Beauvoir regards women as human beings but women are always portrayed as the 'other' opposite to a man."A man is in the right in being a man; it is a woman who is in the [...]
All these characteristics of America during 1920 are evident and inherent in the main character, Jay Gatsby, in the novel The Great Gatsby. This is one of the themes in the novel The Great Gatsby.
The authors argue that the most successful ideas are the ones that are easy to understand and communicate. In general, Made to Stick is a superb book that presents various techniques and principles for making [...]
Also, Morrison predicts the importance of Milkman's journey to his southern ancestral home when he states that Milkman's walk in the Not Doctor Street was dreamlike and strange following his quarrel with his father.
In the opening chapters of the novel, the author introduces the initial situation by illustrating the life of Esther, a college student, working as an intern at a women's magazine in New York together with [...]
In his book An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, Brian Davies offers an introductory glance into the philosophy of religion with the purpose of defending the main foundations of the Christian faith.
Zaru believes that the most serious hindrance "to personal growth and to working for peace is feeling powerless or hopeless; and the most important thing I could impart in my classes, then, was a sense [...]
Teplan emphasizes that the brain emits different brainwaves concurrently, allowing the EEG to capture the readings each time.[2] According to the author, placing the EEG on scalps to capture the waves with varying characteristics can [...]
Accepting the position of the President of the United States on March 4, 1933, Franklin Roosevelt in his speech promised to apply the most vigorous measures to combat the crisis.
The review aims at highlighting the importance of the "World Missionary Conference" in 1910, the finding of the various commissions and the convention's legacy1.
The reader will also get to know the history of how the financial crisis started in the United States and UK and the devastating effects it has had on the economy.
Undermining the very principles of the capitalistic ideas, it is finally going to destroy the fundament of the society as it is today, making markets completing subjected to the power of the state government.
When the war progressed, it was clearer to the soldiers who the civilians were and how to identify them in a group of Vietnamese people as the civilians were not armed.
Christianity in the North American and European tradition has a hard-hitting history of Christian colonialism, when the faith was imposed on the inhabitants of the territories of the occupied countries, with the belittling of the [...]
In particular, he discusses the features of criminals, who engage in human trafficking, which is one of the types of transnational organized crimes. Review of Literature Shows that transnational organized crime is the new threat [...]
For instance, the authors note that some leaders undermine the success of a u-turn by failing to return to the need for personal holiness and zeal. Overall, "The U-turn Church" is a good read that [...]
The book's research problem is the intentional failure to recognize the role of Pueblos in the precipitation of the revolt and the ultimate triumph over the Spaniards in New Mexico.
Rozell "The President's Czars: Undermining Congress and the Constitution," which elaborates a comprehensive definition of a czar, offers a history of the phenomenon, and provides analysis of the matter. The major part of the book [...]
The next section is titled "The Making of a Book: The Platform Sutra", whereby the author tries to consolidate the factual development of the Sutra in this section1.
2 Therefore, this paper aims to consider the place of this theoretical instrument in the world, its impact on major institutions, and the compliance of these entities with the standards of the natural-law tradition.
The paper aims to analyze the themes explored by Orhan Pamuk in this novel and discuss how his ideas can be related to the works of other Turkish writers and the place of this work [...]
Indeed, given the quite specific and possibly controversial nature of the differences between the line of managing economic and political issues in China and the Western states, the necessity to incorporate compromises into the management [...]
Written in 1998, Barry Cushman's book "Rethinking the New Deal Court: The Structure of a Constitutional Revolution" is a historical analysis of the famous shift by the US Supreme Court from opposing the social legislations [...]
Kamali further argues that the popularity of Sufism even in the west is vastly attributed to the total preoccupation of Muslim masses with ritualism and adherence to the exteriors of Islam.
According to the existing definitions, Mudang is a female shaman in Korea; literally translated as "spirit," Mudang is typically portrayed as a mediator between the world of the spirits and the realm of human beings.
In the book, the author highlights the realities of the end of the eighteenth century during which the Founding Brothers, also known as Founding Fathers, sought to define the practical underpinnings of our government, as [...]
By digging deep into Lincoln's history, times, speeches and writings, Foner has attempted to examine the President's stance on slavery in the United States and his reaction to the issue that greatly affected the American [...]
In accordance with continuity, the person is not only symbolically the one having the tree, but the person is a section of the quintessence of the tree and the tree is similarly a section of [...]
2 The belief that the United States, much of Europe, as well as Australia, and New Zealand all belong to one civilization is a core concept of the book.
The following study is a review of the book mentioned above."The Battle for the Falklands" is reviewed from the context of the conflict and what is known to members of the public and the scholars.
Just like most authors who have adopted the theory of the Age of Revolution, Uribe-Uran uses this concept to bring out the history of Latin America in terms of political and colonial aspects.
The churches are encouraged by the author of the book to strengthen their Sunday schools. Additionally, the book enhances individual skills and knowledge in terms of managing the ministry dealing with Sunday school and leaders [...]
2 The researcher makes numerous observations about the US and the Republican Party in the 1960s and 1970s, although most of the arguments that the author applies county-wide are based on Orange County.
The book "Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders" written by Reggie McNeal is a clear and accessible explanation of the path, purpose and challenges of being a spiritual leader.
Although the book covers multiple aspects of Putin's policies and their importance in reinforcing Russia's role in the world, the primary focus of the text is still on international relations.
Many scholars observe that music has a special place in the lives of many, but the form of music played at the ancient times cannot be tested in the modern society because the sound of [...]
Nick's narration of events throughout these two chapters dismantles the belief of the American Dream where 'anyone can pull themselves up from their bootstraps', because in reality it only yields four groups of people: ".the [...]
Susan Wheelan, the author of the book, Creating effective teams: a guide for members and leaders, defines groupings as the foundation tool for the development of effective teamwork in a corporation.
The contemporary discussion of this novel is often tied to the question of racism; nevertheless, I am convinced that this book can be of great interest to modern readers, and I would like to discuss [...]
Greg Mortenson was mostly talking about the girl education and the ignorance that the people in the United States and the United Kingdom have, about the Islamic religion.
The major issues discussed in the book are the place of women in modernism, Stieglitz's impact on O'Keeffe, and the role of O'Keeffe in Stieglitz's life.
One of the authors contributing to the expansion of knowledge on this subject is Robert Putnam, and he advances the idea of the significance of this aspect's neglect resulting in the gradual decline in prosperity.
In particular, the author explained the importance of what is known as the system of scarcity that is responsible for the stability of prices and the balance in the oil industry.
Nevertheless, it is possible in the case if the efforts of a secular state and the religious community are combined for finding a compromise between the governmental needs and the Biblical wisdom.
Leach is convincing in the justification of his main thesis: the businesspeople of the age took advantage of the changing social and economic patterns to change people's perception of the ideal life away from an [...]
Through systematic reviews, this study finds out how skipping affects body weight, BMI, and fat mass, highlighting its benefits for cardiovascular health.
2 In this part of the book, Garwood attempts to display how people treated beliefs about a flat Earth before the influence of technology and progress, and bases the changes in people's views on their [...]
In this way, the religious activists may raise public awareness about the topical social issues in relation to the spiritual dimensions of human life, and engage people "in conversation about the theological imperative" in the [...]
It seems that this approach to this problem is important for discussing the origins of social inequalities existing in the community. This is one of the main points that can be made.
The three concepts that I have learned from the text include the meaning of faith, the motivation for faith sharing, and the appreciation of the meaning of faith sharing.
The review is divided into three main sections including the identification of the main arguments and the explanation of their worth, the evaluation of the supportive material and the clarification of methodological framework, and, finally, [...]
One of the factors that contributed to the growth of Daoism was institutional renewal, the emergence of writings, and the spread of Chinese culture across the region.
Instead of restricting their methodology to the choice of a single principle, in accordance with which they would analyze the current sociological theories and observe the evolution of the sociological thought[4], the authors state explicitly [...]
The book started with the description of the epidemics that broke out at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries in San Francisco.
To analyze the concept of double-consciousness further, it is necessary to focus on two chapters from this book "Of Our Spiritual Strivings" and "The Sorrow Songs".
At that, the authors stress that comeback leaders did not concentrate on the rituals and the institution, but managed to remain committed to the true mission.
The explicit approaches to leadership regarding spirituality imply that the Bible is very useful in acquisition of the requisite moral values and achievement of the best leadership practices2.
The main motivation behind the drafting and publishing of the booklets that would later be compiled in a book was to offer a philosophical justification and direction to the providers of educational materials for the [...]
Much attention will be paid to such aspects as the expertise of the author, the use of sources, readability, and other aspects that can be critical for the evaluation of this text as a scholarly [...]
In addition, what determines the production of goods most is the organizational structure as opposed to the question of whether the producer is from the private or public sector.
In the fourth chapter "Museum of Weird: Modernity, Minzokugaku, and the Discovery of Yokai" of his book, Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Y kai, Michael Dylan Foster, predictably enough, explores the [...]
By pricking the sensations and scholarly inquisitiveness, Sutton offers the reader with a chance to be grateful for Mcpherson's initiatives in the same manner an individual would try to negotiate the cultural prospects, drawbacks, and [...]
Moses kept on expanding his knowledge in matters of administration, power and public relations through interaction with influential people and those in power, and in the 1930s, Moses had already earned himself a good reputation [...]
Maggie is still determined to do her best to find the perfect pet, but she still has a lot to cope with her family, friends, and herself along the way.
Shlomo Sand, a professor at Tel Aviv University, seeks to examine the issues of ancient Jewish history in his book "The Invention of the Jewish People".
This is one of the points that should be identified. It seems that this question is important for the promotion of Christian values in various developing countries
Globalization is an inevitable consequence of human development due to advanced technology and more efficient transport and communication solutions to allow the movement of people and the transfer of goods.
At the same time, the book is based on the idea to determine the level of connection between the nature of suffering and various qualities of enlightenment.
The primary theme is the revolution and the role of Zapata as the author illustrates that the story of one would not be complete without the other. The book is dominated by the themes of [...]
The idea of a "failure resume" may seem pleasant and supportive at first, as it shifts the focus from personal achievements, permitting people to gain confidence even in their failures.
The style and substance of the content are persuasive, mainly due to the author's utilization of rich archival sources, which significantly solidifies the validity of his assertions and authenticates the narrative. Stolen is a lucid [...]
The memoirs present the journey that the writer made in 1995, simultaneously revealing earlier events, traumas, and experiences that led her to PCT in the form of flashbacks and memories.
Being a cultural anthropologist, she played a vital role in the development of Obama in that he grew up appreciating the fact that he was different and at the same time having the belief that [...]
Therefore, recognizing that students will have different responses to the teacher, rather than a uniform one, may permit treating them as individuals and not a competition in gaining their collective faith as an authority figure.
The global economic recession that started in the United States mortgage market and spread to other industries across the world is a perfect example of the danger of ignoring principles of psychology and experimental science.
Secondly, the author draws the reader to the benefits of introversion and the disadvantages of the trait within the workplace. The author traces the roots of the extrovert ideal to the spring of industrial America [...]
Reasonably assuming that, after Chapter 1, the student will remember that infancy is the period from birth to 18-24 months, the chapter begins with a quick discussion of physical growth and development during this period.
The main theme of the novel, in terms of cultural subjugation and introduction of western traditional values to replace contemporary African cultures are discussed during the course of this novel. This perhaps is the mainstay [...]
In other words, the two little people with their intelligence cannot accept and adapt to change easily, while the two mice notice the change, adapt to it, and move on to find new cheese.
The fruit of his labors resulted in a searing depiction of a true and tragic event of which the Cleveland Plain Dealer described as "the legal thriller of the decade".
While reading The Great Commission to Worship by David Wheeler and Vernon Whaley, I realized how close I was to Christians that could explain to me the nature of the Great Commission.
Chapter three introduces the part of the text covering the relationship between the director and God, as a spiritually challenged individual is unlikely to help a directee with similar issues.
In addition to the possibility to improve an understanding of the story, images help to define the level of relationship between a reader and an author.
Right from the basic plans of the building to the layering of the final slabs and the curves in the resulting masterpiece, an architect's vision is what they are trying to communicate with their creation.
In the end, many of the characters' desires are shaped by social norms that are imposed on them, and while some characters choose to go along with society's expectations of them, others revolt and seek [...]
The events of the novel are set in motion with the death of Oskar's father in the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the world trade center, where he was having a meeting.
In the contemporary world, the West views the East in terms of oil and Islam. Occident reporters and scholars misrepresent the East and, therefore, propagate the notion that it is the moral duty of the [...]
The author fulfilled the purpose of the book and the needs of the audience, as he described realistic events, created a down-to-earth hero and made the plot thrilling.
It defines curriculum leaders as individuals or organizations that are part of the activities they have been involved in.both curriculum leader and curriculum leadership refer to active involvement in driving schools forward to offer learning [...]
The book carries the reader through the fascinating things that happen in a classroom. There is the exciting part in the teaching that leaves a smile on both the child and the teacher.
The 10 models are explored within four categories: first, involves models that operate within single disciplines, such as, cellular model, connected model, and nested model; second, involves models that integrate across several disciplines, such as, [...]
This book is of great assistance to educational leaders who want to explain curriculum concepts, analyze and understand the hidden curriculum, explain the contracting nature of curriculum elements and unfold strategies to develop and implement [...]
It is worth mentioning that the nineteenth century was a period of intensive upheaval of American Indian tribes, which was caused by the danger of disappearance of oral traditions because of the fragmentation of Indian [...]
The author emphasizes that it is crucial to concentrate on the achievement of one's personal goals. The ability to focus on one's goal at the right time is crucial.
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch is one of the most notable books1 in the history of Chinese Buddhism. The book features the Introduction by Philip Yampolsky that analyzes the work and features some [...]