968 Protest of the Miss America Pageant

Among these was the establishment of the first department of Women's Studies and respective programs at Cornell and the University of San Diego, the recognition of lesbian rights, the development of feminist art, a significant [...]

Managing Change: Copenhagen Business School

The article "The benefits and limitations of leadership speeches in change initiatives" by Johan Roos contains a case study that describes the author's use of speeches as president of Copenhagen Business School in order to [...]

Direct Selling in Social Media Networks

One of the benefits of utilizing social networks is the enhanced visibility and transparency that creates trust in the clients. In addition, the accessibility accelerates the process of providing the information for both consumers and [...]