Evaluation Essay Examples

323 samples

If you need an evaluation essay example, you’ve come to the right place. This type of academic writing is very close to literary criticism. The purpose here is to convey your opinion on the value and artistic qualities of a book, movie, painting, or musical composition. Don’t forget to clearly state whether you liked the art piece or not because otherwise, you will produce a critical essay. In other words, it’s not about analysis; it’s about recommendations.

This section contains lots of free evaluation essays. Read them through to see the correct structure and creative approaches to the topic development.

323 Best Evaluation Essay Examples

Managing the Future: Apple Inc.

In the context of Apple Inc, sustainability would ability of the firm to use its resources, including human resource, efficiently in order to generate profits, but in a way that is conscious of the need [...]

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

The company's management also decided to work together with the communities as a way of appreciating their contribution to the success of the company.

Directional Policy (GE-McKinsey) Matrix

All these suppliers have some power but as of now, the power is in the hands of Nintendo, Sony and other leaders in the video gaming industry that can source these products from a variety [...]

Ways of influencing change in organizations

Factors involved in motivating individuals to change and how this work in an organizational setting The main challenge in implementing change within an organization is the possible resistance that may come from the stakeholders.

Summary of Continuous and Stage CMMI

These levels include the initial level which entails the starting use of the process, repeatable where the process is repeated, defined and involve the definition of the process and the confirmation of the standard business [...]

Marriot International, Inc. Analysis

Along with the increasing lodging demands, the trend has also brought great impact to other driving forces in the hospitality industry, in a manner that touches almost every sector of the industry These impacts have [...]

Diabetic Education Program

The purpose of the program is to reduce the burden associated with diabetic and pre-diabetic diseases by ensuring that prevention approaches have been adopted to prevent the complications related to the disease.

Evaluation of Walmart

The 'in-time' logistics in the company has been the main reason behind its cost leadership in the market. The failure by Walmart to register a strong market share in China is attributable to the conservative [...]

Marketing Strategy of Rolex and McDonald

The main objective of the paper is to ascertain the gap in the marketing strategy and principles adopted by Rolex with that of the theoretical marketing framework presented by McDonald and using anatomy of world [...]

Russell Hobbs Company

The first section of the report will analyse the current state of the business and the second section will provide the preliminary human resource strategy for Russell Hobbs to be followed in the UAE.

AT&T to Take Control of Leap

The move aims to maximize the telecommunication's company dominance over the airwaves. The company is hopeful, stating the odds are good and the regulators will let the deal materialize.

Managerial Skills: Consulting

6 As the role of the committee of its managing directors shifted from planning to orient the future of the company with the different outsets, Gurkov argues that there was need to harmonize Lukoil's operations [...]

The Cuban Health Care

Thus, in spite of the fact that the Cuban health care system develops independently during more than twenty years, the collapse of the Soviet Union affected it negatively, causing the crisis in funding the sphere [...]

Starbucks SWOT Analysis

The ability of the company to attain this position is attributed to the aggressive expansion strategy in the management of the company.

The Approach to Implementing or Executing Strategic Plans

Quality improvement deployment and organizational change are critical in monitoring the efficiency and proactive organizational culture in line with the objective, goals, and mission of such an organization. The main control activities in the control [...]

Organizational Feasibility in the Australian Market

For the case of investigating the management feasibility of launching the e-wallet into the market, Van, Stevenson and Roberts assert that DayMark has to candidly evaluate the management capability in the context of the passion [...]

Warby Parker Marketing Plans

As at now, due to the nature of the eyeglasses they supply and their target market, the company is best placed among its competitors to emerge the top.

Frito-Lay Company: Cracker Jack

A study on the consumption rate and popularity among the US citizens revealed that the product was widely unavailable in the stores. Among the non-purchasers, over 30% of the population has never seen the advertisement [...]

Management of Small Business

The employee is able to know when to trigger the need of consumers, emphasize the dissatisfaction in the consumer, concentrate its efforts to its target market, and understand the changes in the consumer demands Marketing [...]

Microsoft Corporation Marketing Strategy

Marketing Mix for Microsoft With the similarities of a market segment, an organization is able to develop effective marketing strategy where focus shifts to devising the correct method to sell and address the needs of [...]

Zara SWOT Analysis

Factors that promote the fashion industry and especially the fast fashion sector in which Zara operates in include the emphasis on the importance of fashion in the contemporary globe, the globalization of cultures, the growth [...]

On God and Christ

When reading through the work of Saint Paul, it can be seen that his style of writing/ delivery of certain aspects of religious introspection were somewhat "limited" in that he placed a greater degree of [...]

Indian Boarding Schools

This paper seeks to reflect on the events that led to the establishment of the schools, what life was at these schools and their effects on Indian populations, this is in regard to the larger [...]

Strategic and Operational Planning: Pfizer Company

Thus, the company should create a decentralized system to ensure that decision making process is shortened thus, avoidance of the bureaucracy in its product lines. In the success measurement parameters, the operations management systems of [...]

Strategic Plan for Tiffany and Co

Strategic planning involves the analysis of changes in the environment, formulating objectives of the organization. In the internal environment, the scanning lingers the trends to be followed to make the internal operations a success.

Merger of Air France and KLM

The merger of Air France and KLM would lead to significant changes in the market. The merger of Air France and KLM would lead to significant changes in the European airline industry.

Risk Management: Barclays Bank

The responsibility of risk management in Barclays bank group is mandated to all levels of management within the group starting from the top management and executive committee to each unit managers and risk managers.

Global Strategy in LEGO Group

Under these objectives, the firm studies the external and internal parameters that may aid or pose challenges to the attainment of the vision. The shorter the response time in the changes in the market, the [...]

Alliance Boots Marketing Metrics

However, the availability of customer information over the past few decades has led to the formulation of new metrics that assist managers to develop a comprehensive understanding of individual customer and the value of a [...]

Doing Business with Brazil

This paper explores how differences and similarities in culture between Brazil and the United States of America can affect international business between these two countries taking into account the costs of doing business in Brazil, [...]

Holy Farm Productive Capacities

The number of visitors received on Sundays and Saturdays is usually double the number of visitors who tour the farm on Monday and Friday. In light of these fluctuations, the owners of the farm intend [...]

Relevant and Non-Relevant Costs

Cost of purchasing raw materials and opportunity cost will be relevant cost; this is because for the company to produce the printers, it has to incur the cost of purchasing materials needed.

Honda Automobile Manufacturer

The level of investment and capital required to run activities in the automobile industry is quite high and it thus becomes necessary for careful planning to be incorporated so that goods and services can flow [...]

Strategic Management Options

The company's vision is to be the best group of electric generation and gas delivery companies in US- while offering the best value to customers, employees, investors and the community it operates in.

Coca Cola Company Financial Decisions

This is because the proceeds from selling the vehicle exceed the benefits that a lessee obtains at the end of the lease contract. The cost of buying or constructing a house is expected to be [...]

Orlando International Airport

The external environment of MCO offers excellent opportunities that could be utilised to guide the performance of the organisation. In order for the management of MCO decide on the best approaches to adopt so that [...]

Exelon Company Strategic Plan

The energy sector has the role of producing the much-needed energy for industries and other human activities: from a general angle, companies in the sector have the role of ensuring Exelon Corporation was initiated in [...]

Inter-Optics Plc Program Management

In basic allocation decision of the choice of which item is or is not to be funded and what level of funding it should receive is made while in the contingency mechanism there is an [...]

Medtronic, Inc. Marketing Plan

In addition, around sixty-six percent of its revenue is generated locally, twenty percent in Europe, ten percent in the pacific Asia and the remaining percentage in the rest of the world.

Education System in Iceland

According to the reforms made by the government in 2008 on compulsory education, it is the responsibility of the local municipalities to provide education to all the children in the pre-primary and compulsory school level.

The New York Times Market and Financial Performance

In this regard, the company's new perspective on marketing should refocus in understanding the fundamental concepts of effective management. Using a competent marketing staff to complement the research and development outfit in creating the company's [...]