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Kasih Food Company’s Export Strategy

Kasih Food is a recognized high-quality producer of Mediterranean food in the Middle East that follows the principles of responsibility and transparency in its activity. Jordan is a partner of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership that is [...]


The goal in this case will set the agenda for the training events, and will help the company in deciding the topics that should be covered by the training event, and who will carry out [...]

Saturn Corporation’s Global Logistics

Inefficient delivery process management, suppliers' irresponsibility, communication problems, and the inability to manage inventories well can lead to the failure to deliver vehicles in time and to adhere to the right sequence of delivery procedures.

The Failure of Disney’s America

The presented case covers most of the missteps the company has done during the development of the project. According to a quote from Michael Eisner's book provided in the case, the company was blindsided by [...]

Saudi Aramco Organisational Informatics

The organisation and management of organisational informatics in Saudi Aramco, as well as the supporting systems, are also highlighted in the study. The basis of the company's system is the development of human capital in [...]

Six Sigma Techniques’ Implementation

This is the third stage of the DMAIC instrument, at which the analysis of the causes of the defects in the production is conducted, and methods for addressing these causes are identified and prioritized in [...]

Twitter Case Study: Most Important Assets

Twitter utilizes machine learning in several areas of its platform to improve the user experience and drive revenue. Twitter has taken several steps to improve "conversational health" on its platform, such as implementing new policies [...]

Kraft Foods Group Resources

These resources are used in the production and supply of its products and services. The IT systems enable the company to track its operational activities from manufacturing to the supply and distribution of the products.

American Mafia: Origin, Structure and Promotion

In the United States of America, the mafia is also referred to as "the Mafia", "Mob", the American Mafia or the National Crime Syndicate, which encompasses all organised crime including the mafia. Thus the administration [...]

Sabena Belgian World Airlines

According to Odden, recruiting the right personnel for the right job is productive to the company; therefore, the highest performing organizations recruit and retain the most competent employees, as they improve organizational performance.

“Procter & Gamble: Always Russia”

Now the senior management of the company in Russia is discussing the future strategy of marketing the Always brand in the country, particularly after the realization that decisions on product portfolio, price levels, and brand [...]

Annual Bonus Schemes and Earnings Manipulation

The most common assumption among the researchers of the accounting decision-making and incentives of the earnings management is that the approaches used by the managers involved in the earnings manipulation differ depending on the impression [...]

SG Cowen

The hiring process in the company is based on the strategy of choosing the best candidate in the MBA class from the top business colleges.

Charles Schwab in 2008

In the 1980s, the company launched several technological solutions that helped in improving the competitiveness of the company. This helped in improving the visibility of the company in the industry.

Karam Pizza

Strong reputation The reputation of the business as the only restaurant that offers unique and best quality is amongst the strengths of Karam Pizza business.