Free Compare and Contrast Essay Examples. Page 3

318 samples

Art Appreciation on Renaissance Paintings

The paintings identified for this analysis are the Madonna and Child in Glory by Jacopa di Cione in the period between 1360 and 1365, and the Adoration of the Shepherds by Giovanni Agostino da Lori [...]

Audrey Yue and Sharon Zukin’s articles

Now, Zukin's description of the installation of surveillance on a privatized public property is similar to Yue's comment on the inclusion of surveillance technologies in postmodern shopping malls and supermarkets.

Characteristics of an ideal society

Many philosophers have made attempts to suggest ways of attaining an ideal society, a society in which there is equal freedom for all and where all the needs of people are met. More and King [...]

Compare GUDEA with Amenemhat II

By the inscriptions that were found on it, the sculpture forms part of a collection of the pieces in the temples built by the Guedea in Ur Nippur, Asdab Uruk and Bad-Tibira. In contrast to [...]

Group and Team Paper

The results in a team are attributed to all the members while the group leader owns the result of a group.

Ottoman and Safavid Empire

The Safavid empire became very dominant and maintained its authority due to their ability of linking power and religion; in fact this empire advocated the ideology that power was attached to religion which was the [...]

Transformational and Transactional Leadership

With good leadership and the associated outcome both in the ancient and present age, man has increasingly sought to find ways of identifying the best style of leadership that suits the demands of the time.

Blanchard and Fiedler Leadership Models

In the latter theory, Ken Blanchard is of the opinion that an interaction between the maturity of the leader and the requirements of a task are important in establishing a superb leadership style.