23 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples

49 samples

What does a 23 page essay look like? Go on reading if you want to know the answer! A 23 page essay word count is 5700 to 5750 words (double-spaced 12 pt.). This is a good size for a graduate-level essay or even for a research paper. There are 57 to 76 paragraphs in a paper of 23 pages.

When thinking of a topic for a 23 page research paper or essay, remember that this is quite a long piece. Your topic shouldn’t sound too simple. The benefits and drawbacks of the death penalty or the forms of police brutality are just some of the options.

If you’re looking for 23 page essay examples, you can find them below. We’ve collected a list of papers for you to get inspired. Good luck with your writing!

23-page Essay Examples: 49 Samples

Marketing for Spice Man

The success of individual handling of the customers depends on the establishment of a good relationship between the organization and the customers.

Employee Management Challenges

The changes initiated in an organization will eventually have effects on its employees in relation to the extent of the change initiated in the organization as well as the time that will be required to [...]

Emotional Intelligence and Gender in Leadership

Many authors have done a lot of research on the subject, and have found that gender and emotional intelligence determine the leadership style in an organisation. This will precede a criticism of the model and [...]

The Risk of Compassion Fatigue in Medicine

Through the practice of empathic engagement with the patients, caregivers share the patients' emotional and psychological burden to the issues affecting them, not mentioning the fact that the health professionals serves as witnesses to these [...]

Unseen Pain in Art

The novel 1984, the film V for Vendetta and the painting The Scream all depict how emotions have changed the main characters perception of reality.