Descriptive Essay Examples. Page 2

166 samples

Adamson House in Malibu, California

The exterior style of the Adamson house complies with the style of the outside space. The Adamson house is located on the seaside and, therefore, much of the elements in style are reminiscent of the [...]

Analysis of ancient sculptures

Hatshepsut was the first Egyptian female pharaoh, so in order to give it a solid presence the creators of the statue put a beard on it, just like the one that is on all statues [...]

Business and Strategy Manager Job

The essential elements at this level are the message passed on to the potential employees, which are in the form of advertising and include the job description and the qualifications for the right candidates.

Discussing the Eight Forms of Art

This example exemplifies the definition of the word art because it is both educational and political. This example exemplifies the definition of the word art due to its intent of motivating thoughts and feelings.

Letters From the Civil War

In relation to the opposition of the election and ideas of President Lincoln, 11 states on the Southern part of the United States of America separated from the rest of the states and formed the [...]

Chinese Art: Art at Court

In the case of Guanxiu's Luohans, it seems reasonable to infer that the Emperor and the abbot wanted to ensure the exact duplication of each image.

The Culture of Okinawan Music

The funs of okinawan music are over the world. Famous musicians, guitarists, and dancers in Okinawa music have also contributed much in the growth of this music.

Process Improvements in Operations

According to the Google designers and management, the websites new improvements have received positive responses with users ranking the Google Instant Search engine as the number one search tool in the Internet. The exercise of [...]

Leon Golub: Historical witness

The paintings mainly expressed realities of power in terms of the relations between social and political spheres. With the help of his paintings, Golub argued that the relationship between identity and masculinity with power and [...]

Plants in Lakota Folklore

Notice that the source of the creatures that he placed on the earth is his sacred pipe bag, and the symbol of interpersonal harmony and harmony with all of creation is the sacred pipe. In [...]