Thus, to find the most relevant articles, it was important to use such keywords as 'surgery', 'surgical patients', 'follow-up', 'follow-up call', 'telephone', 'telephone follow-up', 'telephone call', 'post-discharge', 'post-discharge follow-up', and areadmission' in different combinations in [...]
Gaines states that the main problem in teacher attrition research is lack of data and statistical information concerning the real state of the matters on both national and regional levels.
The paper in question investigates the nature of the internationalization of family businesses and studies how different futures of the company affect the process.
Authored by Semuel, Siagian, and Octavia, the article "The Effect of Leadership and Innovation on Differentiation Strategy and Company Performance" presents two crucial elements, namely, leadership and innovation, which determine organizations' profitability levels.
The article by Ruth Mayhew on "How to Solve Employee Turnover Rate" shows there is a direct correlation between retention of employees and profit margin of a company.
Consequently, this article widens the perspective on the causes and effects of the condition to enable the development of appropriate therapies to directly target the affected regions of the chest cavity.
In terms of academic value, it can be stated that both studies are grounded on different theoretical frameworks, where Black and Porter selected the differences between the practical and the cross-cultural school of thought as [...]
In the branch of clinical psychology, research is aimed at helping a person to address stress and various dysfunctions that occur for psychological reasons.
A narrative literature review is selected to analyse and synthesise available information on the impact of fast fashion on society. The integration of articles is expected to reveal the gaps, tendencies, and limitations that exist [...]
After treating the outer membrane proteins with tetracycline or ampicillin and determining the differential properties for resistance offered at different concentrations of tetracycline minimum inhibitory concentration 10 and ampicillin 10. Results showed at the MICs [...]
The title of the article draws the reader's attention at once and reflects the content of the work. The introduction is followed by the purpose of the article and several issues the author addresses.
Despite the negative views that many people have regarding long-distance relationships, research shows that there are couples who are in such arrangements and happy with the way they relate to each other. On the other [...]
As reported by the CIA, the availability of huge amounts of oil and gas in the country has enhanced the generation of high income from those resources; in which the money gained has been used [...]
The authors consider repositioning as the primary method of the reduction of PUs and call for the creation of an individual plan for each patient who has a risk of developing it.
However, the authors further explain that there is much more to the cost-benefit theory than actual costs and benefits: the theory is practically about "comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a potential decision".
The role of this paper is to examine the application of selected communication theories at Ped's Kafe to appreciate the role that theories play in the conduct of business.
One of the significant developments in the study of occupational health and safety was the shift from concentrating on the measures put in place by employers to the role of the employees in the safety [...]
The article also tends to talk a lot about what the World Health Organization is trying to do or the efforts that its trying to implement instead of discussing issues such as causes, symptoms, effects [...]
Another definition of a brand is that it refers to the monetary value of a brand that comes as a result of loyalty and goodwill created in customers this definition is limiting in that id [...]
The author of this article shows the importance of these women in their communities. The author says that when in an alien country, as a medical provider, one has to take time to learn about [...]
Article four In the article, "The Effects of Stress on Mental Health" by Paul Hata, the mental effects that stress can manifest in a person are seen to be the major underpinning for the article.
It is mentioned that the research by Ezzedeen is mostly concerned with one particular cause of the ceiling glass phenomenon, namely, the gender stereotypes, while the article by Cook and Glass is mostly devoted to [...]
The art of gift giving is a long-standing and ancient act of human behavior. Whichever the motive, the primary person that is affected is the giver of the gift.
The popular press article outlined the title of the original study reviewed and the authors' names at the end. The author of the article is a qualified and credible writer in the carbon capture research [...]
In the recant past, he has become critical of the cognitive revolution and has explored for the construction of cultural psychology that weighs very much the factors like historical and social settings of the contributors.
Despite the doubtless coherency of the argument and reasonability of the claims, Martinson's article has a number of problems, which brings the significance of the results a few notches down.
The policy makers scrutinize the views of the public by reading the reports in the mass media while the public receives the opinions of the policy makers through the same media.
In spite of the fact that L1 has a role to play in students life, it is imperative to mention that English for academic purposes is very crucial not just to outshine in academic field, [...]
The scholars assert that the challenge defines the task of quay cranes to containers and the order of chores to be administered by each quay crane concurrently.
It is the wish of every country to realize improved and sustainable economic growth and financial development in order to improve the living standards of the greatest majority among its citizenry.
The researchers conducted a study to examine whether the feeding behaviors and parenting styles influenced the body weight statuses of school-aged children.
This is attributable to the fact that management is dynamic and is actually dictated with a lot of forces, some of which are external and the company has little control over.
The strategies for brand development require the organization to do extensive research of the market so as to reach the target audience and subsequently increase the volume of the product in the market. Role of [...]
Having examined the existing literature on the problem, it is possible to determine such important themes as the progress of gastronomy tourism as the new sector of the field and the economic advantages of accentuating [...]
According to the authorities of Haiti, Oxfam violated the laws of the country and the principles of human dignity and has no right to continue working there.
The findings of the study show that future increases in depression incidences among the participants of the study would be significantly decreased by physical activity.
It is based on this that the researcher has developed the assumption that an understanding of the intended audience of a particular type of graphics design work is one of the elements in the creative [...]
The aim of using data in decision making is to develop a strategy that will assist in giving adequate care while meeting the requirements of the patient to improve their health and make the right [...]
Despite the fact that most of the effects of income inequality are indirect effects of the difference in individual incomes, it would be a mistake to reduce the problem to individual effects.
The evidence suggests that one of the most prominent effects of music on patients with Alzheimer's disease is autobiographical memory preservation alongside the stimulation of both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
While there were known variations in cases of cardiorespiratory responses in the ISWT and the 6MWT tests, the distance covered in the two tests showed strong correlations.
The concept of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply, it should be stated that the aggregate demand is generally stipulated by the price level, and supply rates.
This is attributed to the fact that the use of assessment centre exercises enhance the skills and the capabilities of the employees and it is one of the most appropriate strategy to measure their potential.
In fact, the ideas of Brown and Pino-Silva have a lot in common: they identify extensive reading as an important factor of student education and they prove that reading may be developed in a variety [...]
The objective was to "analyze the professional interaction of nurses and patients in adherence to tuberculosis treatment using the Theory of Goal Attainment and Conceptual Model of Interaction Open Systems by Imogene King".
In the first section, the author analyses the inception of BSC as discussed by Coe and Letza. The second section touches on the development of the concept over the decades.
In particular, it is imperative to track the reasons and causes as well the outcomes of the economic recession, the existing conflicts, and the established relations before and after the oil crisis of 1973.
Here, the purpose of the study was to describe the characteristics of caregivers which include physical health symptoms, burden, HRQL, and overall quality of life, in the first and second years of caregiving.
The two-way communication systems as well as the need to interact 'physically' between and among the participants are what propelled the adoption of this mode of learning.
The modern situation in the world and the latest events which made the USA interfere into the life of its country and other nations allows us to look at the issue critically and to point [...]
Unlike other minority groups in Europe, the Jews face more segregation owing to the stereotype created about them in reference to the past association with the communities there, particularly, Germany and Austria, countries that were [...]
The six phases assist the management to avoid overlooking the factors that affect the quality of target aspects. Software opportunities and defects are identified in order to allow for the calculation of six-sigma performance indicators.
Since globalization compels small business to expand and keep in tandem with business dynamics, insufficient capital becomes the greatest impediment that affects growth and development of small businesses relative to large businesses.
The steady rise in the demand for bottled water is causing hips of unnecessary garbage and resulting in the consumption of vast quantities of energy according to the report by Earth Policy Institute.
In regards to the condition of pressure ulcers, proceedings and the policy state that every resident requires to have an assessment of the skin together with a treatment plan in line with maintaining the skin [...]
The management has to deal with the diverse culture of the organizations to succeed in the global scene. The managers can pick employees from each of the countries in which the organization has operations or [...]
Johnson et al.affirm that the major determinant of the level of success of a certain organizational design is the level of skills that the designer has and the management quality.
It is then summarized that it is useful to be able to understand the motivations of hackers and see the vulnerable surfaces of the organization's informational system; in addition, the awareness of possible ways of [...]
The main idea behind this technique is that assessments allow educators to track the progress of children and compare their results to the benchmarks appropriate for their age.
They also determine how the different organizational strategies and systems help in developing their employees with respect to their careers. Individuals need to evaluate their current career state to identify the missing skills, knowledge and [...]
By studying the behavior of the organizations from the perspective of adaptability, researchers can better understand the process of change. This premise is important for many scholars who want to understand the factors that contribute [...]
The main theme of the paper is the potential of cloud manufacturing and the current developments in that field. The article also describes the history and the current state of the cloud-based systems.
The article by Brydon-Miller, Greenwood, and Maguire introduces readers to the journal "Action Research" and its editorial board, the members of which were the question "Why AR?" With the help of their answers, the authors [...]
Additionally, education is cited as one of the major areas that form the pillars of economic cooperation between Canada and China. In the case of China and Canada, the trade is currently skewed in favor [...]
According to the Global Health Network, the Global Health problem refers to the problems and issues of concern that cut across national health interests and issues, and relates to specific existing experiences and conditions in [...]
The innovations within the inter-vehicle communication need to be analyzed in order to underline the weaknesses and strong points of the existing technologies, define general characteristics of such applications, and make use of them for [...]
Lots of writers have already tried to introduce a more or less clear explanations of crime, define its nature, clear up what anti-social behavior means, and find out the types of crime; with the help [...]
The observation the authors establish with regard to development and operation of new intermodal service is that it should not just center on the availability of capital, technology and desire for improved productivity but aspects [...]
From the definition of neurotransmitters, it is clear that schizophrenia is caused by the irregular functioning of neurotransmitters. Physical abnormalities in the brain have been suspected to be causes of schizophrenia.
Initial studies of this disease focussed on keratinocyte hyperproliferation; however, recent studies are exploring the possibilities of the role played by the body's immune system in triggering the occurrence of the disease. The process is [...]
Regardless of the method used, the studies illustrated the importance of physical, emotional, religious, and moral fitness in reducing heart problems. The analytic strategy was the final activity that included the checking of inconsistencies in [...]
According to King-Jones, horizontal violence is the expressive and the non-expressive nonphysical hostility. The organization and nurses suffer as a consequence of lateral violence and these may either be physical or psychological.
Nutritional diet is one of the effective interventions in the prevention and management of obesity among children. The literature review implies that nutritional diet and physical activity are two important interventions in the prevention and [...]
Whelan and Carcary suggest that the concept of talent and knowledge are related and, in turn, knowledge management can benefit from the principles of talent management. Consequently, knowledge loss is likely to result in a [...]
Winter states in the beginning that he is not unbiased toward the Arts and Crafts movement, and yet his article gives a lot of thought to the weaknesses and failures of the movement.