A response essay is a sub-genre of critical writing. It describes your impressions from a book, movie, art, music, research paper, or any other creation. Its distinctive feature is the unlimited subjectivity allowing you to express whatever emotions the analyzed object has evoked. It is the main difference from a standard critical essay which is more objective and requires argumentation.
The structure of a response essay is not too strict. Still, it usually consists of two parts: source overview and personal response to the reading.
Below you can find an extensive list of response essay examples. Please be sure to reference the source whenever you decide to quote any part of them.
Genetic engineering on the other hand is the manipulation of the genetic structure of an organism where the major procedure is that of combining different genetic forms, so as to nurture desired features and shed [...]
In conclusion, it is possible to note that the present case can be an example of the use of a combination of vicarious reinforcement and operant learning model.
This shows the role of the society in creating policies that control indecency. It is, further, evident that the media is attracted to indecent behavior due to people's quest for violence as well as popularity [...]
It was her mother who strengthened her resolve to fight the injustice that her father had accorded to her. She also spoke candidly to her daughter by telling her the realities of the situation, and [...]
The article focuses on the effects of propaganda on the democracy. In the article, he focuses on his experiences in the media industry with respect to the past and the present news.
In addition, high school students should be advised that education and their careers are more important as compared to working at fast food restaurants.
In each stage of the adventure readers are introduced to an ever increasing similarity between what is monstrous and what is man to the point that the line between the two blurs resulting in actions [...]
When looking at the relationship between the monstrous and the human in Odyssey, it can be seen that monsters represent, in many instances, the darker side of humanity.
The authors of this article believe that the differences between Asian and western values can prove to be a significant obstacle for the development of businesses.
The theory is the opposite of utilitarianism in the sense that it considers both the means and the end, as opposed to utilitarianism which focuses only on the end.
In this regard, he posits that it is only possible to reflect on the nature of the body by first establishing the order of reflection. He therefore claims that the body is in the order [...]
The model targets the family, the school, and the church. The article enlightens the community concerning the role of the church in forgiving and educating others.
The author looks at the history of the two studies as well as worldviews that arise from these two philosophies. This book has increased my knowledge on the approaches to psychology and theology.
The theory explains clearly how change is brought about because it suggests that the main objective of the therapist is to advice the client on how to achieve the best results in the future using [...]
I, as a social worker, am going to identify the difficulties Jackson currently encounters and suggest a few recommendations to treat him adequately and persuade his other of necessary changes in his socioeconomic environment.
The question posed by Cynthia Tucker in the article is whether the criminals in America deserve the death penalty or not. Many people believe that the death penalty is the best punishment for people perceived [...]
The foremost characteristic of post-industrial living is the fact that; whereas, the exponential progress in the fields of informational technology and genetics had left very little room for monotheistic religion in the minds of most [...]
This leads to numerous types of cancers depending on the part of the body where they form. Indicators of cancers depend on the location of the malignant cells.
The next section of the essay will be the critical analysis part, which will illuminate on issues such as the sources of information for the book, how professional it is, and the credibility of the [...]
In the book, the author suggests that in India the cats used to roam freely before the arrival of human beings. In the future, human population is expected to increase.
There is a growing need for communication and these products are in high demand in the entire world. The company should target customers in developing countries as a strategy of accessing more potential markets.
So, the group of students had to come up with the ideas for the project by sharing their thoughts and encouraging one other. Hence, a teacher's control and guidance should be clearly presented to the [...]
While the CDC has provided the future possible projections for Ebola, the WHO as acted an authoritative source by providing data which the global health community and other stakeholders depend on for updates and situation [...]
With all due respect to the efforts of the U.S.government to come up with a framework, which would allow for a faster and a more efficient integration of the disabled into the society, the fact [...]
Children are experts when it comes to the use of the conversational language style they have learned from the families or the social setup where they belong.
The problem in such a scenario is that countries simply do not want their actions to be dictated by an outside party which they consider a violation of their sovereignty.
Thus, it is clear that the author has based the argument on three important observations - corporate realization that climatic change is real, the economic impact of using corporate resources to manage global warming and [...]
The concept of teacher leadership is based on the effectiveness of developing and following the definite vision statement worked out by the teacher to accentuate the path according to which the teacher leader can act [...]
The concept remains relevant since it provides fundamental incentives that enable managers to determine the feasibility nature of a project and its viability.
There is a lot of activity in the life of the main character, starting from the time he was born right when he envisioned his death at the hands of a hired assassin.
In their book, the authors focus on the recruitment and retention of the African Americans. In addition, the theme of the book is brought out by the accounts of how black students and their families [...]
The idea of wouldefamiliarising' objects and events in order to use them as the topic or the focus for the project work is discussed by Katz as the aspects of the Reggio Emilia approach is [...]
Based on the presented information, the main insight that derived from this chapter is that the ethos utilized to justify certain arguments in the church can be manufactured and created for a certain purpose and [...]
For instance, in the Charleston prison, records indicated certain patterns of behavior among prisoners and guards that are unique to the correctional institutions.
Due to the magnitude of attention that violence against women has received in the recent past, the media too has increasingly highlighted cases of violence against women on a wider scale.
As it comes out in the article, there are a number of contradictions in the explanations of historical events and the linkage of the events to the contemporary developments in governance, which according to the [...]
Early childhood services which offer professionalized care services to parents help them meet the needs of the special children so that parents are able to balance their strengths, resources and challenges in the family.
The issue of space is more complex to determine than that of time. The issue of objective perception of time and space should be discouraged since it is likely to encourage diversity in perception and [...]
The advancement of the interpretive method is established upon the criticism of the positivist approach in communal sciences. I and the other supporters of the interpretive research assume that it is crucial for the satisfactory [...]
It is important to motivate a team and explain the importance of learning and working together. It is necessary to support and develop the concept of team learning and analyze each situation separately to understand [...]
Japanese recruits were forced to torture and maim their victims by their seniors to display their commitment and loyalty. Japanese soldiers thought they were highly respected by other Japanese civilians because of their willingness to [...]
To establish the real origin of religion, the use of scientific methods is inadequate hence the use of theories is the only valid method of tracing the origins of religion.
Moreover, understanding that the modifications in the flow of the routine processes might be the case of the changes to the performance of the organization.
Starting the discussion with the identification of the Hispanic Americans and their place in the population of the USA, the author says that some cities inhabit more Hispanic Americans than Americans.
In their article, Goodman and Preston discuss the achievements of a team of Florida Hospital leaders and consultants, who have to consider the latest changes in the Affordable Healthcare Act and the necessity to meet [...]
However, this article can point to some of the problems which must be resolved by European legislators and financiers. Finally, financial institutions should not downgrade the credit ratings of companies provided that they have to [...]
Despite the love that she has for her nation and the effort that she had put into place to ensure that all her personal goals of freedom and peace have been achieved, Thuy was also [...]
The book details the author's shift from mountaineering to a humanitarian mission aimed at reducing poverty levels and championing for girls' education in remote areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Basing judgment on affordability and availability of the EVs, the tax incentives and exemptions offered by some government agencies to purchasers due to the high initial costs seems to be an unsustainable venture in emerging [...]
Moore's movie provides a clear answer for that; in America, which is considered one of the wealthiest nations in the world, 1% of the population own 95% of country's resources.
In the book 'Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and the Errant Anthropologist ', Douglas Raybeck the ethnographer had to learn the culture of the society. The evidence of the ethnographer's impact on the communities is in the [...]
There is a part of Freud's text that I seem not to recognize, Freud says for reasons which he will deduce later; he considers thumb-sucking or sensual sucking as a sign of sexual expression in [...]
As the events unfold and Jocasta senses that Oedipus is indeed her son, she begs him to drop the matter but he decides to have none of this. This leads to the death of Jocasta [...]
Of course, a lot of negative things about corporations are revealed, but still the film shows that it is possible to influence corporations; this film makes the viewers not only see and admit the facts [...]
The influence of the Lautreamont's work is really great; his idea of terrible and misunderstood human being, Maldoror, turned out to be a real shock during the times of its creation, and has even the [...]
Remembering the main idea of the myths which is to portray the creation of the specific natural phenomena via the God's actions, the relationships between people and Gods cannot be rejected in the book.
While Bahktin still recognizes and acknowledges the centrality of meaning to the socio-cultural approach to mediated action, unlike most semiotic analyses that have mainly focused on the nature of formal structure central in most contemporary [...]
The articles under consideration prove that the use of social networks allows participants to carry out a psychological analysis and define a profile of a person socializing on the Internet.
Insights gained from the chapters reveal that the main reason behind the problem of resource overconsumption which threatens the very future of the planet is the rampant overpopulation of humanity which threatens to drain the [...]
In the rear of the gold curtains of the world-famous Metropolitan Opera in New York City, in the midst of the decorations all over the place, and labyrinth of managerial offices, the Met has been [...]