Free Report Examples. Page 48

15,455 samples

Opinion of the Judge

In 2011, the funeral of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder organized by the soldier's father Albert Snyder in Westminster, Maryland, was picketed by Fred Phelps and the members of his family belonging to the Westboro [...]

Analysing Customers Through Mosaic

The mosaic system makes it possible for firms to structure their marketing campaigns to meet the needs of their customers. The data they gain helps them to understand ways in which they can increase the [...]

Management: Pay and Rewards

These two groups of people have unique skills and talents that are extremely rare to find in the society. On the other hand, the comparison of top CEOs and normal employees in terms of salary [...]

Olympics improve the UK’s profile

The report addresses the effectiveness of the selected marketing practices in the context of the 2012 Olympic Games. The report explores the current marketing practices applied by the organization and the value added to the [...]

Abu Dhabi Aviation Corporate Governance

The current world of globalisation and industrialisation is witnessing a surged increase in development especially in the growth of businesses. ADA board of governance harbours proficient knowledge in handling the company's operations, thus the enhanced [...]

Developing an Internet Marketing Strategy

In addition, the project seeks to educate the target market on the superiority of the business products. To accomplish the set objectives, the project will develop a superior advertising system that will merge various forms [...]

Thermistor and Its Applications

This paper examines the working mechanism and applications of Thermistors Thermistors are special kind of variable resistors whose resistance changes with changing temperature i.e.a change in thermal temperature results in changes in its resistance value.

Fall in Oil Prices in the mid 2014

On the contrary, a fall in world oil prices has resulted in increased revenue and tax collection by the government of the UK. A decline in the world oil prices will result in increased tax [...]

Operations Management: Oil and Gas

For the finished goods or offered services to be available to consumers in a state that will satisfy the needs and desires of the consumers, measures must be undertaken by the producing organization to ensure [...]

Multinational Companies

Thirdly, the operations of multinationals contribute substantially to the growth of industries in host countries. Although multinationals continue to contribute in a big way to economies of host countries, they also stifle growth in the [...]

Leadership in the 21st Century

The conflict of talent acquisition, societal changes, globalisation and the ever shifting size of organisations are contributing to the realignment of leadership styles in the 21st century.

BBQfun Company Performance

In order to embark on pursuing the new objective, the CEO of the company requested the marketing manager to undertake an organisation review, The review was aimed at identifying the strategies and tactics to be [...]

Proposal for a MNE – Wildbear

Some of the features that attract foreign investment, and which attracted WILDBEAR to Kenya include availability of cheap labor, plenty of natural resources, good infrastructure, hospitality in the country, the excellent trade policies prevailing in [...]

Internationalization of Business

When the domestic industry is robust in terms of competitiveness, it is seen to have the capacity to influence the increase in productivity that is needed to compete internationally.

Technology in Business

The managers also identify any changes that need to be implemented to the stores in order to ensure that all the production processes within the stores are in line with the goals of the entire [...]

Tourism in Modern Bolivia

On the western part of the country, surrounded by two chains of the Andes, is a great plateau referred to as the Altiplano that has an altitude of twelve thousand feet and, interestingly, nearly half [...]

Retail Management in UK

In addition, adoption of efficient and reliable technology in the marketing of these products has positively skewed the market to the advantage of these three retail giants.

Deakin University’s Market Research

Thus, the chief purpose of this research is to provide information on the effectiveness of the new campaigns in shifting the attitude of both potential and existing students of the Deakin University to the Deakin [...]

The Concept of Induction

Learning and Development in the Current Business context Learning and development is the process of improving employees' performance in the organization through training, education, and development.

Naphtha Reforming: Progress and Profits

In fact, some studies have explored the unknown elements of the catalytic process in naphtha reforming. It is also necessary to note that elements in the hydrocarbons and concentrations of other elements are responsible for [...]