Response Essay Examples

73 samples

A response essay is a sub-genre of critical writing. It describes your impressions from a book, movie, art, music, research paper, or any other creation. Its distinctive feature is the unlimited subjectivity allowing you to express whatever emotions the analyzed object has evoked. It is the main difference from a standard critical essay which is more objective and requires argumentation.

The structure of a response essay is not too strict. Still, it usually consists of two parts: source overview and personal response to the reading.

Below you can find an extensive list of response essay examples. Please be sure to reference the source whenever you decide to quote any part of them.

73 Best Response Essay Examples

Indecent Behavior in Moral Standards

This shows the role of the society in creating policies that control indecency. It is, further, evident that the media is attracted to indecent behavior due to people's quest for violence as well as popularity [...]

Family and Marriage Therapy

The theory explains clearly how change is brought about because it suggests that the main objective of the therapist is to advice the client on how to achieve the best results in the future using [...]

Jackson and His Environment

I, as a social worker, am going to identify the difficulties Jackson currently encounters and suggest a few recommendations to treat him adequately and persuade his other of necessary changes in his socioeconomic environment.

Leading with Soul Response

The foremost characteristic of post-industrial living is the fact that; whereas, the exponential progress in the fields of informational technology and genetics had left very little room for monotheistic religion in the minds of most [...]

Satellite Dishes Company Marketing Process

There is a growing need for communication and these products are in high demand in the entire world. The company should target customers in developing countries as a strategy of accessing more potential markets.

Climate Change and Corporate World

Thus, it is clear that the author has based the argument on three important observations - corporate realization that climatic change is real, the economic impact of using corporate resources to manage global warming and [...]

The Art of Pastoring

Based on the presented information, the main insight that derived from this chapter is that the ethos utilized to justify certain arguments in the church can be manufactured and created for a certain purpose and [...]

Gender Violence in the News

Due to the magnitude of attention that violence against women has received in the recent past, the media too has increasingly highlighted cases of violence against women on a wider scale.

Positivism and Interpretivism

The advancement of the interpretive method is established upon the criticism of the positivist approach in communal sciences. I and the other supporters of the interpretive research assume that it is crucial for the satisfactory [...]

Japanese Soldiers in the World War II

Japanese recruits were forced to torture and maim their victims by their seniors to display their commitment and loyalty. Japanese soldiers thought they were highly respected by other Japanese civilians because of their willingness to [...]

Origins of Religion

To establish the real origin of religion, the use of scientific methods is inadequate hence the use of theories is the only valid method of tracing the origins of religion.

Hispanic Americans: Racial Status

Starting the discussion with the identification of the Hispanic Americans and their place in the population of the USA, the author says that some cities inhabit more Hispanic Americans than Americans.

Why No Apple in Europe?

However, this article can point to some of the problems which must be resolved by European legislators and financiers. Finally, financial institutions should not downgrade the credit ratings of companies provided that they have to [...]

Three Cups of Tea

The book details the author's shift from mountaineering to a humanitarian mission aimed at reducing poverty levels and championing for girls' education in remote areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Ethnography Reflection

In the book 'Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and the Errant Anthropologist ', Douglas Raybeck the ethnographer had to learn the culture of the society. The evidence of the ethnographer's impact on the communities is in the [...]

The Problem of Global Overpopulation

Insights gained from the chapters reveal that the main reason behind the problem of resource overconsumption which threatens the very future of the planet is the rampant overpopulation of humanity which threatens to drain the [...]