Free Case Study Examples. Page 25

5,129 samples

Stuxnet and U.S. Incident Response

The purpose of the Stuxnet is to monitor and acquire data of a Supervisory control and data acquisition software contained in large infrastructure systems. US-CERT has the accusation of defending the state's internet setup by [...]

Avoiding Risks at Work: MDX Company

As the manager, he deals with his roles such that he ensures that the right information is provided, and also he makes some significance out of the information, and when passing it across he emphasizes [...]

Packaging Materials Development: Ecovative Design

The founders of Ecovative Design created a new approach in the development of packaging materials. Ecovative is targeted at complete compliance with the principles of environmental sustainability by utilization of biodegradable materials in production processes.

Procter & Gamble Under Alan G. Lafley

This ensures that the standard is the same throughout the different departments and units in the company. This is due to the fact that any wrong information can lead to the complete overhaul of the [...]

International Business Strategy: Nestlé S.A.

The institution-based view is a type of international business strategy that encompasses the elements of industry-based and resource-based strategy, as well as adding the analysis of societal differences and cultures added into the mix.

HR Management Practices: ABC Inc.

In as much as ABC is determined to solve the issues arising in the case study, it is required to equip the human resource staff with a comprehensive outline of the hiring process as well [...]

The Coca Cola Company: Dasani’s Brand Fiasco

The problem was in the fact that the aspect of brand recognition in the United Kingdom could not influence the customer loyalty because of shifting the focus to the product's quality, issues of credibility and [...]

Sustainable Logistics: PlastCo Company

Therefore the Company is concerned with the movement and storage of plastics materials, managing information on the flow of raw materials and the collection of plastics from the point of origin to the final consumption [...]